Well I was right, Harry Potter did cheer me up. I did indeed end up dressing up as Hermione with my mates Bex and Josie, who also dressed up (pics tomorrow I hope). Marnie also came but she didn't dress up. Jokes were made and I ended up revealing something I probably shouldn't have...but I have little care other these things anymore and it was very funny.
Bex gave us a lift there, we got some funny looks at the cinema as you can imagine, I think we amused the cinema staff! Hurrah for the fans I say! The film itself was very good, [DON'T READ IF YOU HAVEN'T READ THE BOOKS!] although they missed loads out and as Alex had explained to me, if you haven't read the books, the film might seem a little confusing! Of course I have read them but the film often depended on the viewer either having background knowledge or picking up on very small details, such as a wanted poster of Ferir Greyback (one of the new deatheaters, who is infact, a werewolf). Otherwise, his appearance is NEVER explained! Also, when Dumbledore and Harry go to the coast, it isn't really explained why they go there! There's a small photo of it shown in Tom Riddles room in the orphanage but other than that, no explaination.
Also, it was too focused on romance, although this did provide much comic relief, this is not what Harry Potter should centre around. It didn't focus nearly enough on finding out who the half-blood prince was, which was the whole mystery of the book! That, and the Tom Riddle stuff. I also felt the viewer should feel more hatred towards Snape, it is too cleary hinted that it was all some sort of ploy. I was torn when I read the book, because obviously I was angry at Snape but at the same time, he's my favourite character. I was so happy when I read the final book, I felt as if I knew he was good all along!
Apart from those minor critisms, HP6 was a great film, I really enjoyed it and going out with my mates (although they talk a little too much in the cinema! Stop asking questions and pay attention!) really did cheer me up. And I needed it. Josie and Bex went out clubbing afterwards but me and Marn didn't feel up for it so we went home, got the bus. My little sister was really pissed off at me that she couldn't come but it finished at 11 and it's a school night, it wasn't my fault things got arranged this way, so un-planned and last minute. My mum and dad are seeing it wednesday anyway, she'll see it then.
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