Turns out we didn't go out again for Marn's bday because she felt ill, I'm rather glad really because I still had a good time sleeping over with Yaz as I don't get to see her very often and it also meant I wasn't too tired to go out today. I wasn't going to do much today but I'm so glad it was such a lovely day, it's been the nicest day of the year so far and I got to spend it in the sunshine with someone special, I'm a lucky girl...well kind of. Actually, rather unlucky! But it could be worse, could have no one at all...should count my lucky stars and all that jazz.
I have been invited out to go out again tomorrow night but I don't think I can do it, I really need to crack on with revision and although Marnie really wants to do something for her birthday now, I have exams in 3 weeks! Once they're over I'll be pretty much free, we can go out anytime...I think I'll have to turn her down because I just know if I go out monday, I'll be too tired/hungover on tuesday to do any work and I really need to get my arse into gear! I find it better to revise earlier in the day, I can't work late, it doesn't work for me.
Is it so very wrong to start to get sick of your friends? I realised when I stayed over Marns' last night how much they really do annoy me sometimes. Alice wouldn't shut up with bitching about other people and "Omg I can't believe Laura got off with three random guys!" (Not me by the way and actually it was only two), Bex critising my film taste (Ha!!! She can talk.) and Marn getting upset over her boyfriend (which to be fair to her, was understandable because he wouldn't even go out for her 18th with us and told her to fuck off over the phone! It's just that she's always complaining...). The only person who wasn't annoying me was Yaz, I love Yaz she used to be my best friend, she actually got the family guy referances when no one else did and she giggles alot like me. I actually have some things in common with her unlike the others...the jokes, the referances, the opinions almost always differ with my girly mates and I do wonder how the heck we ever became friends sometimes. Of course I love them to pieces, I just think I need something new...
Which is why I'm so glad I have the minions, I have something in common with all of them! I get on with them all in different ways but it's great to have a, rather random, group of friends who are outside my normal circle of friends. I think if I didn't have the minions, I'd be half crazy by now. Well okay I know I am completly crazy but you understand...right?
I really can't wait 'till we go to Thorpe Park and all my exams are over, so many things are stressing me out and worrying me and upseting me and it's no use really because I don't have any control over any of these situations! I just have to sit things out and hope, pray, for a normal, more relaxed life someday.
What have we done in a past life to be punished like this for no reason? Because I'll be damned if I know...I just hope we're rewarded...
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