So after a rather odd night last night, I still got my late night chat which I love, love, love, they are always the best! I spoke to JB in the morning/early afternoon (I lose track of time) and thanked him for being so amazing and wise. I heart the guy! Then I spent 90% of the afternoon playing Skate 2 with Iain, we had headsets this time which was much better that using damn text chat! We weren't so terrible this time around and nailed quite a few challenges together! Epic win! We had some laughs too, w00t.
Then it was MGO time and I was a bit worried beforehand as I felt rather ill, I had a headache, which I still have now but I also felt a little sickly, luckily that passed and I was okay to play and pwn some n00bs. Which I did :D For once I was the highest ranked character, although I soon found out that wasn't a good thing because even if you're top of the leaderboard you can lose points because you're playing again people who are much lower levels than you. Craig only started playing recently because he was level 0. Not good news for me. But we had some laughs and EpicSteve was my arch nemisis throughout as he was too damn good for my liking sometimes, hehe.
I also checked out HOME this morning and got myself a free G.I Joe skin tight catsuit for my avatar. Hawt. I then went to the Fat Princess space, found all the cake, fed the princess so she went from cute to fatty boom batty and got myself a free throne! Win. I went to the burn zombie burn space also but the game there is broken so I couldn't get the t-shirt this time around, d'oh. Another time...
I wish this damn headache would go away, I want a hug, I am missing people :( Not sure what I'll end up doing this weekend! Something good please, :/
Friday, 31 July 2009
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
Brighton day 3, the last day!

Again, we eventually hauled ourselves out of bed and this time we decided to visit the pier. I mean, it HAD to be done. So off we went on a sunny but windy day. It was predicted to rain but it never did, weren't we lucky!!! We visited the fair at the end of the pier and Bex, Alice and Marnie went on a rollacoaster, I didn't want to waste £4 but I was happy to look after their stuff while they literally had 30 seconds of fun. I sat on a bench and waited around for them, some old, black guy came and sat down with his family, he'd just been on some ride and his wife asked him "How was it?" and he replied "It was niiiiice!" It was so funny! Then he turned to me and asked me how I was and we got chatting about theme park rides! Was random and a rather short conversation but he was very friendly. Afterwards me and Alice got and ice-cream and then we all sat on the beach and just talked about stuff for a while. Bex and Marn wanted to get some snacks before we went out for dinner so Bex went to an awesome ice-cream shop and then we walked Marnie to Burger King where she got two burgers! I don't know why she couldn't wait until dinner but she gets really funny about food...
We wanted to make an evening of the last night so instead of going clubbing after dinner, at a very yummy Italian resterant, we'd go to a few bars instead. Alice gets bored of clubbing, I know what she means, it's nice to just chat to each other sometimes, I enjoy both activities as much as each other so I was up for taking it easy. We eventually found a nice bar on the sea-front so we stayed there until it closed at 12. The most funniest thing ever happened. There was a crazy old man there, clearly an alcoholic. He was dancing, randomly on the walk-way and talking to random people. It was only a matter of time before he came over to us but we didn't mind, he was hilarious and clearly harmless. He started going on about how he was from London and he'd got a lift down the Brighton via the police who drove him down the motorway at 192mph as a favour! The mental lies continued. He said he was wearing John Waynes hat, he took of his shoe (which was very cool!) it said "rebel without a cause" with a picture of James Dean on the bottom of them, his suit was from the titanic, he found a watch outside a jewellers on the floor in the box worth £2,800, his binoculars round his neck were from the world war and were German and finally, he said he'd just come from a hotel where they let him play their piano and then they gave him a bottle of champayne as thanks! We humoured him of course, the amount of crazy stories he was telling was amazing though. I'm not sure if he was a tramp, he did have a lot of nice things, maybe he was secretly a millionaire. But if he was, he was *clearly* the luckiest tramp in the world.
When all the girls who were going to the clubs came down the stairs to the sea-front in their crazy-tight little dresses the drunken man said "That's awesome!" then when more came down he said "oh that's even more awesome! It's the legs man, it's the legs", we were laughing so much, then he went back to the walk-way and started dancing for these ladies!!!! Most of them were so drunk already they danced with him, one girl put her arm round him and got her picture taken with him! Ew. I wouldn't if I were you love! Anyway, we walked on to see if we could find another bar.
Alice's amazing ears heard a promotor shouting "Strongbow £1 a pint!" so she asked him where!!! It was a bar/club that was free to get into, win! It was the best place so far. It was perfect. There was a bar, a lovely sitting down area and then a room where you could dance and they played amazing music. I didn't have one drop of alcohol the whole night but I didn't need it! I never do, I get too hyper! When Blur, song 2 came on we all went mentals! Alice filmed us dancing like crazy, was so funny! And damnit, I love Womanzier, I danced like crazy when it came on, there was a lot of hip movement going on, ha! I swear someone was watching me but I didn't care, fuck it!! Some creepy random drunk kept trying to come and dance with us but he was so drunk he couldn't decide what to do! It was funny but scary at the same time, he tried to grab Bexs' arm the prick! We managed to shake him though, we left at three while he was in the toilet so we didn't get followed. We didn't leave because of him, we were just all so knackered and we knew we had to be out of the hostel by 11am! We met lots more random weirdos on the way home too. Not really in a worrying way though. One guy tried to stop us by saying, "Sorry you can't pass until you give me a hug." Bex distracted him by pointing out another group of girls walking down the road behind us saying "they want a hug!". It was a bit mean of her to do! But they were older than us and they used the excuse "We have swine flu!!!!". It was very funny.
We also bumped into two guys who asked us where we'd just been and where we were going. We said home because we were travelling home in the morning. Bit of a silly thing to say because they could follow us but then again we would all be together and we weren't saying alone in the building. They gave up and went we thought. They caught up with us a minute later and asked us: "Do you want to come back to our place and play poker?" Hmm lemme think about this.
"No." Alice replied.
"Well, obviously no but what if we said we were Hollywood actors?" (clearly he was just joking around with us).
"Still no."
"What if we said...erm........we have big dicks?"
We ignored them and just carried on walking and they gave up. Was pretty creepy that they followed us and caught up with us, although we did practically walk in a straight line. Marnie was discusted but me and Bex just said they were only joking around.
So, all in all a great little break. Much laughter, partying, rum and good times. And indeed Gene Wilder times! Although now I literally have £1 in my bank account! Time to transfer the savings across then...
Brighton day 2, Po Na Na!

We didn't get out of bed until we were out the door pretty late. Although you can't blame us, the day before we'd been awake for 20 hours straight, we were pretty tired...Plus my friends take a bajillion years to get ready when it doesn't take me very long. Alex explained this is because I'm not a girl, I'm a boy with girl parts. Ha! I'll take that as some sort of compliment lol.
We decided to just spend the day shopping. I didn't have much money at all to spare so I only brought something very cheap which I can't specify as eventually it will be a surprise :). Anyway, Marnie was very tired so her and Alice headed back at about 4ish to the hostel so Marnie could sleep, Alice was tired too. Me and Bex continued shopping and Bex went a bit mental and bought a very expensive t-shirt! We also found a lego shop which was full of star wars lego, it was epic win. You could build and entire death star out of lego with little room sections inside it! Awesomes. Jenivere was texting me throughout the day, asking how the mini-holiday was and informing me of her various antics which made me laugh.
When we got back to the hostel we started to reminise about funny school times, funny teachers, students, etc. Anyway, I mentioned the time when in Science there was a new teacher and he looked exactly like the original Willy Wonka, Gene Wilder. Everyone used to take the piss behind his back but one day in Science, Robbie White (one of the class clowns, as it were) just shouted out: "GENE WILDER!" quite blatently when he entered the room, then he looked down at his work as if nothing had happened. It was sooooooo funny. Alice was almost pissing herself laughing at the idea of it so the running joke of the holiday became randomly shouting GENE WILDER! Which greatly confused Alex when he rang because Alice and Bex were shouting it in the background! Oh dear lol.
After many, many lols and crying with laughter we dragged ourselves out to get fish and chips for dinner. We looked at 3 different take-away places near the sea-front but they all looked as bad as each other, fish wise. But Marnie and Alice settled for one place so they both got fish and chips, I got a steak pie because I hate fish, Bex got a sausage because fish is kinda expensive. But when we got back to the hostel to eat, Marnie and Alice found their fish to be discusting and Alice has this weird thing about scales and she was freaking out because she could see the skin. She's so odd lol. Bex thought her sausage was okay, my pie was yummy though! Fools! Mwahaha! So dinner wasn't as successful as we'd thought it'd be...d'oh. Anyway we went off out to students night at po na na (pronounced Poo na na) because we'd been told it was amazing. We were already pretty drunk, at least me and Marnie were very tipsy as we'd bought our own rum and coke to drink at the hostel (some guy there was very jealous of our good taste in drink hehe!). When we first got in, the place was very empty but me and Marnie didn't care, we danced anyway! Then Marnie realised she'd forgotten her inhaler (she suffers from asthma) so we had no choice but to walk back and get it but we didn't mind, our hands were stamped and it wasn't far to go so we walked her back.
By the time we got back to the club it was full so everyone had a much better time, everyone there was young unlike last night and we didn't meet any creeps so that was good! The music variety was huge and they played loads of good songs, my dancing got a bit mental, not in a scary way of course. Well, I hope not anyway lol. I blame the alcohol mixed with a load of hyperness and good times! Great combination I think! :D
Brighton Day 1, 4 girls and a map...

Well it's just typical isn't it, 4 girls go on holiday alone and they get lost. We're living up to the stereotype...Well, not quite. We didn't get lost going to Brighton, that was easy, it's a straight road on the A27, just a few roundabouts here and there. It's when we were trying to find the actual hostel that we began to have problems...
You see, we printed off instructions from google maps on how to get us right to the hostel but we must have taken a wrong turning into Hove/Brighton because the instructions were telling us to go left but we couldn't find the road at all! We got lost for about 1 hour and a half! Alex rung me whilst we were lost and found it incredibly funny, funny that!!! To be honest, I wasn't at all stressed. I thought if I left them to it, we'd eventually find it. There wasn't much point in me saying anything, Bex was driving and therefore very stressed, it's a horrible place to drive so many one way only roads! Alice was trying to navigate bex and Marnie was also shouting orders at Bex, I couldn't get a word in edge-ways even though I'd seen a road which might have been the right way...
Turns out I was correct, we'd turned off wrong and were therefore facing the wrong way. So all the time we were turning left, we should have turned right! But oh well, we eventually found it, dumped all our stuff in the room and then had to park the car. The only place you can park it for free is in residential areas. So it took us 30 minutes to walk all the way back to the hostel! But by that time, all my energy had been built up because I'd been in a car all day so I was extremely hyper! I did go a bit nuts, I was like that all holiday! That was what I brought to the holiday apparently, my shining personality! Haha!
Later on we decided to make dinner, the kitchen was pretty small and dirty. Everything was ancient. The cooker was so old you had to literally light the gas pipes! A very kind man did it for us. Clearly we were missing a man this holiday!!! D'oh! The pasta took twice as long to cook as it normally did, as did the garlic bread but eventually me and Alice "made" dinner (some lady making a cake(???!!!) complained all four of us shouldn't be in the kitchen, well maybe you shouldn't have been making a cake...). But after the experience with the oven, we were glad we'd be buying dinner the next two nights, or so we thought.
That night we finally got out the door at 11. Because it was a sunday, we knew there wouldn't be much on but we walked around anyway, we couldn't find anywhere so Alice suggested we'd ask someone. I said not to ask any old randomer because you don't know what weirdos you get at this time of night and not many people were around so I suggested we asked a doorman, as I saw one up the road. For some odd reason, Marn and Alice said "You can if you want to but I'm not". It's safer than asking a randomer! So I asked him where we could find some clubs that were open, he directed me to the seafront, actually ON the seafront. Alice didn't think we could go down there but I said let's have a look anyway and to our surprise there were lots of bars and clubs on the seafront.
We found one called 2 one one, it was only a pound to get in so why not! Plus these 3 guys had just persuaded us to go. It was a pretty relaxed place, we were kinda over-dressed compared to everyone else but we didn't mind too much. The 3 guys we'd seen earlier came and sat next to us on a bench outside and started talking to us, they were really nice. Jamie, was very, very good-looking! He was a bit of a loser though, he was 23 and he worked in Odeon...please God tell me I won't be doing that at his age!!! John was very funny, he taught Bex an awesome dance move. Dan, was very quiet although very clever, he was about to begin a PHD to become a doctor! We danced and chatted with them for some of the night. We also met several people staying at our hostel! We met 2 french women, clearly drunk but very chatty they were so lovely and friendly! One of them danced pretty crazily, she was great fun though. We also met 3 Italians, two men and a girl who looked 15 but she must have been at least 18, of course. One of the men liked taking mine and Bexs' hands and dancing with us at the same time! It was great fun, he spun us round and stuff, they were a right laugh. It was nice we'd made so many friends on the first evening! Means we had plenty of people to dance with too.
Me and Marnie also got chatting to a really nice guy who came across as a bit creepy at first, but only because Alice claimed he'd been looking at us all evening. I doubt that. He was on his stag weekend, he said he's been with his girlfriend for 10 years! He seemed very nice to me and Marnie so we ignored Alices' comment.
We found out that it was gay night (so not quite a gay bar) that night! We had no idea but didn't really mind, it seemed to be 50-50 straight to gay ratio anyway. Was mostly blokes there mind, didn't see too many ladies. But even so, we still had blokes all over us that night! Well, mostly over Alice and Marnie! Lucky them haha! At least Alice is single so she didn't mind so much but Marn and Alice called the place "sleazy". It really wasn't that bad. We got home at about 3:30ish. Every night we ended up going to sleep at about 4am! Could have been worse though.
Saturday, 25 July 2009
Brighton Baby!
I'm going on holiday...again! But don't worry bloggers it is only for 3 nights, I should be back Wednesday I think! (Yes it's very badly organsied -_-). Because I'm still in the UK I will still be recieving texts and phone calls so don't hesitate to get in touch :). Done my packing, taking a lot of crap when it's only 3 days! Oh well, spose I did that for M's too and I'm taking the same bag/s. It's just you have to pack for day stuff and clubbing stuff, sheesh!
I brought a plain black tank top yesterday because it's a very nice shape, it was cheap and I have no plain stuff in my wardrobe! Seriously, I buy way too many funny/cool t-shirts and then realise I have nothing to wear out...woops. I think I need to get one of these in every avaliable colour! Well okay, that's a little over the top but I will buy some more of them. Makes me look very curvy! I swear my boobs have grown, or is it my imagination? I don't know. Crazy female body, never seems to stop changing.
There was a discussion for Brighton whether we'd want to go to a Gay bar or not. Marnie, for some reason, is very keen, Alice was too at first but me and Bex aren't so sure, for completly different reasons. For Bex, it is against her religion. Although she has a gay guy who goes to her church, Christians are against what gay people "do" i.e Sodomy. But that got me thinking, what if a different sex couple do it (a man and woman I mean)? Do they go to hell too? And what about lesbiens??? Christians are very strange and vague about their "rules". Anyway, the reason I don't want to go is because I don't want to pretend to be gay for a start and two, I'd feel like we were there to take the piss or something. Obviously I wouldn't be but if Marnie wants to go "for a laugh" I wonder what exactly that means...I'm sure she's not like that but I think I'd feel out of order.
Oh well, if Bex really doesn't want to go and Marnie really wants to, we can split off into twos I suppose, just for an hour/half and hour or so, Bex and I can go to another bar and have a few drinks.
My dad is so sweet, the photo I got at Thorpe Park of me, Moo and Alex, he framed it for me and made a banner for it with the date, location and "The RocketMinions" at the bottom. Bless him! He hung it on my wall for me this morning, now I can take it to uni with me and I know it won't get damaged, yay! Preserved for ever and ever, woop!
I am really enjoying Skate 2, it's such a good game. My female skater "Minxy" looks like a hippy at the moment! I was going to skate with Bossman today but before he could get on my mum kicked me off! Sadface. I might be able to get on tonight if he is. Otherwise I can't play till wednesday! Boo! Also means I'll miss MGO tuesday. We had an epic game last night, it was so much fun. I love the fact we don't care about levels and stuff anymore because it means we can just have a laugh! Yes it's still annoying when Matt CQCs us and outsmarts us the entire time but hey, it's funny :D. I've been in a better mood recently, I hope I stay like this for a while. My emotions seem to fluctuate so much but can you really blame me? If you understand at all then no you really, really can't!
I'll blog all about Brighton when I get back, not sure whether to do it day by day like the holiday or whether to make just one huge post. I spose days are easier to keep track and read...we shall see. Until wednesday, mon amis! xxx
Friday, 24 July 2009
Last Night @Tiger Tiger
Well we started out the night by all meeting up at Marnies as per usual. For once I wasn't the first person to arrive! Hurrah! We had *quite* a few drinks before getting a taxi and heading out. It was me, Yaz, Marn, Alice and Jo in the end. Marnie was getting pissed off at the fact Kirsty was coming but it turns out she didn't. When I asked Kirsty why, she said "I just didn't". Erm, alright then. I'm kind of glad she didn't come, she causes too much drama and people always have to stick with her. Mind you, Marnie, the entire night was going outside to cool down and stuff. Meaning someone would always have to go out with her. I didn't. I wonder if it annoyed the others or not? I am unsure but it was annoying me. Just dance!
Marnie had rung up Tiger Tiger to check whether it was free to get in. She said it was before 10pm, and we got there before but the guy tried to charge us £3.50! Luckily, Jo saved the day, she'd put us on the guestlist so we got in for a pound! Win. We pretty much loved her after that. The rest of the night was fun, one room they played all 70s and 80s stuff, epic win when "Power of love" came on! One of my fav. songs of all time. Unfortunatly, everyone had gone to the toilet apart from me and Yaz so I was sat there singing it by my lonesome. Fun times, ha.
Again with the gropey men! I thought that was just on holiday but obviously not. One guy tried to put his arm round me and I just said "No, sorry" and moved away which Jo found funny for some reason! One guy kept pestering Jo all night, some weirdo she'd seen before down Guildhall. He tried to get to her though our little crowding and Alice went "Fuck off!!!" and shoved him in the chest! Marnie, who was very drunk, burst into laughter. I was shocked and a bit worried! He did piss off after that, Jo was very grateful and Alice was the proud heroine. Everybody wins. Funny, Alice said there was some guy looking at me behind me, I turned around and he was starring right at me! I literally screamed! It was hilarious! Of course the music was so loud no one heard...I think! He did look very scary though! The club bit that we moved into didn't play such good music, mostly r'n'b shit. But some stuff was good, a couple of prodigy songs, that supernova song, etc. Enough to keep us dancing until 2 anyway, when the club shut.
We got a very expensive taxi back to Marnies together. Yaz and Jo were staying over but me and Alice would leave shortly. We stayed for a bit, talking about our holiday and stuff. People were asking if anyone was sick (from alcohol). Marnie said "Laura was" in a kind of nasty way but oh well. Why is it when you're ill from booze it's seen as a really stupid thing. I mixed spirits, beer and wine. Of course I was sick. And to be quite honest, it wasn't my fault, the booze was free and that's all they had on the boat. They didn't even have water! But anyway I explained this to everyone and Marnie started complaining about how all the games on the ship were rude, blah, blah, blah. Yes, they were rude but they were funny! No one was forced to take part. It was a laugh. Get over yourself. Then she started going on about the girls who took their tops off when they jumped into the sea. I actually said, "Well, if I had mates that approved, at the time, I probably would have done it (with friends) because I was drunk and with encouragement I would have thought why not!". No one said anything in disapproval. I wouldn't care if they did anyway, I was just being honest.
They all asked in facination, what it was like to jump in the sea, I said it was an amazing thing to do! I was so glad I did it. Jo asked Marn if she did it, I said "No she felt ill" and then Marn suddenly snapped at me and said "I was okay Laura!!! I just didn't feel up to it." I explained that's what I'd just said! And she did feel ill. She had a shit time on the booze cruise but I didn't say that. I assumed it was the alcohol that was making her snappy, Alice backed up what I was saying, she understood. But wow. Marnie was not being nice at all tonight. Earlier, in the taxi, she was talking about some BMXer she knows (only spoken to him twice), she was saying how good looking he was and that she "really wants to get his number". Everyone went kind of quiet, Marn has a boyfriend. I said "Marn you've got BJ!" and she said "Yer, well he's probably cheating on me right now in Ibiza! And I was going to dump him and hour ago!". Wow. Alice said "yes but Marnie, you're drunk." And I said she can't just assum he's cheating on you! The girl is ridiculous. She is always having a go at people who cheat and such and then saying she wants to get this guys number and she doesn't care. If she does do something stupid, I will have no sympathy. I'm no little miss perfect but she's being a bit of a bitch right now. Okay, her BF may not be perfect but I can't imagine he's cheating on her, or ever would. She assumes the worst from him, I swear it's a confidence thing. She has none in herself so therefore she has none in other people. It's really sad but her relationship is going to end soon, there is no basis for one anymore. The only reason they're still together is because it's been over 5 years, they're used to being with each other and therefore can't imagine being with anyone else. I think they still love each other, but if there's no trust, it will never last. The less you trust someone, the more likely they are to cheat I think.
I hope things turn out okay. Brighton on sunday morning! Leaving at 10am! Need to pack tomorrow, only going for 3 days so won't need to pack much. Will definatly take my psp even though we'll be out clubbing every night I need something for the car journey me thinks..
Marnie had rung up Tiger Tiger to check whether it was free to get in. She said it was before 10pm, and we got there before but the guy tried to charge us £3.50! Luckily, Jo saved the day, she'd put us on the guestlist so we got in for a pound! Win. We pretty much loved her after that. The rest of the night was fun, one room they played all 70s and 80s stuff, epic win when "Power of love" came on! One of my fav. songs of all time. Unfortunatly, everyone had gone to the toilet apart from me and Yaz so I was sat there singing it by my lonesome. Fun times, ha.
Again with the gropey men! I thought that was just on holiday but obviously not. One guy tried to put his arm round me and I just said "No, sorry" and moved away which Jo found funny for some reason! One guy kept pestering Jo all night, some weirdo she'd seen before down Guildhall. He tried to get to her though our little crowding and Alice went "Fuck off!!!" and shoved him in the chest! Marnie, who was very drunk, burst into laughter. I was shocked and a bit worried! He did piss off after that, Jo was very grateful and Alice was the proud heroine. Everybody wins. Funny, Alice said there was some guy looking at me behind me, I turned around and he was starring right at me! I literally screamed! It was hilarious! Of course the music was so loud no one heard...I think! He did look very scary though! The club bit that we moved into didn't play such good music, mostly r'n'b shit. But some stuff was good, a couple of prodigy songs, that supernova song, etc. Enough to keep us dancing until 2 anyway, when the club shut.
We got a very expensive taxi back to Marnies together. Yaz and Jo were staying over but me and Alice would leave shortly. We stayed for a bit, talking about our holiday and stuff. People were asking if anyone was sick (from alcohol). Marnie said "Laura was" in a kind of nasty way but oh well. Why is it when you're ill from booze it's seen as a really stupid thing. I mixed spirits, beer and wine. Of course I was sick. And to be quite honest, it wasn't my fault, the booze was free and that's all they had on the boat. They didn't even have water! But anyway I explained this to everyone and Marnie started complaining about how all the games on the ship were rude, blah, blah, blah. Yes, they were rude but they were funny! No one was forced to take part. It was a laugh. Get over yourself. Then she started going on about the girls who took their tops off when they jumped into the sea. I actually said, "Well, if I had mates that approved, at the time, I probably would have done it (with friends) because I was drunk and with encouragement I would have thought why not!". No one said anything in disapproval. I wouldn't care if they did anyway, I was just being honest.
They all asked in facination, what it was like to jump in the sea, I said it was an amazing thing to do! I was so glad I did it. Jo asked Marn if she did it, I said "No she felt ill" and then Marn suddenly snapped at me and said "I was okay Laura!!! I just didn't feel up to it." I explained that's what I'd just said! And she did feel ill. She had a shit time on the booze cruise but I didn't say that. I assumed it was the alcohol that was making her snappy, Alice backed up what I was saying, she understood. But wow. Marnie was not being nice at all tonight. Earlier, in the taxi, she was talking about some BMXer she knows (only spoken to him twice), she was saying how good looking he was and that she "really wants to get his number". Everyone went kind of quiet, Marn has a boyfriend. I said "Marn you've got BJ!" and she said "Yer, well he's probably cheating on me right now in Ibiza! And I was going to dump him and hour ago!". Wow. Alice said "yes but Marnie, you're drunk." And I said she can't just assum he's cheating on you! The girl is ridiculous. She is always having a go at people who cheat and such and then saying she wants to get this guys number and she doesn't care. If she does do something stupid, I will have no sympathy. I'm no little miss perfect but she's being a bit of a bitch right now. Okay, her BF may not be perfect but I can't imagine he's cheating on her, or ever would. She assumes the worst from him, I swear it's a confidence thing. She has none in herself so therefore she has none in other people. It's really sad but her relationship is going to end soon, there is no basis for one anymore. The only reason they're still together is because it's been over 5 years, they're used to being with each other and therefore can't imagine being with anyone else. I think they still love each other, but if there's no trust, it will never last. The less you trust someone, the more likely they are to cheat I think.
I hope things turn out okay. Brighton on sunday morning! Leaving at 10am! Need to pack tomorrow, only going for 3 days so won't need to pack much. Will definatly take my psp even though we'll be out clubbing every night I need something for the car journey me thinks..
Thursday, 23 July 2009
106th Post

Wow. I'm shocked I've kept this up but I'm glad I have! This is like writing a diary, I can write almost all my thoughts and feelings here, although of course, some things have to remain secret. Man I hate secrets. Also, isn't it SO annoying when you want to say something, but you hold it back to be plesent, to not cause arguements. I spose it shows I have SOME control over my mouth eh? So I'll take that as a good thing.
The picture above is of Josie, me and Bex before we went to see Harry Potter. 3 photos were taken and wtf is going on with my face in all of them! Too busy laughing, as always. I wonder if I laugh too much sometimes, I'm not sure whether it's a good thing or not. Am I annoying? I suppose it's something people seem to remember about me "the one that laughs all the time". Oh dear :/ I blame my dad, he has the loudest, over the top laugh ever! It's kinda embarassing. But I guess I must embarass people too :/ Oh well. Can't afford to be too self-concious...
Been playing a Monster Hunter Unite demo, it's really damn hard! I managed to do the first mission today! I used some sort of lance-gun thing that actually just represented an over-sized cattle prod! Did the trick after a while though. Demo is not really giving me much insentive to buy it but I'll probably get it when it goes cheap, which won't be for a while! But I have brought enough games to keep me occupied for now. I hope Skate 2 comes tomorrow! I think that's wishful thinking but I really, really want it now!
Going out tonight, can't wait it will be a laugh! I can't wait to see yaz especially. But, I've already said that. I am also looking foward to Tim Burtons' latest film, Alice in Wonderland which is coming out in March next year! Me and Alice are planning to Imax it during the Uni easter holidays! Because the film looks amazing, a great line up of stars, Helena Bonham Carter, Johnny Depp, Alan Rickman and Stephen Fry to name just a few! I saw a teaser trailer last night, I thought I'd never get to see it because Disney very quickly removed the video from youtube due to copyright reasons! Pfft. Stop ruining mai fun. But Lee Baker and his awesome linkage as always, managed to find a site that hadn't had the trailer removed! Win! Me and Alice really can't wait :D I'm such a film nerd! Speaking of that, Quentin Tarantino is on Jonathan Ross tomorrow speaking about his new film, Inglorious Basterds! Which I really want to see, Tarantino in my eyes is a genius! Love the man! So glad I did film studies in college...
So, I am waiting for the PSN store to update, along with Home and Vidzone. Dad has yet again comondeered the backroom! Grr. Want to play games! The only problem with 2 ps3s is having to transfer your saves everytime you want to play something! Sony need to have a system where they back all your saves up on a server, they do it for trophies so why not saves? I know that would be a crazy amount of memory. Probably a neigh on impossible task, but still, in an ideal world, it would be nice.
Currently listening to: Elton John-I'm still standing
"Don't you know I'm still standing better than I ever did? Looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid."
Ooo actually, before I go, there's a great song by Mr Elton John that I'm in love with at the moment, it's called "I want love" and it's great!
"I want love but it's impossible. A man like me, so irresponsible. A man like me, is dead in places, other men, feel liberated. But I want love, just a different kind. I want love, won't break me down, Won't brick me up, won't fence me in, I want a love, that don't mean a thing. That's the love I want, I want love".
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
Home alone.
I was left by myself in the house practically all day which was nice. My family went to see Harry Potter so I had the house to myself, though I spent 90% of my time in the backroom on the playstation. I played a lot of Resi, needed a change, played the club, got bored very quickly so I then changed to Drakes Fortune, which I'm ashamed to say, have never played. The second one looks epic so I decided I might as well play the first one first! So far, I like it, it seems very easy to play. It doesn't have the same feel to it as Tomb Raider but the shooting is obviously a lot better. I'll stick it out until Skate 2 arrives at least. Now, unfortunatly, I have a pain in my right hand just below my thumb, too much gaming perhaps? Well, I would have had bugger all to do otherwise! Got to occupy myself somehow!
Alex doesn't know whether to buy Resi 5, I am trying to convince him to! Because playing mercenaries or even versus with headsets would be fun! Speaking of him actually, I took a facebook quiz "Which will and grace character are you?". I got Grace, John took it and got Jack. John then said "I got Jack, Laura got Grace, I wonder who Will could be!". I told him, of course, he already new the answer to that! Haha! Good times! ;)
Tomorrow night, Me, Marn, Alice and Yaz (maybe a few others!) are going to Tiger Tiger down Gunwharf. It's free to get in before 10pm and drinks are £2 apparently. Win. A cheap night out and I get to party with Yaz which is a massive bonus! Originally, Marnie asked if both her and Yaz could sleep round mine as her house is small and we wouldn't get much privacy. I didn't really mind too much so I said that was fine but as always with Marnie, things have changed. Her mum is going away tomorrow so we are invited to sleep round hers apparently. I don't think I'll sleep round, I like sleeping in a bed rather than the floor and her damn cat always tries to claw my face off so noooo thanks!
Adam, whom I haven't seen in a while, wants to catch up with me and the others. Not sure who the others are but I'm pressuming he means my mates he hasn't spoken to in a while. He suggested we go out for drinks or something on saturday. I'm up for it, would be nice to see Amy too (his twin sister) even if she does only talk about herself most of the time!
I really hate it when things get blown out of preportion and now everything's gotten so stupid, friends may be lost! I don't want to lose anybody but I don't know what's going on at the moment. Just ride out the storm I guess...
Games, games, games!
I woke up at 7am this morning, I'm not sure why. I was very hot I suppose so I opened the window, then I got a text so all morning it was the pattern of sleep, weird dream, text, sleep, weird dream, text, etc. Until I could be bothered to get up. I still have the headache from this morning, it's only slight but I thought it would have gone by now.
I was meant to be going shopping today with Marnie at 1pm. But surprise, surprise, she changed the time to 2pm, she also said Alice was coming but that meant we had to be back by 4pm because Alice had work. Considering it takes us 30 minutes to walk there, that's an hour gone already, meaning we'd only have an hour to look around. Fuck that. It's so not worth it. I need to go shopping with my mum on friday anyway because I owe her money...that means getting money out of my savings account. Will be interesting to see how much is in there. I'll definatly have enough to buy a laptop, which I need to buy soonish, for uni. I may even have enough to buy myself a
I know I have no money but I took the plunge and brought versus mode for Resi 5 yesterday, I am so addicted to it it's not like a huge waste of money and it was only £4. OPM gave it a bad review (6/10) but I couldn't resist, and actually it is good fun, very differcult, everyone's a lot better than me but it's still great fun :) I hope some guys off OPM will play it with me sometime! I met this guy via Mercenaries mode who added me after we played together, he's getting versus and he isn't half bad for a 15 YO so I'm sure we'll play together at some point.
I also brought Skate 2, I've been dying to have it ever since it came out and for some odd reason, it held it's price well! But yesterday night I brought it off playtrade, brand new, for £19! Bargain. So me and the Bossman are going to do some online challenges together, can't wait till I get it! I wanna make my female skater look awesome, and as much like me as possible. I'm not sure "awesome" and "me" go hand in hand but there you go ;)
I don't think I'm better than other people. And I certainly know my friends aren't like that either, I don't have friends like that. I only want to know people who are warm-hearted, open-handed and friendly to everyone. No more bitching please. I can't take it anymore. I wish everyone could get along. Sigh. :/
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
I love this song.
Seriously, I was listening this today (and singing along, naturally) whilst cleaning my room out and I thought these lyrics just have to be posted, have a read, listen to the song, it's called "Vack at your door" by Maroon 5, God I love Maroon 5 :)
From the moment the lights went off
Everything had changed
Lie awake in an empty room
In my head it all feels the same
Like the taste of the day you left
That still lingers on my breath
And the dampness of tears that left
A stain where you had wept
All alone with the negligee
That still hangs off of my bed
I keep meaning to give it away
But I just leave it there instead
No need to cry about it
I cannot live without it
Every time I wind up back at your door
Why do you do this to me?
You penetrate right through me
Every time I wind up back at your door
3 more days 'til I see your face
I’m afraid it’s far too much
Cook a meal and fix up the place
Dial your number, hang it up
If I took you for granted
I apologize for acting tough
You’re my reason for living
And there’s no way I’m giving up, oh
Don’t need to cry about it
I cannot live without it
Every time I wind up back at your door
Why do you do this to me?
You penetrate right through me
Every time I wind up back at your door
Now every evening is a bitter fight
And I’m eating home alone on a Friday night
I know what your friends say
“You’re just wasting your love and time”
I will never let you change your mind
No need to cry about it
I cannot live without it
Every time I wind up back at your door
Why do you do this to me?
You penetrate right through me
Every time I wind up back at your door
No need to cry about it
I may just die without it
Every time I wind up back at your door
Why do you do this to me?
You penetrate right through me
Every time I wind up back at your door
Every time I wind up back at your door
Every time I wind up back at your door
From the moment the lights went off
Everything had changed
Lie awake in an empty room
In my head it all feels the same
Like the taste of the day you left
That still lingers on my breath
And the dampness of tears that left
A stain where you had wept
All alone with the negligee
That still hangs off of my bed
I keep meaning to give it away
But I just leave it there instead
No need to cry about it
I cannot live without it
Every time I wind up back at your door
Why do you do this to me?
You penetrate right through me
Every time I wind up back at your door
3 more days 'til I see your face
I’m afraid it’s far too much
Cook a meal and fix up the place
Dial your number, hang it up
If I took you for granted
I apologize for acting tough
You’re my reason for living
And there’s no way I’m giving up, oh
Don’t need to cry about it
I cannot live without it
Every time I wind up back at your door
Why do you do this to me?
You penetrate right through me
Every time I wind up back at your door
Now every evening is a bitter fight
And I’m eating home alone on a Friday night
I know what your friends say
“You’re just wasting your love and time”
I will never let you change your mind
No need to cry about it
I cannot live without it
Every time I wind up back at your door
Why do you do this to me?
You penetrate right through me
Every time I wind up back at your door
No need to cry about it
I may just die without it
Every time I wind up back at your door
Why do you do this to me?
You penetrate right through me
Every time I wind up back at your door
Every time I wind up back at your door
Every time I wind up back at your door
Cleaning out my closet
Today my mother tried to talk to me about my "attitude". I explained to her, that dad winds me up and then he wonders why I flip my lid at him. I also explained, I have nothing else to do and I can't get a job because no one will employ me for a month. It takes a month to train and sort out pay anyway! So unless I work illegally, cash in hand, it ain't gunna happen.
Anyway, my parents forced me to clear up my room today, which meant I had to take everything off the shelves, throw anything I didn't want away or give it to dad to stick on ebay for me and dust everything. Because I have so many figures and statues, this was going to take a while...I was angry at first but I guess it gives me something to do and I really did need to get rid of a load of crap. I didn't realise how many sypro, tomb raider, crash bandicoot figures and stuff I really had! I got rid of a lot of soft toys and stuff but I've still got a lot of reptiles, gragons anf monkeys...ahh well. Forever a child :)
Now everything is a lot more clean and spacious. I like it. I won't be here for much longer though I hope, God knows how I'm going to decide what to take with me to Uni...a couple of "precious things" I guess. My angel Stitch is definatly coming with me, that's decided. I'm also going to take some photos and stuff with me. I want to make a photo montage of all my friends, I love looking at photos, good times! You also discover alot of stuff when you end up tidying up, for example, I realised how much fancy dress stuff I have! I will never be stumped for a costume again! I'll probably end up buying more though...I love fancy dress way too much for my own mental health hehe.
Don't you hate it when you can see your mates splitting up but there's nothing you can do about it? I really, really wish everyone could just get along. Why is it so hard to say sorry, to forgive and forget. I promised to someone today, no matter what we go through, i'd never be so mad at them that we couldn't be friends. There's no way I want to lose them. I love all my friends way too dearly :) <3
Anyway, my parents forced me to clear up my room today, which meant I had to take everything off the shelves, throw anything I didn't want away or give it to dad to stick on ebay for me and dust everything. Because I have so many figures and statues, this was going to take a while...I was angry at first but I guess it gives me something to do and I really did need to get rid of a load of crap. I didn't realise how many sypro, tomb raider, crash bandicoot figures and stuff I really had! I got rid of a lot of soft toys and stuff but I've still got a lot of reptiles, gragons anf monkeys...ahh well. Forever a child :)
Now everything is a lot more clean and spacious. I like it. I won't be here for much longer though I hope, God knows how I'm going to decide what to take with me to Uni...a couple of "precious things" I guess. My angel Stitch is definatly coming with me, that's decided. I'm also going to take some photos and stuff with me. I want to make a photo montage of all my friends, I love looking at photos, good times! You also discover alot of stuff when you end up tidying up, for example, I realised how much fancy dress stuff I have! I will never be stumped for a costume again! I'll probably end up buying more though...I love fancy dress way too much for my own mental health hehe.
Don't you hate it when you can see your mates splitting up but there's nothing you can do about it? I really, really wish everyone could just get along. Why is it so hard to say sorry, to forgive and forget. I promised to someone today, no matter what we go through, i'd never be so mad at them that we couldn't be friends. There's no way I want to lose them. I love all my friends way too dearly :) <3
Monday, 20 July 2009
Harry Potter 6!

Well I was right, Harry Potter did cheer me up. I did indeed end up dressing up as Hermione with my mates Bex and Josie, who also dressed up (pics tomorrow I hope). Marnie also came but she didn't dress up. Jokes were made and I ended up revealing something I probably shouldn't have...but I have little care other these things anymore and it was very funny.
Bex gave us a lift there, we got some funny looks at the cinema as you can imagine, I think we amused the cinema staff! Hurrah for the fans I say! The film itself was very good, [DON'T READ IF YOU HAVEN'T READ THE BOOKS!] although they missed loads out and as Alex had explained to me, if you haven't read the books, the film might seem a little confusing! Of course I have read them but the film often depended on the viewer either having background knowledge or picking up on very small details, such as a wanted poster of Ferir Greyback (one of the new deatheaters, who is infact, a werewolf). Otherwise, his appearance is NEVER explained! Also, when Dumbledore and Harry go to the coast, it isn't really explained why they go there! There's a small photo of it shown in Tom Riddles room in the orphanage but other than that, no explaination.
Also, it was too focused on romance, although this did provide much comic relief, this is not what Harry Potter should centre around. It didn't focus nearly enough on finding out who the half-blood prince was, which was the whole mystery of the book! That, and the Tom Riddle stuff. I also felt the viewer should feel more hatred towards Snape, it is too cleary hinted that it was all some sort of ploy. I was torn when I read the book, because obviously I was angry at Snape but at the same time, he's my favourite character. I was so happy when I read the final book, I felt as if I knew he was good all along!
Apart from those minor critisms, HP6 was a great film, I really enjoyed it and going out with my mates (although they talk a little too much in the cinema! Stop asking questions and pay attention!) really did cheer me up. And I needed it. Josie and Bex went out clubbing afterwards but me and Marn didn't feel up for it so we went home, got the bus. My little sister was really pissed off at me that she couldn't come but it finished at 11 and it's a school night, it wasn't my fault things got arranged this way, so un-planned and last minute. My mum and dad are seeing it wednesday anyway, she'll see it then.
Today has not been a good day. I've felt crap pretty much all day and right about now I feel like crying.
I just had an arguement with my dad, he was sending me out to get milk and I said that I did it last time, send Sam. He said I'd done nothing all day except play ps3. For fucks sake. I went round Marnie's earlier for about an hour and a half. So basically I shouted at him "Well I have nothing else to do with my stupid, shitty life!". Which is true, I can't get a job (no one wants to take someone on for a month) and I pretty much feel my life is rather shit at the moment. He replied "That bad?" sarcastically. Yes, yes it fucking is but of course YOU wouldn't know that because you don't give a damn, you never ask me how I am then you wonder all of a sudden why I'm stressed. Because apparently, my life is sooooo perfect I don't have any stress! HA! If only you fucking knew you blind bastard.
Even when I was discussing Brighton earlier with mates, I felt bored, uninterested, depressed and thinking about how much this weekend is going to cost us is pretty depressing too as I know I have very little money.
And now poor old Jen can't get into Uni which is upsetting :(. I get my A level results in exactly a months time...yikes.
I'm trying to be optimistic, yes I do have things to look foward to this summer but I think I loved the indepedance of being on holiday, I want that again, soon please. I'm fed up of being a bitch, I just wish I could be happy. I keep wondering "one day" but when's that ever going to come? It's slipping out of my fingers, I can feel it. Please, hold on.
I just had an arguement with my dad, he was sending me out to get milk and I said that I did it last time, send Sam. He said I'd done nothing all day except play ps3. For fucks sake. I went round Marnie's earlier for about an hour and a half. So basically I shouted at him "Well I have nothing else to do with my stupid, shitty life!". Which is true, I can't get a job (no one wants to take someone on for a month) and I pretty much feel my life is rather shit at the moment. He replied "That bad?" sarcastically. Yes, yes it fucking is but of course YOU wouldn't know that because you don't give a damn, you never ask me how I am then you wonder all of a sudden why I'm stressed. Because apparently, my life is sooooo perfect I don't have any stress! HA! If only you fucking knew you blind bastard.
Even when I was discussing Brighton earlier with mates, I felt bored, uninterested, depressed and thinking about how much this weekend is going to cost us is pretty depressing too as I know I have very little money.
And now poor old Jen can't get into Uni which is upsetting :(. I get my A level results in exactly a months time...yikes.
I'm trying to be optimistic, yes I do have things to look foward to this summer but I think I loved the indepedance of being on holiday, I want that again, soon please. I'm fed up of being a bitch, I just wish I could be happy. I keep wondering "one day" but when's that ever going to come? It's slipping out of my fingers, I can feel it. Please, hold on.
Sunday, 19 July 2009
Pornography and Stripclubs
Now, strange title for a blog post yes? Well I am proposing to put something up for discussion. You see, for reasons I can't quite recall, both these things were discussed while we were on a beach on holiday one day/evening. Bascially, as usual, Bex and Marnie had completly different opinions to me. They both "disagree" with both of the above things. Bex actually called it "cheating on your own mind", I think that's rather extreme, it also doesn't make much sense.
I tried to explain, men think very different to women. Men, have always been, very sexual, there's no two ways about it. Women can also be just as sexual but I find, it's rarer. This is proven through the fact, there are very few male strip clubs, and those that do exist, are probably FOR men! Also, women generally don't like or look at porn, I mean, how many porn magazines do you see aimed at women? Now, of course as with any stereotype, there are going to be exceptions that's granted but I'm talking about the majority here.
Marnie said that if her boyfriend went to a strip club, she'd break up with him. Now isn't that a little extreme?! I mean personally, I don't like them either but I wouldn't be so mad as to break up with someone! It's fair enough saying, you don't agree with it and prefered if they didn't go there again but splitting up over something so trivial seems insane to me. Bex wasn't so extreme, but she said she would be angry.
We also spoke of men finding other women attractive, whether they be real (any woman on the street, for example) or "fiction" e.g. celebrities, unattainable women. Again, neither of them agreed this was a good thing. But women find men attractive all the time, okay, we may not be as vocal about it but how would they feel if they made a comment about how good Brad Pitt looks and their boyfriend bit their head off about it? It would be silly, right? Marnie made the point that as long as the man said, "I find "x" attractive but I prefer you" that would be okay. I get her point but I think that's showing up her real insecurities.
Bex also went on about this idea that because men are so sexual, they should "protect themselves" from it. A very Catholic sort of thing to say and she isn't catholic! it's not something you can protect yourself from, it's a primal instict. I spose things are different for her though as she's only going to get in a relationship with someone who believes in no sex before marriage. I don't see anything wrong with porn, it's been around since the dawn of time. Only a few decades ago was porn considered to be a woman showing her ankles! Now of course, they show alot more. And I know it's not a good thing, it's not particually flattering to women but unfortunatly we've always been seen as sex objects and, yes, we embrace it! We WANT to be sexy and attractive. I always think of the animal kingdom. The male of the species is always the pretty one, the one with all the colours and who does the attractive dance/mating call. Except with humans, it's the opposite way around. I believe women were made to be the attractive ones, to attract the males. It's in-built into us all, we can't help it, it's instinct. It's just how you handle that raw instinct.
Marnie said (and she's said this before) she wishes she thought like me, I'm more relaxed about everything. I probably am too relaxed, but I'm just trying to not be so narrow minded. I've always had a fairly open mind and I would like to keep it that way. Bex however, said she was glad she doesn't think like me (charming eh!), I guess she just doesn't agree with my views, which is fair enough. But an interesting discussion don't you think? Basically, just because you disagree with something, doesn't make it wrong. Everyone has different tastes. But if something does bother you, DO say, there's no point getting upset about it behind their back.
Well, that's the debate for today, or should I say mass-debate :P
I tried to explain, men think very different to women. Men, have always been, very sexual, there's no two ways about it. Women can also be just as sexual but I find, it's rarer. This is proven through the fact, there are very few male strip clubs, and those that do exist, are probably FOR men! Also, women generally don't like or look at porn, I mean, how many porn magazines do you see aimed at women? Now, of course as with any stereotype, there are going to be exceptions that's granted but I'm talking about the majority here.
Marnie said that if her boyfriend went to a strip club, she'd break up with him. Now isn't that a little extreme?! I mean personally, I don't like them either but I wouldn't be so mad as to break up with someone! It's fair enough saying, you don't agree with it and prefered if they didn't go there again but splitting up over something so trivial seems insane to me. Bex wasn't so extreme, but she said she would be angry.
We also spoke of men finding other women attractive, whether they be real (any woman on the street, for example) or "fiction" e.g. celebrities, unattainable women. Again, neither of them agreed this was a good thing. But women find men attractive all the time, okay, we may not be as vocal about it but how would they feel if they made a comment about how good Brad Pitt looks and their boyfriend bit their head off about it? It would be silly, right? Marnie made the point that as long as the man said, "I find "x" attractive but I prefer you" that would be okay. I get her point but I think that's showing up her real insecurities.
Bex also went on about this idea that because men are so sexual, they should "protect themselves" from it. A very Catholic sort of thing to say and she isn't catholic! it's not something you can protect yourself from, it's a primal instict. I spose things are different for her though as she's only going to get in a relationship with someone who believes in no sex before marriage. I don't see anything wrong with porn, it's been around since the dawn of time. Only a few decades ago was porn considered to be a woman showing her ankles! Now of course, they show alot more. And I know it's not a good thing, it's not particually flattering to women but unfortunatly we've always been seen as sex objects and, yes, we embrace it! We WANT to be sexy and attractive. I always think of the animal kingdom. The male of the species is always the pretty one, the one with all the colours and who does the attractive dance/mating call. Except with humans, it's the opposite way around. I believe women were made to be the attractive ones, to attract the males. It's in-built into us all, we can't help it, it's instinct. It's just how you handle that raw instinct.
Marnie said (and she's said this before) she wishes she thought like me, I'm more relaxed about everything. I probably am too relaxed, but I'm just trying to not be so narrow minded. I've always had a fairly open mind and I would like to keep it that way. Bex however, said she was glad she doesn't think like me (charming eh!), I guess she just doesn't agree with my views, which is fair enough. But an interesting discussion don't you think? Basically, just because you disagree with something, doesn't make it wrong. Everyone has different tastes. But if something does bother you, DO say, there's no point getting upset about it behind their back.
Well, that's the debate for today, or should I say mass-debate :P
I thought today I'd check what grades I need to get into Kingston and I'm glad I didn't check because it's made me feel a bit more relaxed. I need to get BBC, a B in English (hopefully I've pushed that up this year by re-taking an exam I got a C in and getting an A in my coursework) and as long as I get a B in film (which is pretty much guaranteed), it doesn't matter if I've gone down to a C in Sociology this year, which I expect I have as my coursework was dreadful. So phew! I get my results in like a months time! Eek! I'm so scared but also excited.
Supposed to meet up with Marnie tomorrow round her place to sort out stuff for Brighton, not sure what exactly has to be arranged so I'm sure I won't be round there for long. I think Bex is driving us all there, she's just got to depend on someone map-reading...oh dear. Just follow the signs that say Brighton! Or borrow a Tom-Tom, although she doesn't trust them apparently! How can you not trust GPS! It's genius! It's only when you go on country trips you got to be careful with them as idiots seem to obey them at all costs and end up driving into rivers, morons.
I have finally unlocked all the characters in Mercenaries mode for Resi 5, including Jill in the sexy battle suit, woohoo! I'm very tempted to buy the versus mode pack, it's only £3.99 but it got a poor review in OPM so I'm not sure, decisions, decisions. I have no money but I might just say fuck it and buy it anyway. I owe my mum £250 for the euros I brought....greeeaaaat. I have 70 left from the holiday but no point changing them back because I won't get that much for them! Not sure what I'm going to do with them to be honest, see what the parents say I spose.
Hopefully playing some MGO tonight for the first time in what must be at least 2 weeks now! I even turned down a pub quiz just to play with my mates! I have missed it alot and so have the others so it would be nice to play with them and have a laugh for once. Plus I can't really be fagged to go out tonight anyway, I'll probably end up hanging out with Alice and all her "mates", most of which are cunts. So I'm not really missing out on much am I. Wonder if they've got anything worth having in the reward shop...
Saturday, 18 July 2009
A little bit of this and a little bit of that.
Okay, let's get the moaning out of the way first shall we so I can end on a positive note...
Firstly, I'm rather annoyed that we didn't get to go see Harry Potter today, I found out last night it had been cancelled for unknown reasons (Bex didn't bother to text me back). The date is apparently to be arranged, well if it's not arranged by wednesday then I will go for free with my family instead and just won't get to dress up. Won't be as fun but for Christs sake this is the film I've been waiting since last November for and by God I don't wanna be one of the last people to see it! I am also gagging to see Public Enemies because as you probably know I'm a HUGE Johnny Depp fan and that film looks epic.
Secondly, like I mentioned above, why can't people be bothered to text back? I almost always text people back and now I can't see the point when they don't bother to do the same to me! Fair enough if it doesn't really warrent a reply but I text for a reason, to get an answer (usually). So I've decided, fuck it, I can't be bothered to bother with people. I'll just wait for people to decide what's truelly important in their lives.
I can't take much more of being dragged around like some sort of plaything. It's great when you go away, you miss things and they miss you but when you come back you take everything for granted again and vice versa. Sigh. What do I do? Especially when I know one half of my friends is supporting me and the other half are probably looking down upon me. I'm not a bad person, I swear :(
On the plus side, I'm going to Brighton next weekend! I'm staying in a hostel for the weekend with Marnie, Bex and Alice. Should be a laugh, plenty of clubbing! Mind you, my opinion, especially of alcohol has dramatically changed whilst I was on holiday. Seeing all those people, and especially Jamie who probably did something he regretted, so so drunk I thought to myself, this is not a culture I want to be part of. Are these peoples lives really so shit they have to be completly out of it to have a good time? I think I've turned into a social drinker, much like Bex. I realised (although I always had this opinion) that I don't need alcohol to have a good time. At Martyns' for example, I didn't have a drop of the stuff all weekend and I had the best time of my life. I'm not saying it's wrong to drink or even to get drunk once in a while, I know I will still enjoy it alot because it's a laugh! It's just good to know, in my mind I don't need it.
Of course, I'll never look down upon anyone who does decide to get drunk, fair play! It's just the really paraletic drunks I think are rather sad but I'm sure I won't be seeing as many of them as I did in Tenerife, that was a real shock to the system I tell you!
So yes, dancing all weekend in Brighton? Fantastic :)
Firstly, I'm rather annoyed that we didn't get to go see Harry Potter today, I found out last night it had been cancelled for unknown reasons (Bex didn't bother to text me back). The date is apparently to be arranged, well if it's not arranged by wednesday then I will go for free with my family instead and just won't get to dress up. Won't be as fun but for Christs sake this is the film I've been waiting since last November for and by God I don't wanna be one of the last people to see it! I am also gagging to see Public Enemies because as you probably know I'm a HUGE Johnny Depp fan and that film looks epic.
Secondly, like I mentioned above, why can't people be bothered to text back? I almost always text people back and now I can't see the point when they don't bother to do the same to me! Fair enough if it doesn't really warrent a reply but I text for a reason, to get an answer (usually). So I've decided, fuck it, I can't be bothered to bother with people. I'll just wait for people to decide what's truelly important in their lives.
I can't take much more of being dragged around like some sort of plaything. It's great when you go away, you miss things and they miss you but when you come back you take everything for granted again and vice versa. Sigh. What do I do? Especially when I know one half of my friends is supporting me and the other half are probably looking down upon me. I'm not a bad person, I swear :(
On the plus side, I'm going to Brighton next weekend! I'm staying in a hostel for the weekend with Marnie, Bex and Alice. Should be a laugh, plenty of clubbing! Mind you, my opinion, especially of alcohol has dramatically changed whilst I was on holiday. Seeing all those people, and especially Jamie who probably did something he regretted, so so drunk I thought to myself, this is not a culture I want to be part of. Are these peoples lives really so shit they have to be completly out of it to have a good time? I think I've turned into a social drinker, much like Bex. I realised (although I always had this opinion) that I don't need alcohol to have a good time. At Martyns' for example, I didn't have a drop of the stuff all weekend and I had the best time of my life. I'm not saying it's wrong to drink or even to get drunk once in a while, I know I will still enjoy it alot because it's a laugh! It's just good to know, in my mind I don't need it.
Of course, I'll never look down upon anyone who does decide to get drunk, fair play! It's just the really paraletic drunks I think are rather sad but I'm sure I won't be seeing as many of them as I did in Tenerife, that was a real shock to the system I tell you!
So yes, dancing all weekend in Brighton? Fantastic :)
Friday, 17 July 2009
Great day :)
Today I went over to Marnies to collect the photos, Bex wasn't coming round because she was attending a funeral today. I'd completly forgotten and felt a bit guilty about pestering about photos...anyway I got them off Marnie as well as the left-over rum from last time I went round hers, win! I got them on facebook without too much trouble and showed them to my parents on the playstation.
Got some nice comments on my blog from my readers, it's nice you guys take the time to read this, I appriciate it! Makes it all worth while :) Had a great evening too even if I didn't get to game, there are very little things in life that are better than that but they do exist hehe.
Now I'm sat here watching family guy woohoo, very short blog today but I'm tired and there's not much to write about. One thing that has been annoying me recently is the fact my mate revealed to me the other day that her and another mate don't agree with something that I'm doing. I don't expect people to agree with anything, what I do need is support, that's all. If that's too much to ask from from a mate then well...what can I do? I don't agree with a lot of things they do but I don't bitch about them behind theirs backs, it's good to know your mates are talking about you behind their backs on their high horses. No one will ever understand but at least some mates try to.
Got some nice comments on my blog from my readers, it's nice you guys take the time to read this, I appriciate it! Makes it all worth while :) Had a great evening too even if I didn't get to game, there are very little things in life that are better than that but they do exist hehe.
Now I'm sat here watching family guy woohoo, very short blog today but I'm tired and there's not much to write about. One thing that has been annoying me recently is the fact my mate revealed to me the other day that her and another mate don't agree with something that I'm doing. I don't expect people to agree with anything, what I do need is support, that's all. If that's too much to ask from from a mate then well...what can I do? I don't agree with a lot of things they do but I don't bitch about them behind theirs backs, it's good to know your mates are talking about you behind their backs on their high horses. No one will ever understand but at least some mates try to.
Thursday, 16 July 2009
Day 8-Going Home
We were all so excited to be going home. Despite getting little sleep the previous night, I felt very awake as I was so excited. We had to check out by 12am, midday. We'd packed the majority of our stuff the day before so it didn't take us long to get all our shit together, I knew my suitcase weight would be fine as the max was 15KG and mine weighted a mere 8KG on the way here! Compared to my friends...that was crazy light! I dunno how they packed so much stuff...
I was sorting out breakfast but as I poured out the milk it was obvious it had gone off. Cooked breakfast at the pool it was! So we dumped our stuff, checked out, checked the board to see when our coach was coming. It picked us up an hour and a quarter from now so we went to have some breakfast first. We didn't miss the coach or anything so that was okay but when we got to the airport there was a one hour delay! The whole coach moaned. Nevermind, I was in a cheery mood, I was going home! And it could have been so much worse. Marnie was really annoyed because she didn't feel well and just wanted to get home. The queue for check-in took forever! But I danced and sung in the queue like a nutter, I was hyper lol.
Security is nothing like in the UK or USA, it was super quick and you can take liquids with you so we had a few hours to kill which was annoying because there were very little shops. We had lunch at burger king and tried to pass the time by playing a word association game. Eventually we got round to boarding the plane, as we walked through the tunnel thingy, Bex dared me to kiss the plane, people were already staring at us like weirdos because we were so excitable, so I said no. And yet again, she said "Alex would kiss the plane!" True, he would you know. Sorry to let the crazy side down...
The flight was okay and when we landed it ended up we were only 30 minutes-ish late! The pilot must have flown super fast or something! We had to meet the taxi man, sure enough he was waiting for us. He looked scary at first, quite old, clubby with a dark mustashe but he turned out to be very nice! When we were in the super posh car, Bex joked about "What in-flight entertainment would there be?" I said "well hopefully we won't be in-flight!!!". Bex said "Oh yeah, unless this is Chitty Chitty Bang Bang".
"Or the Deloreon" I replied. Bex didn't know what car I was talking about so I explained it was the back to the future car! (Which she hasn't seen, fool!). The Taxi driver said "Wow! A girl who knows about cars! If you know anything about football I'd marry you!" I laughed but said "Sorry I don't do football...". It was very funny. Marnie yet again mentioned how laddish I am, she'd said earlier in the holiday I was like a bloke because I missed my PS3 and have a very bloke-esque "I don't care" attitude. I'll take that as a compliment...
The taxi guy dropped us all off, he really was a lovely chap. I stood outside my house in the light rain (a welcome home Laura, love Britain) and rung the mum answered and gave me a big hug and I hugged Ollie so much, I'd missed my dog so much! And he was going nuts so he must have missed me. I say up until midnight with her telling her all about my holiday and that I had presents to give out tomorrow when Sami comes home from school. My mum eventually went to bed and I waited up for dad so I could tell him a few things and give him a hug before I went to bed.
So all in all, a fantastic holiday. It was a shame Marnie was ill, she's going to the doctors soon, not sure what exactly is wrong with her but I don't think it's serious. I still think she had a good time in the end though, we kept busy everyday and we did so much more than just get drunk. We would have liked to have done more watersports if we could have afforded it but I'm sure we can do an adventure style holiday one day. I found going on holiday with Marnie differcult at times because of the way she is but me and Bex are very simular so we just end up making each other laugh. She's super relaxed like me, whereas Marn stresses alot. 3 people is always awkward too because at time I think we were leaving Marnie out, not on purpose, she just doesn't have the same humour as me and Bex. Plus if people want to split up, they can't, we are all forced to stick together which can be annoying at times. But still, I'm glad we went and it's lovely to come back and realise how much you were missed. It makes a girl feel loved, it makes going away all that more worth while. Love you all <3
I was sorting out breakfast but as I poured out the milk it was obvious it had gone off. Cooked breakfast at the pool it was! So we dumped our stuff, checked out, checked the board to see when our coach was coming. It picked us up an hour and a quarter from now so we went to have some breakfast first. We didn't miss the coach or anything so that was okay but when we got to the airport there was a one hour delay! The whole coach moaned. Nevermind, I was in a cheery mood, I was going home! And it could have been so much worse. Marnie was really annoyed because she didn't feel well and just wanted to get home. The queue for check-in took forever! But I danced and sung in the queue like a nutter, I was hyper lol.
Security is nothing like in the UK or USA, it was super quick and you can take liquids with you so we had a few hours to kill which was annoying because there were very little shops. We had lunch at burger king and tried to pass the time by playing a word association game. Eventually we got round to boarding the plane, as we walked through the tunnel thingy, Bex dared me to kiss the plane, people were already staring at us like weirdos because we were so excitable, so I said no. And yet again, she said "Alex would kiss the plane!" True, he would you know. Sorry to let the crazy side down...
The flight was okay and when we landed it ended up we were only 30 minutes-ish late! The pilot must have flown super fast or something! We had to meet the taxi man, sure enough he was waiting for us. He looked scary at first, quite old, clubby with a dark mustashe but he turned out to be very nice! When we were in the super posh car, Bex joked about "What in-flight entertainment would there be?" I said "well hopefully we won't be in-flight!!!". Bex said "Oh yeah, unless this is Chitty Chitty Bang Bang".
"Or the Deloreon" I replied. Bex didn't know what car I was talking about so I explained it was the back to the future car! (Which she hasn't seen, fool!). The Taxi driver said "Wow! A girl who knows about cars! If you know anything about football I'd marry you!" I laughed but said "Sorry I don't do football...". It was very funny. Marnie yet again mentioned how laddish I am, she'd said earlier in the holiday I was like a bloke because I missed my PS3 and have a very bloke-esque "I don't care" attitude. I'll take that as a compliment...
The taxi guy dropped us all off, he really was a lovely chap. I stood outside my house in the light rain (a welcome home Laura, love Britain) and rung the mum answered and gave me a big hug and I hugged Ollie so much, I'd missed my dog so much! And he was going nuts so he must have missed me. I say up until midnight with her telling her all about my holiday and that I had presents to give out tomorrow when Sami comes home from school. My mum eventually went to bed and I waited up for dad so I could tell him a few things and give him a hug before I went to bed.
So all in all, a fantastic holiday. It was a shame Marnie was ill, she's going to the doctors soon, not sure what exactly is wrong with her but I don't think it's serious. I still think she had a good time in the end though, we kept busy everyday and we did so much more than just get drunk. We would have liked to have done more watersports if we could have afforded it but I'm sure we can do an adventure style holiday one day. I found going on holiday with Marnie differcult at times because of the way she is but me and Bex are very simular so we just end up making each other laugh. She's super relaxed like me, whereas Marn stresses alot. 3 people is always awkward too because at time I think we were leaving Marnie out, not on purpose, she just doesn't have the same humour as me and Bex. Plus if people want to split up, they can't, we are all forced to stick together which can be annoying at times. But still, I'm glad we went and it's lovely to come back and realise how much you were missed. It makes a girl feel loved, it makes going away all that more worth while. Love you all <3
Day 7-The final full day
This was the last day that we'd have a full day of being in Tenerife as we were leaving tomorrow. It's funny, we started to reflect on the people we missed most (and the animals we missed!), we also realised the whole holiday hadn't felt weird. Here we were in a foreign country, without our parents for the first time and we'd waited for a weird feeling to settle in but, for me and Bex at least, it never did. Even being at the airport felt so right. Independance is a great thing eh!
Anyway, today was shopping day, funnily enough I was more eager to go shopping than Marn! Oh how the tables had turned! I love buying presents for people, I only brought some for my family. I got a monkey with a funny hat and tenerife t-shirt for my dad haha! Because I knew he'd find it funny. I brought my mum a really beautiful bracelet, she seemed to like it alot. I got my sister a diddle photo album (Diddle is a mouse) and a travel alarm clock because I know she likes cute pink stuff. I wanted to get her a Hello Kitty but the Hello Kitty shop was very expensive, I wanted to get her a brown hello kitty as I'd never seen one before! I think it was meant to be Spanish Hello Kitty! It made me laugh as I wasn't sure if it was being politically correct or just plain racist, it was cute nonetheless, just expensive.
I also brought myself a couple of bargains, I got a pinky-purplish skirt that has a big bow you can tie up on the side. It's so pretty and was only 8euros! Bargain! I have nothing to wear with it though, so I need to buy a new top...I also got some really funky shoes, they're bright green and a silky kind of material, they are SO cool. You could get them in every colour but I thought green was nice and unusual for shoes and they were only 15euros! Bargain hunter girl strikes again!
As it was the last night, after a very long, hard day of shopping we decided to go out to eat somewhere really nice tonight. We set off down Veronica Strip and found an Italian style pizza place, me and Marnie shared a gorgeous pizza and then I had a chocolate pudding which was yummy! Then we decided to check out The Anchor which was a couple of doors down. We were given a leaflet for it the other day, we saw it did cheap cocktails and I'd been gagging for one all holiday, plus they had entertainment in there. We went in, shared a litre of cocktail which came with a funky little sparkler! And we watched some very good/bad people sing kareoke (sp?). One woman came on with her little girl who seemed to be only 3 or 4 years old. She was adorable. She sung "Video killed the radio star" in her little high pitched voice with her mum, it was the cutest thing I'd ever heard.
We left at 12:30 and drunkly stubbled home singing a variety of songs for some strange reason. We had to be quiet when we got back to the hotel. Marn basically went straight to bed but me and Bex were really hyper. She kept doing her hilarious impression of Frodo from Lord of the Rings which cracks me up everytime, the other day she was pretending to be Harry potter, she makes me laugh so much. I freaked Marn and Bex out with my golum impression hehe. Anywho, me and Bex were pissing around, prentending to be secret agents and sneaking around on our balcony MGS style. Bex wanted to play manhunt but I said one, there's only two of us and two, we'd get in trouble because our hotel is stupid. Bex joked "Alex would play manhunt if he was here!". Alex became the joke of the holiday, God knows how! We did get a knock at the door at one point but no call from reception, none the less we calmed down and eventually went to sleep.
Anyway, today was shopping day, funnily enough I was more eager to go shopping than Marn! Oh how the tables had turned! I love buying presents for people, I only brought some for my family. I got a monkey with a funny hat and tenerife t-shirt for my dad haha! Because I knew he'd find it funny. I brought my mum a really beautiful bracelet, she seemed to like it alot. I got my sister a diddle photo album (Diddle is a mouse) and a travel alarm clock because I know she likes cute pink stuff. I wanted to get her a Hello Kitty but the Hello Kitty shop was very expensive, I wanted to get her a brown hello kitty as I'd never seen one before! I think it was meant to be Spanish Hello Kitty! It made me laugh as I wasn't sure if it was being politically correct or just plain racist, it was cute nonetheless, just expensive.
I also brought myself a couple of bargains, I got a pinky-purplish skirt that has a big bow you can tie up on the side. It's so pretty and was only 8euros! Bargain! I have nothing to wear with it though, so I need to buy a new top...I also got some really funky shoes, they're bright green and a silky kind of material, they are SO cool. You could get them in every colour but I thought green was nice and unusual for shoes and they were only 15euros! Bargain hunter girl strikes again!
As it was the last night, after a very long, hard day of shopping we decided to go out to eat somewhere really nice tonight. We set off down Veronica Strip and found an Italian style pizza place, me and Marnie shared a gorgeous pizza and then I had a chocolate pudding which was yummy! Then we decided to check out The Anchor which was a couple of doors down. We were given a leaflet for it the other day, we saw it did cheap cocktails and I'd been gagging for one all holiday, plus they had entertainment in there. We went in, shared a litre of cocktail which came with a funky little sparkler! And we watched some very good/bad people sing kareoke (sp?). One woman came on with her little girl who seemed to be only 3 or 4 years old. She was adorable. She sung "Video killed the radio star" in her little high pitched voice with her mum, it was the cutest thing I'd ever heard.
We left at 12:30 and drunkly stubbled home singing a variety of songs for some strange reason. We had to be quiet when we got back to the hotel. Marn basically went straight to bed but me and Bex were really hyper. She kept doing her hilarious impression of Frodo from Lord of the Rings which cracks me up everytime, the other day she was pretending to be Harry potter, she makes me laugh so much. I freaked Marn and Bex out with my golum impression hehe. Anywho, me and Bex were pissing around, prentending to be secret agents and sneaking around on our balcony MGS style. Bex wanted to play manhunt but I said one, there's only two of us and two, we'd get in trouble because our hotel is stupid. Bex joked "Alex would play manhunt if he was here!". Alex became the joke of the holiday, God knows how! We did get a knock at the door at one point but no call from reception, none the less we calmed down and eventually went to sleep.
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
Day 6-the second bar crawl!
Again, we didn't do much during the day, we got up late because of the previous night and went to find yet another beach which was only 5-10 minutes away, it was too crowded really and very hot but we had a yummy ice-lolly and soaked up the sun. I covered myself up this time as I didn't want to burn anymore. When we got hungry we went to a cafe on the beach for lunch, it was a really nice place and not too expensive but the waiters in Tenerife are all really flirty! The ones at the hotel bar/resterant weren't but everywhere else we went they were! Like winking at you and this one at this beach place said Bex had a sexy hat lol! He also thought me and Marnie were sisters, we literally look nothing alike! Crazy man! It was creepy but at least they were nice.
The night before for example, we walked past a pizza resterant and it smelt so good I said "Mmm I want pizza!" and this guy was stood outside trying to tempt people in asked Marnie if she wanted pizza, she no but she does! And pointed to me! Yeah cheers Marn! So he asked me and I said nah I'm ok thanks and he said "come back later ok?". We laughed and continued walking Marnie up to the end of the road...but of course we'd have to walk back past him very soon! D'oh! So we did indeed walk past him and he said "You come back for pizza or for me?" I laughed and Bex joked about how I couldn't resist staying away from him or something and he shouted after me "Come see me later and we'll go dancing yes?" so I laughed and shouted "Ok!", luckily by the time we walked home that pizza place was closed! He was very sweet though, not pervy so it was okay, just very funny.
Anyway, we went clubbing/bar-ing again but this time we started at 9:30pm and didn't stay up too late, think it was about 2am ish? We got to the first bar and Marnie needed to go back to the hotel yet again! The problem was she needed her meds because her stomach was killing her and her time of the month had started even though she was on the pill, which was odd so she needed to go back. It was late this time though, and dark. She wanted to walk back on her own, but we couldn't let her, it was too risky. Marnie started argueing with Bex about how she didn't want us to come but Bex said it's not about what you want, it's about what's good for your own safety! I couldn't understand why Marn was getting so pissed off and upset, she actually said at one point "I'm going to cry if you don't stop following me!". I guess she just felt very ill and wanted to be alone. We walked her half-way and watched her walk down the long road back to the hotel. Bex and I stood on the street corner for ages, pondering whether to follow her or leave her. Initially I didn't want to upset her anymore but Bex made the point that her being upset would be better than her getting hurt. So I decided we'd walk back and wait for her.
By the time we did decide to walk back we saw Marn come out of the hotel and sit on the bench outside. She saw us and Bex apologised but explained that we had to make sure she was safe. Marn rolled her eyes and looked rather pissed off and upset, she went back into the hotel to cancel a taxi she'd ordered. Good choice, but it would have cost her crazy money. It's a good job we did go back for her because she basically had a breakdown then and there about how "why did it have to me, I don't wanna be ill on fucking holiday!". I tried to tell her that it happens to everyone but she's been really strong and we hadn't spent one day where we've done nothing but stay inside because she's been ill. I made a good point and that cheered her up a lot once she'd had a rant about all the stresses she's got at the moment/this year. She's worried about her boyfriend going to Ibiza for two weeks (she doesn't trust him, God knows why), college, money and of course being ill. She did get over it though and we said to her we can go out for as long as she wants to, even if it's only an hour, because she did still want to go.
So we walked to the bar, cheering Marnie up with funny conversation, laughing about the fact "RAP SOLO" was written in brackets on a wall! We took a photo on the last night! Very funny times. We so should have written "DANCE OFF" on a pavement somewhere hehe. Anyway, the rest of the night went very well, we met up with the blokes we met the night before. Jamie was drunk even earlier this time, he was telling us about how nice it was to meet us because we were so "down to earth" not like the other girls in the bar who were all pretty slutty to be honest. He was drunk but we knew he meant it, we returned the compliment. We saw the girls and ended up dancing with them some of the night too, we got to go to Tramps again which was win because it is an amazing nightclub. All the girls were cowgirls this time ha! We still had tons of blokes trying to dance with us, we just moved away from the scary drunks/pervs. One thing ruined the night for us though, the bloke with the girlfriend we'd met, Jamie cheated on his girlfriend. We saw him dancing with some girl, really groping her and stuff and then they kissed and our hearts just sank. Marnie said she felt like crying and actually, so did I. It was so disappointing. We left after that, Marnie was insulting him the whole way home, me and Bex didn't exactly defend him but we did say she must have been absolutly smashed and really didn't know what he was doing.
Marnie said that wasn't an excuse, which is true but I bet he regretted in the next day, at least I hope he did. I hope he didn't sleep with her either...oh dear.
The whole event worried Marn even more about her BF going away but I explained that not all men are like that and that everyone makes mistakes, especially when drunk. I know I would never get that drunk and get off with a stranger because I know how to control myself but everyone is was a shame really but I think Marn was really over the top but I guess she is in a relationship so it effected her more. We stayed up chatting for a bit about Marns' BF, I was telling her she's being silly and she has to trust him because if she doesn't, surely he's more likely to cheat, if you try and control a man, he will rebel usually, she just needs to have more trust and relax...after that we went to bed.
The night before for example, we walked past a pizza resterant and it smelt so good I said "Mmm I want pizza!" and this guy was stood outside trying to tempt people in asked Marnie if she wanted pizza, she no but she does! And pointed to me! Yeah cheers Marn! So he asked me and I said nah I'm ok thanks and he said "come back later ok?". We laughed and continued walking Marnie up to the end of the road...but of course we'd have to walk back past him very soon! D'oh! So we did indeed walk past him and he said "You come back for pizza or for me?" I laughed and Bex joked about how I couldn't resist staying away from him or something and he shouted after me "Come see me later and we'll go dancing yes?" so I laughed and shouted "Ok!", luckily by the time we walked home that pizza place was closed! He was very sweet though, not pervy so it was okay, just very funny.
Anyway, we went clubbing/bar-ing again but this time we started at 9:30pm and didn't stay up too late, think it was about 2am ish? We got to the first bar and Marnie needed to go back to the hotel yet again! The problem was she needed her meds because her stomach was killing her and her time of the month had started even though she was on the pill, which was odd so she needed to go back. It was late this time though, and dark. She wanted to walk back on her own, but we couldn't let her, it was too risky. Marnie started argueing with Bex about how she didn't want us to come but Bex said it's not about what you want, it's about what's good for your own safety! I couldn't understand why Marn was getting so pissed off and upset, she actually said at one point "I'm going to cry if you don't stop following me!". I guess she just felt very ill and wanted to be alone. We walked her half-way and watched her walk down the long road back to the hotel. Bex and I stood on the street corner for ages, pondering whether to follow her or leave her. Initially I didn't want to upset her anymore but Bex made the point that her being upset would be better than her getting hurt. So I decided we'd walk back and wait for her.
By the time we did decide to walk back we saw Marn come out of the hotel and sit on the bench outside. She saw us and Bex apologised but explained that we had to make sure she was safe. Marn rolled her eyes and looked rather pissed off and upset, she went back into the hotel to cancel a taxi she'd ordered. Good choice, but it would have cost her crazy money. It's a good job we did go back for her because she basically had a breakdown then and there about how "why did it have to me, I don't wanna be ill on fucking holiday!". I tried to tell her that it happens to everyone but she's been really strong and we hadn't spent one day where we've done nothing but stay inside because she's been ill. I made a good point and that cheered her up a lot once she'd had a rant about all the stresses she's got at the moment/this year. She's worried about her boyfriend going to Ibiza for two weeks (she doesn't trust him, God knows why), college, money and of course being ill. She did get over it though and we said to her we can go out for as long as she wants to, even if it's only an hour, because she did still want to go.
So we walked to the bar, cheering Marnie up with funny conversation, laughing about the fact "RAP SOLO" was written in brackets on a wall! We took a photo on the last night! Very funny times. We so should have written "DANCE OFF" on a pavement somewhere hehe. Anyway, the rest of the night went very well, we met up with the blokes we met the night before. Jamie was drunk even earlier this time, he was telling us about how nice it was to meet us because we were so "down to earth" not like the other girls in the bar who were all pretty slutty to be honest. He was drunk but we knew he meant it, we returned the compliment. We saw the girls and ended up dancing with them some of the night too, we got to go to Tramps again which was win because it is an amazing nightclub. All the girls were cowgirls this time ha! We still had tons of blokes trying to dance with us, we just moved away from the scary drunks/pervs. One thing ruined the night for us though, the bloke with the girlfriend we'd met, Jamie cheated on his girlfriend. We saw him dancing with some girl, really groping her and stuff and then they kissed and our hearts just sank. Marnie said she felt like crying and actually, so did I. It was so disappointing. We left after that, Marnie was insulting him the whole way home, me and Bex didn't exactly defend him but we did say she must have been absolutly smashed and really didn't know what he was doing.
Marnie said that wasn't an excuse, which is true but I bet he regretted in the next day, at least I hope he did. I hope he didn't sleep with her either...oh dear.
The whole event worried Marn even more about her BF going away but I explained that not all men are like that and that everyone makes mistakes, especially when drunk. I know I would never get that drunk and get off with a stranger because I know how to control myself but everyone is was a shame really but I think Marn was really over the top but I guess she is in a relationship so it effected her more. We stayed up chatting for a bit about Marns' BF, I was telling her she's being silly and she has to trust him because if she doesn't, surely he's more likely to cheat, if you try and control a man, he will rebel usually, she just needs to have more trust and relax...after that we went to bed.
Day 5-Pub Crawl
We didn't do much during the day as we were going out for a pub crawl that evening and it started pretty early (7:30pm). So we decided to lie in for a bit and go to a different beach we haven't been to yet which was about 10-15 minutes away. It was ok, not as nice as ours, it was very rocky but we walked further round where the sand was shit hot in the crazy sunshine (it was like 40 degrees apparently!). This was the day I burnt, it was crazy hot and sunny and sand got stuck to me because the suntan cream was sticky so it was hard to re-apply and I fell asleep a couple of times! I didn't get badly burnt, I had a red line on my boob where I'd missed right on the bikini line and my back went kinda pink, you could make out a perfect bow shape where my bikini had been tied up at the back! Was very cool I thought.
Later that evening we went out drinking! We met the rep and walked in a big group to the first bar when we got there though we realised how stupidly expensive drink was going to be! It was 5euros a drink and me and Marn had only brought 20euros and we thought we'd have to pay 15 to get into Tramps (later we learned we got in for free, d'oh!). As I knew we were getting free shots at every single bar I wasn't too bothered, I'd just have a couple of soft drinks. But Marnie really wanted to go back for more money, so she decided to walk back to the hotel. She couldn't remember the way, even though we'd walked there loads of times by now! This is what Marnie is It was still light and very crowded, so we walked her back half-way and she'd meet us at the next bar because she knew where that was. She was fine and we helped her remember the way (it was very simple) so we met her at the next bar safely. I think I had about two alcoholic drinks, actually it may have been just the one! I didn't want to be ill after the whole booze cruise thing so I was sensible.
But oh dear lord...the men...oh my God the men...I got cornered up against the bar by someone who was literally off his face, I had to push my hand onto his chest to get him away from me, was weird. But after that, I really did lose count of how many blokes tried to put their hands round my waist or back! One blokes actually lifted up the back of the dress to look at my arse/knickers! It was discusting! I turned round and told him to piss off, which we did. Bastard. The most hilarious thing was I was wearing a long summer dress yet this dress seems to always attract people! Bex called it my sex dress and said even she was having a "gay day" because of it, haha! But we ignored the drunken twats and danced on the poles (they had poles you could dance on in every bar/club) and just had fun partying together. We ended up being out till 4am, so an 8 hour stint basically, we felt hardcore hehe. Plus we met a group of super awesome girls from Yorkshire who thought we spoke posh! HA! Bex does sound kinda posh though. They were staying in the same hotel as us so we hung out with them and danced with them and shizz, was much fun and safety in numbers is win.
At the end of the night we were sat outside Tramps chilling out when a couple of guys started talking to us. One of them Marnie had met earlier when she came outside to cool down so he pretty much just spoke to her. But this other guy (who never told us his name, we found out the night after it was Jamie) spoke to me and Bex. He was part of a big group of lads who had bright orange t-shirts saying "Knee deep in clunge"-an inbetweeners referance. Anyway, he was very drunk but very nice, the first bloke who hadn't come onto us that night! And he was really funny, he had a girlfriend too, both guys did which was nice to know and reassuring to us. Chris (the guy marn was speaking to) brought all three of us a rose which was so nice! I've never been brought flowers before, or even a rose for that matter so that was lovely.
It was rather funny when a random girl, kinda chubby or at least not slim, with braces, came round asking all the blokes sat near us for a dance or shag or something anyway! Basically, she was coming onto them and obviously they said no, they had girlfriends. Jamie really made us laugh he said, "If I ever cheated on my misses, which I wouldn't, I wouldn't do it with someone like THAT!". Was mean but very funny, his drunken manner was amusing and the girl was a slag! She deserved it. We went home after that, and so did they, we said our goodbyes and said we'd see them tomorrow and the next pub crawl. When we got home, we went to bed straight away, we were knackered.
Later that evening we went out drinking! We met the rep and walked in a big group to the first bar when we got there though we realised how stupidly expensive drink was going to be! It was 5euros a drink and me and Marn had only brought 20euros and we thought we'd have to pay 15 to get into Tramps (later we learned we got in for free, d'oh!). As I knew we were getting free shots at every single bar I wasn't too bothered, I'd just have a couple of soft drinks. But Marnie really wanted to go back for more money, so she decided to walk back to the hotel. She couldn't remember the way, even though we'd walked there loads of times by now! This is what Marnie is It was still light and very crowded, so we walked her back half-way and she'd meet us at the next bar because she knew where that was. She was fine and we helped her remember the way (it was very simple) so we met her at the next bar safely. I think I had about two alcoholic drinks, actually it may have been just the one! I didn't want to be ill after the whole booze cruise thing so I was sensible.
But oh dear lord...the men...oh my God the men...I got cornered up against the bar by someone who was literally off his face, I had to push my hand onto his chest to get him away from me, was weird. But after that, I really did lose count of how many blokes tried to put their hands round my waist or back! One blokes actually lifted up the back of the dress to look at my arse/knickers! It was discusting! I turned round and told him to piss off, which we did. Bastard. The most hilarious thing was I was wearing a long summer dress yet this dress seems to always attract people! Bex called it my sex dress and said even she was having a "gay day" because of it, haha! But we ignored the drunken twats and danced on the poles (they had poles you could dance on in every bar/club) and just had fun partying together. We ended up being out till 4am, so an 8 hour stint basically, we felt hardcore hehe. Plus we met a group of super awesome girls from Yorkshire who thought we spoke posh! HA! Bex does sound kinda posh though. They were staying in the same hotel as us so we hung out with them and danced with them and shizz, was much fun and safety in numbers is win.
At the end of the night we were sat outside Tramps chilling out when a couple of guys started talking to us. One of them Marnie had met earlier when she came outside to cool down so he pretty much just spoke to her. But this other guy (who never told us his name, we found out the night after it was Jamie) spoke to me and Bex. He was part of a big group of lads who had bright orange t-shirts saying "Knee deep in clunge"-an inbetweeners referance. Anyway, he was very drunk but very nice, the first bloke who hadn't come onto us that night! And he was really funny, he had a girlfriend too, both guys did which was nice to know and reassuring to us. Chris (the guy marn was speaking to) brought all three of us a rose which was so nice! I've never been brought flowers before, or even a rose for that matter so that was lovely.
It was rather funny when a random girl, kinda chubby or at least not slim, with braces, came round asking all the blokes sat near us for a dance or shag or something anyway! Basically, she was coming onto them and obviously they said no, they had girlfriends. Jamie really made us laugh he said, "If I ever cheated on my misses, which I wouldn't, I wouldn't do it with someone like THAT!". Was mean but very funny, his drunken manner was amusing and the girl was a slag! She deserved it. We went home after that, and so did they, we said our goodbyes and said we'd see them tomorrow and the next pub crawl. When we got home, we went to bed straight away, we were knackered.
Day 4- Siam Park
I didn't feel too good when I woke up the next morning but I knew I'd be okay once we got going. Siam park is a new water park, it hasn't even been open a year. The theme of the park is ancient Thailand so all the buildings were beautiful and very reminisent of the most recent Tomb Raider! We got the free bus there (again we got lost, never trust Marn or Bex with a map and I felt too ill to even look at a map!). But, by the time we got there I felt as right and rain and was uber excited about the park and rightly so, it was fantastic. I've been to many a water park in America but this was clearly the best I've ever been to. All the rides were fantastic, I couldn't even explain them with words! Hopefully I'll have pics tomorrow of the park on facebook. But even that wouldn't do the park justice, I'm so glad we went. Marnie didn't feel all that great at first but after we went on the first few rides she felt better and really enjoyed herself which was good as it's the first day she'd properly enjoyed herself.
The only thing that annoyed me about the water park, they were so over-strict on safety. For example, I couldn't wear my glasses (which I needed to see!) on the lazy river! I mean ffs they're not going to fall off on a lazy river!!!! I wished I'd worn my contact lenses, I just didn't want to risk losing them. Oh well, it was a great day nonetheless.
That evening we were really hyper. We were all sat on the bed in our PJs and Marn and Bex were really hyper for no reason! We'd had nothing to drink but we were giggling so much! Then Bex farted and stunk up the entire room so we had to run out onto the balcony which was hilarious! So we were out on the balcony, laughing away, it was only about 1am, not too late, especially as plenty of people come back at 6am after clubbing and they MUST be noisy! Anyway, this guy shouts up, he sounds pretty lairy and says "Calm down!". So, naturally, I shouted back "NO U!". No response and we were all giggling away. Then he whistled, for reasons unknown to us, we couldn't see him but maybe he could see us, I don't know. Anyway, the bedroom was safe to go back into so we did, then coins were being thrown up onto the balcony! Which kinda freaked us out! What if someone was standing there and got hit in the eye with one! It also meant they were nearby which was kinda scary. We all sat back on the bed and decided to ignore it. Then the door buzzer went. We froze and went silent, whispering to each other, the buzzer went three times but we decided not to open the door because it could have been anybody! There was no peeking hole either to see who is was. They went away after three buzzes and then the phone went, we knew it would be reception. Bex picked it up and it was, they had a go at us for being to loud! We were only laughing and compared to the other night with the swearing and slamming doors at 3-4am it was nothing! Stupid hotel...oh well, we went to bed after that, our fun had been crushed by "the man" yet again! Hehe.
The only thing that annoyed me about the water park, they were so over-strict on safety. For example, I couldn't wear my glasses (which I needed to see!) on the lazy river! I mean ffs they're not going to fall off on a lazy river!!!! I wished I'd worn my contact lenses, I just didn't want to risk losing them. Oh well, it was a great day nonetheless.
That evening we were really hyper. We were all sat on the bed in our PJs and Marn and Bex were really hyper for no reason! We'd had nothing to drink but we were giggling so much! Then Bex farted and stunk up the entire room so we had to run out onto the balcony which was hilarious! So we were out on the balcony, laughing away, it was only about 1am, not too late, especially as plenty of people come back at 6am after clubbing and they MUST be noisy! Anyway, this guy shouts up, he sounds pretty lairy and says "Calm down!". So, naturally, I shouted back "NO U!". No response and we were all giggling away. Then he whistled, for reasons unknown to us, we couldn't see him but maybe he could see us, I don't know. Anyway, the bedroom was safe to go back into so we did, then coins were being thrown up onto the balcony! Which kinda freaked us out! What if someone was standing there and got hit in the eye with one! It also meant they were nearby which was kinda scary. We all sat back on the bed and decided to ignore it. Then the door buzzer went. We froze and went silent, whispering to each other, the buzzer went three times but we decided not to open the door because it could have been anybody! There was no peeking hole either to see who is was. They went away after three buzzes and then the phone went, we knew it would be reception. Bex picked it up and it was, they had a go at us for being to loud! We were only laughing and compared to the other night with the swearing and slamming doors at 3-4am it was nothing! Stupid hotel...oh well, we went to bed after that, our fun had been crushed by "the man" yet again! Hehe.
Day 3-Booze Cruise
We walked down to Leonardos to meet up for the booze cruise. Marn still felt a little unwell unfortunatly but we had paid for it so we had to go. We had our bikinis on and I was so excited! Of course the reps make you get there an hour earlier to try and sell you stuff and make you buy drinks at the bar. Drinks were only 2euros so I ended up buying two rum and cokes and of course, their measures are a about 4 times stronger over there so I got fairly tipsy which just made me even more excited and hyper! Me and Marnie brought a flower to clip into our hair, I had a big red one to match my bikini and Bex brought a necklace of flowers. There were two males DJs who were very funny, one called himself the Hoff because the booze cruise is Baywatch themed. They made pretty dirty jokes (such as telling us how much cum a whale produces and then saying "And you wondered why the sea tasted so salty!". I don't think Marn and Bex approved all that much as they were quite pervy but I found their humour very funny.
We got on the coach to be driven to the dock to get onto the boat. The catchphrase of the day (and after that, the whole holiday) was LET'S GET LEATHERED! And the Hoff shouted on the bus "Who's gunna gewt pissed today?!" and I went "Woooooooooo!" but everyone else was pretty much silent so I shouted "On your own!" which the guys sat infront of me found very funny. I wasn't embarassed, I was too tipsy to care!
Eventually we got on the actual boat, we all sat down (there were quite a few of us!) and then we were off! The free bar was open (a choice of cheap beer or wine) for the whole 3 hours we were on the boat and the music was on. So I grabbed myself some wine and we watched the whales as one of the main reason we came on the cruise was to see the whales! It was lovely to see them in the atlantic ocean rather than a theme park for once! We even saw a mother and baby together! They were beautiful. After we'd driven past where the whales were they stopped the boat and put down the anchor. What I forgot to mention is that one of the girls working on the boat was filming the whole journey and we would get to watch this video in the after-party which was free to go to. It also meant people were compeating for a free litre of cocktail at this after-party. They stopped the boat so people could jump off it, they were giving away free cocktails to the best bellyflop and the first girl/s to jump in the sea topless. I couldn't believe I was about to jump into the sea when I was pissed. But Bex was up for it so I thought why not! Of course I didn't bellyflop or go topless but I did jump in and they filmed it. Marnie didn't because she'd felt ill the whole journey because of her stomach and I don't think the rockiness of the boat helped. The sea was lovely and cold, I was amazed I didn't lose my contact lenses, I swam to the side of the boat and jumped in again! The sea made my mouth taste very salty and horrible so I grabbed a drink but all they had was beer so I ended up mixing spirits, wine and beer....not good! I wasn't ill on the ship though I felt fine!
Next they played some games to win cocktails, I'm glad I didn't volunteer they were very rude and pervy...the first one was called fluffy bunnies where one girl and one guy had to put marshmallows covered in chocolate in their mouths and not swallow or chew them and say "one fluffy bunny, etc" until one of them lost but the DJs ended up smothering both contestants with chocolate, especially the girl! I think one of them touched her boobs! So I was very glad I didn't do it...
The next game involved a boy and a girl getting in three different sex positions and pooping a balloon between them....VERY glad I didn't do that one! It was hilarious to watch but Marnie (yet again) didn't approve.
When we got off the boat and back to the hotel I laid down on the sofa and the effect of the booze kicked in! I felt dizzy, sick and I definatly couldn't go to the after party. I slept for a bit and then told Marn and Bex they could both go and that it was ok to just leave me here so they went while I tried to sleep. After they left I suddenly realised sleep was not going to help. I got up (i'd just been sick into the bathroom bin, lovely but it wasn't much at least), I looked in the mirror, I was still in my bikini and my hair was a mess so I decided to have a shower. I was unsure as to whether this was a good idea but I had to do something to sober me up! Amazingly, I felt so much better! I had some toast and jam and lots of water and I really did feel completly sober. I got rather bored though, waiting for Bex and Marn to come home, I wish I brought my PSP...not sure why I didn't! Stupid girl but oh well, when they got back they said I didn't miss much, they had to watch the other boats video which was boring and we weren't on the video much. So I was glad I didn't miss out. We stayed up and chatted for a bit before heading to bed.
We got on the coach to be driven to the dock to get onto the boat. The catchphrase of the day (and after that, the whole holiday) was LET'S GET LEATHERED! And the Hoff shouted on the bus "Who's gunna gewt pissed today?!" and I went "Woooooooooo!" but everyone else was pretty much silent so I shouted "On your own!" which the guys sat infront of me found very funny. I wasn't embarassed, I was too tipsy to care!
Eventually we got on the actual boat, we all sat down (there were quite a few of us!) and then we were off! The free bar was open (a choice of cheap beer or wine) for the whole 3 hours we were on the boat and the music was on. So I grabbed myself some wine and we watched the whales as one of the main reason we came on the cruise was to see the whales! It was lovely to see them in the atlantic ocean rather than a theme park for once! We even saw a mother and baby together! They were beautiful. After we'd driven past where the whales were they stopped the boat and put down the anchor. What I forgot to mention is that one of the girls working on the boat was filming the whole journey and we would get to watch this video in the after-party which was free to go to. It also meant people were compeating for a free litre of cocktail at this after-party. They stopped the boat so people could jump off it, they were giving away free cocktails to the best bellyflop and the first girl/s to jump in the sea topless. I couldn't believe I was about to jump into the sea when I was pissed. But Bex was up for it so I thought why not! Of course I didn't bellyflop or go topless but I did jump in and they filmed it. Marnie didn't because she'd felt ill the whole journey because of her stomach and I don't think the rockiness of the boat helped. The sea was lovely and cold, I was amazed I didn't lose my contact lenses, I swam to the side of the boat and jumped in again! The sea made my mouth taste very salty and horrible so I grabbed a drink but all they had was beer so I ended up mixing spirits, wine and beer....not good! I wasn't ill on the ship though I felt fine!
Next they played some games to win cocktails, I'm glad I didn't volunteer they were very rude and pervy...the first one was called fluffy bunnies where one girl and one guy had to put marshmallows covered in chocolate in their mouths and not swallow or chew them and say "one fluffy bunny, etc" until one of them lost but the DJs ended up smothering both contestants with chocolate, especially the girl! I think one of them touched her boobs! So I was very glad I didn't do it...
The next game involved a boy and a girl getting in three different sex positions and pooping a balloon between them....VERY glad I didn't do that one! It was hilarious to watch but Marnie (yet again) didn't approve.
When we got off the boat and back to the hotel I laid down on the sofa and the effect of the booze kicked in! I felt dizzy, sick and I definatly couldn't go to the after party. I slept for a bit and then told Marn and Bex they could both go and that it was ok to just leave me here so they went while I tried to sleep. After they left I suddenly realised sleep was not going to help. I got up (i'd just been sick into the bathroom bin, lovely but it wasn't much at least), I looked in the mirror, I was still in my bikini and my hair was a mess so I decided to have a shower. I was unsure as to whether this was a good idea but I had to do something to sober me up! Amazingly, I felt so much better! I had some toast and jam and lots of water and I really did feel completly sober. I got rather bored though, waiting for Bex and Marn to come home, I wish I brought my PSP...not sure why I didn't! Stupid girl but oh well, when they got back they said I didn't miss much, they had to watch the other boats video which was boring and we weren't on the video much. So I was glad I didn't miss out. We stayed up and chatted for a bit before heading to bed.
Day 2-Clubbing fail
This was our first full day in Tenerife so we had breakfast in the room and wondered down to meet the rep for the welcome meeting. The family meeting was first (we decided to go to both the family one and the young and lively one as we wanted to do more than just get pissed). We saw a couple of things we wanted to do, I would have liked to have gone up the volcano but sitting in a stuffy coach lost its appeal pretty quickly. Anyway we waited for the other meeting which was an hour away before buying any event tickets.
So we sat by the pool and had a swim (the pool was lush!) and then went to the young peoples meeting which was surprisingly 99% female! We chose 4 out of the 2 meetings of things we defiantly wanted to do which came to 102euros which wasn't too bad really and would leave us with approx 200 each for the whole week. We went upstairs to get our money and Marn freaked out because she'd lost about 150euros! We knew it had to be in the apartment, I knew she must have hidden it somewhere because we didn't have a safe on the first day. While Marnie was freaking out me and Bex went back downstairs to wait for her to find it. Luckily Marn did find it, she'd hidden some in her purse silly girl! So we paid for a day in a water park, a booze cruise and two nights out on a bar crawl. Our rep, Frankie, was really lovely she kept calling me baby haha! And she gave us some great advice on the water park and stuff.
The rest of that day was basically spent lying by the pool and soaking up some sun. We cooked ourselves some pasta for dinner and decides to check out Tramps tonight. We got all dressed up and I was so excited. Tramps was meant to be the best nightclub on the island and on wednesdays it was free so we thought why not! Marnie however, did not feel well at all. There was something wrong with her stomach and she wasn't sure if she even wanted to go out. But we kind of had to because we needed to find a bar called Leonardos because we were meeting there for the booze cruise the very next day. So we set off to find the two bars. We went in the wrong direction the first time and met a lot of very scary people. Everyone there tries to tempt you into their bar or restarant but one guy was trying to put his arm round Marnie! Fucking arsehole. It's funny how all the black men are trying to sell you fake watches and sunglasses and all the chinese people try to sell you rave stuff like glasses that light up! The problem is, drunk people buy these things...idiots.
Eventually we found Leonardos and Tramps was just up ahead. We got cornered by a girl the same age as us but she looked a lot older, in a nurse costume. I knew she worked at Tramps because it was a doctors and nurses night. Of course she tried to sell us a drinks deal which was good value for money and she was very nice but none of us felt like drinking because Marnie felt ill and Bex doesn't drink anyway. She seemed annoyed when we declined her when we got there but oh well! Outside the club they had a girl in a very skimpy nurse costume dancing in a slightly raised podium of course Marnie and Bex complained but it didn't really bother me. There were various girls walking around as nurses selling shots and stuff and they were all very friendly and nice. We sat down just outside Tramps coz Marn did not feel well at all. The club wasn't open yet because it opened at 12 and stayed open until 6am! None of us felt like clubbing now because we were knackered from walking from getting lost and getting pestered by people which we weren't used to. So we decided to walk home and come back another night because from the outside, Tramps looked great. We also thought that we might come here on the bar crawl (we were right!). Me and Bex always have epic long discussions about a variety of subjects in which we talk about our own friends and stuff so we had one of these almost every day! She talks about her mates at church and I end up talking about the minions! Especially Alex because he somehow became a runnign joke the whole holiday because he's much like Bex, hyper, funny and just doesn't care, qualities I adore in both of them! So Bex suddenly decided she wanted to be Alex's best friend ha! Oh dear...funny times.
So we sat by the pool and had a swim (the pool was lush!) and then went to the young peoples meeting which was surprisingly 99% female! We chose 4 out of the 2 meetings of things we defiantly wanted to do which came to 102euros which wasn't too bad really and would leave us with approx 200 each for the whole week. We went upstairs to get our money and Marn freaked out because she'd lost about 150euros! We knew it had to be in the apartment, I knew she must have hidden it somewhere because we didn't have a safe on the first day. While Marnie was freaking out me and Bex went back downstairs to wait for her to find it. Luckily Marn did find it, she'd hidden some in her purse silly girl! So we paid for a day in a water park, a booze cruise and two nights out on a bar crawl. Our rep, Frankie, was really lovely she kept calling me baby haha! And she gave us some great advice on the water park and stuff.
The rest of that day was basically spent lying by the pool and soaking up some sun. We cooked ourselves some pasta for dinner and decides to check out Tramps tonight. We got all dressed up and I was so excited. Tramps was meant to be the best nightclub on the island and on wednesdays it was free so we thought why not! Marnie however, did not feel well at all. There was something wrong with her stomach and she wasn't sure if she even wanted to go out. But we kind of had to because we needed to find a bar called Leonardos because we were meeting there for the booze cruise the very next day. So we set off to find the two bars. We went in the wrong direction the first time and met a lot of very scary people. Everyone there tries to tempt you into their bar or restarant but one guy was trying to put his arm round Marnie! Fucking arsehole. It's funny how all the black men are trying to sell you fake watches and sunglasses and all the chinese people try to sell you rave stuff like glasses that light up! The problem is, drunk people buy these things...idiots.
Eventually we found Leonardos and Tramps was just up ahead. We got cornered by a girl the same age as us but she looked a lot older, in a nurse costume. I knew she worked at Tramps because it was a doctors and nurses night. Of course she tried to sell us a drinks deal which was good value for money and she was very nice but none of us felt like drinking because Marnie felt ill and Bex doesn't drink anyway. She seemed annoyed when we declined her when we got there but oh well! Outside the club they had a girl in a very skimpy nurse costume dancing in a slightly raised podium of course Marnie and Bex complained but it didn't really bother me. There were various girls walking around as nurses selling shots and stuff and they were all very friendly and nice. We sat down just outside Tramps coz Marn did not feel well at all. The club wasn't open yet because it opened at 12 and stayed open until 6am! None of us felt like clubbing now because we were knackered from walking from getting lost and getting pestered by people which we weren't used to. So we decided to walk home and come back another night because from the outside, Tramps looked great. We also thought that we might come here on the bar crawl (we were right!). Me and Bex always have epic long discussions about a variety of subjects in which we talk about our own friends and stuff so we had one of these almost every day! She talks about her mates at church and I end up talking about the minions! Especially Alex because he somehow became a runnign joke the whole holiday because he's much like Bex, hyper, funny and just doesn't care, qualities I adore in both of them! So Bex suddenly decided she wanted to be Alex's best friend ha! Oh dear...funny times.
Day 1- Arriving at Tenerife
So the day started off getting up at stupid-o'clock to leave for Gatwick airport. My dad picked up Marnie and then Bex and then we were off on our way. Me and Bex were excited but Marnie seemed rather worried. She was most worried about her ears because she knows they get bad of airplanes because of the pressure and she'd forgot her ear spray. I also noticed she had her mobile phone. Bad mistake for many reasons, the first being it's good to detatch yourself from home, if you stay in contact with home it can make you more homesick, you kinda need the independance sometimes. Secondly, I didn't want her to be texting her boyfriend the whole holiday and she often gets stressed out with him. But anyway, it was her choice.
The flight was nice and smooth, there were no delays but it was a 4 hours flight which isn't too bad but it did get rather boring at times, luckily Bex had brought a puzzle book so I did that most of the journey as I finished reading Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas which was a brilliant book by the way. It was super quick and easy to get out of the airport and hop in the coach which takes everyone to their hotels. The coach journey was quite quick and we enjoyed the scenery as we were driven to our hotel Parque de la Paz in Playa de las americas. When we got to our apartment we decided to dump our stuff off and head to the supermarket to buy food and water because you can't drink the water in Tenerife as it has too many minerals in and will therefore make you ill as we're not used to it. But I felt faint as soon as we got in our room, I lied down on the sofa to recover and I thought I'd be fine as soon as we got out of the apartment and got some water. So we grabbed some money and rushed out but I started feeling sick, I was gagging but not throwing up, I decided I wouldn't be able to walk with them as I could bearly stand up so Marn and Bex went by themselves, leaving me on the sofa. I knew what it was, I'm super sensitive to heat and we'd just left a very cold England plus I hadn't really had enough to eat or drink all day so that didn't help.
Luckily my friends found a vending machine with water in so they brought me some and then went to the supermarket. I felt fine when they came back. I was very glad, I didn't want to be ill on holiday! We were hungry so we had a pizza they brought from the shop. The cooker was a bit tricky to use and we weren't sure if it was even working! Stupidly, Marnie put her hand into the cooker to see if it was hot and burnt her arm! She had a little scar she kept complaining about but it was her own fault!
We didn't do much that day as we arrived in the afternoon and surprisingly there was no time difference over there! Our apartment was lovely, we had TWO balconys! There were two single beds pushed together and two sofas so we took it in turns for one of us to sleep on the sofa which was very comfy anyway. The bathroom was decent, we had a great shower but sometimes there was little hot water. After we'd eaten we changed into our bikinis and decided to check out the beach that was literally 2 minutes down the road, we didn't realise how close we were! It was lovely warm sand and a cool sea. Because we went in the evening it wasn't crazy hot it was just right but still very sunny. When it got too cold we decided to find a resturant to eat as it was our first night and it just had to be done! We found a very cheap place where you could sit outside but under a tent type thing. Crazily enough it was 3euros for a cheeseburger, chips and coke! The burger didn't really taste like a burger, it was more like sausage meat as the meat was actually pink when you bit into it but it was still okay for the price and it didn't make us ill so it must have been ok!
We went back to the hotel afterwards and checked out the evenings entertainment which was a very pretty lady called Cara, she sung there almost every night and she was okay but it wasn't our sort of thing so we headed back to the hotel room and played cards for a bit. There were some blokes next door to us who were really funny! Chavy, but funny. I started singing "Are you ready for love?" and they sung back! Ha! And when we played cards Marn asked "What are we playing?" and I joked "Strip poker" and the boys shouted "Can we come round and join in?". At least we thought they were funny until they woke us up at about 3am shouting and swearing and slamming doors with reception ringing them every five minutes telling them to shut up. We didn't like them so much after disrupted Marnie's sleep but luckily I was SO knackered I slept through most of it.
The flight was nice and smooth, there were no delays but it was a 4 hours flight which isn't too bad but it did get rather boring at times, luckily Bex had brought a puzzle book so I did that most of the journey as I finished reading Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas which was a brilliant book by the way. It was super quick and easy to get out of the airport and hop in the coach which takes everyone to their hotels. The coach journey was quite quick and we enjoyed the scenery as we were driven to our hotel Parque de la Paz in Playa de las americas. When we got to our apartment we decided to dump our stuff off and head to the supermarket to buy food and water because you can't drink the water in Tenerife as it has too many minerals in and will therefore make you ill as we're not used to it. But I felt faint as soon as we got in our room, I lied down on the sofa to recover and I thought I'd be fine as soon as we got out of the apartment and got some water. So we grabbed some money and rushed out but I started feeling sick, I was gagging but not throwing up, I decided I wouldn't be able to walk with them as I could bearly stand up so Marn and Bex went by themselves, leaving me on the sofa. I knew what it was, I'm super sensitive to heat and we'd just left a very cold England plus I hadn't really had enough to eat or drink all day so that didn't help.
Luckily my friends found a vending machine with water in so they brought me some and then went to the supermarket. I felt fine when they came back. I was very glad, I didn't want to be ill on holiday! We were hungry so we had a pizza they brought from the shop. The cooker was a bit tricky to use and we weren't sure if it was even working! Stupidly, Marnie put her hand into the cooker to see if it was hot and burnt her arm! She had a little scar she kept complaining about but it was her own fault!
We didn't do much that day as we arrived in the afternoon and surprisingly there was no time difference over there! Our apartment was lovely, we had TWO balconys! There were two single beds pushed together and two sofas so we took it in turns for one of us to sleep on the sofa which was very comfy anyway. The bathroom was decent, we had a great shower but sometimes there was little hot water. After we'd eaten we changed into our bikinis and decided to check out the beach that was literally 2 minutes down the road, we didn't realise how close we were! It was lovely warm sand and a cool sea. Because we went in the evening it wasn't crazy hot it was just right but still very sunny. When it got too cold we decided to find a resturant to eat as it was our first night and it just had to be done! We found a very cheap place where you could sit outside but under a tent type thing. Crazily enough it was 3euros for a cheeseburger, chips and coke! The burger didn't really taste like a burger, it was more like sausage meat as the meat was actually pink when you bit into it but it was still okay for the price and it didn't make us ill so it must have been ok!
We went back to the hotel afterwards and checked out the evenings entertainment which was a very pretty lady called Cara, she sung there almost every night and she was okay but it wasn't our sort of thing so we headed back to the hotel room and played cards for a bit. There were some blokes next door to us who were really funny! Chavy, but funny. I started singing "Are you ready for love?" and they sung back! Ha! And when we played cards Marn asked "What are we playing?" and I joked "Strip poker" and the boys shouted "Can we come round and join in?". At least we thought they were funny until they woke us up at about 3am shouting and swearing and slamming doors with reception ringing them every five minutes telling them to shut up. We didn't like them so much after disrupted Marnie's sleep but luckily I was SO knackered I slept through most of it.
I'm baaaaaack!
Well I'm back from holiday and I've had a fantastic time. There was drama, tears but mainly, lots and lots of smiles and the few problems we had? I think we all enjoyed the holiday enough to get over those! Anyway, I shall be posting later a day-to-day account of what we did (of what I can't remember/most important bits) so for now this is only a short blog but watch this space!
Minxy x
Minxy x
Monday, 6 July 2009
My last post...

Until the 15th I suppose! Wish I could document each day abroad, would be easier but I won't have internet access. It's probably a good thing, I need to disconnect myself. I come back on the 14th but I won't be home until very late, well about 10-11pm there abouts. I've packed everything, had a panic about my bikini but mum found it, it was left in a suitcase in the loft! My suitcase is stuffed full but it's only a small one. Pretty sure I've got everything, gone through the checklist and everything is A-ok. My dad is picking up Bex and Marnie at 6:30 tomorrow morning and then we are off! Luckily there should be no panic about getting there because the tickets actually say at least one hour before flight (to check in), usually it's 2 hours so we've allowed ourselves enough time. There will probably be a lot of waiting round at the airport but at least we'll be safe for time.
So that's it, goodbye, fairwell, au revoir, adios, etc. Bye loyal readers! Xxx
I can't fucking wait. My dad took the liberty of going round to Marnies to write the details on the tickets, Marnies mum ended up letting him have them! Bless him, I think my parents are secretly worried. I woke up to a very nice phonecall this morning, always good! I'm so going to miss some people! But I guess it's only a week, it will probably go super quick and it will be nice to come back after being away. I've already packed everything, just need to decide what I'm going to wear tomorrow and a couple of other things. Shall ask my mum for advice. Mums are good at that sort of thing.
2 more BSSA emblems to get today and Resi then I shall be satified before going away and then when I come back me and Stewie are going to do co-op and do it on vetran mode because I would like the trophy but I'm going to need some help! Should be a laugh with headsets on and stuff. We've done some Resi 5 stuff together before and it's always been really funny so I can't wait! I'm becoming a bit of a trophy whore aren't I? Oh well. It's fun!
Not much to write about today really, I'm just crazy excited and I'll be nervous tomorrow, with too much time to kill, trying to keep Marnie calm as I know she will be dramatic about everything as usual. Apparently when we land her ears pop because of the pressure. Greeeaaaatt. I hope I don't have to sit next to her! It sounds mean but she said herself she turns into a bitch because it hurts so much. Which is kind of fair enough but still...
Might have more to document later but I doubt it, for now, goodbye!
Currently listening to- Hanna Pakarinen-how can I miss you
"Just because I like you, don't mean I need you. You don't have to be here everyday. Just because I'm with you, don't mean I have to. I don't mean to diss you but how can I miss you if you never go away?"
2 more BSSA emblems to get today and Resi then I shall be satified before going away and then when I come back me and Stewie are going to do co-op and do it on vetran mode because I would like the trophy but I'm going to need some help! Should be a laugh with headsets on and stuff. We've done some Resi 5 stuff together before and it's always been really funny so I can't wait! I'm becoming a bit of a trophy whore aren't I? Oh well. It's fun!
Not much to write about today really, I'm just crazy excited and I'll be nervous tomorrow, with too much time to kill, trying to keep Marnie calm as I know she will be dramatic about everything as usual. Apparently when we land her ears pop because of the pressure. Greeeaaaatt. I hope I don't have to sit next to her! It sounds mean but she said herself she turns into a bitch because it hurts so much. Which is kind of fair enough but still...
Might have more to document later but I doubt it, for now, goodbye!
Currently listening to- Hanna Pakarinen-how can I miss you
"Just because I like you, don't mean I need you. You don't have to be here everyday. Just because I'm with you, don't mean I have to. I don't mean to diss you but how can I miss you if you never go away?"
Sunday, 5 July 2009
2 days...
Today my family and I went to the cinema to check out the new 3D screen at our cinema. So we went to see Ice Age 3, I know, I'm such a kid but I love it. Many of my friends think this is childish but it's better than seeing a ridiculous Romantic comedy! At least family films (pixar ones anyway) have real humour in them. So yes, the film was very good, although I think they have exhausted the series now, if they make another one, I won't go and see it. The 3D was quite impressive too, not as good as the IMAX of course but still pretty amazing for a cinema to pull off. We got to keep the cool nerd style 3D glasses too. Of course, you have to pay extra to see a film in 3D which my dad moaned about a million times. I did try to explain to him that the projector probably cost thousands of pounds and making a 3D film print would be extra expensive too...
I have to pack tomorrow, it's my last full day in England. I hate packing, I always worry I've forgotten something extremely important but I'm sure I won't. I know I'll be stressing out tomorrow, and the next day. I won't be able to sleep, I haven't slept well the past three nights anyway for unknown reasons! I have to get up at 5:30, I'm going to be knackered. I hope the others aren't late, my dad is picking them up because he's driving us there. If they're late I know I will freak out. I will try to stay calm though, I'm usually a calm person but when you're going on holiday without any adults to look after anything for you, it's a bit hard not to panic a little. I'm sure it will all be fine. I'm going to miss people though, it will be good to get a break from certain people! Plus no PS3 for a week! Aaaaahhh! Meh, I've coped for longer before. I just hope there are no arguements on holiday, we never argue at home so I can't see that being an issue! Plus me, Marn and Bex are all fun-loving and free kind of people so I'm sure we'll get on fine on holiday. Anyway, I should stop worrying and just get on with it! Not looking foward to packing tomorrow...
2 more BSSA emblems to get in Resi 5! Trophies FTW! :)
I have to pack tomorrow, it's my last full day in England. I hate packing, I always worry I've forgotten something extremely important but I'm sure I won't. I know I'll be stressing out tomorrow, and the next day. I won't be able to sleep, I haven't slept well the past three nights anyway for unknown reasons! I have to get up at 5:30, I'm going to be knackered. I hope the others aren't late, my dad is picking them up because he's driving us there. If they're late I know I will freak out. I will try to stay calm though, I'm usually a calm person but when you're going on holiday without any adults to look after anything for you, it's a bit hard not to panic a little. I'm sure it will all be fine. I'm going to miss people though, it will be good to get a break from certain people! Plus no PS3 for a week! Aaaaahhh! Meh, I've coped for longer before. I just hope there are no arguements on holiday, we never argue at home so I can't see that being an issue! Plus me, Marn and Bex are all fun-loving and free kind of people so I'm sure we'll get on fine on holiday. Anyway, I should stop worrying and just get on with it! Not looking foward to packing tomorrow...
2 more BSSA emblems to get in Resi 5! Trophies FTW! :)
BBQ Pics

Sorry for the previous post, and extremly long rant but you can see why I was pissed off right? There was more to write about but I thought it was best to leave it there....On an unrelated note someone just tagged me in a couple of pics from the BBQ in my new dress, I think they're really nice pics! What do you think? :D
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