Am really starting to freak out now. Tomorrow is the 1st of June, which means my first exam will be in 11 days! I feel like I need to learn and remember so much!!! But then again I did get a C in the mock we did in class for Sociology (and I knew very little studies) so hopefully, even if I forget or don't learn enough studies, I should be okay as apparently Stacey marks quite harshly...
I haven't done any revision today when I should have! But sunday is such a lazy day and I'm going into college tomorrow to revise English anyway so that's kinda justified it. The problem is going to be revising for Sociology when I get home...because I'll know I won't want to. I'm just going to have to force myself.
I blame the weather. Yes I know I shouldn't complain as it's rarely this lovely but we always seem to get the best weather when it's exam and revision time! I remember when I did my GCSEs I had to walk to school for an exam when it was absolutly baking hot. Our uniform was red and black and we had to wear trousers so we always felt as if we were dying! Then after our exams were over, the summer was shite. As in, very wet and rainy. I hope that doesn't happen this year. I at least want it to be nice for Thorpe Park and Brighton. If it's horrible for the rest of the time it won't matter too much, especially as I'm going to Tenerife, which I am very nervous and excited about!
My social life is probably going to be cut off for the next few weeks but maybe that's a good thing. I do need a break from certain people but then again there's others I really miss. Still. It will all be over soon. Which is both a good and a bad thing. God I really hope I get the grades. I dunno what I'm going to do if I don't get into Kingston...
Sunday, 31 May 2009
Saturday, 30 May 2009
Random Poem
JB posted this on my facebook after I took a quiz on facebook and I love it. Can totally relate to it too.
Once I had a secret love
That lived within the heart of me
All too soon my secret love
Became impatient to be free
So I told the friendly star
The way that dreamers often do
Just how wonderful you are
And why I'm so in love with you
Now I shout it from the highest hills
Even told the golden daffodils
At last my heart's an open door
And my secret love's no secret anymore
Once I had a secret love
That lived within the heart of me
All too soon my secret love
Became impatient to be free
So I told the friendly star
The way that dreamers often do
Just how wonderful you are
And why I'm so in love with you
Now I shout it from the highest hills
Even told the golden daffodils
At last my heart's an open door
And my secret love's no secret anymore
Have a nice day
Today was another b-e-a-utiful day! So instead of being good and revising (i've had enough of this being good lark), I decided to go to the beach with Marnie. As always, she was late...but nonetheless eventually we got down to the beach, just us two, I assumed others were coming but Alice was revising and Bex was working. Bummer.
Was okay. I always feel insuperior when with Marnie, she is very pretty and people always seem to stare at her, she has a boyfriend who she's been with for five years but somehow she has no self-confidence (unless she's boozy) which I find soooo very strange. She's got no reason to not have confidence.
Anyway, I'm afraid she does annoy me sometimes. When we were walking home, she commented on how Jo had text her a happy birthday a while back (to cut a long story short, her and Jo had a really silly disagreement and they've never been the same ever since. Marnie is paranoid that Jo dislikes her and I think Jo feels the same way). I happened to menstion that Jo had text me after her birthday to ask how the night out went. Marnie for some reason took this to offence, saying that Jo should have text her, as if Jo was saying things behind her back, which she never does!
Marnie is so paranoid and it's ridiculous. Jo had probably just text me for the sake of a conversation with me, I doubt it had anything to do with Marnie! I did say this to her but I don't think she believes me. Marnie obviously has some sort of problem and isn't "man enough" to just get it sorted with Jo. I wish they would sort it out. I'm tired of being in the middle of a petty arguement. We're adults now for Gods sake.
Anywho, enough of the ranting. I am sooo tired. Looking foward, well not really, to Britain's got talent tonight (yes, I'm sad I know). Not sure who I'm going to vote for, if anyone. There are so many great acts this year! Just as long as it's not a singer and it's not that Hollie girl who broke down yesterday. I feel sorry for her, she's a fantastic singer but at 10 years old it's no wonder whe started crying and reaching out for "mummy". Her parents have obviously pushed her into this and she just isn't ready for show-buisness at this age! Well, it's about to start so au revoir for now!
Was okay. I always feel insuperior when with Marnie, she is very pretty and people always seem to stare at her, she has a boyfriend who she's been with for five years but somehow she has no self-confidence (unless she's boozy) which I find soooo very strange. She's got no reason to not have confidence.
Anyway, I'm afraid she does annoy me sometimes. When we were walking home, she commented on how Jo had text her a happy birthday a while back (to cut a long story short, her and Jo had a really silly disagreement and they've never been the same ever since. Marnie is paranoid that Jo dislikes her and I think Jo feels the same way). I happened to menstion that Jo had text me after her birthday to ask how the night out went. Marnie for some reason took this to offence, saying that Jo should have text her, as if Jo was saying things behind her back, which she never does!
Marnie is so paranoid and it's ridiculous. Jo had probably just text me for the sake of a conversation with me, I doubt it had anything to do with Marnie! I did say this to her but I don't think she believes me. Marnie obviously has some sort of problem and isn't "man enough" to just get it sorted with Jo. I wish they would sort it out. I'm tired of being in the middle of a petty arguement. We're adults now for Gods sake.
Anywho, enough of the ranting. I am sooo tired. Looking foward, well not really, to Britain's got talent tonight (yes, I'm sad I know). Not sure who I'm going to vote for, if anyone. There are so many great acts this year! Just as long as it's not a singer and it's not that Hollie girl who broke down yesterday. I feel sorry for her, she's a fantastic singer but at 10 years old it's no wonder whe started crying and reaching out for "mummy". Her parents have obviously pushed her into this and she just isn't ready for show-buisness at this age! Well, it's about to start so au revoir for now!
Friday, 29 May 2009
Silly boys...
Well when I said I was having a cervical cancer jab, I would have thought it to be pretty self-explainatory, it seems it's a little TOO self-explainatory. Both JB and Bossman though, if only for a second, the needle goes some else! Their mistake made me laugh but little did I know until this morning that M also believed that too! So you can imagine his confusion when I said my arm hurts...and as he said to me this morning "When I offered to kiss it better..." Oh dear. And I said he could as well! Silly men and their dirty minds...I mean how on earth would you even have an injection there! Makes me cringe just thinking about it...
So I spent another glorious day inside revising, I didn't even get that much done. And all the while people were complaining (on facebook and twitter) about how it was too hot. Well if it's so hot then step away from the computer and go and cool down?! I was inside and I was quite the perfect temperature. Honestly us Brits, we complain when it rains and then moan when it's hot. I swear half the time we don't know what we want, or maybe we just enjoy being unhappy. I don't know.
The people who obviously weren't outside or complaining were on the PS3 all day playing Infamous which came out today. I am so jealous. I don't really have the money to justify blowing on a full-priced game at the moment and damn it's annoying. If I still had my job I would have pre-ordered the damn game...oh well. Must I wait for everything? Yes, I must...
I am now very tired but don't really see the point in going to bed. Mind you I have to reason to stay up, no one to talk to, not much to do...I think I'll just check facebook then I feel so lonely...
Just watched the painted veil with mother and sister. Was very good, I do love Edward Norton. Was quite sad though, I'm actually surprised I didn't cry, I'm usually so soppy with films but I'm glad I didn't cry. I really don't need to be sad right now.
Thursday, 28 May 2009
Dead Arm
Cervical cancer jab today, no jokes please, I've had them all already! Including a rather funny text from M: "You finally got a prick inside of you then?"...hmm.
My arm really aches now, I can't move my left upper arm at all! Feels really stiff and horrid.
The actual injection took no longer than 30 seconds though! Went up to the nurse, she got the needle out of a box, asked me whether I could be pregnant then stuck the needle straight into the top of my left arm. It's really weird feeling the liquid going into your arm! Then that was it. But I have to go back in a months time for another (which is more painful apparently) then after that I have to have a third one in 5 months time! By which time I will (hopefully) be in uni so I'm not sure how that's going to be arranged...I'll sort it out when it comes to it I guess.
Been getting into the old UT3 again, lots of first places, killing sprees and multi kills, yep I still got it baby! M said his UT3 should arrive tomorrow so hopefully some of the minions will be able to play tomorrow! When I played yesterday two really annoying Americans had their headsets on and their conversation consisted of a man and woman arguing and going "Oh my god I got the last kill!!!" Eugh, SO annoying! Some American accents really are terrible! And for a religious country, they sure do say "oh my God" alot!
My arm really aches now, I can't move my left upper arm at all! Feels really stiff and horrid.
The actual injection took no longer than 30 seconds though! Went up to the nurse, she got the needle out of a box, asked me whether I could be pregnant then stuck the needle straight into the top of my left arm. It's really weird feeling the liquid going into your arm! Then that was it. But I have to go back in a months time for another (which is more painful apparently) then after that I have to have a third one in 5 months time! By which time I will (hopefully) be in uni so I'm not sure how that's going to be arranged...I'll sort it out when it comes to it I guess.
Been getting into the old UT3 again, lots of first places, killing sprees and multi kills, yep I still got it baby! M said his UT3 should arrive tomorrow so hopefully some of the minions will be able to play tomorrow! When I played yesterday two really annoying Americans had their headsets on and their conversation consisted of a man and woman arguing and going "Oh my god I got the last kill!!!" Eugh, SO annoying! Some American accents really are terrible! And for a religious country, they sure do say "oh my God" alot!
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Rocket Scientist
I decided not to go shopping today, firstly because, surprise, surprise, I got up late but mainly because it is horrid and rainy today and I don't partically want to walk around town when I could be indoors getting some work done.
So that's what I did, started on my English revision notes. Not the most exciting thing in the world but it has to be done.
I'm getting my cervical cancer jab done tomorrow at 11am, so I'm going to have to get up fairly early tomorrow, I just hope it's a nice day as I'll be walking to the doctors. Apparently, this jab really hurts, well the actual jab is ok but afterwards your arm feels heavy and weak. Not good. To make things worse I think I may have to have it done in my right arm because I've recently had a needle in the left arm! I'll have to ask and see what she says...On the plus side? An excuse for not doing work! On the bad side? I may not be able to play PS3?! I shall have to wait and see I suppose...
Suddenly, almost all the minions are now getting UT3! Which is bizzare when it's all me, Matt and Alex used to go on about on the OPM boards but only now people are buying it even though it's been out for years! I suppose it's because of the Titan pack that recently came out and UT3 only costs a tenner now and it has trophies...So I can't wait 'till we have a good old minion UT3 tournament! Bring on the flak I say! I am gunna kick some seriously butt! Although Matt is very I say! :)
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
I <3 half term

Gotta love getting up stupidly late and sleeping in! I love my bed, actually I love any bed as long as I sleep well. Had strange dreams involving some of the minions, namely Matt and Alex, not sure what Matt was doing but me and Alex were shopping in a geeky sort of shop. Sounds about right, ha!
Anywho, I eventually got up and went on facebook to chat to a very horny Martyn, don't think that pic of me poledancing did him any favours (poor bloke) but he does make me giggle.
I managed to drag myself off after he left to beguin revision, Bex had offered to come round mine to knock for me so we could go for a walk and revise together. So we walked to the park together and sat on the grass to revise English, it was much fun and we had a laugh, even though it was a little colder than we expected, the sun kept going in and out of the clouds and it was a wee bit windy but we survived nonetheless. We did 2 hours of revision! I definitly learn so much better when I'm revising with someone and since me and Bex both do Sociology and English Language we are perfect partners!
Apart from that, I haven't done much today, might go shopping tomorrow, give myself a little break from revision...
Monday, 25 May 2009
The start of "hardcore" revision

Well okay, hardcore for me anyways...
It's yet another glorious sunny day, not a cloud in the sky and I'm stuck indoors revising Sociology...fantastic. Ahh well, has to be done! Made it slightly better by getting my laptop out, turning on spotify and listening to my amazing playlist. Thought it might distract me but I think it actually helped! Must have got in a good 4 hours of revision at least, that's enough for me today!
Friends have invited me out again tonight but I have declined because of several reasons:
Money- I need to save it on more important things and not waste it on booze.
Revision- I know if I go out tonight, I'll feel aweful tomorrow and won't end up doing any work.
My stomach- It still feels a bit funny from yesterday and I do not want to make myself ill, plus I am tired as it is.
I hate missing out on things but there will be plenty of oppertunities to go out after exams are over.
2 months of no work! Well...I need to find a job, not sure how I am going to do that when I'll be leaving for Uni 2 months after my exams, need to find something temporary obviously, or somewhere I can be transferred...
Currently listening to: Eh, eh (nothing else I can say) - Lady Gaga
Sunday, 24 May 2009
Change of plans

Turns out we didn't go out again for Marn's bday because she felt ill, I'm rather glad really because I still had a good time sleeping over with Yaz as I don't get to see her very often and it also meant I wasn't too tired to go out today. I wasn't going to do much today but I'm so glad it was such a lovely day, it's been the nicest day of the year so far and I got to spend it in the sunshine with someone special, I'm a lucky girl...well kind of. Actually, rather unlucky! But it could be worse, could have no one at all...should count my lucky stars and all that jazz.
I have been invited out to go out again tomorrow night but I don't think I can do it, I really need to crack on with revision and although Marnie really wants to do something for her birthday now, I have exams in 3 weeks! Once they're over I'll be pretty much free, we can go out anytime...I think I'll have to turn her down because I just know if I go out monday, I'll be too tired/hungover on tuesday to do any work and I really need to get my arse into gear! I find it better to revise earlier in the day, I can't work late, it doesn't work for me.
Is it so very wrong to start to get sick of your friends? I realised when I stayed over Marns' last night how much they really do annoy me sometimes. Alice wouldn't shut up with bitching about other people and "Omg I can't believe Laura got off with three random guys!" (Not me by the way and actually it was only two), Bex critising my film taste (Ha!!! She can talk.) and Marn getting upset over her boyfriend (which to be fair to her, was understandable because he wouldn't even go out for her 18th with us and told her to fuck off over the phone! It's just that she's always complaining...). The only person who wasn't annoying me was Yaz, I love Yaz she used to be my best friend, she actually got the family guy referances when no one else did and she giggles alot like me. I actually have some things in common with her unlike the others...the jokes, the referances, the opinions almost always differ with my girly mates and I do wonder how the heck we ever became friends sometimes. Of course I love them to pieces, I just think I need something new...
Which is why I'm so glad I have the minions, I have something in common with all of them! I get on with them all in different ways but it's great to have a, rather random, group of friends who are outside my normal circle of friends. I think if I didn't have the minions, I'd be half crazy by now. Well okay I know I am completly crazy but you understand...right?
I really can't wait 'till we go to Thorpe Park and all my exams are over, so many things are stressing me out and worrying me and upseting me and it's no use really because I don't have any control over any of these situations! I just have to sit things out and hope, pray, for a normal, more relaxed life someday.
What have we done in a past life to be punished like this for no reason? Because I'll be damned if I know...I just hope we're rewarded...
Saturday, 23 May 2009
First clubbing experience!

Yes, last night was indeed my first experience of clubbing and it was great! Even though some people were getting a little...jealous.
It was Laura's 18th (not me, obviously) and we all started off by meeting at the regestry, I had a couple of double Bourbons and cokes, had to drink them very fast as we were soon off to route 66! So off we went with an extremly drunk Laura who'd just downed a pint of strongbow (was a very impressive sight!!!) we got to the club and it was a little empty so we all went to get drinks and then proceeded to the upper level. There were 4 levels to this club and we went to the very top because we could see a dancing pole! Marina got straight on it and started spinning round on it, was very funny then I (who was completly fucked by now) got on it just to have my picture taken. Ended up getting on there again because Marnie wanted her pic taken on there too but with me. I think Bex was a little disproving, sometimes she needs to loosen up a little...
Anyway, by the time we'd finished messing around on the pole the club had filled up so we went down to dance with everyone and practically stayed on the dancefloor all night! Laura ended up getting two guys numbers and kissed both of them I think! It was good to see Laura get some male attention, I don't believe she's ever had a boyfriend, and we all kept an eye out for her and she was okay. Alice, however, got the green eyed monster over this, saying that normally Laura would never do something like that if Jess hadn't encouraged her (she then proceeded to call Jess a slag). I had to disagree, Laura was very drunk and I bet if Alice had gotten any attention that night, she would have danced with them! So Alice spent some of the evening being miserable and moany but she said she had a good time...
Even I got some male attention which I found a bit, well, wow! A foam party had started in the middle of the dance floor and me and Bex didn't want to ruin our clothes or get soaking wet so we moved out of the way of the foam machines. Some guy saw I wasn't covered in foam (neither was he) and tried to get me to go into the foam with him and dance. He was very nice, there wasn't anything wrong with him but I already really like someone so I couldn't lead on this Nick guy. He asked my name and told me his and tried to get me to go with him by putting his hand round my waist and pulling me hand, "get off me! Not interested! You're very nice but go away!" were the thoughts goinf through my head. Bex was there with me though so she backed me up when I kept declining him with a smile and a "I'm really sorry but I can't!". For some reason Bex then picked me up! Which this random guy seemed to enjoy...anyways he soon went away which was a huge sigh of relief for me! Although it is nice to be offered, made me feel good about myself, not that I need to of course :)
So, in brief that was the story of my first night out clubbing! I really did love it which is good because I've got to do it all again tonight for Marnie's hearing is still buggered from last night but luckily I haven't got a hangover...I still don't know how I am going to survive tonight! I am planning to sleep round Marnie's though which will be good because Yaz is sleeping round and she's my old best mate whom I don't get to see much anymore. Although, sleeping on the floor might make me feel a lot worse...
Thursday, 21 May 2009
30th post!
Amazing I've kept this blog buisness up! I guess it's because I know I actually have a readership and it helps me rant!
Had college all day today for the last time! Last official day of college is tomorrow, sweet! Am still coming in for some lessons though for revision. Which is good because I'm not too good at revising by myself.
Alex has kindly arranged transport for me for #Thorpe24th! Is going to be awesome, can't believe I'm going to see all the minions again so soon! I just hope it's hot, hot, hot! I can be a bit of a fraidy cat I'm going to be pushed and dragged onto everything (oi oi!), hehe.
Infamous demo came out today, is amazing! Creating a lighting storm is SO much fun! Demo is very long too, really want this game when it comes out...might ask for it as a reward for completing exams or something...I can try doing some bargaining with my parents anyway!!!
Also found out my PS2 eyetoy works in video chat! Had a video chat with Jen, was awesome, sister and sackboy also got involved...
Then we moved onto worms, then stewie joined, then Willbossman, four-way FTW! All had headsets too was very, very funny! #wormsinnuendo ensued...epic quotage from me? "Can I pull it off? (homing missile fails) No...I can't"
Is it so very wrong to get annoyed/tired of your own friends? Amy just messaged me on Facebook with: "I think I'm going to cry"
"Why???" I replied
"I don't have a top for saturday and people already say I wear the same things :("!!! Call that a problem? Jeez louise! A couple of my friends just annoy me so much at the moment, such hard work and I just have bigger fish to fry...
I'm still remembering little things that happened last weekend, God they make me smile and laugh :)
Had college all day today for the last time! Last official day of college is tomorrow, sweet! Am still coming in for some lessons though for revision. Which is good because I'm not too good at revising by myself.
Alex has kindly arranged transport for me for #Thorpe24th! Is going to be awesome, can't believe I'm going to see all the minions again so soon! I just hope it's hot, hot, hot! I can be a bit of a fraidy cat I'm going to be pushed and dragged onto everything (oi oi!), hehe.
Infamous demo came out today, is amazing! Creating a lighting storm is SO much fun! Demo is very long too, really want this game when it comes out...might ask for it as a reward for completing exams or something...I can try doing some bargaining with my parents anyway!!!
Also found out my PS2 eyetoy works in video chat! Had a video chat with Jen, was awesome, sister and sackboy also got involved...
Then we moved onto worms, then stewie joined, then Willbossman, four-way FTW! All had headsets too was very, very funny! #wormsinnuendo ensued...epic quotage from me? "Can I pull it off? (homing missile fails) No...I can't"
Is it so very wrong to get annoyed/tired of your own friends? Amy just messaged me on Facebook with: "I think I'm going to cry"
"Why???" I replied
"I don't have a top for saturday and people already say I wear the same things :("!!! Call that a problem? Jeez louise! A couple of my friends just annoy me so much at the moment, such hard work and I just have bigger fish to fry...
I'm still remembering little things that happened last weekend, God they make me smile and laugh :)
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
Sackboy arrives!

Thanks to DonBossman Sackboy arrived this morning in all his knitted wooleyness! I practically squealed like a Japanese schoolgirl when I carefully pulled him out of his packaging. He's so godamn cute! My sister came home and found him sat, PS3 controller in his lap, she grabbed him, rushed upstairs, found some Barbie/action man clothes and dressed him up...dear oh dear! I think I prefer my sackboy the result was a very gender-confused sackboy (see above)!
Went for a walk with mum this morning with the dog as dad is away in Cornwall, comes home tomorrow I think, was a lovely sunny day. Booked two appointments with the doctor, mum brought some food, went off home to revise. Revised for a little bit then rewarded myself with playstation time...that's pretty much been my day. Nothing very exciting at all. I am now sitting and waiting for the Noby Noby boy update to finish, is taking fecking ages! Boo.
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Today, I was disapointed by two things, the first being human nature and the second being I can no longer give blood.
The first thing came about in sociology today, Toby (whilst our teacher had gone out the room) was telling the class how he's stitched up his mate and how funny it was. It was not at all funny. He and some of his mates had disguised themselves in balaclavas, one of them carried a baseball bat. They then ambushed his mate and his girlfriend by pretending to steal his car. They shouted at them, demanding they get out the car, threatening them. His mate and girlfriend were pulled out of the car and then tied up in the middle of the street! Toby even recorded this all on his phone, not a video but a voice recording of his mate screaming, yes screaming, he was so frightened it sounded more like a woman screaming than a man. The police were called by someone, but Toby and his mates had disapeared over a fence by then. So they wasted police time by faking a crime. Toby found this funny though, found it funny how his mate had literally shit himself because he was so scared. I was discusted. Absolutly discusted someone could have done this to anyone let alone someone who's supposed to be a mate! When our teacher came in the room, he told her vagually about what he had done too and Stacey did not find it at all amusing like some of the other class members did. I mean, for one thing, what he did was against the law! I don't see how anyone could find that funny, ever. We've all heard funny stories about men being tied up naked in the middle of a street after a drunken stag do but this is just ridiculous.
Secondly, I can no longer give blood! I am very annoyed because even though it always seems to make me feel dizzy, I like doing it! I like to know I'm helping save someones life, it's the least I can do and now I can't do it any longer. I was asked how much I weighed when I got there and I have no idea because I hadn't weighed myself in ages, I don't feel the need to! The lady gave me a very strange look as if I should know, which is a bit silly, if they really needed to know peoples weight they'd have scales there. However, I was allowed to continue and I proceeded to lie down on the donation bed. The nurse there gave me a little lecture because the last two times I've been, I have felt a little dizzy after giving blood. She looked at me and basically commented on how small I was and said you might be underweight which is why you feel unwell after giving. Well cheers! I'm NOT underweight! I eat so much food, it's not my fault I don't ever put anything on! It's not my fault I'm small. Anyway, she warned me that if I felt ill this time, I cannot donate again for my welfare and such, blah, blah, blah.
I was doing fine all the way through the donation, praying that I didn't feel ill, although I was a "slow giver", well I'm sorry my blood doesn't come out very easy!!! Why don't you just suck it out for crying out loud. I finished, felt fine, then suddenly felt a bit dizzy. Bugger I thought. Really did think for a minute I'd made it. So after they'd looked after me, the woman in charge told me I can't give blood any longer, my body obviously doesn't like it, 3 strikes and you're out. Was really cheezed off. And still there were nurses asking me all the fucking time how much I weighed, for crying out loud if it's that important ask people to weigh themselves before they come to the session!
So that's it. Weighed myself when I got home, was quite scary to find out I am actually 7 stone 6! You're supposed to be 7 stone 12lb to give blood...oops! No wonder my poor little body doesn't like losing any blood! Also explains why almost anyone can pick me up! Also found that my BMI is 19, ideally it should be between 19-24 so I am right at the bottom end! But at least I'm healthy and not too skinny. I am very short so my weight it right for my height so it's ok. Can't seem to put on weight anyway so it's a good job really.
Right, moan/panic over :)
The first thing came about in sociology today, Toby (whilst our teacher had gone out the room) was telling the class how he's stitched up his mate and how funny it was. It was not at all funny. He and some of his mates had disguised themselves in balaclavas, one of them carried a baseball bat. They then ambushed his mate and his girlfriend by pretending to steal his car. They shouted at them, demanding they get out the car, threatening them. His mate and girlfriend were pulled out of the car and then tied up in the middle of the street! Toby even recorded this all on his phone, not a video but a voice recording of his mate screaming, yes screaming, he was so frightened it sounded more like a woman screaming than a man. The police were called by someone, but Toby and his mates had disapeared over a fence by then. So they wasted police time by faking a crime. Toby found this funny though, found it funny how his mate had literally shit himself because he was so scared. I was discusted. Absolutly discusted someone could have done this to anyone let alone someone who's supposed to be a mate! When our teacher came in the room, he told her vagually about what he had done too and Stacey did not find it at all amusing like some of the other class members did. I mean, for one thing, what he did was against the law! I don't see how anyone could find that funny, ever. We've all heard funny stories about men being tied up naked in the middle of a street after a drunken stag do but this is just ridiculous.
Secondly, I can no longer give blood! I am very annoyed because even though it always seems to make me feel dizzy, I like doing it! I like to know I'm helping save someones life, it's the least I can do and now I can't do it any longer. I was asked how much I weighed when I got there and I have no idea because I hadn't weighed myself in ages, I don't feel the need to! The lady gave me a very strange look as if I should know, which is a bit silly, if they really needed to know peoples weight they'd have scales there. However, I was allowed to continue and I proceeded to lie down on the donation bed. The nurse there gave me a little lecture because the last two times I've been, I have felt a little dizzy after giving blood. She looked at me and basically commented on how small I was and said you might be underweight which is why you feel unwell after giving. Well cheers! I'm NOT underweight! I eat so much food, it's not my fault I don't ever put anything on! It's not my fault I'm small. Anyway, she warned me that if I felt ill this time, I cannot donate again for my welfare and such, blah, blah, blah.
I was doing fine all the way through the donation, praying that I didn't feel ill, although I was a "slow giver", well I'm sorry my blood doesn't come out very easy!!! Why don't you just suck it out for crying out loud. I finished, felt fine, then suddenly felt a bit dizzy. Bugger I thought. Really did think for a minute I'd made it. So after they'd looked after me, the woman in charge told me I can't give blood any longer, my body obviously doesn't like it, 3 strikes and you're out. Was really cheezed off. And still there were nurses asking me all the fucking time how much I weighed, for crying out loud if it's that important ask people to weigh themselves before they come to the session!
So that's it. Weighed myself when I got home, was quite scary to find out I am actually 7 stone 6! You're supposed to be 7 stone 12lb to give blood...oops! No wonder my poor little body doesn't like losing any blood! Also explains why almost anyone can pick me up! Also found that my BMI is 19, ideally it should be between 19-24 so I am right at the bottom end! But at least I'm healthy and not too skinny. I am very short so my weight it right for my height so it's ok. Can't seem to put on weight anyway so it's a good job really.
Right, moan/panic over :)
Monday, 18 May 2009
Living for the weekend

This weekend was fantastic, loved every minute of it. One the way home I got stupidly upset, I'm not sure why, maybe because it was all over and I didn't want it to be because it was so perfect. Stupid reality. I felt kinda like this at the end of the last minion meet up, I didn't actually cry but I felt I could have shed a tear at least, I miss people quickly, how the hell am I going to survive at uni if I'm like this? But I guess it will be good to get away from people that I see too much/all the time, I'll get to know other people and hopefully I'll have more time to spend with the people I currently don't spend that much time with. It's all gunna b k.
Went in for my last official English lesson with Anna today, was quite good, I actually enjoyed the lesson for once! Although I was almost falling asleep, went to bed at one last night and found it tricky to get to sleep so I'd had less than 6 hours sleep! But I have a good ability to function on very little sleep. On the minion weekend I got about 6 hours sleep for the entire weekend! It's good to be young and full of energy!
Thinking of cooking for my family sometime this week maybe, if I get to go food shopping at any point, which is unlikely but if I do I shall make dinner! Since I had some very yummy food this weekend I need to try and make it myself if I am to survive at Uni...
Was supposed to be starting revision today but I am tired after a rather eventful weekend and I just spent the past few hours doing a film essay that was meant to take 35 minutes...woops. Couldn't concentrate.
Been watching and re-watching some of the minions videos, my god they make me laugh. Such good times, whenever I feel upset, the minions really know how to cheer me up. I love them all!
Saturday, 16 May 2009
Oh my head...
Last nights party was okay. Nothing great, good job I did drink beforehand. The DJ was shit, he played old club-land type music but not the good stuff...we wanted 2009 stuff but the only decent songs he played were Poker face, just dance and omen which basically all go without in you HAVE to play them! Bex requested some really cheezy stuff like "cotten eyed Joe" and "5, 6, 7, 8", was a bit like oh god no...but I'd drunk enough to be up for anything by then (music wise I mean!!). He never played them though, don't think he actually played anyones requests even though he was asking for them all evening!
Booze was so damn expensive too. £2 for a shot and £2.50 for a small rum and coke. £4.50 for a double!!!!!! Bloody outrageous I tell you!
The walk home was actually one of the best parts of the evening. Walked home with a big group of people. Drunk people getting stressed out with each other, depressed people walking off by themselves and the sober ones trying to make sure everyone got home safe. Marnie was being the paranoid drunk and so Ace (whom I hadn't seen for 2 years and coincidently, he seems to be much nicer now) was taking the piss out of Marnie, which was very, very funny. I couldn't stop laughing. Ace asked me what had happened to me in the last 2 years, I said "nothing really, just college" which of course was a blantent lie but how do you answer that question? I would be there for days if I was to tell him what had really been going on. He didn't buy that and kept on asking but luckily he got distracted by Marnie so I dodged that awkward bullet. It was nice how he said he'd saw me smiling and thought oh that's Laura! Well that's what he told me, but it's always nice to be remembered as smiley I think.
But next morning my stupid body clock woke me up at 6:45, looked at clock, went back to sleep. Awoken by a text from Marnie saying how she'd woken up with a stitch, I did wonder if she was talking about stitch the character for a split second then I realised what she meant. Couldn't be fucked to reply, went back to sleep. Got up eventually just before ten with a banging headache. Which is odd because I don't usually get headaches from alcohol, is mostly gone now but I still feel a bit rough. Lunch and plently of water will hopefully sort me out.
Friday, 15 May 2009
The day of the re-take!
Was so nervous just before I had to enter the hall of doom!!!! (formally known as the sports hall) to do my English Language re-take. I don't actually know why I was worrying because I already have a C in this exam, I just wanted to improve my score as it were. I guess I just really hate exams.
Was talking to Jess right before the exam, we were discussing what would be good to come up. And she said I hope it's a speech to teachers or something, persuading them to use fairtrade. I agreed that would be a very good and easy question.
We entered the hall of doom...I sat down, at the back, always am at the back being Varley and all. When it was time to beguin I opened the exam paper...the biggest smile came across my face, must have looked like a right freak. Wanted to start laughing. Basically, Jess had guessed the question exactly right. I'm not even kidding. The question was to right a speech to headteachers and school governers about introducing fairtrade products into their schools and colleges. I could not believe it! It was perfect, so very easy. And I thought they would give us something nasty this year because last year was fairly easy, it was on alcohol and we had to write a magazine article.
I think my speech was great but I'm not so sure my commentary was just as good. A commentary is basically where you have to explain why you used the features you used in your speech. Sounds easy in theory but believe me, it's not. But I am feeling very optimistic! I think I've definatly improved on my mark.
Tonight I'm off to Jakes' 18th birthday party. Going round Marnie's beforehand to get boozy. Not sure if Alice is coming, think Bex said she is but not until right before we leaves Marn's because she wants to revise. Seriously. Wtf. Her sister has given her a 5 hours a day revision timetable. Which personally I think is ridiculous. You shouldn't need to do 5 hours a day! Especially Bex! She's crazily clever. Maybe that's why...but I think she works herself far too hard, her whole family thrust both religion and education uopn her I swear. Anyway, why can't she just come round a bit earlier and have some fun, instead of being boring. Oh well, her loss I suppose. I can't really be bothered to go out tonight but I'm sure it will be good fun and I'm in a great mood after that exam.
Oh and it turns out Marnie's birthday isn't going to be on that school themed night, because the weekend after the inbetweeners are going to be at Liquid! It's £10 to get in and you should dress school themed. Would love to go, I love that show! Would be awesome to meet the actors and stuff. So it looks like normal dress at marnie's party...booo.
Currently listening to: Lady Gaga-Money Honey
"That's money honey, well I'm your lover and your mistress, that's money honey, when you touch me it's so delicious..."
Thursday, 14 May 2009
I may just do well after all...
Well people things are looking up!
Found out at the end of today that my English Coursework is worth an A! Was so shocked because my friend (who's better and smarter than me) got a B in her coursework! She was pissed off because she needs an A in English to get into Uni and is scared the C/W grade is going to bring her down. Which paniced me at the time because I thought if I have a C then I am going to be so mad because when I did my coursework, John (the teacher) hardly made any changes to it...when I told Bex this she looked worried for me...but it turns out I've done better than her! I am happy but I don't know whether to tell her or not...because she'l be annoyed as she really wanted an A and she'd asked John for help a lot in order to get an A...I guess I will only tell her if she asks...
Cannot wait until the weekend! Only a day away! Is going to be awesome. Got an 18th Bday party to go to tomorrow night, should be good fun. Really need to get some money out actually...woops.
Not sure what to wear either, he's not fussy about any kind of dress code so I am thinking a nice top and a skirt or something...
Am a bit worried about tomorrows English re-take but am less worried now I have found out about my c/w. Still, must not get "too penisy" about it, I still have a long way to go...this re-take then two A level English exams...*groan*. But I am determined to work hard to go to Kingston. Have decided that although Winchester is very nice, I don't want to be isolated from everyone for 3 of my best years. So it may just have to be Kingston or re-take college for another year if I don't get in...but can I really take another year of this? I don't think I can...even more of an incentive to pass it this year! I WILL start revision soon...this monday infact! I promise.
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Racer Girl
Woke up at 11:40 this morning!! Had no idea how tired I really was! Went to bed at 1am last night because my eyes hurt and I was very tired but that's early for me now, especially on a night when I don't have to get up early next morning. So, got up, did a bit of revision for this fridays English exam then it was Burnout all the way baby! Totally addicted to it at the moment it's just such a good game. Everyone should own it! There's nothing like the thrill of going 200mph down a busy, car-filled street, squinting into the distance to try and desperatly make out the road infront of you before you crash. And you can do all that while singing along to a fantastic soundtrack, either the games original one (which has some great choons on it) or by making your own soundtrack.
Got quite a few trophies today too, a few bronzes, one silver and one gold, epic win!
But that's pretty much all I've been doing today!
Found out via sony on twitter that Motorstorm 2 is going to get FREE DLC which is just awesome news! Free stuff is always welcome in my eyes. All I managed to read about it was it's coming out tomorrow and the DLC will include some newly designed vehicles, not sure if anything else is included but I'm sure I'll find out tomorrow as long as I can drag myself away from Burnount...
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Since waking up this morning I've had a splitting headache all day, I took some painkillers when I got the Alices (called for her in the morning to walk to college with her) but they did bugger all difference. Didn't effect me during the day too much but when I was in Sociology (always a VERY loud lesson) it was made even worse. Trying to get people to be quiet but was in a good mood (amazingly!!!) so I just laughed at the constant arguements between Emel and Arta and got on with the work.
Alice has leant me her copy of The Fame, Lady Gaga's album. Bit naughty I know, I should buy it but I really don't have the money to at the moment and I really wanted this album so I have added it to my PS3s harddrive. Will make a custom soundtrack for Burnout later, JB told me how to. Happyfaces indeed!
Bex drove me home, so glad I didn't have to walk home in the rain. Thank Christ one of my friends can drive! Comes in so handy sometimes.
Thankfully, Bex and Alice are excited about the schoolgirl theme @ liquid so hurray! I will get to dress up after all, as long as the birthday girl doesn't change her mind. I guess she can't really if she's made all the arrangements with all the other people who are coming.
Overall, had an okay day. Just paid Mr Nathan Ditum (OPM writer) a compliment on his picture via twitter. He was wearing a silly hat but my god he's good looking. I, and possibly John, am very miffed he wasn't there when we visited Future Publishing now! Oh well, next time maybe! ;)
Monday, 11 May 2009
Change of plans
My friends 18th is coming up in a couple of weeks. We're all going clubbing and originally she wanted us all to do fancy dress together. She recommended referees (random!!!). Then she changed her mind because she decided she wanted to buy a really nice dress and look pretty instead. She just rung me a minute ago (my ear is still hurting from her constant loud chatter) to tell me how pissed off she was because now the night she wants to go on is themed. School party is the theme. My initial reaction was: awesome! Because I love dressing up and dressing up as a schoolgirl is especially fun! Plus I wouldn't need to buy anything as I've already got the stuff...well...I need a new shirt, woopsy...ANYWAYS moving on, I'm happy but she's not because she wanted to look nice.
Not sure what the others will say, they'll probably be annoyed too...sigh. I hope we do all dress up, it will be fun!
I'm selfish.
I have realised since last night that sometimes when I have a bad day all I can think about is myself. I really don't mean to, I guess everyone does it but it really annoys me when I'm like that. I shouldn't feel bad coz I'm always thinking of others...but I do.
Oh well, I need to stay positive, if not for myself, then for others. Because I know there are people who are worse off and need my support. And that's what I shall give.
Ordered my railcard today, should be processed within a day! Pretty awesome! Postage is free too.
Photo I took of me is a bit ick but I guess they always are.
Wanted to play with PS3 earlier but dad said "Not until after lunch". What is with that rule? He doesn't actually give a valid reason, or any reason at all infact. But that's what parents always do isn't it. Sigh.
I'm so hungry, fancy a subway. Sadface.
Oh well, I need to stay positive, if not for myself, then for others. Because I know there are people who are worse off and need my support. And that's what I shall give.
Ordered my railcard today, should be processed within a day! Pretty awesome! Postage is free too.
Photo I took of me is a bit ick but I guess they always are.
Wanted to play with PS3 earlier but dad said "Not until after lunch". What is with that rule? He doesn't actually give a valid reason, or any reason at all infact. But that's what parents always do isn't it. Sigh.
I'm so hungry, fancy a subway. Sadface.
Sunday, 10 May 2009
And as usual...
Everything goes tits up for Laura.
Gone from very happy to sad, funny what a few hours can do. Hilarious.
If there's a God, I swear he hates me.
Can't find my bloody passport now either.
Just wanna crawl up into a circle and cry.
I'm probably over-reacting but fuck it, it's how I feel.
Just wish I didn't have to sneak around behind peoples backs anymore. Feel like I'm lying to everyone I know and I really hate lying. I just want uncomplicated, guilt free, non-secret happiness but obviously that's too much to ask.
Gone from very happy to sad, funny what a few hours can do. Hilarious.
If there's a God, I swear he hates me.
Can't find my bloody passport now either.
Just wanna crawl up into a circle and cry.
I'm probably over-reacting but fuck it, it's how I feel.
Just wish I didn't have to sneak around behind peoples backs anymore. Feel like I'm lying to everyone I know and I really hate lying. I just want uncomplicated, guilt free, non-secret happiness but obviously that's too much to ask.
Sunday Monday
Gotta love sundays and their laziness. Finally managed to haul myself out of bed after a couple of hours of sleepy texting. Immediatly got started on annotating my pre-release booklet for english, it's all pretty and colour coded now so hopefully I'm all set for exam. I will still need to make a few more notes though, which I'll do tomorrow or something.
Then it was PS3 time all the way! Played Killzone 2 first, eventually got bored though, have reached the first of the 3 new ranks though, unfortunatly you don't actually earn anything extra whichis a shame. It just says "new icon aquirred!" What a cope out. Started playing Burn zombie burn and the PS3 froze! Really worried me, thought I was gunna get the yellow light but all was fine thank Christ. Think I'd cry if my PS3 died...really need to back up the saves one of these days! Just incase.
Moved onto Burnout since BZB was being weird. Bought the deloreon style car (even though I really shouldn't be spending anymore money! Oh well). The car is awesome! When you boost it leaves flames behind and it hovers!!!! Plus it is super fast, perfect for races! Absolutly love it!
If I could have any car in the world, it be a classic deloreon! Not sure how easy it would be to get out of those doors mind! But who cares!
I feel so adored! It's lovely, makes me very, very happy. Wish I could express myself better but with parents around that's a bit tricky when you're trying to have a private conversation. Oh well, just have to wait until the weekend!
"If everything was everything but everything was over. Everything could be everything if only we were older. I guess it's just a silly song about you, and how I lost you and your brown eyes"
Love love love this song at the moment. Brown eyes are the best. <3
"Honey it's no surprise that I got lost in your brown eyes."
Infact, I just love Lady Gaga at the moment! The person herself? She's a freak but her songs are amazing. Gotta love "I like it rough".
"Is it because I don't feel it, or because you don't mean, 'less it's rough." Hehe, genius.
Saturday, 9 May 2009
Bad stomach ache as continued all day, even though I found 2 painkillers left they have done nothing for it at all. Been gaming all day instead of doing work...but oh well. Found Killzone 2 had a new patch I didn't know about, 3 more ranks have been added so I gotta work hard to rank up again now! Got 3 more trophies today too, a Killzone 2 one and 2 burn zombie burn ones. Used to not really care about trophies but they're quite satisfying to get. I wouldn't work really, really hard like Stew to get loads but trying you get the simple ones is quite fun.
Haven't spoken to Stew in days because his internet is being shitty. I have missed speaking to him!
Eaten too much junk food so my stomach feels worse now...oh bugger.
Nevermind, have got Britain's got talent and Bring back star trek to look foward to on TV tonight! Oh life doesn't get much better eh?
Haven't spoken to Stew in days because his internet is being shitty. I have missed speaking to him!
Eaten too much junk food so my stomach feels worse now...oh bugger.
Nevermind, have got Britain's got talent and Bring back star trek to look foward to on TV tonight! Oh life doesn't get much better eh?
"Oh my stomach"
Bloody hell this pain is unreal!
Never ever been in this much pain over a period. Dad forgot to buy painkillers so no hope in relief there. Should be doign some sort of work today but I can't be fagged when I feel like this. Kitchen is also being re-done so there's a builder walking all over the place. Well, I think that's an acceptable excuse! PS3 will have to be the cure for my pains...I'm gunna go burn some zombies I think....
Currently listening to: Vanessa Paradis- La melodie
Never ever been in this much pain over a period. Dad forgot to buy painkillers so no hope in relief there. Should be doign some sort of work today but I can't be fagged when I feel like this. Kitchen is also being re-done so there's a builder walking all over the place. Well, I think that's an acceptable excuse! PS3 will have to be the cure for my pains...I'm gunna go burn some zombies I think....
Currently listening to: Vanessa Paradis- La melodie
Friday, 8 May 2009
So tired today. Came downstairs to find my mum sat in the front room, she'd been up since 4am because she hadn't been feeling well. Seems perfectly fine and cheery now, just hope her illness isn't affecting her too much.
Had to write a practice exam essay on auteur theory and Hitchcock in Film studies today, hope I did okay, didn't finish it in time. But on the bright side, the first mock I've done for Sociology got a C! Stacey said I've done really well for a first go because she marks quite harshly. So all I need to do now is learn more studies and statistics and I should be fine! Makes me feel alot calmer about Sociology!
Got home from college and I wished it was next friday already...
Went on Home for a bit, played bowling with some girl and she accused me of being a boy because my psn name is yodasucks and she thought it sounded "boyish". So I said to her well "blackout" isn't exactly girly, she claims it's because she's wearing all black. Don't see how that makes you female.
The strange 47 year old man who added me the other day kept bothering me with messages so I deleted him. Playing games with random people? I don't mind. But I don't want to be asked if I'm ok everytime I log into psn. That's what chatrooms are for, GO AWAY.
Kept getting stalked by random men in Home too. Think the trekkie uniform must do something for them...also got asked "do u suck". Eugh, please go away.
Am supposed to be playing MGO tonight with the boys, am very tired so I can't really be bothered but will make an appearance anyway.
Turned down an invite to go to the cinema with Marnie to see Coraline. I need to try and save money so I can't really afford to pay top whack for a cinema ticket when we could get it cheaper on an orange wednesday.
Stupid money.
Had to write a practice exam essay on auteur theory and Hitchcock in Film studies today, hope I did okay, didn't finish it in time. But on the bright side, the first mock I've done for Sociology got a C! Stacey said I've done really well for a first go because she marks quite harshly. So all I need to do now is learn more studies and statistics and I should be fine! Makes me feel alot calmer about Sociology!
Got home from college and I wished it was next friday already...
Went on Home for a bit, played bowling with some girl and she accused me of being a boy because my psn name is yodasucks and she thought it sounded "boyish". So I said to her well "blackout" isn't exactly girly, she claims it's because she's wearing all black. Don't see how that makes you female.
The strange 47 year old man who added me the other day kept bothering me with messages so I deleted him. Playing games with random people? I don't mind. But I don't want to be asked if I'm ok everytime I log into psn. That's what chatrooms are for, GO AWAY.
Kept getting stalked by random men in Home too. Think the trekkie uniform must do something for them...also got asked "do u suck". Eugh, please go away.
Am supposed to be playing MGO tonight with the boys, am very tired so I can't really be bothered but will make an appearance anyway.
Turned down an invite to go to the cinema with Marnie to see Coraline. I need to try and save money so I can't really afford to pay top whack for a cinema ticket when we could get it cheaper on an orange wednesday.
Stupid money.
Thursday, 7 May 2009
Finding my mind is constantly drifting to other places, am becoming bored of things very quickly, even my friends at college which is weird and never a good thing. Maybe it's just because I have way too much to think about at the moment, I hope it all passes. Will probably continue until all my exams are!
Had an ok day though, nothing to really complain about and plenty of laughs, I just can't wait till the 15th but at the same time I'm dreading it because of the exam. I just really, really want to do well, I should feel alright about it because I already have a C grade in it. I'm just a bit of a silly bint sometimes. Worry about stupid things. I think it must be a female thing...
Anywho had some awesome MGO matches later on in the evening, managed to keep my 14 so far, haven't dropped back to a 13 yet! I've probably jinxed it now but ahh well. Me and Alex had a really, really close deathmatch, was only a couple of kills in it! And I got a great Gako capture victory which made me jump off my chair and squeal with delight! Was annoying my dad though, apparently I'm "too noisy" when I play games and basically told me to shut up. Prick. He ALWAYS makes a massive "Nooooo!" sort of noise when he dies when he's playing and we're trying to watch a film in the front room but you don't hear us complaining!
Just got out of a very awkward conversation with my mum but it went okay and she believes I'm a good little girl so it's all okay! Just wonder what she's going to end up thinking later down the line...dear oh dear...oh well, I don't care as long as thing turn out good for me.
Last episode of the inbetweeners was just on, sadface. They're showing the first series next week though so I'll just have to watch it all over again, plus I missed a couple of episodes anyway so it's all good!
Eugh, am very tired but do not wish to sleep, will probably stay up for another half an hour I suppose but for now, goodnight!
Had an ok day though, nothing to really complain about and plenty of laughs, I just can't wait till the 15th but at the same time I'm dreading it because of the exam. I just really, really want to do well, I should feel alright about it because I already have a C grade in it. I'm just a bit of a silly bint sometimes. Worry about stupid things. I think it must be a female thing...
Anywho had some awesome MGO matches later on in the evening, managed to keep my 14 so far, haven't dropped back to a 13 yet! I've probably jinxed it now but ahh well. Me and Alex had a really, really close deathmatch, was only a couple of kills in it! And I got a great Gako capture victory which made me jump off my chair and squeal with delight! Was annoying my dad though, apparently I'm "too noisy" when I play games and basically told me to shut up. Prick. He ALWAYS makes a massive "Nooooo!" sort of noise when he dies when he's playing and we're trying to watch a film in the front room but you don't hear us complaining!
Just got out of a very awkward conversation with my mum but it went okay and she believes I'm a good little girl so it's all okay! Just wonder what she's going to end up thinking later down the line...dear oh dear...oh well, I don't care as long as thing turn out good for me.
Last episode of the inbetweeners was just on, sadface. They're showing the first series next week though so I'll just have to watch it all over again, plus I missed a couple of episodes anyway so it's all good!
Eugh, am very tired but do not wish to sleep, will probably stay up for another half an hour I suppose but for now, goodnight!
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
Worried face
My mums illness (something to do with her bowels, can't quite remember the name) has flared up again. She felt really ill earlier but she seems to be okay now. She has to take 8 tablets a day! Because they're so low in strength, why not just make one strong pill then? Stupid meds...I just don't hope she has any side effects.
Am missing someone very, very much. But I cannot wait till next weekend!!! Might even rival the amazingness of the minion weekend! Well, I suppose it will be amazing for a different reason.
Am missing someone very, very much. But I cannot wait till next weekend!!! Might even rival the amazingness of the minion weekend! Well, I suppose it will be amazing for a different reason.
I miss...
not having a job. I do love the fact I get saturdays off now because it means I am more flexible to do things and I will get more time to do revision. But I really am going to run out of money soon, then what am I going to do! I will try and look for a job that maybe I can just keep for the summer before I go to uni...
If I had £75 I would SO buy this dress:
It's absolutly gorgeous! God knows when I'd wear it mind...but still, me want! Hmm and suddenly "Material girl" starts to play on my Spotify playlist...weird coincidence?!
Have begun to highlight my pre-release booklet for English with pencil, am trying to split the masses of information into catagories for easy referance in the exam but it's a lot harder than last year. Mainly because our teacher last year, although he was kinda shit and a bit of a perv, he really helped us more than he should and basically told us the main catagories that we could split the info into. But my new teacher is very much a by-the-book sort of man so I'm having to do it for myself which is hard. Plus the topic this year is fairtrade! Last year it was Alcohol, which was piss-easy to write about. Have a full day of college tomorrow along with a revision session during lunchtime for this exam, oh joy of joys...oh well I need the help defiantly.
Oh shit, that reminds me! English homework to do...fuck. Better start doing that now.
Currently listening to: The chemical brothers-hey boy hey girl
If I had £75 I would SO buy this dress:
It's absolutly gorgeous! God knows when I'd wear it mind...but still, me want! Hmm and suddenly "Material girl" starts to play on my Spotify playlist...weird coincidence?!
Have begun to highlight my pre-release booklet for English with pencil, am trying to split the masses of information into catagories for easy referance in the exam but it's a lot harder than last year. Mainly because our teacher last year, although he was kinda shit and a bit of a perv, he really helped us more than he should and basically told us the main catagories that we could split the info into. But my new teacher is very much a by-the-book sort of man so I'm having to do it for myself which is hard. Plus the topic this year is fairtrade! Last year it was Alcohol, which was piss-easy to write about. Have a full day of college tomorrow along with a revision session during lunchtime for this exam, oh joy of joys...oh well I need the help defiantly.
Oh shit, that reminds me! English homework to do...fuck. Better start doing that now.
Currently listening to: The chemical brothers-hey boy hey girl
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
Happy face
I am sooooooo in love!
It is 1am, and I really can't be fagged to go bed but I am super duper happy and I don't know why!
It's just feels so good for someone to love you! Never ever experienced it before.
Some days are good, somedays are bad but i'm trying to stay positive none the less!
It will be okay in the end, because we deserve it. <3
Currently listening to: lady Gaga- Paparazzi
"Baby you'll be famous, chase you down until you love me, papa-paparazzi"
It is 1am, and I really can't be fagged to go bed but I am super duper happy and I don't know why!
It's just feels so good for someone to love you! Never ever experienced it before.
Some days are good, somedays are bad but i'm trying to stay positive none the less!
It will be okay in the end, because we deserve it. <3
Currently listening to: lady Gaga- Paparazzi
"Baby you'll be famous, chase you down until you love me, papa-paparazzi"
Gotta have faith?
Official Playstation Magazine arrived in the post this morning, quickly stole it and took it to college with me so I could read during the lunchtime because on tuesday lunchtimes I'm always by myself as Bex goes to her Christian meeting thingys.
In Film studies we watched Suspicion as our final Hitchcock film, very good, a fantastic twist I really did not see coming. Although sometimes I do think his films reveal the plot twist very suddenly then end suddenly but that's just his style I suppose.
So it came to lunchtime, got myself a nice place in the sun by the pond only to find some chavs soon came along to sit there whilst I was trying to read. It didn't bother me too much but then Amy and Scott appeared to chat to me. Amy started nattering away whilst Scott peered over my shoulder trying to read my mag which I didn't quite understand because he's an Xbox man. But then again I do remember him saying he might get a PS3 because his last Xbox got the red ring of death...
Anyway, I had been looking foward to reading my mag and now that had just got disrupted. Don't get me wrong, I love Amy but all she ever seems to do is talk about herself and all I really wanted was just to be by myself at once. So it hit me, I've changed alot. Before I used to be one of those people who had to be with someone, I'm very sociable so I didn't like to be by myself but now sometimes I'd rather be alone as long as I have something to read of course. Maybe I am just becoming more independant. I had better get used to be by myself and doing things by myself I suppose!
After a very fustrating lesson of Sociology (learnt a lot but man alive is our class noisy!!!) I decided to stay after college and waste an hour of my life listening to a "Faith and football" talk. Local footballer, Linvoy Primas came to talk about how he found Christiainity and how it's changed his life and cured his wifes' depression, etc. Linvoy is very cool, he came to our school once which of course all the boys who were into football loved. I like him because he's very smiley, quite handsome and has the coolest hair ever! But I'm not a believer in Christianity and when Bex introduced me to her Christian friends as an Athiest. I wasn't treated with much respect, I was greeted with a hiss and crossing of the fingers like I was the devil. I'm sure it was a joke but I didn't start laying into their beliefs so why should they question mine.
Anywho, the talk was suitably boring and hardly anyone turned up but their were free cookies and muffins involved so it was so bad. Plus afterwards Bex expressed how pleased she was I had turned up and supported her so that made it all worth while. We had a nice talk about things on the way home too, even if I don't agree on some of her views, it was good.
Must start reading and planning on how to highlight my pre-release booklet tomorrow. I need to for my English re-take which is in under two weeks time! Am shitting myself but at least if I don't do too well I definatly have a C. I just really, really want a B...
In Film studies we watched Suspicion as our final Hitchcock film, very good, a fantastic twist I really did not see coming. Although sometimes I do think his films reveal the plot twist very suddenly then end suddenly but that's just his style I suppose.
So it came to lunchtime, got myself a nice place in the sun by the pond only to find some chavs soon came along to sit there whilst I was trying to read. It didn't bother me too much but then Amy and Scott appeared to chat to me. Amy started nattering away whilst Scott peered over my shoulder trying to read my mag which I didn't quite understand because he's an Xbox man. But then again I do remember him saying he might get a PS3 because his last Xbox got the red ring of death...
Anyway, I had been looking foward to reading my mag and now that had just got disrupted. Don't get me wrong, I love Amy but all she ever seems to do is talk about herself and all I really wanted was just to be by myself at once. So it hit me, I've changed alot. Before I used to be one of those people who had to be with someone, I'm very sociable so I didn't like to be by myself but now sometimes I'd rather be alone as long as I have something to read of course. Maybe I am just becoming more independant. I had better get used to be by myself and doing things by myself I suppose!
After a very fustrating lesson of Sociology (learnt a lot but man alive is our class noisy!!!) I decided to stay after college and waste an hour of my life listening to a "Faith and football" talk. Local footballer, Linvoy Primas came to talk about how he found Christiainity and how it's changed his life and cured his wifes' depression, etc. Linvoy is very cool, he came to our school once which of course all the boys who were into football loved. I like him because he's very smiley, quite handsome and has the coolest hair ever! But I'm not a believer in Christianity and when Bex introduced me to her Christian friends as an Athiest. I wasn't treated with much respect, I was greeted with a hiss and crossing of the fingers like I was the devil. I'm sure it was a joke but I didn't start laying into their beliefs so why should they question mine.
Anywho, the talk was suitably boring and hardly anyone turned up but their were free cookies and muffins involved so it was so bad. Plus afterwards Bex expressed how pleased she was I had turned up and supported her so that made it all worth while. We had a nice talk about things on the way home too, even if I don't agree on some of her views, it was good.
Must start reading and planning on how to highlight my pre-release booklet tomorrow. I need to for my English re-take which is in under two weeks time! Am shitting myself but at least if I don't do too well I definatly have a C. I just really, really want a B...
Monday, 4 May 2009
I <3 my friends!

I know, I've posted way too often today but this is my last one, I swear.
I just wanted to say how much I love love love my friends. Without them I wouldn't be here now.
But I especially want to express my love for the minions! The rocket minions!
Each and every one of them is so special to me and I know that sounds a bit...cheesy but it's true, I adore them. I am so lucky to have found a group of people that actually know how to have a proper laugh and have the same interests as me. I can only hope we stay friends for a very, very long time.
Happy Star Wars day!

Was very confused by tweets this morning announcing "star wars day", as a massive star wars fan why on earth hadn't I heard of this?! Iain later explained to me the joke:
"May the 4th be with you"
Ha! Brilliant!
Shame I didn't know beforehand...could have out-geeked my friends, sadface.
So in honour of Star Wars day, here's a humourous picture!
Let it go.
I can't it anymore. I can't stand being here. My parents nagging at me for evety little thing. I've always had alot of freedom, and I appriciate that but now I'm fed up with being here. I don't think it's their fault, it's just me, growing to big for my shoes as it were. I'm ready to leave and I know I'll probably regret saying this when I'm at uni and I'm finding it hard to look after myself.
A few weeks back when I had to go to a wedding anniversary of some distant relative I was asked if I was looking foward to moving out and going to uni. I said, of course I can't wait, I just really want to get of my house now. And apparently, my parents took it to offence. Especially my dad, he'd thought they'd done something wrong to make me want to leave. I was so...shocked! I thought they'd want me to leave! Especially because that past week I'd been such a bitch to everyone, I don't know why, just a mini mental fucking breakdown I think. I tried to explain to my mum, it wasn't their fault, I'm just ready to leave because everything is just stressing me out at the moment. Infact with all the things that are currently going on in my life it's a miracle I haven't gone half-crazy or something. But I've been through much, much worse before. Well, I've certainly felt much worse anyway. Maybe I feel I have a lot more people to support me now.
And now I'm wondering if I'm really helping someone, or just making things so much worse. I try to help, always. I'm not great at solving problems or saying the right thing or making people feel better. All I can do is listen and maybe try to make things seem a bit better than they are. I wish I had the ability to make people feel better I really do. If other people are upset, it makes me feel upset.
And I'm feeling guilty, for the first time in a long, long time. The fact I haven't felt that guilty at all makes me feel like an even worse person. But, I guess, I can just tell myself it's not my fault. I don't blame anyone and I don't hate anyone, even if I'm hated. Besides, they probably have a good reason to hate me.
Eugh and now I'm just talking crap, I'm so stupid. No one else wants to listen though so I guess I'll just post my feelings here and vent it to the world wide web! I've never been the one for talking about myself, I only say things if people ask me now, because I feel I probably bore people to death. I'm much more conservative about my feelings now, I've had to toughen up. Not sure whether that's a good or bad thing but oh well! "That's life, that's what all the people say!"
So this means I'm a listener, and recently I have been listening to my friends talking about, well you guessed it, blokes. One girl is complaining how her boyfriend (who she's been with for an amazing 5 years) is going out all the time. I think she's just jealous, but to be fair to him, he's only just turned 18 and as she's not 18 yet she can't go out with him and "moniter" him as it were. She doesn't trust him which is worrying. What's even more worrying is that she said "sometimes I think it would be easier to be single and then I wouldn't have anything to worry about". Trust me, I'm single and still have plenty to worry about!!! More to worry about than her infact. It's quite bad that she doesn't trust him, she didn't like the fact he spent his birthday with both boys and girls. I mean for fucks sake. A bloke is allowed to have friends of the same sex! Surely she can have a little faith in him for once.
Another friend is still in love with her boyfriend who broke up with her after he went to uni. The worst part was he got another girlfriend very quickly afterwards. And she's met her, and she's lovely apparently. So I feel very sorry for my poor friend. She's never talked about the breakup much, she's a very private kind of person but she was so close the tears the other day saying how she's been having dreams about him. Again, I wish there was something I could do. It made me feel bad talking about my problems so I've decided to keep it to a minimum from now on. Only talk about it if asked...
Currently listening to: Pink-Sober (bimbo jones remix)
"I'm safe, up high, nothing can touch me but why do I feel this party's over?"
A few weeks back when I had to go to a wedding anniversary of some distant relative I was asked if I was looking foward to moving out and going to uni. I said, of course I can't wait, I just really want to get of my house now. And apparently, my parents took it to offence. Especially my dad, he'd thought they'd done something wrong to make me want to leave. I was so...shocked! I thought they'd want me to leave! Especially because that past week I'd been such a bitch to everyone, I don't know why, just a mini mental fucking breakdown I think. I tried to explain to my mum, it wasn't their fault, I'm just ready to leave because everything is just stressing me out at the moment. Infact with all the things that are currently going on in my life it's a miracle I haven't gone half-crazy or something. But I've been through much, much worse before. Well, I've certainly felt much worse anyway. Maybe I feel I have a lot more people to support me now.
And now I'm wondering if I'm really helping someone, or just making things so much worse. I try to help, always. I'm not great at solving problems or saying the right thing or making people feel better. All I can do is listen and maybe try to make things seem a bit better than they are. I wish I had the ability to make people feel better I really do. If other people are upset, it makes me feel upset.
And I'm feeling guilty, for the first time in a long, long time. The fact I haven't felt that guilty at all makes me feel like an even worse person. But, I guess, I can just tell myself it's not my fault. I don't blame anyone and I don't hate anyone, even if I'm hated. Besides, they probably have a good reason to hate me.
Eugh and now I'm just talking crap, I'm so stupid. No one else wants to listen though so I guess I'll just post my feelings here and vent it to the world wide web! I've never been the one for talking about myself, I only say things if people ask me now, because I feel I probably bore people to death. I'm much more conservative about my feelings now, I've had to toughen up. Not sure whether that's a good or bad thing but oh well! "That's life, that's what all the people say!"
So this means I'm a listener, and recently I have been listening to my friends talking about, well you guessed it, blokes. One girl is complaining how her boyfriend (who she's been with for an amazing 5 years) is going out all the time. I think she's just jealous, but to be fair to him, he's only just turned 18 and as she's not 18 yet she can't go out with him and "moniter" him as it were. She doesn't trust him which is worrying. What's even more worrying is that she said "sometimes I think it would be easier to be single and then I wouldn't have anything to worry about". Trust me, I'm single and still have plenty to worry about!!! More to worry about than her infact. It's quite bad that she doesn't trust him, she didn't like the fact he spent his birthday with both boys and girls. I mean for fucks sake. A bloke is allowed to have friends of the same sex! Surely she can have a little faith in him for once.
Another friend is still in love with her boyfriend who broke up with her after he went to uni. The worst part was he got another girlfriend very quickly afterwards. And she's met her, and she's lovely apparently. So I feel very sorry for my poor friend. She's never talked about the breakup much, she's a very private kind of person but she was so close the tears the other day saying how she's been having dreams about him. Again, I wish there was something I could do. It made me feel bad talking about my problems so I've decided to keep it to a minimum from now on. Only talk about it if asked...
Currently listening to: Pink-Sober (bimbo jones remix)
"I'm safe, up high, nothing can touch me but why do I feel this party's over?"
Yesterday night after a fantastic session of MGO with the boys (now level 14!) I went round to Marnie's for a sleepover, brought half a bottle of vodka I needed to finish off, yes needed...
Anyways, no one else was staying round only me although Alice did pop round for a bit until 1am ish? I don't really keep track of time too well! But we did walk her home after watching an extremly cheesy and bad teen film called "Get over it" starring a very young Kirtsten Dunst.I do like her, she's cute and can sing quite well! But yes, it was very, very cheesy, but as I had had a fair bit to drink it seemed hilarious to me. But if you know me well enough pretty much everything is hilarious to me. Well, if you don't laugh you'll just end up crying, right?
Also had a very long discussion about my life and such, seems to be the topic of facination. I don't mind. I'm an open person, I don't care about what people think of me to be honest. As long as people don't start being negative as I'm working hard enough just to maintain a positive way of thinking at this moment in my life. Trying not to worry about so many different things it's unreal.
I felt pretty bad for drinking actually, as for once, I was the only one drinking. Alice had a cold of some sort, hence why she didn't stay over, that and she needed to do work the next morning. I brought Marnie round a couple of lagers that I'd snuck from the fridge but she ended up not touching them so I brought them back with me.
Usually everyone else is drinking and I'm not but oh well...
The kitten was of course the focus of the evening, it was very very hyper when I came round. It just randomly runs about the room, chasing its own shadow and pouncing on random object. It loves plastic bags. Luckily my very mild allergy of cats seems to be ok as I didn't experience any problems this time around. It must be extremly mild indeed or just all in my head.
When I got up this morning and stumbled out of a very cold, uncomfortable sleeping bag I discovered two very small scratches on my arm, must have got them from the kitten although I really, really don't remember it scratching me or even being on my arm?! Strange...although I am used to get random bruises/scratches/etc and not knowing where the hell they came from.
After watching a few stupid couple of Jeremy Kyle (shudder), I decided to leave...thank God for bank holiday mondays, eh?
Currently listening to: Johanna-Sweeney Todd (film)
Anyways, no one else was staying round only me although Alice did pop round for a bit until 1am ish? I don't really keep track of time too well! But we did walk her home after watching an extremly cheesy and bad teen film called "Get over it" starring a very young Kirtsten Dunst.I do like her, she's cute and can sing quite well! But yes, it was very, very cheesy, but as I had had a fair bit to drink it seemed hilarious to me. But if you know me well enough pretty much everything is hilarious to me. Well, if you don't laugh you'll just end up crying, right?
Also had a very long discussion about my life and such, seems to be the topic of facination. I don't mind. I'm an open person, I don't care about what people think of me to be honest. As long as people don't start being negative as I'm working hard enough just to maintain a positive way of thinking at this moment in my life. Trying not to worry about so many different things it's unreal.
I felt pretty bad for drinking actually, as for once, I was the only one drinking. Alice had a cold of some sort, hence why she didn't stay over, that and she needed to do work the next morning. I brought Marnie round a couple of lagers that I'd snuck from the fridge but she ended up not touching them so I brought them back with me.
Usually everyone else is drinking and I'm not but oh well...
The kitten was of course the focus of the evening, it was very very hyper when I came round. It just randomly runs about the room, chasing its own shadow and pouncing on random object. It loves plastic bags. Luckily my very mild allergy of cats seems to be ok as I didn't experience any problems this time around. It must be extremly mild indeed or just all in my head.
When I got up this morning and stumbled out of a very cold, uncomfortable sleeping bag I discovered two very small scratches on my arm, must have got them from the kitten although I really, really don't remember it scratching me or even being on my arm?! Strange...although I am used to get random bruises/scratches/etc and not knowing where the hell they came from.
After watching a few stupid couple of Jeremy Kyle (shudder), I decided to leave...thank God for bank holiday mondays, eh?
Currently listening to: Johanna-Sweeney Todd (film)
Saturday, 2 May 2009
Illegal downloading
I HATE people who illegally download or copy films.
Did you know the biggest threat to the film industry is people downloading films illegally? They lose literally millions of pounds because of it. The people who make their films, their jobs are threatened.
And sure, you coul use the arguement that films do make a collossal amount of money, especially Hollywood films. But think of all the people involved that have to get paid, their jobs are being threatened by selfish people who are too cheap to buy a cinema ticket or dvd.
I just annoys me how honest people like myself are willing to fork out money for a cinema ticket when people at home are sitting on their arses with their laptops watching the same film, maybe even earlier than everyone else can see it! But, nothing beats a cinema experience personally.
Plus if you think Hollywood films are affected badly. Think about independant filmakers! They work SO hard to get funding and get a release, then people steal their work. If this continues, there will be no more independant film. And that will be a crying shame.
I used to illegally download music as a kid, everyone did, I didn't know any better, I didn't know it was a bad thing. But I've learnt these industries, however rich they are, need funding by us fans. And if you're a real fan of film or music, you'll pay to support your favourite actors/directors/singers/etc.
So please, next time you're thinking about downloading (or should I say STEALING) a film, if you really want to see it, go to a cinema or rent it. Otherwise one day there will be no cinemas or dvd rental shops/websites.
Did you know the biggest threat to the film industry is people downloading films illegally? They lose literally millions of pounds because of it. The people who make their films, their jobs are threatened.
And sure, you coul use the arguement that films do make a collossal amount of money, especially Hollywood films. But think of all the people involved that have to get paid, their jobs are being threatened by selfish people who are too cheap to buy a cinema ticket or dvd.
I just annoys me how honest people like myself are willing to fork out money for a cinema ticket when people at home are sitting on their arses with their laptops watching the same film, maybe even earlier than everyone else can see it! But, nothing beats a cinema experience personally.
Plus if you think Hollywood films are affected badly. Think about independant filmakers! They work SO hard to get funding and get a release, then people steal their work. If this continues, there will be no more independant film. And that will be a crying shame.
I used to illegally download music as a kid, everyone did, I didn't know any better, I didn't know it was a bad thing. But I've learnt these industries, however rich they are, need funding by us fans. And if you're a real fan of film or music, you'll pay to support your favourite actors/directors/singers/etc.
So please, next time you're thinking about downloading (or should I say STEALING) a film, if you really want to see it, go to a cinema or rent it. Otherwise one day there will be no cinemas or dvd rental shops/websites.
Hurray! Went shopping today and actually brought a summer dress! It's a very cute black and white cheque 1950s style kinda dress, I love it.
Also went to visit my friends new kitten, she is SO gorgeous! So small and fluffy and curious about everything! She partically liked the zip on my jumper, I just sat there on the floor and watched her bat at it with her little paws. I do love kittens but I'm definatly a dog person. I realised today how much I'm going to miss my dog Ollie when I go to uni...but it will be nice to see him when I come home. Lovely to know you're coming home to someone who really has missed you, and I know my dog will go nuts when he sees me.
That's the best part of coming home from holiday, knowing someone special has missed you. It's often why I want to go home, just to see them or even speak to them when I haven't for so long. I wouldn't want to come home if I know I won't have been missed...which is odd I know.
I have absolutly fallen in love with a certain song, Robbie Williams-Advertising space. I think the lyrics are so beautifully sad...
"I saw you waiting at the gate, when Marlon Brando passed away, you had that look upon your face. Advertising space. No one learned from your mistakes, we let our profits go to waste, all that's left in any case, is advertising space."
It's been in my head all day and is the first song I play when I turn on Spotify on my laptop (free music streaming service, STRONGLY recommend, it's brilliant!). The last song I fell in love with was Halo by Beyonce because it captured perfectly how I felt about someone at the time and infact how I still feel about them. I am rubbish at being romantic, song lyrics can really express how I feel much better than I can...
"It's like I've been awaken, every rule I had you breakin', it's the risk that I'm taking, I ain't never gunna shut you out. Everywhere I look around, I'm surrounded by your embrace, baby I can feel your halo, you know you're my saving grace. You're everything I need and more, it's written all over your face, baby I can see your halo, pray it don't fade away..." Perfect description of how I feel.
Anyway, before I get far too sappy I suppose I had better sign off for now.
Also went to visit my friends new kitten, she is SO gorgeous! So small and fluffy and curious about everything! She partically liked the zip on my jumper, I just sat there on the floor and watched her bat at it with her little paws. I do love kittens but I'm definatly a dog person. I realised today how much I'm going to miss my dog Ollie when I go to uni...but it will be nice to see him when I come home. Lovely to know you're coming home to someone who really has missed you, and I know my dog will go nuts when he sees me.
That's the best part of coming home from holiday, knowing someone special has missed you. It's often why I want to go home, just to see them or even speak to them when I haven't for so long. I wouldn't want to come home if I know I won't have been missed...which is odd I know.
I have absolutly fallen in love with a certain song, Robbie Williams-Advertising space. I think the lyrics are so beautifully sad...
"I saw you waiting at the gate, when Marlon Brando passed away, you had that look upon your face. Advertising space. No one learned from your mistakes, we let our profits go to waste, all that's left in any case, is advertising space."
It's been in my head all day and is the first song I play when I turn on Spotify on my laptop (free music streaming service, STRONGLY recommend, it's brilliant!). The last song I fell in love with was Halo by Beyonce because it captured perfectly how I felt about someone at the time and infact how I still feel about them. I am rubbish at being romantic, song lyrics can really express how I feel much better than I can...
"It's like I've been awaken, every rule I had you breakin', it's the risk that I'm taking, I ain't never gunna shut you out. Everywhere I look around, I'm surrounded by your embrace, baby I can feel your halo, you know you're my saving grace. You're everything I need and more, it's written all over your face, baby I can see your halo, pray it don't fade away..." Perfect description of how I feel.
Anyway, before I get far too sappy I suppose I had better sign off for now.
Security Software
I have officially given up on it!
First, I had AVG free installed on my laptop which was great, no problems what so ever.
Also had Norton (free trial) on the desktop computer (all microsoft comps seem to come with it now). But this is a very sneaky deal Norton and Microsoft have got together...
as I discovered from a friend, you cannot delete Norton. Even if you uninstall it, it still runs in the background of your computer! I found Norton files still stored on the system, and if you go to delete them, it warns you that deleting them may bugger up your computer...oh...great.
So, I did not know this before my dad decided to purchase McAffee. Seemed to be fine at first but we soon discovered, it blocked firefox. I checked it wasn't the firewall, nope firefox had full access. Couldn't get onto IE either. Hmm...oh and the laptop wasn't working either, everytime you turned it on it crashed and restarted itself. I really thought it was truelly buggered. I had removed AVG on it and put on McAffee before this had started and this must have been the problem because when McAffee had been removed. It stopped crashing and it's now working fine!
It was the same story with the desktop, removed McAffee, we could now get onto firefox. Wtf?!
It seems Norton was interfering with McAffee but why was my laptop crashing? I still don't know till this day...stupid conflicting software...
First, I had AVG free installed on my laptop which was great, no problems what so ever.
Also had Norton (free trial) on the desktop computer (all microsoft comps seem to come with it now). But this is a very sneaky deal Norton and Microsoft have got together...
as I discovered from a friend, you cannot delete Norton. Even if you uninstall it, it still runs in the background of your computer! I found Norton files still stored on the system, and if you go to delete them, it warns you that deleting them may bugger up your computer...oh...great.
So, I did not know this before my dad decided to purchase McAffee. Seemed to be fine at first but we soon discovered, it blocked firefox. I checked it wasn't the firewall, nope firefox had full access. Couldn't get onto IE either. Hmm...oh and the laptop wasn't working either, everytime you turned it on it crashed and restarted itself. I really thought it was truelly buggered. I had removed AVG on it and put on McAffee before this had started and this must have been the problem because when McAffee had been removed. It stopped crashing and it's now working fine!
It was the same story with the desktop, removed McAffee, we could now get onto firefox. Wtf?!
It seems Norton was interfering with McAffee but why was my laptop crashing? I still don't know till this day...stupid conflicting software...
Friday, 1 May 2009
Oh yes, no need for crying! I did indeed defeat Mr Duhig at UT3. Actually got a killing spree at one point, I have decided I am unofficially the queen of UT.
Mind you, he did make the point that he usually beats me on MGO...fair play to him I say.
I think male gamers secretly love it when they get beaten by a girl really, I saw someone post that once, must have been where I got that notion from.
Anywho, am very tired and bored and no one is online; i'm guessing they're all on MGO, bit gutted I couldn't join them...oh well...i'm sure their will be plenty more oppertunities for the Minxeh to do her charm dance!
Poor Holly is not doing too well on MGO, but she is a n00b and it takes a lot of work to get good at it. Plus if she's lvl 3 and playing with people all above level 12 she's going to level up even if she's shit, so dun wory, its kaaaaaay.
Off shopping tomorrow with girly friends, hoping to find a summer dress but that is doubtful as I officially suck at shopping. Oh well....I'll try my best...
Minxy, signing off for now. xxx
Mind you, he did make the point that he usually beats me on MGO...fair play to him I say.
I think male gamers secretly love it when they get beaten by a girl really, I saw someone post that once, must have been where I got that notion from.
Anywho, am very tired and bored and no one is online; i'm guessing they're all on MGO, bit gutted I couldn't join them...oh well...i'm sure their will be plenty more oppertunities for the Minxeh to do her charm dance!
Poor Holly is not doing too well on MGO, but she is a n00b and it takes a lot of work to get good at it. Plus if she's lvl 3 and playing with people all above level 12 she's going to level up even if she's shit, so dun wory, its kaaaaaay.
Off shopping tomorrow with girly friends, hoping to find a summer dress but that is doubtful as I officially suck at shopping. Oh well....I'll try my best...
Minxy, signing off for now. xxx
Well, not sure why exactly I've chosen to start a blog again. I guess I like writing so I can post all the facinating things that happen to my glorious life here. Hopefully I'll blog more this time and not just leave it like last time.
Oh dear, you know your spelling is bad when you're having to replace words because you don't know how to spell them. I swear I have a mild form of dyslexia or something sometimes!
Anyways, enough for now. Going out to absolutly pwn Alex at Unreal Tournament 3. If he does indeed beat me...I may cry....
Oh dear, you know your spelling is bad when you're having to replace words because you don't know how to spell them. I swear I have a mild form of dyslexia or something sometimes!
Anyways, enough for now. Going out to absolutly pwn Alex at Unreal Tournament 3. If he does indeed beat me...I may cry....
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