I decided not to go shopping today, firstly because, surprise, surprise, I got up late but mainly because it is horrid and rainy today and I don't partically want to walk around town when I could be indoors getting some work done.
So that's what I did, started on my English revision notes. Not the most exciting thing in the world but it has to be done.
I'm getting my cervical cancer jab done tomorrow at 11am, so I'm going to have to get up fairly early tomorrow, I just hope it's a nice day as I'll be walking to the doctors. Apparently, this jab really hurts, well the actual jab is ok but afterwards your arm feels heavy and weak. Not good. To make things worse I think I may have to have it done in my right arm because I've recently had a needle in the left arm! I'll have to ask and see what she says...On the plus side? An excuse for not doing work! On the bad side? I may not be able to play PS3?! I shall have to wait and see I suppose...
Suddenly, almost all the minions are now getting UT3! Which is bizzare when it's all me, Matt and Alex used to go on about on the OPM boards but only now people are buying it even though it's been out for years! I suppose it's because of the Titan pack that recently came out and UT3 only costs a tenner now and it has trophies...So I can't wait 'till we have a good old minion UT3 tournament! Bring on the flak I say! I am gunna kick some seriously butt! Although Matt is very good...re-match I say! :)
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