Rachel, Ellie and Me and the gay bar a couple of weeks back
Even after not getting to sleep until gone 3:30am, I still got up pretty early on Tuesday. I got a text from Lewis asking if he could come round because half of his life was round here. I wasn't up...or dressed but I said it was fine because I was awake. I put on my dressing gown, which is infact a short, pretty kimono, I love it. So I put that on and tied it up and went to get some breakfast before Lewis buzzed. I'd just sorted out my cereal when he did buzz and I went downstairs to let him in. I didn't really care what I looked like, my hair was neat enough anyway. I let him in and he asked me "what the hell I was wearing". I explained I'd only just got out of bed and this was my dressing gown.
We went back upstairs and he played some Left 4 Dead while I was eating my breakfast. After I'd finished eating we did some co-op. When we got bored I disappeared into the bathroom to get dressed while he went on his laptop on WOW (he'd left it round here last night). When I came back I played some Mario Kart until he decided to leave because he had a lecture soon. He took his laptop and stuff so I said goodbye and plugged in my laptop.
I had a text from Matt asking if one of us would meet him at the station. I wasn't sure if I was going to be busy or not, I was expecting Alex at some point during the day, so I said I probably wouldn't be able to meet him but I would see. After messing around on the laptop after a while I decided I really did need to get off my arse and get a doctors appointment, nothing serious don't worry! So I plodded off down to the docs and got an appointment for late afternoon, Thursday. I don't really like that surgery. It's fine but very, very small. I've walked into it before, just to give a form in and everyone who was sat down waiting just turned to look at me, it was quite un-nerving! So I hope it's not busy when I go...
I got home and decided I must do some work before Alex gets here and stop slacking off. So I sat down and typed up an assaignment I had to do. 750 words but it went over by 100 words. She'll never know, it's fine. Plus she likes you to write more rather than less. This piece of work will be read out in class (not sure if I have to read it or not) next week and everyone in the class will look at it critically. Great. I don't think what I've written is that great, it's just a short story really. I'll post it on here after this blog so you guys can see for yourselves. Anyway, I emailed it to the teacher. Whilst I was doing that I got a phonecall from Lewis, he said he was going to the station to meet Matt I said I was busy with work but I'd see them later. They came round soon after anyway and when I'd done my work I came out for a chat with them.
Alex then phoned to say he was on his way, yay! Lewis disappeared into my room to show Matt Left 4 Dead. Matt wasn't very good at it but that can be expected, I never really saw him as a shoot-em up kinda guy. Anyway they started playing through the first campaign together while I watched and waited. Alex got here, I got him a parking permit in reception while stroking the cutest cat. Our halls cat, George, was lying on the desk just above the computer where it was nice and warm, he's so cute and fluffy! I took Alex upstairs and we sorted out the photos while the boys played Left 4 Dead. Alex wasn't impressed, surprise surprise, and well, got a bit aggressive with the whole PS3 is the best kind of thing. He's a bit over the top sometimes and I hope the guys didn't take it the wrong way. Matt said he used to be like that with Nintendo so he understood and Lewis just seemed to laugh things off, especially as Matt was getting the worst of it. Oh dear.
The guys had some stuff to do so they left, I said I'd text them later and me and Alex just chilled out, watched some funny videos on youtube, looked through some photos on facebook, that kind of thing. For some reason, Alex thought I was going to be 20 this month....EPIC FAIL! He said he forgets how young I am sometimes which I guess is a good thing but still! He better make up for that mistake now!!! 16 days until my birthday now!
After Alex left I invited the guys around again and me and Lewis finally managed to do the aeroplane senario on advanced! Hurray! We tried to do a campaign on expert...it's bloody impossible! We did get a couple more achievements each though but he's 4 ahead of me. They stayed until 2:20am this time...
Currently listening to: Aerosmith-Crazy
"You turn it on, then you're gone. Yeah you drive me, crazy, crazy, crazy for you baby. What can I do, honey? I feel like the colour blue."
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