Well when I said I was having a cervical cancer jab, I would have thought it to be pretty self-explainatory, it seems it's a little TOO self-explainatory. Both JB and Bossman though, if only for a second, the needle goes some else! Their mistake made me laugh but little did I know until this morning that M also believed that too! So you can imagine his confusion when I said my arm hurts...and as he said to me this morning "When I offered to kiss it better..." Oh dear. And I said he could as well! Silly men and their dirty minds...I mean how on earth would you even have an injection there! Makes me cringe just thinking about it...
So I spent another glorious day inside revising, I didn't even get that much done. And all the while people were complaining (on facebook and twitter) about how it was too hot. Well if it's so hot then step away from the computer and go and cool down?! I was inside and I was quite the perfect temperature. Honestly us Brits, we complain when it rains and then moan when it's hot. I swear half the time we don't know what we want, or maybe we just enjoy being unhappy. I don't know.
The people who obviously weren't outside or complaining were on the PS3 all day playing Infamous which came out today. I am so jealous. I don't really have the money to justify blowing on a full-priced game at the moment and damn it's annoying. If I still had my job I would have pre-ordered the damn game...oh well. Must I wait for everything? Yes, I must...
I am now very tired but don't really see the point in going to bed. Mind you I have to reason to stay up, no one to talk to, not much to do...I think I'll just check facebook then go...man I feel so lonely...
Just watched the painted veil with mother and sister. Was very good, I do love Edward Norton. Was quite sad though, I'm actually surprised I didn't cry, I'm usually so soppy with films but I'm glad I didn't cry. I really don't need to be sad right now.
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