We didn't get out of bed until 12...so we were out the door pretty late. Although you can't blame us, the day before we'd been awake for 20 hours straight, we were pretty tired...Plus my friends take a bajillion years to get ready when it doesn't take me very long. Alex explained this is because I'm not a girl, I'm a boy with girl parts. Ha! I'll take that as some sort of compliment lol.
We decided to just spend the day shopping. I didn't have much money at all to spare so I only brought something very cheap which I can't specify as eventually it will be a surprise :). Anyway, Marnie was very tired so her and Alice headed back at about 4ish to the hostel so Marnie could sleep, Alice was tired too. Me and Bex continued shopping and Bex went a bit mental and bought a very expensive t-shirt! We also found a lego shop which was full of star wars lego, it was epic win. You could build and entire death star out of lego with little room sections inside it! Awesomes. Jenivere was texting me throughout the day, asking how the mini-holiday was and informing me of her various antics which made me laugh.
When we got back to the hostel we started to reminise about funny school times, funny teachers, students, etc. Anyway, I mentioned the time when in Science there was a new teacher and he looked exactly like the original Willy Wonka, Gene Wilder. Everyone used to take the piss behind his back but one day in Science, Robbie White (one of the class clowns, as it were) just shouted out: "GENE WILDER!" quite blatently when he entered the room, then he looked down at his work as if nothing had happened. It was sooooooo funny. Alice was almost pissing herself laughing at the idea of it so the running joke of the holiday became randomly shouting GENE WILDER! Which greatly confused Alex when he rang because Alice and Bex were shouting it in the background! Oh dear lol.
After many, many lols and crying with laughter we dragged ourselves out to get fish and chips for dinner. We looked at 3 different take-away places near the sea-front but they all looked as bad as each other, fish wise. But Marnie and Alice settled for one place so they both got fish and chips, I got a steak pie because I hate fish, Bex got a sausage because fish is kinda expensive. But when we got back to the hostel to eat, Marnie and Alice found their fish to be discusting and Alice has this weird thing about scales and she was freaking out because she could see the skin. She's so odd lol. Bex thought her sausage was okay, my pie was yummy though! Fools! Mwahaha! So dinner wasn't as successful as we'd thought it'd be...d'oh. Anyway we went off out to students night at po na na (pronounced Poo na na) because we'd been told it was amazing. We were already pretty drunk, at least me and Marnie were very tipsy as we'd bought our own rum and coke to drink at the hostel (some guy there was very jealous of our good taste in drink hehe!). When we first got in, the place was very empty but me and Marnie didn't care, we danced anyway! Then Marnie realised she'd forgotten her inhaler (she suffers from asthma) so we had no choice but to walk back and get it but we didn't mind, our hands were stamped and it wasn't far to go so we walked her back.
By the time we got back to the club it was full so everyone had a much better time, everyone there was young unlike last night and we didn't meet any creeps so that was good! The music variety was huge and they played loads of good songs, my dancing got a bit mental, not in a scary way of course. Well, I hope not anyway lol. I blame the alcohol mixed with a load of hyperness and good times! Great combination I think! :D
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