Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Prepare for the future

Last night Matt and Lewis left early which was much to my surprise, I didn't really mind though because I had a book to finish. Lewis couldn't get to sleep though so he came back round after Matt had left. I sat and read my book whilst half watching him play Portal. He completed it that night! He was already most of the way through but still he did well. He loved the end boss because he wasn't expecting one as well as the end credits. They are the best credits ever.

I started the day off sleepily, almost falling asleep through some of my lectures. You see, if I'm actually being engauged in the lesson, I'm fine but if I have to sit there and listen...I fall asleep so to speak. After my 3 hours of lectures I rushed home to see if my package was there. I peeked through the window to see if my room name was written on the little parcel board and it was, yay! I asked for my parcel and the guy groaned, got off his arse and thumped my parcel onto the table like it was really heavy or something. Actually, it was incrediably light. Anyway I signed for it and as I was doing so, a lady there commented on how many parcels there were recently. Which is a stupid remark to make because it is christmas! People are probably ordering lots of stuff or getting sent things. I said I'd won mine in a competition and they asked about what I'd won. When I explained this huge box was for a video game, I saw why they may have been a little confused!

Anyway, I left and rushed upstairs to quickly open my parcel and have lunch in the 50 minutes break I had. I opened the parcel with my pathetic scissors with some differculty and just ended ripping the rest of it open with my hands. There it was, a little tin luch box with goodies inside! I love my little pip boy bobble head, he is so cute/creepy. I had no time to even put the disk in so I quickly nommed some toasted tea cakes and talked to Rach quick on msn then left to go back to uni.

The hour I had to endure of listening to a lady who'd basically been very lucky in her career of Journalism could not have gone any quicker. I was falling asleep by the end of it and just wanted her to stop talking. It finished. I rushed home, noticing the bright and nice sky and had turned to grey nad rainy...great. I noticed I had a call from Lewis so I informed him of what I was doing and as I was walking back, getting wet and cold, he called me again to say he'd come over to watch me play Fallout 3. I was just installing a very quick update when he eventually came round. Fallout seems to be a tricky game but I'm getting used to it and I love the whole free-roaming aspect of it. I can see it being pretty addictive. I like it already.

So yes, that's how I've pretty much spent my afternoon. Tomorrow is going to be the worst day ever and I know I always say that for thursdays but they really are depressing trust me. I have a press conferance in the morning for Journalism and then I'm at uni all day until 5. Then I have to go home and have something to eat and then GO BACK to uni to write an article on the press conferance to hand in before 11 the next day!!!! Such a huge piss take. Do not want :(

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