Thursday was an interesting day. I'd been looking foward to it, not because I like it but because I couldn't wait for it to be over. I was feeling better by now and excited for friday, my 19th. A lecture had been cancelled too because our teacher still has swine flu so yay! Didn't have to go into the afternoon so I had a lie in and was awoken by the damn fire alarm test.
Later on I was in a creative writing lecture and I got a text from Lewis asking me what my favourite choclate bar was. I thought it was some kind of birthday present but it turns out he'd read my blog and wanted to buy something to make me feel better! Aww! I replied "anything wqith caramel in". He replied "good choice". After that lecture I had a presentation to do. We had Lucy instead of Beth as Beth is the one who's ill, everyone got to present theirs except me because we ran out of time! Phew! I hate my idea but have no idea what else I can do so I guess I'll just have to stick with it. In the last lecture of the day I had to read out my short story and the rest of the class would have to say what they liked and what I should improved. My story "Ben and the Playstation" went down really well! They really liked it and that made me put confidence back into my writing and I understand what to do to make it even better, yay! So happy by this point.
Then it was time to head home. I was starving so I put some pizza on straight away then put the PS3 on, there was an update (that took forever) so I left it downloading that. I started to read a book for next week when I got a knock on the door from Ellie and Matt. Ellie gave me some cards that were in my post box. Lewis then came upstairs and handed me a bag full of big Cadburys caramel chocolate bars! He brought 6 because he could only pay with his card and that was the minimum amount he had to spend!!! Crazy guy! But it was so sweet of him, I gave him a hug and thanked him. We went into the kitchen, then Rachel arrived, I could see something was going on here! I ate my pizza as we chatted about various things. After dinner I got a huge bag of presents! They'd brought me two huge tins of chocolates!!! I swear they are trying to fatten me up!!! They also got me the lonely island "incredibad" CD! Epic win! I also got cards from everyone, Lewis wrote loads of random funny quotes in his. On the envelope it said: "7 the time it takes Laura to complete Resi 5". I liked that so much I've stuck it on my wall. If you don't already know, the 7 minutes is linking to something Wesker says, "7 minutes is all the time I have to play with you".
It was a really nice surprise, I have great friends :). The reason they gave me my presents a day before was because Lewis was leaving to go to Amsterdam in the morning for his film-making course. He's not coming back till tuesday! I'm gunna miss him! That evening we went to a pub quiz and epically failed. We were last place by quite a long way! Don't think we'll try that again...we were to only student team..sigh, student pub my arse. Matt came back to mine but only for half an hour before going to see New moon with a friend. I had an early night and just played Fable 2 for a bit as Lewis' xbox lead had finally arrived! It was nice to play it on a big TV, I'm just addicted to that game...
It was hard to sleep this morning, I was in a very light sleep kind of mode so I felt like I wasn't really sleeping if that makes sense. It was probably to do with being really excited. I knew Alex would be coming at about 9am bringing with him Modern Warefare 2, yay! I got a text at around about 5am from Lewis wishing me happy birthday as he was waiting to catch a train. I "slept" on and off until about 9am when I got a call from Alex saying he'd be here in half and hour. I had breakfast, got dressed and by the time I'd done that he was here. We played some spec ops together, was great fun, looked beautiful on the TV too. Martyn phoned and wished me happy birthday which was lovely. I opened Iains' present, I got two Tim Vine DVDs, yay! Going to have a laugh with those for sure. Alex then told me he was going to "kick my arse", yeah right! The first game was a very, very close match. Then he pwned me completly, then I him...I think we're too good for each other!
I then had a text from Matt asking if he could come over and play with me and Alex. Alex really wanted some more players for deathmatch and was gutted Lewis wasn't here for a four-way. So Matt came over and he started off poor but got better and better! Up to a point where he beat Alex! But no one can beat the Minx *evil laughter*. Anyway, we played that to a point where we were starving to we ventured out of get food. We went to McDonalds and got some take-away then headed back to mine and showed Alex the impressions show on iplayer because me and Matt love it. We then played some more Modern Warefare before Alex decided he really had to go and see his landlord about the damp in his flat, otherwise he would have stayed longer. Me and matt said our goodbyes and now I am typing this as he plays Rayman and Trash Panic! Such a good day, I got a bajillion birthday messages including a tweet mention from OPM themselves!!! YAY!
Later on Matt and Ellie said they'd take me to the cinema to see a film of my choice. I've chosen to see "A serious man" because I love the Coen brothers and it looks to be a very funny film. Should be good!
Happy faec! ^_^ Glad you had a nice birthday!