Again, we eventually hauled ourselves out of bed and this time we decided to visit the pier. I mean, it HAD to be done. So off we went on a sunny but windy day. It was predicted to rain but it never did, weren't we lucky!!! We visited the fair at the end of the pier and Bex, Alice and Marnie went on a rollacoaster, I didn't want to waste £4 but I was happy to look after their stuff while they literally had 30 seconds of fun. I sat on a bench and waited around for them, some old, black guy came and sat down with his family, he'd just been on some ride and his wife asked him "How was it?" and he replied "It was niiiiice!" It was so funny! Then he turned to me and asked me how I was and we got chatting about theme park rides! Was random and a rather short conversation but he was very friendly. Afterwards me and Alice got and ice-cream and then we all sat on the beach and just talked about stuff for a while. Bex and Marn wanted to get some snacks before we went out for dinner so Bex went to an awesome ice-cream shop and then we walked Marnie to Burger King where she got two burgers! I don't know why she couldn't wait until dinner but she gets really funny about food...
We wanted to make an evening of the last night so instead of going clubbing after dinner, at a very yummy Italian resterant, we'd go to a few bars instead. Alice gets bored of clubbing, I know what she means, it's nice to just chat to each other sometimes, I enjoy both activities as much as each other so I was up for taking it easy. We eventually found a nice bar on the sea-front so we stayed there until it closed at 12. The most funniest thing ever happened. There was a crazy old man there, clearly an alcoholic. He was dancing, randomly on the walk-way and talking to random people. It was only a matter of time before he came over to us but we didn't mind, he was hilarious and clearly harmless. He started going on about how he was from London and he'd got a lift down the Brighton via the police who drove him down the motorway at 192mph as a favour! The mental lies continued. He said he was wearing John Waynes hat, he took of his shoe (which was very cool!) it said "rebel without a cause" with a picture of James Dean on the bottom of them, his suit was from the titanic, he found a watch outside a jewellers on the floor in the box worth £2,800, his binoculars round his neck were from the world war and were German and finally, he said he'd just come from a hotel where they let him play their piano and then they gave him a bottle of champayne as thanks! We humoured him of course, the amount of crazy stories he was telling was amazing though. I'm not sure if he was a tramp, he did have a lot of nice things, maybe he was secretly a millionaire. But if he was, he was *clearly* the luckiest tramp in the world.
When all the girls who were going to the clubs came down the stairs to the sea-front in their crazy-tight little dresses the drunken man said "That's awesome!" then when more came down he said "oh that's even more awesome! It's the legs man, it's the legs", we were laughing so much, then he went back to the walk-way and started dancing for these ladies!!!! Most of them were so drunk already they danced with him, one girl put her arm round him and got her picture taken with him! Ew. I wouldn't if I were you love! Anyway, we walked on to see if we could find another bar.
Alice's amazing ears heard a promotor shouting "Strongbow £1 a pint!" so she asked him where!!! It was a bar/club that was free to get into, win! It was the best place so far. It was perfect. There was a bar, a lovely sitting down area and then a room where you could dance and they played amazing music. I didn't have one drop of alcohol the whole night but I didn't need it! I never do, I get too hyper! When Blur, song 2 came on we all went mentals! Alice filmed us dancing like crazy, was so funny! And damnit, I love Womanzier, I danced like crazy when it came on, there was a lot of hip movement going on, ha! I swear someone was watching me but I didn't care, fuck it!! Some creepy random drunk kept trying to come and dance with us but he was so drunk he couldn't decide what to do! It was funny but scary at the same time, he tried to grab Bexs' arm the prick! We managed to shake him though, we left at three while he was in the toilet so we didn't get followed. We didn't leave because of him, we were just all so knackered and we knew we had to be out of the hostel by 11am! We met lots more random weirdos on the way home too. Not really in a worrying way though. One guy tried to stop us by saying, "Sorry you can't pass until you give me a hug." Bex distracted him by pointing out another group of girls walking down the road behind us saying "they want a hug!". It was a bit mean of her to do! But they were older than us and they used the excuse "We have swine flu!!!!". It was very funny.
We also bumped into two guys who asked us where we'd just been and where we were going. We said home because we were travelling home in the morning. Bit of a silly thing to say because they could follow us but then again we would all be together and we weren't saying alone in the building. They gave up and went away...so we thought. They caught up with us a minute later and asked us: "Do you want to come back to our place and play poker?" Hmm lemme think about this.
"No." Alice replied.
"Well, obviously no but what if we said we were Hollywood actors?" (clearly he was just joking around with us).
"Still no."
"What if we said...erm........we have big dicks?"
We ignored them and just carried on walking and they gave up. Was pretty creepy that they followed us and caught up with us, although we did practically walk in a straight line. Marnie was discusted but me and Bex just said they were only joking around.
So, all in all a great little break. Much laughter, partying, rum and good times. And indeed Gene Wilder times! Although now I literally have £1 in my bank account! Time to transfer the savings across then...
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