After I went to bed last night, out of boredom rather than tiredness, I recieved a text from Alex. He'd just got out of the hospital after being kicked in the head by a child! Ouch! I didn't sleep well again last night and was woken up at 8am by Alex phoning me. He told me what happened. He basically sat in the hospital for three hours with his miserable girlfriend who showed no sympathy towards him. He then told me he was going back to sleep because he was knackered but he just wanted to let me know what happened. He showed great anger towards the child in question. I'm glad he didn't go into work today because he was in no right mood or state, to work today.
I on the other hand went shopping with my sister and mum. Didn't buy anything and spent most of the time getting down about not having a job. There are jobs going at accessorize which I will fill out an application form for but I will never get hired. Looking at the women who work in there I am no where near girly enough for them to ever hire me...sigh.
We almost brought a rabbit on the way home as there's one little boy rabbit sat in a hutch there and he was so sweet and looked so lonely. My mum was interested in him and the lady there said she'd do a deal on any of the rabbits if we were interested because they'd been there for so long and they need a home. If dad let's us we could have a new pet soon...maybe. I hope so. I love rabbits.
Mum didn't know what to make for dinner tonight so I suggested I could try and make carbonara. I've never made it before but Lewis makes it all the time at university and it seems like an easy dish to make so I should be fine. Better get started on it soon actually!
Currently listening to: Heavy rain soundtrack-before the storm
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