Gotta love getting up stupidly late and sleeping in! I love my bed, actually I love any bed as long as I sleep well. Had strange dreams involving some of the minions, namely Matt and Alex, not sure what Matt was doing but me and Alex were shopping in a geeky sort of shop. Sounds about right, ha!
Anywho, I eventually got up and went on facebook to chat to a very horny Martyn, don't think that pic of me poledancing did him any favours (poor bloke) but he does make me giggle.
I managed to drag myself off after he left to beguin revision, Bex had offered to come round mine to knock for me so we could go for a walk and revise together. So we walked to the park together and sat on the grass to revise English, it was much fun and we had a laugh, even though it was a little colder than we expected, the sun kept going in and out of the clouds and it was a wee bit windy but we survived nonetheless. We did 2 hours of revision! I definitly learn so much better when I'm revising with someone and since me and Bex both do Sociology and English Language we are perfect partners!
Apart from that, I haven't done much today, might go shopping tomorrow, give myself a little break from revision...
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