Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Going out fail.

Well as you all probably know now, Marnie fucks up every time we want to go out. To be fair to her, she does always plan everything but there's no point in planning something when you fuck it up. Almost every time. As Alice said, doing anything with Marnie is hard for no reason. The night started off with a text at 6pm from marnie saying she didn't know when Yaz was going to get here and that she needed to eat so she would give me a text of when to come round. This was after a phone call I had much earlier saying to come round at 7. How could things mess up an hour before? So I waited, for way over an hour and I thought this is getting silly so I sent a text saying: Are we going to the pub or not? I got a reply saying: Yeah Yaz is here now. Yeah we'll go to a couple of pubs and see how we feel init. And yes, she did say "Init". So after trying desperatly to get Alice to come with me (she wouldn't because of money issues and she couldn't be bothered) I left to go and meet Marnie at her house which is luckily just a couple of roads down from me.

So I turned up in jeans and a T-shirt, because we're going to a pub right? I talked to Marnie's mum for a bit because she's always nice and friendly and asks about how my family is been and how Uni is going. Then I went upstairs to Marnie's room and guess what! They were both glammed up to the max. Like they were going clubbing. Marn saw how I was dressed and said "Oh are you just coming to the pub with us then? Coz I don't want you to go home by yourself". And I said "Well to be honest I thought that was all we were doing". An awkward conversation proceeded. Well I didn't feel awkward, I was annoyed but I could tell from Marnie's face she looked a bit embrassed and confused. She said that she told me we were going to Guildhall on saturday night. Saturday night we were all drunk, so how I would I remember that even if she had menstioned the Guildhall (which I'm 99% sure she didn't). Wouldn't it have been a good idea to remind me?! So I said I'd just go home after they'd left. Waste of my fucking time.

I spoke to Yaz a bit though about things. When Marn had left the room to go brush her teeth (why do people do that when they're still drinking?!) I told Yaz that she didn't tell me at all that we were going to the Guildhall. Yaz smiled and said "She probably didn't", I guess she knows what Marnie is like too. I text Alice about what had happened and Alice was just as mad as me. She obviously wasn't told that either. Yaz just laughed at the complete planning fail. I just couldn't wait to get home and have a cider by this point. When Marnie came back upstairs I said goodbye to them both, saying to Yaz we had to go out properly sometime, and left.

I spent my evening watching TV, drinking cider and eating a little bit of chocolate. I think I prefered to say in to be honest...

Currently listening to- Matchbox twenty- Unwell
"All day, staring at the ceiling, making friends with shadows on my wall. All night, hearing voices telling me that I should get some sleep because tomorrow might be good for something. Hold on. Think I'm heading for a, breakdown and I don't know why."

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