I know, I know *dodges rocks and stones thrown at her* an XBOX 360?! HOW DARE I! But wait, it's not mine...
Lewis decided for some odd reason to buy an xbox off ebay. It was cheap because it was only the console nothing else, not even a power plug. Why something would sell that buy itself I don't know. Anyway, he brought that then ended up spending £90 in Game buying controllers, leads and left 4 dead but he couldn't find a power plug. So eventually he brought one off Ebay. We'd been waiting and waiting for this plug to come. By now we were so desperate to play something other than Mario Kart! And I hadn't played a decent shooter in so long I was basically gagging to kill something! When Lewis came back on Monday morning he checked his post and there it was! Yay! So he rushed round with his xbox, so excited like a kid at Christmas. Plugged everything in then realised...the power cable didn't fit...he's brought the wrong one! It's meant to have a power pack! D'OH! He was so angry and upset. I managed to calm him down (a rub on the back and "It's ok, it's ok" usually does it!) and so he brought another one off ebay but of course it meant we had to wait...
Anyway we had to go Asda shopping with Ellie so we got that done with, Lewis said he'd come round after he'd packed away his food. When he did come back he had a bag in his hand, this isn't unusual but I still asked what it was in the bag. And he pulled out...a power pack! My response? "Oh you beauty!". Haven't said that in...well forever! Basically he'd managed to borrow one off his flat mate, Alex. So he plugged it all in but more horror struck! It turned on okay but when we tried to put the disk in the disk drive was stuck! Lewis managed to pull it open and put the disk in, then the bit of plastic on the disc drive was all bent so the drive wouldn't close again. Sigh. He got fed up and just pulled the strip off (it's only there for cosmetic purposes) and thank fuck it worked! There was many a joke and laugh about how he had the shittest Xbox in the world and he now agreed with me that PS3s were probably better!
So the game loaded up but guess what, it wouldn't let us play split screen! Why? Because the Xbox had no internal memory and we needed to create gamer accounts in order to play. What the fuck Mircosoft, what the flying fuck! Lewis asked me what time it was, it was only 10 past 5 so he said right I'm going to the shop to buy a memory card. I said I'd go with him so we walked fast to get to Game. Thankfully it closed at 6 so we had plenty of time. The first Game we went in didn't have any. I said I knew 2 more Games, which Lewis didn't know about! Good job I came! So we went to the Bentall centre to the big Game in there. We couldn't SEE any memory cards and there was too big a queue to ask so I suggested HMV. Again, they didn't have any. A big old wtf really. I suggested the next Game which was only small but worth a try. So we went to the Bentall shop and asked in there. They didn't have any surprise, surprise. They explained that no one really sells them anymore and had we tried CEX because that's where he got them from. We hadn't but I wasn't sure if it would be open at this time. Me and Lewis stood there debating whether to ask in the other Game downstairs. The guy at the counter offered to phone down and ask them. How helpful! So they phoned and apparently they had one for £7.99. Perfect.
So down we went down, got in the queue, it had died down a lot since last time. When we got the counter we told them someone had just phoned down saying they had one, the guy went to ask his manager and found it for us! Yay! It didn't even have a packet so Lewis gripped it in his pocked tightly as we walked home. We were so busy being excited and talking about games which then moved onto sex (how does this happen?!) that we walked slightly off course, oops! But we found our way again and got home to play Left 4 Dead.
It's a damn good game. I played as the female, of course, Zoey, whereas Lewis likes ro play as Louis (lol) the token black guy. We played through all the chapters on normal then we tried some on advanced. We've now done them all on advanced except the last one. It's quite a tricky game but good fun, not too fustrating. Got a few "achievements" too, the xbox version of trophies. But it really, really isn't as satifying as getting a ding along with the trophy picture on your top right corner trust me. The XMB is a much better layout than Xboxs' dashboard too. I can saftly say, I'll never be converted. We stayed up until 3:30am killing zombies until our brains couldn't take anymore. I was so tired I was hyper and laughing about everything like an idiot. Oh dear. Was good fun though and we had a fry up for dinner, nom nom.
Tis fun, the old 360. Had a few giggles on Left4Dead with Dan :) great slice of co-op action, hehe! ;)