I woke up at 7am this morning, I'm not sure why. I was very hot I suppose so I opened the window, then I got a text so all morning it was the pattern of sleep, weird dream, text, sleep, weird dream, text, etc. Until I could be bothered to get up. I still have the headache from this morning, it's only slight but I thought it would have gone by now.
I was meant to be going shopping today with Marnie at 1pm. But surprise, surprise, she changed the time to 2pm, she also said Alice was coming but that meant we had to be back by 4pm because Alice had work. Considering it takes us 30 minutes to walk there, that's an hour gone already, meaning we'd only have an hour to look around. Fuck that. It's so not worth it. I need to go shopping with my mum on friday anyway because I owe her money...that means getting money out of my savings account. Will be interesting to see how much is in there. I'll definatly have enough to buy a laptop, which I need to buy soonish, for uni. I may even have enough to buy myself a PS3...win.
I know I have no money but I took the plunge and brought versus mode for Resi 5 yesterday, I am so addicted to it it's not like a huge waste of money and it was only £4. OPM gave it a bad review (6/10) but I couldn't resist, and actually it is good fun, very differcult, everyone's a lot better than me but it's still great fun :) I hope some guys off OPM will play it with me sometime! I met this guy via Mercenaries mode who added me after we played together, he's getting versus and he isn't half bad for a 15 YO so I'm sure we'll play together at some point.
I also brought Skate 2, I've been dying to have it ever since it came out and for some odd reason, it held it's price well! But yesterday night I brought it off playtrade, brand new, for £19! Bargain. So me and the Bossman are going to do some online challenges together, can't wait till I get it! I wanna make my female skater look awesome, and as much like me as possible. I'm not sure "awesome" and "me" go hand in hand but there you go ;)
I don't think I'm better than other people. And I certainly know my friends aren't like that either, I don't have friends like that. I only want to know people who are warm-hearted, open-handed and friendly to everyone. No more bitching please. I can't take it anymore. I wish everyone could get along. Sigh. :/
Wooh Skate 2 online, bring it on! x