Huzzah! It is the 1st of December today! Which means only 18 days until my father picks me up in his Mazda Mx5 and we go home! Of course, I will miss my uni friends and seeing Alex as often as I do now but I cannot wait to see my friends back home and my family. I especially miss my dog, as sad as it sounds. Fallout 3 should be coming tomorrow too hopefully! It will be a struggle to do my work that day...
Today I had a late-ish Journalism seminar, thank God because I needed the lie in. It was a good lesson, I got to write a news story on Stephen Fry (whom I adore) and mine was good so it got read out in class! Hurray! I actually feel as if my news writing skills are getting somewhere. Give me the info, I can write it. It just becomes a lot more tricky when you have to find stories by yourself of course.
Now I need to read the second half of a novel called "Loitering with intent" for tomorrow morning. It is a good book actually! I am enjoying it more than I thought I would, love the main character, she's having an affair with her friends husband but shakes it off as if it's nothing. It then turns out this man is cheating on both of them and he is actually gay! A funny read indeed. I like the main character, she is ballsy.
A short blog today but not much to write about. Oh, my secret santa present arrived as did my sisters present, haven't looked at them yet, hope they're okay.
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