I don't want to blog about yesterday at all because the whole thing was one big disaster I'd rather not talk about. But at least I think something good came out of it. It was a huge kick up the arse for someone and I hope getting as upset and as angry as I did, did do a lot of good. Let's cross our fingers eh...
In other news Nathan got back to me on dates for the work experience and I shall be doing it on the week beginning 23rd of August. Exciting but nervous times. Also, someone asked me on twitter how many trophies I have, I looked it up and I have exactly 666 which I thought was rather spooky. I posted a pic that Johnboyy seemed to love and I quote: "B3ST TWITPIC EVA!!!!!111111122222".
I haven't heard back from Game so I assume I haven't got the job. I'm starting to think no one will employ me. If a shop where I would be an expert in won't take me who the fuck will? Sad times.
I had an odd dream last night. A random gay guy tried to mount me. Not really sure what I make of that myself! Told you I'm losing my mind. At least I woke up to a nice phone call.
And so I pass my days sitting on the laptop being pretty much bored out of my brains. What a life I am currently living. At least I have a few things I can hopefully look forward to soon.
Currently listening to: Robbie Williams- Somewhere
"Somewhere there's a place where you can go. Someplace you can lay your heavy head down. Everybody needs somewhere to go, we don't get high to get a comedown. You take your chance in life, go out and find a wife, don't get stuck in the state I'm in. Someone, somewhere, is loving you."
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