Not much happened on all Hallows eve for me. I was looking forward to a Halloween party this year because one, it's an excuse to dress up and two, I never do anything for Halloween except sit on the sofa and wait for my little sister to bring home sweets. Even her Halloween went tits up as a friend let her down so she couldn't go trick or treating...bummer.
I spent the day spending far too much time on the Internet and as a result of poor seating (I think) I've now buggered up my back. Even sleeping it off doesn't help as it's still bad today. It's time like these I really miss my sofa...and television...and my PS3. See if I had a PS3 here I'd be perfectly happy to be left alone all day! But alas, I am left with a gamecube and a very noisy Wii. I did play some Mario Kart after I'd done some work. In the evening I cooked some BBQ chicken and watched "Nobel Son" a film my parents had gotten free with the paper, they said it was good so I decided to watch it. It had Alan Rickman in (one of my favs!) as a womanising bastard which was quite funny! He was a college lecturer and basically he was fucking all the students...interesting. But anyway, Rickmans' character wins the Nobel prize that's $2million! Of course, his son gets kidnapped and the kidnapper wants the $2million. Seems a simple enough plot but things get more and more complicated and things aren't as they seem. My favourite scene involved someone driving a full sized mini cooper by remote control around a shopping mall! So cool.
Alex, who's half way to death, phoned me after I'd watched the film. Well no, he's okay really just has an awful cough, a bit like me really but worse. He's bringing over the photo software soon so I can finally get those MCM photos up! They're really good though I wished we'd got a few more. But hey, they'll be a next time and I am still yet to see Jens' yet.
That night when I finally went to sleep, I'm not if I even went to sleep properly, I just remember having these erratic dreams and it felt like I couldn't switch my brain off. Was horrible. But I'm up and awake now, just not sure what to do with my day...
Currently listening to: Nightwish-she is my sin
"The razors on your seducing skin, in the meadow of sinful thoughts, every flower's perfect..."
I didn't do anything for halloween either. =( I was hoping at least for some trick or treaters to turn up, so I could hide in the back garden and sneak up behind them and scare the hell out of 'em!
ReplyDeleteIf you're not doing anything next year come down and stay at my place, we'll paint the town red (with fake blood of course). Glad the net's fixed :)
ReplyDeleteHehe awesome :)