Well it's just typical isn't it, 4 girls go on holiday alone and they get lost. We're living up to the stereotype...Well, not quite. We didn't get lost going to Brighton, that was easy, it's a straight road on the A27, just a few roundabouts here and there. It's when we were trying to find the actual hostel that we began to have problems...
You see, we printed off instructions from google maps on how to get us right to the hostel but we must have taken a wrong turning into Hove/Brighton because the instructions were telling us to go left but we couldn't find the road at all! We got lost for about 1 hour and a half! Alex rung me whilst we were lost and found it incredibly funny, funny that!!! To be honest, I wasn't at all stressed. I thought if I left them to it, we'd eventually find it. There wasn't much point in me saying anything, Bex was driving and therefore very stressed, it's a horrible place to drive so many one way only roads! Alice was trying to navigate bex and Marnie was also shouting orders at Bex, I couldn't get a word in edge-ways even though I'd seen a road which might have been the right way...
Turns out I was correct, we'd turned off wrong and were therefore facing the wrong way. So all the time we were turning left, we should have turned right! But oh well, we eventually found it, dumped all our stuff in the room and then had to park the car. The only place you can park it for free is in residential areas. So it took us 30 minutes to walk all the way back to the hostel! But by that time, all my energy had been built up because I'd been in a car all day so I was extremely hyper! I did go a bit nuts, I was like that all holiday! That was what I brought to the holiday apparently, my shining personality! Haha!
Later on we decided to make dinner, the kitchen was pretty small and dirty. Everything was ancient. The cooker was so old you had to literally light the gas pipes! A very kind man did it for us. Clearly we were missing a man this holiday!!! D'oh! The pasta took twice as long to cook as it normally did, as did the garlic bread but eventually me and Alice "made" dinner (some lady making a cake(???!!!) complained all four of us shouldn't be in the kitchen, well maybe you shouldn't have been making a cake...). But after the experience with the oven, we were glad we'd be buying dinner the next two nights, or so we thought.
That night we finally got out the door at 11. Because it was a sunday, we knew there wouldn't be much on but we walked around anyway, we couldn't find anywhere so Alice suggested we'd ask someone. I said not to ask any old randomer because you don't know what weirdos you get at this time of night and not many people were around so I suggested we asked a doorman, as I saw one up the road. For some odd reason, Marn and Alice said "You can if you want to but I'm not". It's safer than asking a randomer! So I asked him where we could find some clubs that were open, he directed me to the seafront, actually ON the seafront. Alice didn't think we could go down there but I said let's have a look anyway and to our surprise there were lots of bars and clubs on the seafront.
We found one called 2 one one, it was only a pound to get in so why not! Plus these 3 guys had just persuaded us to go. It was a pretty relaxed place, we were kinda over-dressed compared to everyone else but we didn't mind too much. The 3 guys we'd seen earlier came and sat next to us on a bench outside and started talking to us, they were really nice. Jamie, was very, very good-looking! He was a bit of a loser though, he was 23 and he worked in Odeon...please God tell me I won't be doing that at his age!!! John was very funny, he taught Bex an awesome dance move. Dan, was very quiet although very clever, he was about to begin a PHD to become a doctor! We danced and chatted with them for some of the night. We also met several people staying at our hostel! We met 2 french women, clearly drunk but very chatty they were so lovely and friendly! One of them danced pretty crazily, she was great fun though. We also met 3 Italians, two men and a girl who looked 15 but she must have been at least 18, of course. One of the men liked taking mine and Bexs' hands and dancing with us at the same time! It was great fun, he spun us round and stuff, they were a right laugh. It was nice we'd made so many friends on the first evening! Means we had plenty of people to dance with too.
Me and Marnie also got chatting to a really nice guy who came across as a bit creepy at first, but only because Alice claimed he'd been looking at us all evening. I doubt that. He was on his stag weekend, he said he's been with his girlfriend for 10 years! He seemed very nice to me and Marnie so we ignored Alices' comment.
We found out that it was gay night (so not quite a gay bar) that night! We had no idea but didn't really mind, it seemed to be 50-50 straight to gay ratio anyway. Was mostly blokes there mind, didn't see too many ladies. But even so, we still had blokes all over us that night! Well, mostly over Alice and Marnie! Lucky them haha! At least Alice is single so she didn't mind so much but Marn and Alice called the place "sleazy". It really wasn't that bad. We got home at about 3:30ish. Every night we ended up going to sleep at about 4am! Could have been worse though.
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