Sigh. I was actually feeling postive today but no, I have to be let down again. Ahh well it gives me the chance to go through and get all the treasures on Drake's fortune in the mean time and earn some more trophies. I've been playing a lot of MW2 online too but I am starting to get bored of the maps, new ones soon please! Though I was very happy when I got the callsign "Companion Crate"!
Whilst searching for treasure of Uncharted, I enjoyed messing about with the character skins you can buy. "Doughnut Drake" made me laugh so much! it's basically Drake except obese, reminded of Bob from Tekken 6. I laughed a lot, especially at his voice (it's really deep). But I kinda missed his handsomeness and switched to Chloe which just freaked me out because she of course still had Drake's voice in the cutscences...creepy!!! I then settled with Jeff, Elena's cameraman because let's face it, he rocks! Which made my sister laugh because I sung "You've got to be so macho" but replacing macho with Jeff whilst shotting henchmen and clambering all over the place. I've had that song in my head all day you see so I'd thought I'd mix it up a bit. Yeah I know, I'm mental. Ahh well, never mind.
While playing Uncharted I spoke to Lewis who was knackered after his first work out, haha! He's decided to save money by not going to the gym but instead buy dumbells to weight lift with. I think he may be aching for a while. And yet again Lewis made the conversation awkward but flattering all the same, haha! Nah who am I kidding, I don't think it's possible for me to feel awkward! Well okay that's pushing it a bit but the conversations that I've had with Lewis, Matt, Rach and Ellie, ho ho dear! Ellie also informed me on how stupid Lewis had been. For a fair while now, he'd been complaining that his window was broken (though he never actually did anything about it). He's just got back to uni and "fixed" his window. Basically, he didn't know how to shut it, it was never broken, siiiigh. The guy makes me laugh :D Gotta love my uni friends! I do miss them, will be wonderous to see them when I get back! Will make it allll worth while when I get back, I hope. Not looking foward to starting knew modules though, my Journalism course scares me. Too much of, Oh surprise you gotta go out and do this now and you have a week KTHNXGO. Ahh well, I shall have to cope!
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