I haven't written a blog in a while and since I just had the most epic of weekends, I don't have an excuse NOT to write one really! Though, with the amount of craziness, I'm not sure I could possibly write it all down here!
I started travelling at 3:30pm where I got the train. That was not plesent really as it was ram packed and there was an annoying school kid who was being disgusting and annoying. When he was gone I was joined by a group of older teenage boys who weren't any better than the kid! Typical...Anyway I put up with until I had to get off at Southampton central. Waited for 15 minutes, I spent this texting Moo and playing games on my mobile until my train came. Again, it was packed but I managed to find a sit next to a very nice man. We both sat there and read our books for the rest of the journey although I was so excited I really didn't feel like reading.
When I got there I rang Jen. No one else had arrived yet so she and her dad came and picked me up. Typically, I was on the wrong side, d'oh! So I crossed over the bridge and met Jen in her HUGE boots! We had hugs, I chucked my stuff in Jen's dads car and it was a short ride away from Jen's. No one else but me had arrived yet so no one was waiting for us on the doorstep! Jen took me up into her room and we patiently waited for others to arrive, looking on the PS3 and having a quick chat. The Jen got a phone call from Alex and Moo who were lost and just about surviving on a dying car battery. Matt was trying to direct Alex but all me and Jen could here was Alex going absolutly mental in the background, it was so funny. Do not ever lock that man up for a couple of hours...Me and Jen went outside to flag them both down as they came down the road. It was a sad sight that mazda...only one headlamp was actually on, the other one was almost dead, they battery was definatly going! Poor car! The guys were knackered/hyper (it's not a good combo trust me!) so we had quick hugs then hurried on inside out of the cold.
Next to arrive was Iain and Holly and then Martyn was last to arrive. We ordered some Domino's pizza and walked down the shops to get stuff to drink. When we came back the pizza was there so we grabbed it and went upstairs to eat, Alex was very over-protective over our BBQ pizza...nom nom nom! After that many fighting games occured, Iain was the Tekken 6 dark horse! There was mental 7-way Bomberman all I remember hearing was "Bomber! Bomber!" over and over again in a crazy Japanese voice...as the evening drew on Martyn was falling asleep next to Alex and Moo on the bed as four of us (Me, Holly, Iain and Matt) played LBP together. I was the zebra sackboy! We played one level, again and again because it was amazing. You had to run away from sharks which burst out of the water and tried to eat you! Eventually, I completed the level as the only one left...sharks 0...zebra sackboy 1.
Eventually at about 3am ish? We all went to bed. Jen had her own bed to sleep in, me and Alex took the downstairs double airbed in a small room and the others were upstairs together. That airbed...oh dear what a fail! We stayed up for a bit chatting and listening to Jen's dads snoring in the room above us! Whilst the others upstairs said they watched Family Guy. We were lying there when we heard this hissing sound...the bed was deflating! So Alex had to get up and turn on the air pump thingy except it sounded like a fucking vacuum cleaner! We paniced, worried that it had just woken up the entire house (though I was most worried about Bruce to be honest!), he shoved a pillow over it to muffle the sound which didn't make too much difference. Oopsy! After that we tried to get to sleep but it wasn't the most comfortable nights sleep we'd ever had!
Alex and I heard someone was up so we got up to see who it was. Matt was in Jen's room with her so we sat with them before going to sort out some breakfast. More people started coming downstairs to eat and we watched takeshi's castle and another simular show but it was more serious. Those kind of shows are too damn addictive...
After all that we went upstairs and played some Rock band which was awesome times. I sucked at drumming but I rather enjoyed playing Bass. Think I'm getting better at the old pretend guitar! Great fun! Moo did a great job at singing along on the mic and me and Martyn had a sing along too. Yeah, it didn't sound *that* good! After that was more Tekken before we popped off to lunch. We were off to meet Allan Hayes from the OPM group, he was nervous but we were excited! We all got on the bus and arrived at Poole's town centre. We went to Yate's for lunch because it was two meals for £7. Win. Allan came in and found us straight away. We all budged up and let him sit with us and he joined us for lunch which was lucky because it made things even! We had a chat and ate, twas quite nice. Allan was absolutly lovely, he didn't seem nervous at all and we had a good chat about various games. It was funny when Alex asked me if he could have a bite out of my burger, I gave him a "if you must" look and he said in return "you can have a bit of my sausage if you like", neither of us could keep a straight face and I burst out laughing and Allan remarks "Ahh it's just like the facebook group!". Made me giggle.
Afterwards some of us wanted to do some quick shopping before hitting the arcade. We went into the 99p shop and oh my God it smelt awful. Like rotten eggs. Alex wanted to go to phones 4 u to see if he could upgrade his contract so I decided to go with him as I couldn't stand the smell and didn't want to buy anything. When we got there the guy he spoke too was one of the funniest and most honest shop assistants ever! He was really nice, Alex couldn't change his contract yet, they spoke about phones for a bit and then we left to go find the others. The gate was down at the train crossing and Alex joked about me running across just to see if I make it. I didn't of course and as we crossed the bridge the train went by and I said "I think I could have made that, mind you it would have been difficult to get my leg over the gate". I suggested he did a Chris-Sheva throw but then remarked he didn't have crazy big arms like Chris. His response to that was picking me up and swinging me round in a circle! I really did think he was going to throw me for a second! We couldn't find the others where we thought we would so I rang Martyn to find out that they were at Gamestation/Game.
Then we walked to the arcade. It wasn't much but Iain and Matt amazingly won a fiver between them! After that we went for a drink in Weatherspoons and talked for hours about various things before the manager started giving us funny looks (we weren't buying enough drinks) so we thought it was best we leave before we got asked to...
We walked to the bus station, said goodbye to Allan and headed off home in search of warmth. We spent the evening gaming, mostly rock band with 4 guitars! All your bass r belong to us. Epic. Dan, Jen's partner, came round. It was great to finally meet him he's an awesome guy and I'm so happy Jen has found someone who seems to perfect for her! She deserves it. Dan joined in in some rock band and Worms which was brilliant fun.
When it got a bit late we moved things downstairs for 8 way bomberman, bishi bashi and retro street fighter, oh and I got raped by Alex and Jen...that was...interesting to say the least! Gaming was mental at that time in the morning but the turbowine kept us going (which is the best drink in the world by the way!). After that we watched the Peter Serofinowicz show, the Christmas show. I love that show and not everyone had seen it but they all seemed to love it. "Somebody call nine hundred and ninety-nine!" fucking epic times. After that we went to bed, Martyn and Iain were in the small room downstairs this time as me and Alex needed a bed to sleep on after the night befores sleeping troubles! Alex was intent on watching Family Guy before we went to sleep though so there was a bit of an epic struggle getting the PS3 set up again in Jen's room! Oh dear, 4am failure! Iain came up to join us and then headed off to bed after the first episode. Me and Alex were the only ones left awake so we watched another but I could see Alex was falling asleep by the end of it though so I switched it off and I fell asleep straight away. Was shattered.
Woke up (at the hand of Martyn texting us all) at 11:30! Oops! Guess I wasn't going to catch that 12:30 train then! Holly told us that we were all snoring last night, Alex said I sounded like a mouse...erm okay interesting. Eventually we hauled ourselves out of bed to have breakfast with everyone else downstairs. Iain got out his furry little eyepet out again (so cute) to show Dan whilst various people, packed and left. Alex and Matt were the first to go, then Martyn, then me, Holly and Iain left together because they were kindly giving me a lift to the station to catch a 2:30 train. Unfortunatly we got a bit lost and I didn't make the 2:30 train but I didn't have to wait long for the next one so it wasn't too bad. I listened to my music all the way home so the trip didn't seem to last as long. Go the station at about 5ish and rang my dad to come and pick me up, I would have walked but I didn't think about how heavy my bag was and how cold it was. It was funny waiting for him because a chav couple of kids came and stood next to me. They were having a raging arguement. The girl wanted to be left alone but the guy wouldn't quit (yet he would fucking spit out what he wanted to say). First he said she was a slag who slept with everything then he said he loved her. She called his mum dirty because she slept with a 14 year old...erm okay...the arguement continued with lying, swearing and stupidity. I was glad to get the fuck out of there and get in my dads car. I had a roast dinner waiting for me when I got home. Good times but I miss the minions already! Can't wait until next meet!
I'm glad you had fun :) Dad has said it's fine if we want to do something here again sometime as you were all so lovely and good and actually not as noisy as we could have been! When everyone had gone and it was just me and Dan left it felt really empty, I missed you all from the second you walked out the door :(
ReplyDeleteBring on the next meet up :) I shall have a proper camera by then hopefully :D
Love it, epic times Minxy! :D xx
ReplyDeleteOoo yay good times Jen! :D Glad we didn't annoy your dad too much!