I was excited for today. I'd been playing Tekken all day (damn it's addictive) and it was nearing the time Alex would arrive to cook me and my mates a roast dinner. Alex arrived a little later than he said he would but as soon as he got here we walked to Sainsburys in the spitting rain to buy the ingrediants for tonight. It didn't take us long but I was exhausted by the time we got back, not entirely sure why. Matt and Ellie were already here, Matt spent most of the time on the Wii until he'd finished his Animal Crossing rubbish. I started doing the washing up, keeping Alex company as he cut up the veg. I gave Lewis a text and he came round. One thing me and Alex had forgotten was gravy mix so Lewis and Ellie kindly went to the corner shop to buy some.
When everyone was back we spent most of our time messing around in the kitchen, we were all getting very hungry and the roast smelt so good. It was really nice of him to do this for all of us for nothing more than the pure pleasure of cooking for us. I hope he is now in all of their good-books now! The roast in the end was bloody lovely. I don't think I've had a nicer one (sorry mum). I felt sorry for him later on when he told me he usually doesn't get that kind of apprciation for his cooking at home. If someone's made the effort, they should always be thanked! I think my mum felt a bit sad for him too when I told her, after all, I think she'd be upset with my dad if he did the same!
After completly stuffing ourselves we played some Call of Duty but Lewis was a bit too tired so we only had a couple of 4 way matches. We then went retro and played crash team racing before wondering what to do. Alex wanted to go to the cinema if anything was on but we'd missed most things by this time and I was too tired to sit through a film anyway. Alex then suggested we went to Blockbusters instead to look for a film, I didn't mind going for a walk so I took him there while the others played Super Mario Bros together on the Wii.
When we got to Blockbusters, they were closing so we couldn't really choose a film. Instead we walked home, I phoned Lewis and asked if they all wanted to go and get pudding somewhere. They all came along and the only place we could find open was Ben and jerrys at the cinema so we had some ice-cream and started to slowly walk back. Lewis was a bit odd, he was either feeling down or just very, very tired. Maybe a mixture of both but he went back to his flat pretty soon after we all got back to mine. Matt stayed but didn't want to play anything so he watched me and Alex play Spec Ops together. Ellie had a long phonecall from Tom so we didn't see her for the rest of the night either. So it was just me and Alex, running around the Favelas shouting "GET RAPED!", our new catchphrase, at the computer blasting our machine-gun pistols. Great fun and very funny! We got a few more stars too! Matt went to bed quite early whilst me and Alex stayed up until about 2am when he headed home.
So all in all, a good day. I'd accidently pissed off one of my friends due to my own stupidity though. Hope she's not too annoyed with me. Now it's just a shame I don't have much to look foward to this week! Need to get my arse in gear with more work :(
Monday, 30 November 2009
Friday, 27 November 2009
I have some luck at last :D
Wow. I just literally found out I've won the collectors edition of Fallout 3 for PS3! I entered a simple competition via twitter by shopto.net (great cheap site for games actually). All I had to do was email them my twitter username and I was lucky enough to get chosen! Me and Lewis are very happy. I've never played fallout before and Lewis loves that game, good times! Can't wait to try it. I also just looked up what "collectors edition" actually means. I get a lunchbox, art book, DVD and a bobble head figure! Fuck. Me.
Tekken 6 also came today, haven't had a chance to play it much but so far it's awesome! It's a really hard game but I will still get my kicks from it definatly. I've just spent the entire day gaming when really I should have been working but how can I possibly do that when I got a game in the post this morning?!
Showed Lewis Unreal Tournament 3 and I think he's found his new favourite game. We had some great, frantic, 16 bot matches! MONSTER KILL and RAMPAGE were commonly shouted by the computers awesome voice.
Last night me and Lew were up to 5:30am!!!! Playing resi 5 and Portal. He helped me get some trophies I didn't have, such as all the action figures because the last action figure can only be unlocked by getting an S rank on every level. Was pretty simples though. We also unlocked the infinite rocket launcher which will make the attempt to do professional with Alex SO much easier! Me and Lewis have already proven this since we did the last level (just to see how much the rockets would pwn Wesker) and got an S rank...ON FUCKING PROFESSIONAL! Actually insane...!
Tomorrow Alex is coming over at some point to play a four way MW2 match, some Tekken as well as make me and my friends a roast dinner. It's going to be such a good day, cannot wait!
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Caught in a bad romance
Yesterday night was the oddest night of my life so far. But, I do now feel so much more bonded with my friends. This is why I love my uni friends, I can be so open with them yet I know they won't judge me and they'll be open back. I don't feel uncomfortable and I surprise myself how confident I now am with myself. Oh how I have grown! Back home, my old friends, as much as I love them, they were uptight. More so than my uni friends anyway by a long shot. I don't know whether it's their personalities or whether it's because we've known each other too long or something. But my uni friends offer me something new, something I needed, I'm glad I found them.
I'm really worried about a mate at the moment. I'm not saying anything because it's private to them but all I shall say is that I really, really hope things work out okay. My thoughts are with them.
I haven't been blogging recently, everything has been so busy but the good news is Alex is coming on Saturday to cook me and my friends roast dinner! Such a nice gesture and I am glad he likes my friends. He also wants to have a 4 way CODMW2 match, as long as Lewis is here this weekend of course! I hope so because it will be fun but if not I'm sure we can cope with just 3 people. I haven't had a roast dinner in so long and I'm drooling right now at the anticipation of a proper dinner, something in which I haven't had for so long. Going to be yummy and a great success I hope!
I also have a new magazine feature idea, after playing the third level of MW2 (which almost reduced me to tears) I want to do something relating to how far should video games go. This may turn out to be too much of an opinion piece but at least this is something I would enjoy researching and it's current so fingure crossed they like it.
I'm hoping Beth still has swine flu (mind you, feel sorry for Beth, she's lovely) because then I can have a nice short thursday again. I don't want to have to go back to the whole 9-5 thing...
Not sure what to say at the moment. My mind is not in a good place for blogging recently and the main things I want to discuss, I can't so I shall leave it here and do the last bit of reading I need to do before playing Fable 2. I'm also waiting to hear from Lewis. I hope I do at some point. It's good to have him back, we played the new super mario bros wii co-op mode last night and it's brilliant fun. Mario and Toad ftw :).
Currently listening to: Basement jaxx- Where's your head at?
I'm really worried about a mate at the moment. I'm not saying anything because it's private to them but all I shall say is that I really, really hope things work out okay. My thoughts are with them.
I haven't been blogging recently, everything has been so busy but the good news is Alex is coming on Saturday to cook me and my friends roast dinner! Such a nice gesture and I am glad he likes my friends. He also wants to have a 4 way CODMW2 match, as long as Lewis is here this weekend of course! I hope so because it will be fun but if not I'm sure we can cope with just 3 people. I haven't had a roast dinner in so long and I'm drooling right now at the anticipation of a proper dinner, something in which I haven't had for so long. Going to be yummy and a great success I hope!
I also have a new magazine feature idea, after playing the third level of MW2 (which almost reduced me to tears) I want to do something relating to how far should video games go. This may turn out to be too much of an opinion piece but at least this is something I would enjoy researching and it's current so fingure crossed they like it.
I'm hoping Beth still has swine flu (mind you, feel sorry for Beth, she's lovely) because then I can have a nice short thursday again. I don't want to have to go back to the whole 9-5 thing...
Not sure what to say at the moment. My mind is not in a good place for blogging recently and the main things I want to discuss, I can't so I shall leave it here and do the last bit of reading I need to do before playing Fable 2. I'm also waiting to hear from Lewis. I hope I do at some point. It's good to have him back, we played the new super mario bros wii co-op mode last night and it's brilliant fun. Mario and Toad ftw :).
Currently listening to: Basement jaxx- Where's your head at?
Saturday, 21 November 2009
MW2 fails at uni
My 19th birthday continues from my last post! To my surprise, Matt and Ellie had brought me a chocolate birthday cake! It was yummy, they sang happy birthday to me and I blew out the candles, no wishes though, don't believe in those. Later on, they took me out to the cinema, which was nice of them. Rachel came along too and I chose to see "A serious man" the Coen brothers film. It was classic Coen brothers style, absolutly loved it, was very funny. I recommend it.
Before I went to bed I decided to try Modern Warefare 2 online but...it doesn't work...it just spends forever loading "playlists" and never actually works. What a fail. I'm so disapointed. Has put me off buying it for a long time. My parents are coming up tomorrow though and are bringing MGS4 so I really hope the online on that works if I can't play MW2 with any of the minions :(.
Can't wait to see my parents and my sister, more present FTW and we'll probably go shopping and out for a meal, win! Need to ask my mums advice about a couple of money problems too...oh dear!
Before I went to bed I decided to try Modern Warefare 2 online but...it doesn't work...it just spends forever loading "playlists" and never actually works. What a fail. I'm so disapointed. Has put me off buying it for a long time. My parents are coming up tomorrow though and are bringing MGS4 so I really hope the online on that works if I can't play MW2 with any of the minions :(.
Can't wait to see my parents and my sister, more present FTW and we'll probably go shopping and out for a meal, win! Need to ask my mums advice about a couple of money problems too...oh dear!
Friday, 20 November 2009
Thursday was an interesting day. I'd been looking foward to it, not because I like it but because I couldn't wait for it to be over. I was feeling better by now and excited for friday, my 19th. A lecture had been cancelled too because our teacher still has swine flu so yay! Didn't have to go into the afternoon so I had a lie in and was awoken by the damn fire alarm test.
Later on I was in a creative writing lecture and I got a text from Lewis asking me what my favourite choclate bar was. I thought it was some kind of birthday present but it turns out he'd read my blog and wanted to buy something to make me feel better! Aww! I replied "anything wqith caramel in". He replied "good choice". After that lecture I had a presentation to do. We had Lucy instead of Beth as Beth is the one who's ill, everyone got to present theirs except me because we ran out of time! Phew! I hate my idea but have no idea what else I can do so I guess I'll just have to stick with it. In the last lecture of the day I had to read out my short story and the rest of the class would have to say what they liked and what I should improved. My story "Ben and the Playstation" went down really well! They really liked it and that made me put confidence back into my writing and I understand what to do to make it even better, yay! So happy by this point.
Then it was time to head home. I was starving so I put some pizza on straight away then put the PS3 on, there was an update (that took forever) so I left it downloading that. I started to read a book for next week when I got a knock on the door from Ellie and Matt. Ellie gave me some cards that were in my post box. Lewis then came upstairs and handed me a bag full of big Cadburys caramel chocolate bars! He brought 6 because he could only pay with his card and that was the minimum amount he had to spend!!! Crazy guy! But it was so sweet of him, I gave him a hug and thanked him. We went into the kitchen, then Rachel arrived, I could see something was going on here! I ate my pizza as we chatted about various things. After dinner I got a huge bag of presents! They'd brought me two huge tins of chocolates!!! I swear they are trying to fatten me up!!! They also got me the lonely island "incredibad" CD! Epic win! I also got cards from everyone, Lewis wrote loads of random funny quotes in his. On the envelope it said: "7 minutes...is the time it takes Laura to complete Resi 5". I liked that so much I've stuck it on my wall. If you don't already know, the 7 minutes is linking to something Wesker says, "7 minutes is all the time I have to play with you".
It was a really nice surprise, I have great friends :). The reason they gave me my presents a day before was because Lewis was leaving to go to Amsterdam in the morning for his film-making course. He's not coming back till tuesday! I'm gunna miss him! That evening we went to a pub quiz and epically failed. We were last place by quite a long way! Don't think we'll try that again...we were to only student team..sigh, student pub my arse. Matt came back to mine but only for half an hour before going to see New moon with a friend. I had an early night and just played Fable 2 for a bit as Lewis' xbox lead had finally arrived! It was nice to play it on a big TV, I'm just addicted to that game...
It was hard to sleep this morning, I was in a very light sleep kind of mode so I felt like I wasn't really sleeping if that makes sense. It was probably to do with being really excited. I knew Alex would be coming at about 9am bringing with him Modern Warefare 2, yay! I got a text at around about 5am from Lewis wishing me happy birthday as he was waiting to catch a train. I "slept" on and off until about 9am when I got a call from Alex saying he'd be here in half and hour. I had breakfast, got dressed and by the time I'd done that he was here. We played some spec ops together, was great fun, looked beautiful on the TV too. Martyn phoned and wished me happy birthday which was lovely. I opened Iains' present, I got two Tim Vine DVDs, yay! Going to have a laugh with those for sure. Alex then told me he was going to "kick my arse", yeah right! The first game was a very, very close match. Then he pwned me completly, then I him...I think we're too good for each other!
I then had a text from Matt asking if he could come over and play with me and Alex. Alex really wanted some more players for deathmatch and was gutted Lewis wasn't here for a four-way. So Matt came over and he started off poor but got better and better! Up to a point where he beat Alex! But no one can beat the Minx *evil laughter*. Anyway, we played that to a point where we were starving to we ventured out of get food. We went to McDonalds and got some take-away then headed back to mine and showed Alex the impressions show on iplayer because me and Matt love it. We then played some more Modern Warefare before Alex decided he really had to go and see his landlord about the damp in his flat, otherwise he would have stayed longer. Me and matt said our goodbyes and now I am typing this as he plays Rayman and Trash Panic! Such a good day, I got a bajillion birthday messages including a tweet mention from OPM themselves!!! YAY!
Later on Matt and Ellie said they'd take me to the cinema to see a film of my choice. I've chosen to see "A serious man" because I love the Coen brothers and it looks to be a very funny film. Should be good!
Later on I was in a creative writing lecture and I got a text from Lewis asking me what my favourite choclate bar was. I thought it was some kind of birthday present but it turns out he'd read my blog and wanted to buy something to make me feel better! Aww! I replied "anything wqith caramel in". He replied "good choice". After that lecture I had a presentation to do. We had Lucy instead of Beth as Beth is the one who's ill, everyone got to present theirs except me because we ran out of time! Phew! I hate my idea but have no idea what else I can do so I guess I'll just have to stick with it. In the last lecture of the day I had to read out my short story and the rest of the class would have to say what they liked and what I should improved. My story "Ben and the Playstation" went down really well! They really liked it and that made me put confidence back into my writing and I understand what to do to make it even better, yay! So happy by this point.
Then it was time to head home. I was starving so I put some pizza on straight away then put the PS3 on, there was an update (that took forever) so I left it downloading that. I started to read a book for next week when I got a knock on the door from Ellie and Matt. Ellie gave me some cards that were in my post box. Lewis then came upstairs and handed me a bag full of big Cadburys caramel chocolate bars! He brought 6 because he could only pay with his card and that was the minimum amount he had to spend!!! Crazy guy! But it was so sweet of him, I gave him a hug and thanked him. We went into the kitchen, then Rachel arrived, I could see something was going on here! I ate my pizza as we chatted about various things. After dinner I got a huge bag of presents! They'd brought me two huge tins of chocolates!!! I swear they are trying to fatten me up!!! They also got me the lonely island "incredibad" CD! Epic win! I also got cards from everyone, Lewis wrote loads of random funny quotes in his. On the envelope it said: "7 minutes...is the time it takes Laura to complete Resi 5". I liked that so much I've stuck it on my wall. If you don't already know, the 7 minutes is linking to something Wesker says, "7 minutes is all the time I have to play with you".
It was a really nice surprise, I have great friends :). The reason they gave me my presents a day before was because Lewis was leaving to go to Amsterdam in the morning for his film-making course. He's not coming back till tuesday! I'm gunna miss him! That evening we went to a pub quiz and epically failed. We were last place by quite a long way! Don't think we'll try that again...we were to only student team..sigh, student pub my arse. Matt came back to mine but only for half an hour before going to see New moon with a friend. I had an early night and just played Fable 2 for a bit as Lewis' xbox lead had finally arrived! It was nice to play it on a big TV, I'm just addicted to that game...
It was hard to sleep this morning, I was in a very light sleep kind of mode so I felt like I wasn't really sleeping if that makes sense. It was probably to do with being really excited. I knew Alex would be coming at about 9am bringing with him Modern Warefare 2, yay! I got a text at around about 5am from Lewis wishing me happy birthday as he was waiting to catch a train. I "slept" on and off until about 9am when I got a call from Alex saying he'd be here in half and hour. I had breakfast, got dressed and by the time I'd done that he was here. We played some spec ops together, was great fun, looked beautiful on the TV too. Martyn phoned and wished me happy birthday which was lovely. I opened Iains' present, I got two Tim Vine DVDs, yay! Going to have a laugh with those for sure. Alex then told me he was going to "kick my arse", yeah right! The first game was a very, very close match. Then he pwned me completly, then I him...I think we're too good for each other!
I then had a text from Matt asking if he could come over and play with me and Alex. Alex really wanted some more players for deathmatch and was gutted Lewis wasn't here for a four-way. So Matt came over and he started off poor but got better and better! Up to a point where he beat Alex! But no one can beat the Minx *evil laughter*. Anyway, we played that to a point where we were starving to we ventured out of get food. We went to McDonalds and got some take-away then headed back to mine and showed Alex the impressions show on iplayer because me and Matt love it. We then played some more Modern Warefare before Alex decided he really had to go and see his landlord about the damp in his flat, otherwise he would have stayed longer. Me and matt said our goodbyes and now I am typing this as he plays Rayman and Trash Panic! Such a good day, I got a bajillion birthday messages including a tweet mention from OPM themselves!!! YAY!
Later on Matt and Ellie said they'd take me to the cinema to see a film of my choice. I've chosen to see "A serious man" because I love the Coen brothers and it looks to be a very funny film. Should be good!
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
Fuck it
"I deserve nothing more than I get, 'cause nothing I have is truly mine."
That's pretty much how I feel right now. I don't know how Dido got into my head but when I thought of that one line I suddenly felt like crying. It depicted something I am feeling right now, something I've felt for a long time. But as with all problem, we repress them in foolish hope that they'll just magically go away or sort themselves out.
As you can tell, I'm not in a good mood. I would say it's due to me getting 4 hours sleep after playing Resi 5 until 4am with Lewis (again) but I know it's not that. I've been let down again. Okay, not completely and maybe I'm just being a spoilt bitch about this but for once, just for once, I would like something to be perfect. I'm not sure why this always happens maybe it's karma or just plain bad luck but things rarely go to plan. That's probably an exaggeration because I'm in a bad mood but hey. I've got to a point where I am fed up of just about everything. I can't be bothered with work or going out or anything. I was talking to Ellie about it earlier, I think we are both a bit homesick and she is missing her boyfriend a lot. We've come to the realisation that we're here to do work and the work, at the moment, is just too much. Sounds stupid I know but it seems to have hit everyone hard. At least it's not just me...
I've just come back from uni. I had something to print. There was one computer free, no one was logged in but as I sat down someone on the other side of the table said he was using it. For fucks sake, I wanted to print out one fucking sheet of work! I probably should have asked him if I could have borrowed it (even though it isn't his if he's not fucking logged in!) but I was so fed up I thought fuck it and walked home. If I had powers like Cole from Infamous, those computers would have been blown up then and there. So angry at the moment. Angry at someone I really don't want to be angry at. I keep telling myself it's not their fault but another part of me wishes they'd try harder for once, for me. I guess I ask too much.
I need to have a shower now, something I also can't be bothered to do. Then some creative writing work. I don't think I can go to Jon's birthday party thing tonight. I feel like killing someone and I'm very tired. Might just have an early night and hope that Thursday goes quick tomorrow. Which it won't. I have a presentation tomorrow and it's going to suck massive balls because my feature idea is shit. I can't wait to be ripped apart with criticism.
Currently listening to: Robbie Willaims- Deceptacon
"She said, well he's never been quite right and I know, we'll be stepping on eggshells tonight."
"I love you but I don't like you right now, is all she had to say."
That's pretty much how I feel right now. I don't know how Dido got into my head but when I thought of that one line I suddenly felt like crying. It depicted something I am feeling right now, something I've felt for a long time. But as with all problem, we repress them in foolish hope that they'll just magically go away or sort themselves out.
As you can tell, I'm not in a good mood. I would say it's due to me getting 4 hours sleep after playing Resi 5 until 4am with Lewis (again) but I know it's not that. I've been let down again. Okay, not completely and maybe I'm just being a spoilt bitch about this but for once, just for once, I would like something to be perfect. I'm not sure why this always happens maybe it's karma or just plain bad luck but things rarely go to plan. That's probably an exaggeration because I'm in a bad mood but hey. I've got to a point where I am fed up of just about everything. I can't be bothered with work or going out or anything. I was talking to Ellie about it earlier, I think we are both a bit homesick and she is missing her boyfriend a lot. We've come to the realisation that we're here to do work and the work, at the moment, is just too much. Sounds stupid I know but it seems to have hit everyone hard. At least it's not just me...
I've just come back from uni. I had something to print. There was one computer free, no one was logged in but as I sat down someone on the other side of the table said he was using it. For fucks sake, I wanted to print out one fucking sheet of work! I probably should have asked him if I could have borrowed it (even though it isn't his if he's not fucking logged in!) but I was so fed up I thought fuck it and walked home. If I had powers like Cole from Infamous, those computers would have been blown up then and there. So angry at the moment. Angry at someone I really don't want to be angry at. I keep telling myself it's not their fault but another part of me wishes they'd try harder for once, for me. I guess I ask too much.
I need to have a shower now, something I also can't be bothered to do. Then some creative writing work. I don't think I can go to Jon's birthday party thing tonight. I feel like killing someone and I'm very tired. Might just have an early night and hope that Thursday goes quick tomorrow. Which it won't. I have a presentation tomorrow and it's going to suck massive balls because my feature idea is shit. I can't wait to be ripped apart with criticism.
Currently listening to: Robbie Willaims- Deceptacon
"She said, well he's never been quite right and I know, we'll be stepping on eggshells tonight."
"I love you but I don't like you right now, is all she had to say."
Monday, 16 November 2009
The Minx is back!
Hurray! I finally have a PS3 back in my life! And the best part is, the online works! It's so good to be back :)
Sunday was spent going to ASDA then going to meet Iain at the train station. I almost fainted in ASDA again, so annoying though I think I was badly dehydrated...must drink more...
After that horrible ordeal I felt better after cooling down. I packed away my food at home and started off my walk to Kingston station to meet Iain. I seemed to time it okay as Iain was just waiting outside the station. I recognised him a mile away and waved to him until he spotted me. We hugged and I asked about him weekend and stuff whilst we walked back to mine.
When we got to mine I made him a cup of tea whilst talking about uni and Iains' old uni in my huge kitchen! We then sat in my room and for the rest of the afternoon played Mario Golf, tennis, house of the dead one and two and dead rising. Was great fun, especially Mario Golf and crazy confusing mario tennis. My parents rang while he was round and I spoke to them briefly whilst playing golf at the same time, multi-tasking ftw. Dad spoke about games and bargains as usual! I blame him for who I've become, even though I wouldn't change it for the world of course.
The time went so fast and Iain had to catch a train at 5 so we left just before. Before we left he gave me and present and card which was a lovely surprise! I gave him hugs but I'm not opening it until my actual birthday. I am resisting temptation! Luckily, after saying bye to Iain, Matt would be at the station anytime soon. So I hugged Iain goodbye and he gave me a quick peck on the cheek and he was off (little did he know it would be a 5 hour journey! Fail!). I waited around for Matt and he appeared, struggling to carry a shoulder bag, gym bag and TV box. Oh dear! I started off carrying the TV but I couldn't carry it very far. I'm very weak! So instead I took the gym bag which had wheels on so I could drag it along the floor. Unfortunatly, this meant I had to stoop over to drag it behind me and it kept knocking into my leg. Which is now why the back of my right shoulder is buggered. Ouch.
After much moaning in pain and panting up the stairs we got all our stuff home safe and up to the top floor of my flat. I made some dinner first as I was starving so we settled down and recovered before attempting to set anything up. Matt did it all himself mostly, I thought I'd leave him to do it his way because it's his stuff and it's easier that way. And well, the rest is history!
That night we watched the new Doctor Who on BBC Iplayer on the PS3, it was so good! Doctor got a bit power-hungry at the end though! Eek! And I can't believe we know have to wait until Christmas?! And I KNEW the Master would be back. I am glad though,he's a great character and John Simm is a great actor. Going to be so good!
So yes, I couldn't be happier that day. I got to see a good friend who I don't usually see all that often, I got some good news and I got a PS3 all thrown in. Fanstastic. Now I'm just wondering how I'm ever going to get any work done...
Sunday was spent going to ASDA then going to meet Iain at the train station. I almost fainted in ASDA again, so annoying though I think I was badly dehydrated...must drink more...
After that horrible ordeal I felt better after cooling down. I packed away my food at home and started off my walk to Kingston station to meet Iain. I seemed to time it okay as Iain was just waiting outside the station. I recognised him a mile away and waved to him until he spotted me. We hugged and I asked about him weekend and stuff whilst we walked back to mine.
When we got to mine I made him a cup of tea whilst talking about uni and Iains' old uni in my huge kitchen! We then sat in my room and for the rest of the afternoon played Mario Golf, tennis, house of the dead one and two and dead rising. Was great fun, especially Mario Golf and crazy confusing mario tennis. My parents rang while he was round and I spoke to them briefly whilst playing golf at the same time, multi-tasking ftw. Dad spoke about games and bargains as usual! I blame him for who I've become, even though I wouldn't change it for the world of course.
The time went so fast and Iain had to catch a train at 5 so we left just before. Before we left he gave me and present and card which was a lovely surprise! I gave him hugs but I'm not opening it until my actual birthday. I am resisting temptation! Luckily, after saying bye to Iain, Matt would be at the station anytime soon. So I hugged Iain goodbye and he gave me a quick peck on the cheek and he was off (little did he know it would be a 5 hour journey! Fail!). I waited around for Matt and he appeared, struggling to carry a shoulder bag, gym bag and TV box. Oh dear! I started off carrying the TV but I couldn't carry it very far. I'm very weak! So instead I took the gym bag which had wheels on so I could drag it along the floor. Unfortunatly, this meant I had to stoop over to drag it behind me and it kept knocking into my leg. Which is now why the back of my right shoulder is buggered. Ouch.
After much moaning in pain and panting up the stairs we got all our stuff home safe and up to the top floor of my flat. I made some dinner first as I was starving so we settled down and recovered before attempting to set anything up. Matt did it all himself mostly, I thought I'd leave him to do it his way because it's his stuff and it's easier that way. And well, the rest is history!
That night we watched the new Doctor Who on BBC Iplayer on the PS3, it was so good! Doctor got a bit power-hungry at the end though! Eek! And I can't believe we know have to wait until Christmas?! And I KNEW the Master would be back. I am glad though,he's a great character and John Simm is a great actor. Going to be so good!
So yes, I couldn't be happier that day. I got to see a good friend who I don't usually see all that often, I got some good news and I got a PS3 all thrown in. Fanstastic. Now I'm just wondering how I'm ever going to get any work done...
Saturday, 14 November 2009
Good news everyone!
Matt sent me a text yesterday saying his parents knew he wanted to take his PS3 and HDTV so they packed them up all ready to go back with him! Epic win! I would have been happy with just a PS3 but it actually looking sexy on the screen is going to be a win! So now, I cannot wait until monday! Which isn't something you hear very often.
Lewis came over yesterday, still no plug so we won't get it until monday now. Instead we played Zelda and managed to complete it together. The last boss on that is such a glitch. You can defeat Ganandorf with a fishing rod and yes, I'm serious. It's rather funny! Lewis was so annoyed with the fact his plug wouldn't work he took a knife to it and tried to carve out the plastic bits that were stopping the plug from going into the system (it's rather hard to explain). Me and Ellie stood back when he plugged it in but as I suspected, it didn't work, or blow up for that matter.
Lewis asked what we were doing tonight. We hadn't a clue what to do so we decided to see what was on at the cinema. I was reluctant to go because of money but at the same time I love the cinema. First we stumbled across "Men who stare at goats" it didn't really appeal that much to me but then we saw Harry Brown was on. As soon as I saw it was Michael Caine, I was interested. We read the synopsis and all agreed we wanted to see that at 9:30pm. Lewis needed some milk and Ellie wanted to buy some chocolates for her aunt so we took a quick trip to the local shop. Afterwards, Lewis went home to have dinner as did me and Ellie. We met up later on to walk to the cinema. Luckily it had stopped raining but it was very windy. Lewis didn't seem his usual self. He was quiet and just didn't look right. I asked if he was okay and he said he'd just been speaking to an old friend he hadn't seen in ages so I guessed it was something to do with being home-sick or something. Maybe he is still worrying over his course, I'm not sure but I hope he's okay.
There was a huge queue at the cinema, thank God for trailers! I was tempted to get ice-cream but I didn't want to waste my money so I resisted the urge. When we walked into the screen, an Uncharted 2 trailer was playing! Why does the world taunt me? Everytime I go into ASDA they're promoting some sort of game over the tanoy! Ahh well, we sat down and watched some silly adverts followed by some excellent looking film trailers. Oh I love films.
Harry Brown is an intense film. It's about an old man, his wife is in hospital. He spends his days sat in the pub drinking beer and playing chess with his old friend, Len. They both live on this awful estate, a tower block full of yobs. Everyday he looks out his window to see a new crime happen. And it is shocking. The film really takes your breath away, especially when you see something like a man trying to defend a group from stealing his car. They beat him up, kicking him in the head, his wife comes out screaming at them, they run away to leave a sobbing wife trying to help her husband. His head is split open and there is blood everywhere. The imagery in this film is so strong and incrediable. It's hard to watch at times and even when the film had first began, I was very, very close to tears. It's horrible to think there are areas like that in Britain right now. I won't give away anymore of the film but I'll put it this way, Harry Brown is no ordinary old man. He kicks arse! And yet again, Michael Caine is brillaint. He doesn't have to say much but you get so much emotion from him. I would really recommend this film. Go and see it right now!
Lewis loved the film and wanted to be like Harry Brown afterwards, typical!! Ellie liked it too. As soon as the film ended, I breathed out and just went: "Fuck". It really was that intense! We talked about how awesome it was all the way home. Lewis came back to our kitchen for a bit and realised it was 12! Both Ellie and Lewis needed to get a train in the morning but Ellie would be back in the evening. We had some tea then all went to bed at 1. Lewis was still a bit quiet, me and Ellie still knew something was up but him being a man, wouldn't tell us. Ahh well, he's seeing Emily today so I'm sure he'll cheer up or talk things out with her.
I really need to have a shower! It's gone 12 and I'm just so lazy I haven't had one yet. So on that note, goodbye!
Currently listening to: Nightwish-Sleeping Sun
"I wish for this night-time to last for a lifetime. The darkness around me, shores of a solar sea. Oh how I wish to go down with the sun, sleeping, weeping, with you."
Lewis came over yesterday, still no plug so we won't get it until monday now. Instead we played Zelda and managed to complete it together. The last boss on that is such a glitch. You can defeat Ganandorf with a fishing rod and yes, I'm serious. It's rather funny! Lewis was so annoyed with the fact his plug wouldn't work he took a knife to it and tried to carve out the plastic bits that were stopping the plug from going into the system (it's rather hard to explain). Me and Ellie stood back when he plugged it in but as I suspected, it didn't work, or blow up for that matter.
Lewis asked what we were doing tonight. We hadn't a clue what to do so we decided to see what was on at the cinema. I was reluctant to go because of money but at the same time I love the cinema. First we stumbled across "Men who stare at goats" it didn't really appeal that much to me but then we saw Harry Brown was on. As soon as I saw it was Michael Caine, I was interested. We read the synopsis and all agreed we wanted to see that at 9:30pm. Lewis needed some milk and Ellie wanted to buy some chocolates for her aunt so we took a quick trip to the local shop. Afterwards, Lewis went home to have dinner as did me and Ellie. We met up later on to walk to the cinema. Luckily it had stopped raining but it was very windy. Lewis didn't seem his usual self. He was quiet and just didn't look right. I asked if he was okay and he said he'd just been speaking to an old friend he hadn't seen in ages so I guessed it was something to do with being home-sick or something. Maybe he is still worrying over his course, I'm not sure but I hope he's okay.
There was a huge queue at the cinema, thank God for trailers! I was tempted to get ice-cream but I didn't want to waste my money so I resisted the urge. When we walked into the screen, an Uncharted 2 trailer was playing! Why does the world taunt me? Everytime I go into ASDA they're promoting some sort of game over the tanoy! Ahh well, we sat down and watched some silly adverts followed by some excellent looking film trailers. Oh I love films.
Harry Brown is an intense film. It's about an old man, his wife is in hospital. He spends his days sat in the pub drinking beer and playing chess with his old friend, Len. They both live on this awful estate, a tower block full of yobs. Everyday he looks out his window to see a new crime happen. And it is shocking. The film really takes your breath away, especially when you see something like a man trying to defend a group from stealing his car. They beat him up, kicking him in the head, his wife comes out screaming at them, they run away to leave a sobbing wife trying to help her husband. His head is split open and there is blood everywhere. The imagery in this film is so strong and incrediable. It's hard to watch at times and even when the film had first began, I was very, very close to tears. It's horrible to think there are areas like that in Britain right now. I won't give away anymore of the film but I'll put it this way, Harry Brown is no ordinary old man. He kicks arse! And yet again, Michael Caine is brillaint. He doesn't have to say much but you get so much emotion from him. I would really recommend this film. Go and see it right now!
Lewis loved the film and wanted to be like Harry Brown afterwards, typical!! Ellie liked it too. As soon as the film ended, I breathed out and just went: "Fuck". It really was that intense! We talked about how awesome it was all the way home. Lewis came back to our kitchen for a bit and realised it was 12! Both Ellie and Lewis needed to get a train in the morning but Ellie would be back in the evening. We had some tea then all went to bed at 1. Lewis was still a bit quiet, me and Ellie still knew something was up but him being a man, wouldn't tell us. Ahh well, he's seeing Emily today so I'm sure he'll cheer up or talk things out with her.
I really need to have a shower! It's gone 12 and I'm just so lazy I haven't had one yet. So on that note, goodbye!
Currently listening to: Nightwish-Sleeping Sun
"I wish for this night-time to last for a lifetime. The darkness around me, shores of a solar sea. Oh how I wish to go down with the sun, sleeping, weeping, with you."
Friday, 13 November 2009
Looking towards the weekend
Yesterday my two hour lecture for Journalism was cancelled. I'm so glad I checked my Kingston email the night before! It cheered me up a lot because I hate Thursdays, they are like torture. I still had a 9am with Brian for Journalism but since he never teaches us anything I decided not to go. I'm not getting up for that guy! He always has stupidly long pauses in between everything he says and bores the hell out of the class. Some people actually like him. Seriously, they need to get their heads checked out. Last lesson he started getting all passionate about how "words are sacred", which is bollocks anyway. Basically, he was banging on about how we must be truthful and quote a person word for word. Funny that in Journalism we're being taught not to do everything a journalism does...
So yeah, I didn't get up 'till 10:30 that morning (God know I needed the sleep). I felt better for sleeping. Soon after I was dressed and fed, Matt came round to try out House of the Dead 2 and 3 on the Wii. It's quite good fun, it's just like playing the arcade version and the voice acting is hilariously bad! Lewis came round and watched Matt until me and Matt had to go to a lecture together. Lewis asked if he could keep my keys and stay here. I said sure and left him to do whatever he ended up doing. The Creative Writing lecture was very boring, I took next to no notes and me and Matt just ended up drawing James Bond snowboarding on a mountain when he was about to crash into a ram.
Next lecture was a seminar for Journalism. People were presenting their feature ideas and I was hoping I'd get some inspiration and thanked God I wasn't doing mine this week. Most of them were good ideas and now I have no idea what to do for mine. I want to do something related to Twitter, maybe explaining to readers what it is and how it's used. I was thinking of the title "Tweeting for twits"? I'll probably work around that some time this week or weekend. No one's going to be here this weekend again. Matt is going to his mums so he'll bring back his PS3 and possibly his HD TV. Though I doubt he'll take that in a suitcase on the train. Me and Lewis are happy with just the PS3!!! Especially me, I can't wait. I haven't played on in OVER a month! Lewis wants a PS3 too so he really wants to try the PS3 exclusives like Little Big Planet, Uncharted, infamous and he even wants to play with us Rocket Minions on Metal Gear Online! Maybe someday. Don't even know if the online will work. I doubt it since the Xboxs' online doesn't work. But we shall see. I may cry with happiness if it does work. Nothing to cheer you up like a PS3.
Lewis is going to see Emily this weekend and Ellie is going to her aunts tomorrow I think. I'm not too bothered but I hope the plug gets here today then I could play fable 2 all day! And more importantly, when Bossman visits on Sunday we could play Left 4 dead! he said he really wants to try it but the likely-hood of the plug getting here for then is decreasing...we may have to be stuck playing with the Wii! Oh dear...But no matter what we do, seeing Bossman will be great fun and hopefully it will de-stress me a little.
Talking about stress, Alex came round last night and he asked me how Uni was and I just started crying! I don't like crying in front of friends, it's horrible, but I probably needed to "let it all out" and I was glad it was Alex because he always makes me feel better. He couldn't stay for long because of the horrid weather but I was glad to see him at all. After he'd gone Matt and Lewis came back round. Lewis brought his guitar and managed to play and sing "Fuck her gently" and oh my God it was so funny! He's really good though, for a learner and his voice is rather good. So that cheered me up a little. I spoke to Ellie and Lewis a bit about how upset I just got because Ellie noticed I looked down. It's all okay for now. Next week should be better I hope...my birthday next friday!
Currently listening to: Tom Jones- She's a lady
"She's a lady, talking about that little lady and the lady is mine."
So yeah, I didn't get up 'till 10:30 that morning (God know I needed the sleep). I felt better for sleeping. Soon after I was dressed and fed, Matt came round to try out House of the Dead 2 and 3 on the Wii. It's quite good fun, it's just like playing the arcade version and the voice acting is hilariously bad! Lewis came round and watched Matt until me and Matt had to go to a lecture together. Lewis asked if he could keep my keys and stay here. I said sure and left him to do whatever he ended up doing. The Creative Writing lecture was very boring, I took next to no notes and me and Matt just ended up drawing James Bond snowboarding on a mountain when he was about to crash into a ram.
Next lecture was a seminar for Journalism. People were presenting their feature ideas and I was hoping I'd get some inspiration and thanked God I wasn't doing mine this week. Most of them were good ideas and now I have no idea what to do for mine. I want to do something related to Twitter, maybe explaining to readers what it is and how it's used. I was thinking of the title "Tweeting for twits"? I'll probably work around that some time this week or weekend. No one's going to be here this weekend again. Matt is going to his mums so he'll bring back his PS3 and possibly his HD TV. Though I doubt he'll take that in a suitcase on the train. Me and Lewis are happy with just the PS3!!! Especially me, I can't wait. I haven't played on in OVER a month! Lewis wants a PS3 too so he really wants to try the PS3 exclusives like Little Big Planet, Uncharted, infamous and he even wants to play with us Rocket Minions on Metal Gear Online! Maybe someday. Don't even know if the online will work. I doubt it since the Xboxs' online doesn't work. But we shall see. I may cry with happiness if it does work. Nothing to cheer you up like a PS3.
Lewis is going to see Emily this weekend and Ellie is going to her aunts tomorrow I think. I'm not too bothered but I hope the plug gets here today then I could play fable 2 all day! And more importantly, when Bossman visits on Sunday we could play Left 4 dead! he said he really wants to try it but the likely-hood of the plug getting here for then is decreasing...we may have to be stuck playing with the Wii! Oh dear...But no matter what we do, seeing Bossman will be great fun and hopefully it will de-stress me a little.
Talking about stress, Alex came round last night and he asked me how Uni was and I just started crying! I don't like crying in front of friends, it's horrible, but I probably needed to "let it all out" and I was glad it was Alex because he always makes me feel better. He couldn't stay for long because of the horrid weather but I was glad to see him at all. After he'd gone Matt and Lewis came back round. Lewis brought his guitar and managed to play and sing "Fuck her gently" and oh my God it was so funny! He's really good though, for a learner and his voice is rather good. So that cheered me up a little. I spoke to Ellie and Lewis a bit about how upset I just got because Ellie noticed I looked down. It's all okay for now. Next week should be better I hope...my birthday next friday!
Currently listening to: Tom Jones- She's a lady
"She's a lady, talking about that little lady and the lady is mine."
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Only you know me
Started to walk to a lecture this afternoon when I had a phone call from Alex asking me how I was. I wasn't good and I told him how stressed I was getting about everything. He reassured me I was going to be fine and I know in my heart he's telling the truth but I felt like bursting into tears right then and there. But I was walking to Uni and I knew I had to keep it together so I somehow stopped myself. Maybe I need a good cry :/.
Got to my lecture and thankfully the lesson only lasted an hour because our teacher was nice and new that we were all rushing to do our news stories. I went to the library but all the computers were taken so I couldn't print anything out. I had no information for my news story yet either, so I went home. I had no work to do when I got home, due to lack of current story so I decided to wait and do it later and get a few quotes off my friend Matt about people stealing his food. Lame story I know but it was all I had at the time. Kim the day before said she had a story for me on facebook but she hadn't got back to me, even though I text her. Lewis called, he'd brought the first Fable on PC so he came round with his computer to show me. I was happy to see a friendly face to be honest. I went on facebook and yes! Kim had messaged me! She told me this horrible story about how her parents got attacked by 30 yobs not very far at all from where I live! Scary! It was a horrible story but a good one to right about. I didn't have much material but I was going to try and work with it after viewing the house.
We went down to view the house, it was just across the park so the location was good. It was however, right next to a school...which might make it a little noisy during the day. Anyway we waited in the freezing cold for the bloody guy to turn up. He was 15 minutes late! He was in a posh suit and stuff but seemed to know next to nothing about the house. Inside, it was awful. It was colder than outside but that can be expected because the heating wouldn't be on in an empty house. Ellie was pretty sure the house had some kind of damp which is never good. Also, there was no communal kitchen. Instead everyone had a mini kitchen in their rooms which would seriously be no good for anything but ready meals. I could not imagine cooking on those crappy, old, stoves with no desk room AT ALL. It was really, really grim and miserable. I really hope there are better places out there! I think I'd feel depressed living there. We all realised how lucky we were, although we complain about them, halls are fucking luxury!
After the house viewing, we had a pretty cool system going on. Me and Lewis were both occupying my desk with our laptops, he was playing Fable, I was working on my news article and stressing over it big time. Matt was using the TV playing Super Mario Galaxy. Welcome to the geeks pit! I'd finished my news article and had stuck it on my memory stick before we headed out. They were all going to the Cinema Appreciation Society to see "All about my mother", a Spanish film I'd seen too many times because we had to watch it in Film Studies and write about it in an exam. I pwned that exam, in fact I got an A in the section where I had to write about All about my mother! Lewis had also done film studies and he didn't even like the film but he thought he may as well go if everyone else was. I was going to the library to print out my work so when we got to the Uni we parted our ways.
Even though it was 6pm the library was still very busy. I went upstairs to the "quiet" section where everyone is basically silent, it's very unnerving but there were a couple of computers free so I printed all my work out. But, it wasn't coming out. The printer was jammed full of work people had just left. It took 45 minutes for my work to come out! But at least I got it in the end. I rushed home and now I'm sat here waiting for the others to come back from the film. Matt has promised to cook us tuna pasta bake again so that should be nice. I'm absolutely starving, they should be back very soon though. Fed up of hearing about Modern Warfare 2 though. I know I have no right to be but if you didn't have the opportunity to own it or even play it like me, you'd feel exactly the same. So I'm just going to wallow in misery for a while and pray that tomorrow is better. If Lewis' plug comes, it defiantly will be a better day.
Current favourite song: Robbie Willaims- You know me
"Only you know me. Since you went away my heart breaks every day, you don't know coz you're not there. You simply found the words to make a lot of feelings fade away. Only you know me."
Currently listening to: The Hoosiers-Worst case scenario
"You'd be happier instead if you'd stayed in bed. I pray one day I live to see break a smile."
Got to my lecture and thankfully the lesson only lasted an hour because our teacher was nice and new that we were all rushing to do our news stories. I went to the library but all the computers were taken so I couldn't print anything out. I had no information for my news story yet either, so I went home. I had no work to do when I got home, due to lack of current story so I decided to wait and do it later and get a few quotes off my friend Matt about people stealing his food. Lame story I know but it was all I had at the time. Kim the day before said she had a story for me on facebook but she hadn't got back to me, even though I text her. Lewis called, he'd brought the first Fable on PC so he came round with his computer to show me. I was happy to see a friendly face to be honest. I went on facebook and yes! Kim had messaged me! She told me this horrible story about how her parents got attacked by 30 yobs not very far at all from where I live! Scary! It was a horrible story but a good one to right about. I didn't have much material but I was going to try and work with it after viewing the house.
We went down to view the house, it was just across the park so the location was good. It was however, right next to a school...which might make it a little noisy during the day. Anyway we waited in the freezing cold for the bloody guy to turn up. He was 15 minutes late! He was in a posh suit and stuff but seemed to know next to nothing about the house. Inside, it was awful. It was colder than outside but that can be expected because the heating wouldn't be on in an empty house. Ellie was pretty sure the house had some kind of damp which is never good. Also, there was no communal kitchen. Instead everyone had a mini kitchen in their rooms which would seriously be no good for anything but ready meals. I could not imagine cooking on those crappy, old, stoves with no desk room AT ALL. It was really, really grim and miserable. I really hope there are better places out there! I think I'd feel depressed living there. We all realised how lucky we were, although we complain about them, halls are fucking luxury!
After the house viewing, we had a pretty cool system going on. Me and Lewis were both occupying my desk with our laptops, he was playing Fable, I was working on my news article and stressing over it big time. Matt was using the TV playing Super Mario Galaxy. Welcome to the geeks pit! I'd finished my news article and had stuck it on my memory stick before we headed out. They were all going to the Cinema Appreciation Society to see "All about my mother", a Spanish film I'd seen too many times because we had to watch it in Film Studies and write about it in an exam. I pwned that exam, in fact I got an A in the section where I had to write about All about my mother! Lewis had also done film studies and he didn't even like the film but he thought he may as well go if everyone else was. I was going to the library to print out my work so when we got to the Uni we parted our ways.
Even though it was 6pm the library was still very busy. I went upstairs to the "quiet" section where everyone is basically silent, it's very unnerving but there were a couple of computers free so I printed all my work out. But, it wasn't coming out. The printer was jammed full of work people had just left. It took 45 minutes for my work to come out! But at least I got it in the end. I rushed home and now I'm sat here waiting for the others to come back from the film. Matt has promised to cook us tuna pasta bake again so that should be nice. I'm absolutely starving, they should be back very soon though. Fed up of hearing about Modern Warfare 2 though. I know I have no right to be but if you didn't have the opportunity to own it or even play it like me, you'd feel exactly the same. So I'm just going to wallow in misery for a while and pray that tomorrow is better. If Lewis' plug comes, it defiantly will be a better day.
Current favourite song: Robbie Willaims- You know me
"Only you know me. Since you went away my heart breaks every day, you don't know coz you're not there. You simply found the words to make a lot of feelings fade away. Only you know me."
Currently listening to: The Hoosiers-Worst case scenario
"You'd be happier instead if you'd stayed in bed. I pray one day I live to see break a smile."
19th nervous breakdown
And I'm approaching my 19th, ha! Well basically, my imending doom as I called it a few blogs before has caught up with me. I thought it might but not like this.
Yesterday we found out we have a news story that's due before 11am on Wednesday. A fair few of us did not know about this. So clearly it wasn't just me not listening, they really had not emphasised it enough. So I started panicing, thinking how the fuck was I going to find a news story in 2 days. Suicide would be easier!!! I jest. In my head I quickly thought of a couple of ideas (neither of which worked out)but luckily my mate Ellie came up with an idea later. Anyway he brought round our assignment work. I got 54 which is equivilent to a 2-2 (or however you would write it). Not bad I guess. The teacher was happy with all of our results. No one got a first and no one failed. But my news story didn't do well because it was a bit dull and I agree, it was. I didn't make it exciting enough and at the time I was pulling my hair out over it. I just wanted to get it written and printed. I'm not going to do any better this time with such a lame story idea but it's better than handing in fuck all I guess.
When I got home I practically spent the rest of the day reading as I have an entire book to read for wednesdays lectures. Lewis came round while I was reading but just sat there playing Zelda quietly so I could get on with work. It was nicer than just sitting in a lonely room I guess. I took a break from reading when I made dinner and afterwards had a chat with Lewis and Ellie. They were going to go out tonight but I'd said I'd stay in and do work as I was swamped. There was no way I was in mood either. Lewis was having second thought about wanting to go out himself but Ellie was planning to go out with Matt, Joe and Rachel anyway. We spent some time winding up Matt but he figured us out eventually. Was funny though. He came round along with Rach and Lewis went home to do some work. When they all left to go to the pub I went back to my room to read. Lewis was on facebook chat saying he couldn't do any work and was starting to wonder if the course he was doing was for him. I am starting to feel the same. Journalism as a course is a joke. If real Journalism is like this (which luckily, I don't think it is) I don't want to be a Journalist. Why can't we all be like Hunter. S. Thompson? Best. Journalist. Ever. Reality sucks.
Lewis really couldn't do any work and I was sick of reading all fucking day even though the book wasn't that bad there's only so much a girl can take in one day. So he came over in some sort of attempt to cheer each other up. Lewis didn't show it but I think he's as depressed/stressed as I am at the moment. Even Joe who also does my course doesn't know what to do withn himself. Lewis is seriously considering changing course or quitting uni for a year. I hope he doesn't quit, I'd miss him so much. He's an awesome friend, I might even go so far as to say one of the best I've ever had, beside from the fact he uses my stuff and doesn't wash it up! We played Super Smash Brawl for a bit and although I was having fun, I couldn't really get into it. We stopped and started typing in random words into Spotify and listening to the songs that came up. That proved for some very strange and funny music!!! I then made us some tea and was giggling because Lewis was spinning around on the floor like a loony! I placed a biscuit on his head and gave him his tea.
Matt had come home, he was on Msn so Lewis started talking to him like he was me. I thought it would have been damn obvious it wasn't me with some of the things he was saying! But Matt fell for it. Then Matt typed something about Lewis being hot or at least, attractive. Lewis was pissing himself laughing as was I! Lewis tried to tell Matt it was actually him typing but Matt wouldn't believe us! I sent Matt a picture message of Lewis sat on my laptop as proof because Matt didn't think Lewis was even round mine. Oh dear. Matt got all worried and embarassed about what he said which made Lewis feel guilty but Matt was just being silly as usual. Lewis didn't give a shit and really saw it as a compliment. Lewis said he tends to start hanging around with people he's attracted to anyway! Dear oh dear, what a mess. But still, it cheered me up enough to get a good nights sleep. In fact, I got two texts this morning and I didn't wake up to either of them which is a first! Nothing exciting unfortunatly.
Today I have so much work to get done, I might not even go to the film club tonight because of it. We're also going to view our first house today which is exciting but I'm far too pissed off, stressed and depressed today. I can't wait until tomorrow when this will all be over apart from the fact I have to remember 100 words and recite them in class on thursday. Somebody do me a favour and shoot me now. It doesn't help that no one is really being that supportive. I mention I'm getting stressed to someone and they just ignore it. I want someone to talk to for fucks sake! Even my dad just said "Oh well". I guess it's just a bloke thing to not give a shit sometimes. I know I have my uni friends but sometimes, that isn't enough.
Yesterday we found out we have a news story that's due before 11am on Wednesday. A fair few of us did not know about this. So clearly it wasn't just me not listening, they really had not emphasised it enough. So I started panicing, thinking how the fuck was I going to find a news story in 2 days. Suicide would be easier!!! I jest. In my head I quickly thought of a couple of ideas (neither of which worked out)but luckily my mate Ellie came up with an idea later. Anyway he brought round our assignment work. I got 54 which is equivilent to a 2-2 (or however you would write it). Not bad I guess. The teacher was happy with all of our results. No one got a first and no one failed. But my news story didn't do well because it was a bit dull and I agree, it was. I didn't make it exciting enough and at the time I was pulling my hair out over it. I just wanted to get it written and printed. I'm not going to do any better this time with such a lame story idea but it's better than handing in fuck all I guess.
When I got home I practically spent the rest of the day reading as I have an entire book to read for wednesdays lectures. Lewis came round while I was reading but just sat there playing Zelda quietly so I could get on with work. It was nicer than just sitting in a lonely room I guess. I took a break from reading when I made dinner and afterwards had a chat with Lewis and Ellie. They were going to go out tonight but I'd said I'd stay in and do work as I was swamped. There was no way I was in mood either. Lewis was having second thought about wanting to go out himself but Ellie was planning to go out with Matt, Joe and Rachel anyway. We spent some time winding up Matt but he figured us out eventually. Was funny though. He came round along with Rach and Lewis went home to do some work. When they all left to go to the pub I went back to my room to read. Lewis was on facebook chat saying he couldn't do any work and was starting to wonder if the course he was doing was for him. I am starting to feel the same. Journalism as a course is a joke. If real Journalism is like this (which luckily, I don't think it is) I don't want to be a Journalist. Why can't we all be like Hunter. S. Thompson? Best. Journalist. Ever. Reality sucks.
Lewis really couldn't do any work and I was sick of reading all fucking day even though the book wasn't that bad there's only so much a girl can take in one day. So he came over in some sort of attempt to cheer each other up. Lewis didn't show it but I think he's as depressed/stressed as I am at the moment. Even Joe who also does my course doesn't know what to do withn himself. Lewis is seriously considering changing course or quitting uni for a year. I hope he doesn't quit, I'd miss him so much. He's an awesome friend, I might even go so far as to say one of the best I've ever had, beside from the fact he uses my stuff and doesn't wash it up! We played Super Smash Brawl for a bit and although I was having fun, I couldn't really get into it. We stopped and started typing in random words into Spotify and listening to the songs that came up. That proved for some very strange and funny music!!! I then made us some tea and was giggling because Lewis was spinning around on the floor like a loony! I placed a biscuit on his head and gave him his tea.
Matt had come home, he was on Msn so Lewis started talking to him like he was me. I thought it would have been damn obvious it wasn't me with some of the things he was saying! But Matt fell for it. Then Matt typed something about Lewis being hot or at least, attractive. Lewis was pissing himself laughing as was I! Lewis tried to tell Matt it was actually him typing but Matt wouldn't believe us! I sent Matt a picture message of Lewis sat on my laptop as proof because Matt didn't think Lewis was even round mine. Oh dear. Matt got all worried and embarassed about what he said which made Lewis feel guilty but Matt was just being silly as usual. Lewis didn't give a shit and really saw it as a compliment. Lewis said he tends to start hanging around with people he's attracted to anyway! Dear oh dear, what a mess. But still, it cheered me up enough to get a good nights sleep. In fact, I got two texts this morning and I didn't wake up to either of them which is a first! Nothing exciting unfortunatly.
Today I have so much work to get done, I might not even go to the film club tonight because of it. We're also going to view our first house today which is exciting but I'm far too pissed off, stressed and depressed today. I can't wait until tomorrow when this will all be over apart from the fact I have to remember 100 words and recite them in class on thursday. Somebody do me a favour and shoot me now. It doesn't help that no one is really being that supportive. I mention I'm getting stressed to someone and they just ignore it. I want someone to talk to for fucks sake! Even my dad just said "Oh well". I guess it's just a bloke thing to not give a shit sometimes. I know I have my uni friends but sometimes, that isn't enough.
Saturday, 7 November 2009
Yesterday night was fireworks night! Unfortunately we couldn't buy our tickets in advance (Ellie did but by the time me, Matt and Lewis tried to they'd sold out) so it was £6! It was also raining. Me and Ellie kept our spirits up and yes, maybe I would have preferred not to have gone and saved my money but Ellie had already brought her ticket so we were stuck. Someone had to go with her. So I decided not to complain and just enjoy it. But the boys thought otherwise. The whole way there they pissed and moaned about how wet and miserable they were. It got to the point where I told them to shut up moaning! For goodness sake, I'd never heard a guy moan so much (yes I see where you're going with that in your head, stop right there!). That didn't stop them though. God forbid what would happen if we took them camping!
The fireworks were good in the end. It stopped raining as the fireworks started! They were very pretty and me and Ellie were giggling even though we were both soaked to the bone. Plus, anything involving rockets is always good! We rushed home, freezing cold because of course we'd been standing stationary for a long time.
When we got home me and Ellie decided to look at student houses while Matt played Maple Story(sigh)and Lewis played Fable 2. We found a few potential places and spammed out emails to them all requesting viewings. Fingers crossed!
I got some more work done today. I really had the urge to start a game on Fable 2 as I'd played co-op with Lewis (the co-op is rubbish) and it seemed like a lot of fun. So I did my reading first then started up as a female on Fable 2. I think that's what attracted me to be honest, I don't think I would have played if I didn't have the female option. Odd but true. So as most of my female characters go in video games she ended up looking rather slutty, why is that? Probably because I can't dress like that in real life so am I filling out some sort of deep dark fantasy? Probably. That's what we do in video games after all. We love to play first person shooter because we'll never get to shoot a gun and actually kill something else. So yes, my character had pigtails, a corset and hot pants. So a lot of the villagers were attracted to her! And if I started "flirting" literally a crows of men, and some women, would form with love hearts above their heads. Hmm MGO charm dance anyone?
So anyway I played that for a fair few hours, Matt came round at one point and sat watching me whilst I was on a mission where I had to "seduce Alex". Ha! So I seduced this guy and in almost every mission you get a choice to be good or bad. I've found it's better to be good so I'm following that path. The good option was to marry Alex! So I did. I now have a husband in Fable...the funny thing was I got a family alert from him and what did it say? "Alex wants sex". I'm in the middle of a mission and you want sex?! Typical bloody men! Made me and Matt giggle.
It was 6 o'clock and even though I wasn't that hungry I thought I'd better make some dinner as I hadn't really had lunch! I made spaghetti Bolognaise with actual decent mince this time not 98p mince from Asda (never buying that shite again!) and decent, Lloyd Grossman sauce. It was very nice but the bacon and chilli sauce was pretty spicy! Matt started playing Zelda whilst I was eating. After dinner, Rachel came round to have a look at the houses we were looking at yesterday and I managed to cox Matt away from Zelda for a bit to be involved too. We had a conversation about it which moved onto holidays, which moved onto rape, which moved onto condoms...hilarious how conversation digress!
Later on, Lewis and Emily came round and got some tips off of Ellie so they knew where to look for student housing as they want to live together this year. I'm a bit peeved Lewis won't be living with us because he's a really good friend and I get on with him well plus he has a good taste in games. Maybe not console wise but he does want a PS3 so that's a start! And he loves Timesplitters as much as me! Always a win. In fact we have a lot in common but ah well. I can see why he'd want to live with Emily so fair enough and good luck to them I guess! I just hope he comes and visits once in a while.
Rachel left to do work, Ellie went to bed and me, Emily and Lewis played Brawl together on the Wii. Alex came round and took back his power cable for the Xbox that Lewis was borrowing so we can't play it anymore! Can't believe Lewis got the wrong cable, it's not like Alex's at all and Alex recons it's a fake and he should contact the seller and maybe even report them. Oh dear. Still, at least we know what a real one looks like now! It's just annoying no shops in Kingston sell them! Waiting for post takes forever and obviously you can't check then and there it's the one you need. So no more Fable for a while which is annoying as it was just starting to get good and oh, I'm beating Lewis Achievement wise now! Mwahaha! Only because I'm further ahead than him in Fable. After brawl we watched the new Harry Hills' TV burp on my laptop then everyone went home early. It's a good thing as I'm so tired. God knows why I stayed up to do this blog but it needed doing I suppose. I'm off to bed now before my eyes dry up.
The fireworks were good in the end. It stopped raining as the fireworks started! They were very pretty and me and Ellie were giggling even though we were both soaked to the bone. Plus, anything involving rockets is always good! We rushed home, freezing cold because of course we'd been standing stationary for a long time.
When we got home me and Ellie decided to look at student houses while Matt played Maple Story(sigh)and Lewis played Fable 2. We found a few potential places and spammed out emails to them all requesting viewings. Fingers crossed!
I got some more work done today. I really had the urge to start a game on Fable 2 as I'd played co-op with Lewis (the co-op is rubbish) and it seemed like a lot of fun. So I did my reading first then started up as a female on Fable 2. I think that's what attracted me to be honest, I don't think I would have played if I didn't have the female option. Odd but true. So as most of my female characters go in video games she ended up looking rather slutty, why is that? Probably because I can't dress like that in real life so am I filling out some sort of deep dark fantasy? Probably. That's what we do in video games after all. We love to play first person shooter because we'll never get to shoot a gun and actually kill something else. So yes, my character had pigtails, a corset and hot pants. So a lot of the villagers were attracted to her! And if I started "flirting" literally a crows of men, and some women, would form with love hearts above their heads. Hmm MGO charm dance anyone?
So anyway I played that for a fair few hours, Matt came round at one point and sat watching me whilst I was on a mission where I had to "seduce Alex". Ha! So I seduced this guy and in almost every mission you get a choice to be good or bad. I've found it's better to be good so I'm following that path. The good option was to marry Alex! So I did. I now have a husband in Fable...the funny thing was I got a family alert from him and what did it say? "Alex wants sex". I'm in the middle of a mission and you want sex?! Typical bloody men! Made me and Matt giggle.
It was 6 o'clock and even though I wasn't that hungry I thought I'd better make some dinner as I hadn't really had lunch! I made spaghetti Bolognaise with actual decent mince this time not 98p mince from Asda (never buying that shite again!) and decent, Lloyd Grossman sauce. It was very nice but the bacon and chilli sauce was pretty spicy! Matt started playing Zelda whilst I was eating. After dinner, Rachel came round to have a look at the houses we were looking at yesterday and I managed to cox Matt away from Zelda for a bit to be involved too. We had a conversation about it which moved onto holidays, which moved onto rape, which moved onto condoms...hilarious how conversation digress!
Later on, Lewis and Emily came round and got some tips off of Ellie so they knew where to look for student housing as they want to live together this year. I'm a bit peeved Lewis won't be living with us because he's a really good friend and I get on with him well plus he has a good taste in games. Maybe not console wise but he does want a PS3 so that's a start! And he loves Timesplitters as much as me! Always a win. In fact we have a lot in common but ah well. I can see why he'd want to live with Emily so fair enough and good luck to them I guess! I just hope he comes and visits once in a while.
Rachel left to do work, Ellie went to bed and me, Emily and Lewis played Brawl together on the Wii. Alex came round and took back his power cable for the Xbox that Lewis was borrowing so we can't play it anymore! Can't believe Lewis got the wrong cable, it's not like Alex's at all and Alex recons it's a fake and he should contact the seller and maybe even report them. Oh dear. Still, at least we know what a real one looks like now! It's just annoying no shops in Kingston sell them! Waiting for post takes forever and obviously you can't check then and there it's the one you need. So no more Fable for a while which is annoying as it was just starting to get good and oh, I'm beating Lewis Achievement wise now! Mwahaha! Only because I'm further ahead than him in Fable. After brawl we watched the new Harry Hills' TV burp on my laptop then everyone went home early. It's a good thing as I'm so tired. God knows why I stayed up to do this blog but it needed doing I suppose. I'm off to bed now before my eyes dry up.
The Dusty Road
This is another assignment I've done for Creative Writing. It got a bit lovely dovey at the end I'm afraid but oh well! Just make sure you grab a bucket to vomit into before you read this...
I kicked the dust with my boots, scuffing them up but I didn’t care. I grinned to myself, swinging my limbs about as I walked. I tossed my head up, flicking my long, dark hair back and starred up into the sky. The sky burnt bright orange, like a strong light that was burning out, dying. Only the odd cloud was still in the sky and even they looked as if they were on fire as there was a slight, yellow glow around them. This was my favourite time of day though I never usually looked up and admired it so much as I did right then. There were some small trees which lined the dusty path. The trees were dying too, just like the fading light in the sky. Their leaves were turning yellow, orange and red. Soon they would shrivel up, turn brown and fall from the tree, only to be crushed by passers by. I love crushing dead leaves; the noise they make is so satisfying…
Suddenly, I was forced forwards, I screamed. Jeff held me by the waist, laughing. I smiled but hit him which caused him to tickle me. He knew I was ticklish and often used this against me. I ran away from him, giggling, giggling so much I couldn’t breathe nor run properly. He quickly caught up with me and grabbed me, lifting me up on my side so I was being swung sideways by him. I was helpless as he continued to walk with me in his arm; he was stronger than he looked. I gave up trying to struggle from his grasp, I knew it was impossible and if I did struggle free he’d only drop me and that would hurt! So I relaxed, letting my limbs be heavy. He couldn’t carry me far though so he stopped, put my down and took my hand instead. I took his hand and squeezed it, looking up and smiling at him. He’d worn me out. I was breathing heavily and we looked at each other and laughed.
“I love us.” He sighed.
“Me too” I replied as a rested my head on his shoulder; he was just the right height for me to do so. As we walked, it made me think of all the good times we’d had together, we were a silly couple. The kind that pushed each other into swimming pools, fully dressed. The kind that would play-fight and push each other out of bed. The kind that got on so well, it was unbelievable. I looked up at my man, his face was serious, and I could see he was thinking too. His green eyes were gazing into the sun that was now starting to hide behind the hills. The sky had turned to be a pinkish colour with dark purple bringing out the moon and stars in the sky. It was going to be a clear night; there would be plenty of stars about. One in particular shined very brightly, it was a planet, I wonder which one it was…
Jeff stopped me from walking and turned to look directly at me. He had a stern look in his eyes.
“What’s wrong?” I asked, he was starting to concern me.
He said nothing; he just turned to look at the sun setting, the orange fire disappearing behind the skyline.
“I was going to wait but this is too perfect.” He continued and looked back at me, smiling. He bent down and got on one knee.
“What are you doing?!” I struggled to say, my heart was in my mouth.
He took out a small, red box and opened it up. The small, white gem gleamed at me, it turned orange in the sunlight, it was beautiful. He held the box up to me, looked into my eyes, which were welling up and asked…
“Would you do me the honour of marrying me Jenny?”
I burst into tears and spluttered out a “yes!” before leaping on him. We fell onto the dust but didn’t care. I kissed him as I wept. But they were happy tears. Jeff looked confused but pleased; it wasn’t the reaction he expected. He coughed; when we fell we brought up all the dust into the air.
“Sorry” I said, helping him up and dusting off his clothes. “I love you so much; of course I’ll marry you.”
“I love you too” He smiled, hugging me tightly. “Now come on, it’s getting dark.” He slipped the ring onto my finger and held my hand. We continued along the dark road, kicking the sand together. The sun had gone, only the stars now remained.
I kicked the dust with my boots, scuffing them up but I didn’t care. I grinned to myself, swinging my limbs about as I walked. I tossed my head up, flicking my long, dark hair back and starred up into the sky. The sky burnt bright orange, like a strong light that was burning out, dying. Only the odd cloud was still in the sky and even they looked as if they were on fire as there was a slight, yellow glow around them. This was my favourite time of day though I never usually looked up and admired it so much as I did right then. There were some small trees which lined the dusty path. The trees were dying too, just like the fading light in the sky. Their leaves were turning yellow, orange and red. Soon they would shrivel up, turn brown and fall from the tree, only to be crushed by passers by. I love crushing dead leaves; the noise they make is so satisfying…
Suddenly, I was forced forwards, I screamed. Jeff held me by the waist, laughing. I smiled but hit him which caused him to tickle me. He knew I was ticklish and often used this against me. I ran away from him, giggling, giggling so much I couldn’t breathe nor run properly. He quickly caught up with me and grabbed me, lifting me up on my side so I was being swung sideways by him. I was helpless as he continued to walk with me in his arm; he was stronger than he looked. I gave up trying to struggle from his grasp, I knew it was impossible and if I did struggle free he’d only drop me and that would hurt! So I relaxed, letting my limbs be heavy. He couldn’t carry me far though so he stopped, put my down and took my hand instead. I took his hand and squeezed it, looking up and smiling at him. He’d worn me out. I was breathing heavily and we looked at each other and laughed.
“I love us.” He sighed.
“Me too” I replied as a rested my head on his shoulder; he was just the right height for me to do so. As we walked, it made me think of all the good times we’d had together, we were a silly couple. The kind that pushed each other into swimming pools, fully dressed. The kind that would play-fight and push each other out of bed. The kind that got on so well, it was unbelievable. I looked up at my man, his face was serious, and I could see he was thinking too. His green eyes were gazing into the sun that was now starting to hide behind the hills. The sky had turned to be a pinkish colour with dark purple bringing out the moon and stars in the sky. It was going to be a clear night; there would be plenty of stars about. One in particular shined very brightly, it was a planet, I wonder which one it was…
Jeff stopped me from walking and turned to look directly at me. He had a stern look in his eyes.
“What’s wrong?” I asked, he was starting to concern me.
He said nothing; he just turned to look at the sun setting, the orange fire disappearing behind the skyline.
“I was going to wait but this is too perfect.” He continued and looked back at me, smiling. He bent down and got on one knee.
“What are you doing?!” I struggled to say, my heart was in my mouth.
He took out a small, red box and opened it up. The small, white gem gleamed at me, it turned orange in the sunlight, it was beautiful. He held the box up to me, looked into my eyes, which were welling up and asked…
“Would you do me the honour of marrying me Jenny?”
I burst into tears and spluttered out a “yes!” before leaping on him. We fell onto the dust but didn’t care. I kissed him as I wept. But they were happy tears. Jeff looked confused but pleased; it wasn’t the reaction he expected. He coughed; when we fell we brought up all the dust into the air.
“Sorry” I said, helping him up and dusting off his clothes. “I love you so much; of course I’ll marry you.”
“I love you too” He smiled, hugging me tightly. “Now come on, it’s getting dark.” He slipped the ring onto my finger and held my hand. We continued along the dark road, kicking the sand together. The sun had gone, only the stars now remained.
Friday, 6 November 2009
New games!
Went to the doctors yesterday, very quick and easy, I was impressed! Maybe that place isn't so bad after all, as long as it isn't busy. They even have a cool little computer you use to check in so the doctor knows you're here! How cool! Or perhaps I'm just easily impressed because my doctors at home is so old fashioned. Need to book another appointment after my birthday for my last cervical cancer injection, fun times.
After I came back from the docs, Lewis phoned asking what I was doing so he ended up coming round. And you know what, he made my day. He pulled out of a plastic bag Fable 2 and Resident evil 5! I got so excited, he knew I would. I have missed resident evil so much and it was so good to play it and impress him with my knowledge! Matt came round to do some work but ended up doing none at all. He watched us play resi mostly. The bit with the chainsaw man had him on the edge of his seat! Lewis kept saying he wasn't that good but I didn't think he was that bad! He certainly wasn't a liability like some people I've played with *cough Craig *cough*. He's supposed to be coming round again today to try and complete it though we still have a fair way to go! He wants to get all the acievements, bit annoying to know I've got almost all of them on my PS3 but still, always fun to earn gamepoints.
Tried Fable 2 too. Quite fun, we were evil in it and man were we evil, we just went around slautering innocents and guards. Dear oh dear! It's fun though though the co-op isn't really a co-op. I basically just jump in like a hired mercinary.
Later on after dinner, Ellie told us she'd already brought a ticket for fireworks friday night. So me, Matt and Lewis went to buy a ticket and after all that, they had none left. Looks like we'll be paying £2 extra on the night. Sigh. Will be good fun though I hope.
P.S. Don't worry Alex, you're still my Chris :D
After I came back from the docs, Lewis phoned asking what I was doing so he ended up coming round. And you know what, he made my day. He pulled out of a plastic bag Fable 2 and Resident evil 5! I got so excited, he knew I would. I have missed resident evil so much and it was so good to play it and impress him with my knowledge! Matt came round to do some work but ended up doing none at all. He watched us play resi mostly. The bit with the chainsaw man had him on the edge of his seat! Lewis kept saying he wasn't that good but I didn't think he was that bad! He certainly wasn't a liability like some people I've played with *cough Craig *cough*. He's supposed to be coming round again today to try and complete it though we still have a fair way to go! He wants to get all the acievements, bit annoying to know I've got almost all of them on my PS3 but still, always fun to earn gamepoints.
Tried Fable 2 too. Quite fun, we were evil in it and man were we evil, we just went around slautering innocents and guards. Dear oh dear! It's fun though though the co-op isn't really a co-op. I basically just jump in like a hired mercinary.
Later on after dinner, Ellie told us she'd already brought a ticket for fireworks friday night. So me, Matt and Lewis went to buy a ticket and after all that, they had none left. Looks like we'll be paying £2 extra on the night. Sigh. Will be good fun though I hope.
P.S. Don't worry Alex, you're still my Chris :D
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
Ben and the Playstation-short story
I’d begged for a Playstation all year and when it came round to Christmas, I got my wish. A big box covered in blue wrapping paper with happy snowmen on. I didn’t hesitate to open it, my face alive with excitement. I ripped off the wrapping, tossing it behind me, revealing the box. My dad helped me open up the huge box and inside sat a small, grey console with a controller.
I jumped up and down, shouting at my dad to plug it into the TV. And of course, he did what I said. My mouth dropped open as the logo appeared on the screen. Wait until Sean sees this, I thought. He would be so jealous. I pushed the open button and a flap opened up like a hungry beast’s mouth. I slammed the disc marked “Tomb Raider” into the machines’ CD player type opening. My dad told me to be careful, I ignored him and remained glued to the screen, controller in hand, ready. My parents left the room to make dinner. Why they were starting to make dinner at 10am confused me.
I sat and waited as “Loading” flashed on the screen continuously. I sighed and tapped the controller on the floor. When it finally loaded, I was a busty woman with duel pistols. Cool! I ran around, finding things to shoot; wolves, bats, bears, anything! I just leapt from side to side whilst shooting, laughing as I did. Too easy. But then, for some reason I couldn’t get into the next room, I tried and tried but nothing was working. I gripped the controller, my teeth pushed together.
“Why isn’t this working?!” I screamed as I mashed random buttons. My dad came in, asking what was wrong. He tried to help but he was such an idiot, he didn’t even know how to play. He drowned the stupid woman for crying out loud! I had one life left. My mum called my dad for help in the kitchen so he left me to it.
Laura Varley
I climbed up a ladder; I saw the jump I had to make. I stepped backwards a bit then ran and jumped but she fell. Her body dropped to floor quickly, she screamed as she fell just before I heard a loud thump as her body hit the floor. Game over.
I squeezed the controller in my hands, making the plastic creek before lifting it up and throwing it at the TV. The loud thump sound alerted my parents, they ran into the room, looking worried as to what had just happened.
“Stupid game!” I shouted, punching the floor. The controller hadn’t smashed the TV screen but it had bounced off it. It had landed on the Playstation. My dad grabbed me by the back of my collar.
“Do you know how much that cost Ben?!” he said with such rage I thought he may throw me across the room. My mum looked crossed too but also a little upset, disappointed even.
“We buy you whatever you want but do you appreciate it? No! You never do. That’s it, I’m taking the Playstation back, no presents for you this year!”
I forced back hot tears but I couldn’t control myself, I cried, bawling like a big baby. My dad didn’t care anymore; this was the straw that broke his back. He gathered up the Playstation and its games, the grey box of dreams, gone forever.
Later on, after dinner my dad still wouldn’t talk to me properly. I heard my mum and dad arguing, my mum pleaded my dad to get along with me. My dad said that I was always breaking everything and I can’t have anything until my anger was under control. A hundred pound toy was too far this time.
I felt this hollow feeling in my stomach, something I’d never felt before. I don’t know what it was but it felt…bad. I had to do something.
Laura Varley
I stepped into the kitchen, interrupting my parents. They turned to me, my mum smiling, pretending everything was fine as always. I looked downwards and rubbed the floor with my slipper. The kitchen was silent. My mum tilted her head and looked at me with sympathy. She crouched down to my height and lifted my chin with her warm, kind hands and I looked into her eyes. Pretty blue eyes…she smiled at me and asked what was wrong. Silly question really but at least she wasn’t shouting at me. I looked at my dad. He remained silent, looking out the kitchen window and watching the snow gently fall, coating his shed roof. His arms were crossed. I looked back at my mum “I’m sorry” I muttered in the lowest voice possible, tears began to roll down my cheeks. My mum hugged me tightly and stroked the back of my head. My dad was so amazed he turned around; he saw that I meant what I’d said. He too crouched down and hugged both me and mum.
“Well, ‘tis the season for forgiving eh?” He said as he squeezed us tightly.
I jumped up and down, shouting at my dad to plug it into the TV. And of course, he did what I said. My mouth dropped open as the logo appeared on the screen. Wait until Sean sees this, I thought. He would be so jealous. I pushed the open button and a flap opened up like a hungry beast’s mouth. I slammed the disc marked “Tomb Raider” into the machines’ CD player type opening. My dad told me to be careful, I ignored him and remained glued to the screen, controller in hand, ready. My parents left the room to make dinner. Why they were starting to make dinner at 10am confused me.
I sat and waited as “Loading” flashed on the screen continuously. I sighed and tapped the controller on the floor. When it finally loaded, I was a busty woman with duel pistols. Cool! I ran around, finding things to shoot; wolves, bats, bears, anything! I just leapt from side to side whilst shooting, laughing as I did. Too easy. But then, for some reason I couldn’t get into the next room, I tried and tried but nothing was working. I gripped the controller, my teeth pushed together.
“Why isn’t this working?!” I screamed as I mashed random buttons. My dad came in, asking what was wrong. He tried to help but he was such an idiot, he didn’t even know how to play. He drowned the stupid woman for crying out loud! I had one life left. My mum called my dad for help in the kitchen so he left me to it.
Laura Varley
I climbed up a ladder; I saw the jump I had to make. I stepped backwards a bit then ran and jumped but she fell. Her body dropped to floor quickly, she screamed as she fell just before I heard a loud thump as her body hit the floor. Game over.
I squeezed the controller in my hands, making the plastic creek before lifting it up and throwing it at the TV. The loud thump sound alerted my parents, they ran into the room, looking worried as to what had just happened.
“Stupid game!” I shouted, punching the floor. The controller hadn’t smashed the TV screen but it had bounced off it. It had landed on the Playstation. My dad grabbed me by the back of my collar.
“Do you know how much that cost Ben?!” he said with such rage I thought he may throw me across the room. My mum looked crossed too but also a little upset, disappointed even.
“We buy you whatever you want but do you appreciate it? No! You never do. That’s it, I’m taking the Playstation back, no presents for you this year!”
I forced back hot tears but I couldn’t control myself, I cried, bawling like a big baby. My dad didn’t care anymore; this was the straw that broke his back. He gathered up the Playstation and its games, the grey box of dreams, gone forever.
Later on, after dinner my dad still wouldn’t talk to me properly. I heard my mum and dad arguing, my mum pleaded my dad to get along with me. My dad said that I was always breaking everything and I can’t have anything until my anger was under control. A hundred pound toy was too far this time.
I felt this hollow feeling in my stomach, something I’d never felt before. I don’t know what it was but it felt…bad. I had to do something.
Laura Varley
I stepped into the kitchen, interrupting my parents. They turned to me, my mum smiling, pretending everything was fine as always. I looked downwards and rubbed the floor with my slipper. The kitchen was silent. My mum tilted her head and looked at me with sympathy. She crouched down to my height and lifted my chin with her warm, kind hands and I looked into her eyes. Pretty blue eyes…she smiled at me and asked what was wrong. Silly question really but at least she wasn’t shouting at me. I looked at my dad. He remained silent, looking out the kitchen window and watching the snow gently fall, coating his shed roof. His arms were crossed. I looked back at my mum “I’m sorry” I muttered in the lowest voice possible, tears began to roll down my cheeks. My mum hugged me tightly and stroked the back of my head. My dad was so amazed he turned around; he saw that I meant what I’d said. He too crouched down and hugged both me and mum.
“Well, ‘tis the season for forgiving eh?” He said as he squeezed us tightly.
Weirdly, long day

Rachel, Ellie and Me and the gay bar a couple of weeks back
Even after not getting to sleep until gone 3:30am, I still got up pretty early on Tuesday. I got a text from Lewis asking if he could come round because half of his life was round here. I wasn't up...or dressed but I said it was fine because I was awake. I put on my dressing gown, which is infact a short, pretty kimono, I love it. So I put that on and tied it up and went to get some breakfast before Lewis buzzed. I'd just sorted out my cereal when he did buzz and I went downstairs to let him in. I didn't really care what I looked like, my hair was neat enough anyway. I let him in and he asked me "what the hell I was wearing". I explained I'd only just got out of bed and this was my dressing gown.
We went back upstairs and he played some Left 4 Dead while I was eating my breakfast. After I'd finished eating we did some co-op. When we got bored I disappeared into the bathroom to get dressed while he went on his laptop on WOW (he'd left it round here last night). When I came back I played some Mario Kart until he decided to leave because he had a lecture soon. He took his laptop and stuff so I said goodbye and plugged in my laptop.
I had a text from Matt asking if one of us would meet him at the station. I wasn't sure if I was going to be busy or not, I was expecting Alex at some point during the day, so I said I probably wouldn't be able to meet him but I would see. After messing around on the laptop after a while I decided I really did need to get off my arse and get a doctors appointment, nothing serious don't worry! So I plodded off down to the docs and got an appointment for late afternoon, Thursday. I don't really like that surgery. It's fine but very, very small. I've walked into it before, just to give a form in and everyone who was sat down waiting just turned to look at me, it was quite un-nerving! So I hope it's not busy when I go...
I got home and decided I must do some work before Alex gets here and stop slacking off. So I sat down and typed up an assaignment I had to do. 750 words but it went over by 100 words. She'll never know, it's fine. Plus she likes you to write more rather than less. This piece of work will be read out in class (not sure if I have to read it or not) next week and everyone in the class will look at it critically. Great. I don't think what I've written is that great, it's just a short story really. I'll post it on here after this blog so you guys can see for yourselves. Anyway, I emailed it to the teacher. Whilst I was doing that I got a phonecall from Lewis, he said he was going to the station to meet Matt I said I was busy with work but I'd see them later. They came round soon after anyway and when I'd done my work I came out for a chat with them.
Alex then phoned to say he was on his way, yay! Lewis disappeared into my room to show Matt Left 4 Dead. Matt wasn't very good at it but that can be expected, I never really saw him as a shoot-em up kinda guy. Anyway they started playing through the first campaign together while I watched and waited. Alex got here, I got him a parking permit in reception while stroking the cutest cat. Our halls cat, George, was lying on the desk just above the computer where it was nice and warm, he's so cute and fluffy! I took Alex upstairs and we sorted out the photos while the boys played Left 4 Dead. Alex wasn't impressed, surprise surprise, and well, got a bit aggressive with the whole PS3 is the best kind of thing. He's a bit over the top sometimes and I hope the guys didn't take it the wrong way. Matt said he used to be like that with Nintendo so he understood and Lewis just seemed to laugh things off, especially as Matt was getting the worst of it. Oh dear.
The guys had some stuff to do so they left, I said I'd text them later and me and Alex just chilled out, watched some funny videos on youtube, looked through some photos on facebook, that kind of thing. For some reason, Alex thought I was going to be 20 this month....EPIC FAIL! He said he forgets how young I am sometimes which I guess is a good thing but still! He better make up for that mistake now!!! 16 days until my birthday now!
After Alex left I invited the guys around again and me and Lewis finally managed to do the aeroplane senario on advanced! Hurray! We tried to do a campaign on expert...it's bloody impossible! We did get a couple more achievements each though but he's 4 ahead of me. They stayed until 2:20am this time...
Currently listening to: Aerosmith-Crazy
"You turn it on, then you're gone. Yeah you drive me, crazy, crazy, crazy for you baby. What can I do, honey? I feel like the colour blue."
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
The great Xbox hunt!
I know, I know *dodges rocks and stones thrown at her* an XBOX 360?! HOW DARE I! But wait, it's not mine...
Lewis decided for some odd reason to buy an xbox off ebay. It was cheap because it was only the console nothing else, not even a power plug. Why something would sell that buy itself I don't know. Anyway, he brought that then ended up spending £90 in Game buying controllers, leads and left 4 dead but he couldn't find a power plug. So eventually he brought one off Ebay. We'd been waiting and waiting for this plug to come. By now we were so desperate to play something other than Mario Kart! And I hadn't played a decent shooter in so long I was basically gagging to kill something! When Lewis came back on Monday morning he checked his post and there it was! Yay! So he rushed round with his xbox, so excited like a kid at Christmas. Plugged everything in then realised...the power cable didn't fit...he's brought the wrong one! It's meant to have a power pack! D'OH! He was so angry and upset. I managed to calm him down (a rub on the back and "It's ok, it's ok" usually does it!) and so he brought another one off ebay but of course it meant we had to wait...
Anyway we had to go Asda shopping with Ellie so we got that done with, Lewis said he'd come round after he'd packed away his food. When he did come back he had a bag in his hand, this isn't unusual but I still asked what it was in the bag. And he pulled out...a power pack! My response? "Oh you beauty!". Haven't said that in...well forever! Basically he'd managed to borrow one off his flat mate, Alex. So he plugged it all in but more horror struck! It turned on okay but when we tried to put the disk in the disk drive was stuck! Lewis managed to pull it open and put the disk in, then the bit of plastic on the disc drive was all bent so the drive wouldn't close again. Sigh. He got fed up and just pulled the strip off (it's only there for cosmetic purposes) and thank fuck it worked! There was many a joke and laugh about how he had the shittest Xbox in the world and he now agreed with me that PS3s were probably better!
So the game loaded up but guess what, it wouldn't let us play split screen! Why? Because the Xbox had no internal memory and we needed to create gamer accounts in order to play. What the fuck Mircosoft, what the flying fuck! Lewis asked me what time it was, it was only 10 past 5 so he said right I'm going to the shop to buy a memory card. I said I'd go with him so we walked fast to get to Game. Thankfully it closed at 6 so we had plenty of time. The first Game we went in didn't have any. I said I knew 2 more Games, which Lewis didn't know about! Good job I came! So we went to the Bentall centre to the big Game in there. We couldn't SEE any memory cards and there was too big a queue to ask so I suggested HMV. Again, they didn't have any. A big old wtf really. I suggested the next Game which was only small but worth a try. So we went to the Bentall shop and asked in there. They didn't have any surprise, surprise. They explained that no one really sells them anymore and had we tried CEX because that's where he got them from. We hadn't but I wasn't sure if it would be open at this time. Me and Lewis stood there debating whether to ask in the other Game downstairs. The guy at the counter offered to phone down and ask them. How helpful! So they phoned and apparently they had one for £7.99. Perfect.
So down we went down, got in the queue, it had died down a lot since last time. When we got the counter we told them someone had just phoned down saying they had one, the guy went to ask his manager and found it for us! Yay! It didn't even have a packet so Lewis gripped it in his pocked tightly as we walked home. We were so busy being excited and talking about games which then moved onto sex (how does this happen?!) that we walked slightly off course, oops! But we found our way again and got home to play Left 4 Dead.
It's a damn good game. I played as the female, of course, Zoey, whereas Lewis likes ro play as Louis (lol) the token black guy. We played through all the chapters on normal then we tried some on advanced. We've now done them all on advanced except the last one. It's quite a tricky game but good fun, not too fustrating. Got a few "achievements" too, the xbox version of trophies. But it really, really isn't as satifying as getting a ding along with the trophy picture on your top right corner trust me. The XMB is a much better layout than Xboxs' dashboard too. I can saftly say, I'll never be converted. We stayed up until 3:30am killing zombies until our brains couldn't take anymore. I was so tired I was hyper and laughing about everything like an idiot. Oh dear. Was good fun though and we had a fry up for dinner, nom nom.
Monday, 2 November 2009
Happy in ignoring my imending doom.
Sunday...hmm I should have spent the time wisely and done some work! But alas...that did not happen. I spent the day messing around indoors as the rain pattered against my window. And because it was raining I couldn't even get any washing done! I have to carry my washing across the courtyard in an open box by the way...yes, that was my excuse for not doing it or having to step outside...
It should have been a gloomy sort of day but actually I was in a fantastic mood all day! Which is weird because in lady-cycle terms I think I'm supposed to be feeling angry/depressed at this time of the month. But I'm not at all, even the massive pile of daunting work can't get me down at the moment! Though while some of the things I have to do in the next two weeks I can see myself getting very stressed about it very soon...bad times.
I got a text from Ellie in the evening saying she was getting a train back at 10:40pm and she asked if I could meet her. I of course did go and meet her, was cold but good to get out of the house. Funny, because it was a sunday night, most of the clubs were closed so there weren't that many people about but the thing that did make me laugh was this one woman. She was wearing heels way too high for her, she couldn't even walk in them! She was also wearing a little black dress that was so short she had to keep pulling it down as she walked, what is the point really?! And she was moaning at the men in front of her because they weren't waiting for her. Well if you didn't walk like such an idiot...they were walking to this club and I found it amusing that there were two other girls also going into the club but they were dressed up in proper coats and trousers. Sensible ladies! People do make me smile, for all the wrong reasons.
I met Ellie and offered the carry one of her bags but she would have none of it so we walked home. Turned out her Halloween had been a bit of her disaster too because her friends mum is a bitch! She also told me a shocking an horrible story. She knows a friend who goes to Oxford University and she was having dinner one night when her friend said she wasn't feeling too well so she left early and went to bed. In Oxford, they always have these big, posh dinners every week. Anyway, she didn't see her friend the next day...or the day after...next thing she knows security guards are breaking her door down and they find her in her room...dead. She'd died of Meningitis and no one knew she had it. I was so shocked and upset by this story, she must have only been 18! She'd only just started University and know her life was over. It just shows what a scary and hard to detect disease it is. Horrible, horrible story. And to think she died alone...so sad.
Anyway we got home and I let Ellie have some of my milk for tea and we stayed up chatting for well over an hour, so much for going to bed early!
Currently listening to- Nightwish- Bye Bye Beautiful
"Did we get this far just to feel your hate? Did we play to become only pawns in your game? How blind can you be don't you see, you took the long road but we'll be waiting...bye, bye, beautiful."
It should have been a gloomy sort of day but actually I was in a fantastic mood all day! Which is weird because in lady-cycle terms I think I'm supposed to be feeling angry/depressed at this time of the month. But I'm not at all, even the massive pile of daunting work can't get me down at the moment! Though while some of the things I have to do in the next two weeks I can see myself getting very stressed about it very soon...bad times.
I got a text from Ellie in the evening saying she was getting a train back at 10:40pm and she asked if I could meet her. I of course did go and meet her, was cold but good to get out of the house. Funny, because it was a sunday night, most of the clubs were closed so there weren't that many people about but the thing that did make me laugh was this one woman. She was wearing heels way too high for her, she couldn't even walk in them! She was also wearing a little black dress that was so short she had to keep pulling it down as she walked, what is the point really?! And she was moaning at the men in front of her because they weren't waiting for her. Well if you didn't walk like such an idiot...they were walking to this club and I found it amusing that there were two other girls also going into the club but they were dressed up in proper coats and trousers. Sensible ladies! People do make me smile, for all the wrong reasons.
I met Ellie and offered the carry one of her bags but she would have none of it so we walked home. Turned out her Halloween had been a bit of her disaster too because her friends mum is a bitch! She also told me a shocking an horrible story. She knows a friend who goes to Oxford University and she was having dinner one night when her friend said she wasn't feeling too well so she left early and went to bed. In Oxford, they always have these big, posh dinners every week. Anyway, she didn't see her friend the next day...or the day after...next thing she knows security guards are breaking her door down and they find her in her room...dead. She'd died of Meningitis and no one knew she had it. I was so shocked and upset by this story, she must have only been 18! She'd only just started University and know her life was over. It just shows what a scary and hard to detect disease it is. Horrible, horrible story. And to think she died alone...so sad.
Anyway we got home and I let Ellie have some of my milk for tea and we stayed up chatting for well over an hour, so much for going to bed early!
Currently listening to- Nightwish- Bye Bye Beautiful
"Did we get this far just to feel your hate? Did we play to become only pawns in your game? How blind can you be don't you see, you took the long road but we'll be waiting...bye, bye, beautiful."
Sunday, 1 November 2009
Happy Halloween

Not much happened on all Hallows eve for me. I was looking forward to a Halloween party this year because one, it's an excuse to dress up and two, I never do anything for Halloween except sit on the sofa and wait for my little sister to bring home sweets. Even her Halloween went tits up as a friend let her down so she couldn't go trick or treating...bummer.
I spent the day spending far too much time on the Internet and as a result of poor seating (I think) I've now buggered up my back. Even sleeping it off doesn't help as it's still bad today. It's time like these I really miss my sofa...and television...and my PS3. See if I had a PS3 here I'd be perfectly happy to be left alone all day! But alas, I am left with a gamecube and a very noisy Wii. I did play some Mario Kart after I'd done some work. In the evening I cooked some BBQ chicken and watched "Nobel Son" a film my parents had gotten free with the paper, they said it was good so I decided to watch it. It had Alan Rickman in (one of my favs!) as a womanising bastard which was quite funny! He was a college lecturer and basically he was fucking all the students...interesting. But anyway, Rickmans' character wins the Nobel prize that's $2million! Of course, his son gets kidnapped and the kidnapper wants the $2million. Seems a simple enough plot but things get more and more complicated and things aren't as they seem. My favourite scene involved someone driving a full sized mini cooper by remote control around a shopping mall! So cool.
Alex, who's half way to death, phoned me after I'd watched the film. Well no, he's okay really just has an awful cough, a bit like me really but worse. He's bringing over the photo software soon so I can finally get those MCM photos up! They're really good though I wished we'd got a few more. But hey, they'll be a next time and I am still yet to see Jens' yet.
That night when I finally went to sleep, I'm not if I even went to sleep properly, I just remember having these erratic dreams and it felt like I couldn't switch my brain off. Was horrible. But I'm up and awake now, just not sure what to do with my day...
Currently listening to: Nightwish-she is my sin
"The razors on your seducing skin, in the meadow of sinful thoughts, every flower's perfect..."
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