It's differcult to decide what to blog about when I don't work anymore and all I'm doing at the moment is trying to motivate myself to write my feature article. In fact, I didn't do any work today (naughty, naughty!) but I did go out to get some fresh air with mum, dad and the dog. I checked my bank account and my student loan has gone in so I needed worry about that anymore.
When I got back I decided to try Uncharted 2 while my mum was having a blood test at the hospital and therefore wouldn't mind me stealing the TV for a bit. And wow is it a good game! I think I got up to chapter 4 before I had to stop because my dad had made me a bacon sandwich to eat. Mum had come back too, she was watching me play and seemed quite interested in it. A bit too much killing for her though I think! I have also decided that because everyone seems to have a man-crush on Drake (who wouldn't, he is hot) then I have a woman-crush on Chloe. She is kick ass! Far better than Elena in my opinion. Can't wait to continue playing the story, it's so good!
Kelv and Sooty are coming round tonight. Oh joy. No doubt dad and Kelv will bugger off to the pub and we'll be stuck watching some film with Sooty or her and mum will chat for hours about something boring. Sooty is nice but she thinks she knows everything about life/history/you name it. In fact she knows very little so I wish she wouldn't lecture me so much. Sigh. I'm not sure what's the point in lecturing anyway. Anything I need to learn, I will learn by myself. That is what living life is all about. But, no matter how many times I say this, no one listens!
Ahh well, hopefully Borderlands will come tomorrow. Think Alex is desperate for us to do some co-op together so he can show me the ropes as it were. Should be good fun :)
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