Gotta love sundays and their laziness. Finally managed to haul myself out of bed after a couple of hours of sleepy texting. Immediatly got started on annotating my pre-release booklet for english, it's all pretty and colour coded now so hopefully I'm all set for exam. I will still need to make a few more notes though, which I'll do tomorrow or something.
Then it was PS3 time all the way! Played Killzone 2 first, eventually got bored though, have reached the first of the 3 new ranks though, unfortunatly you don't actually earn anything extra whichis a shame. It just says "new icon aquirred!" What a cope out. Started playing Burn zombie burn and the PS3 froze! Really worried me, thought I was gunna get the yellow light but all was fine thank Christ. Think I'd cry if my PS3 died...really need to back up the saves one of these days! Just incase.
Moved onto Burnout since BZB was being weird. Bought the deloreon style car (even though I really shouldn't be spending anymore money! Oh well). The car is awesome! When you boost it leaves flames behind and it hovers!!!! Plus it is super fast, perfect for races! Absolutly love it!
If I could have any car in the world, it be a classic deloreon! Not sure how easy it would be to get out of those doors mind! But who cares!
I feel so adored! It's lovely, makes me very, very happy. Wish I could express myself better but with parents around that's a bit tricky when you're trying to have a private conversation. Oh well, just have to wait until the weekend!
"If everything was everything but everything was over. Everything could be everything if only we were older. I guess it's just a silly song about you, and how I lost you and your brown eyes"
Love love love this song at the moment. Brown eyes are the best. <3
"Honey it's no surprise that I got lost in your brown eyes."
Infact, I just love Lady Gaga at the moment! The person herself? She's a freak but her songs are amazing. Gotta love "I like it rough".
"Is it because I don't feel it, or because you don't mean, 'less it's rough." Hehe, genius.
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