^This will be me and Alex on Saturday^
At last! After one week exactly (not including sunday) Borderlands and all the other post arrived! And boy was it worth the wait...luckily for the postman I was in the shower so he avoided my violent revenge, curses!
By this time I'd luckily already had breakfast and everything so I stuck the game in the machine, waited for all the various things to install for it and got stuck in. Out of the 4 characters I chose The Siren, predictable I know being female but she's pretty kick ass and there's not *much* between the four characters except their special abilities. Most people play as the Sniper so has a pet bird which will kill enemies which is pretty cool, he seems to be the most popular character. My character goes invisible and is very fast for a few seconds then releases a shock wave that hurts nearby enemies by a small amount. It's not amazing but it's pretty cool and I can upgrade that ability as I level up. I love the game. It's so addictive doing the missions, leveling up and collecting bigger and badder weapons. I played it all the way through until lunch when I stopped to have a bacon and fried egg roll with my dad and we watched South Park together. Then I was back on it!
I'm level 13 now, trying to catch up to Alex who is level 30! We're going to try and do a bit of co-op on Saturday as he wants my help and I don't think he's tried it yet. Iain has also ordered Borderlands so hurray for 3-ways! Should be good fun but I can see my parents getting in the way. Sigh. I cannot wait to get back to uni, I'm treated like a child here.
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