Hmm where to start where to start...I need to catch up with so much. Well let's start with something positive. I had to get into work really early on wednesday which I was not happy at. But it did mean I got to go home an hour earlier at 4:30. Win! Plus I had a customer who made my day that day. A guy in his 50s asked me about TVs and high definition and blu rays and I talked him through it. He said he was going to go away with all this information and take it in but then he stopped, turned around to me and thanked me for being so informed in my product research. He said it was really nice for someone my age to know so much. It was so nice of him to say! Hardly any customers are that nice to me, it made me feel pretty good for the rest of the day. It just shows age doesn't mean anything. Well, most of the time!
To contrast that, Yvette's daughter often comes in to see her mum as she works just up the road at a printers. I was talking to her but not in such a way as to put of customers. I was still keeping my eye out for people who may need help. But, rudely enough, an old-ish woman and her husband were looking for microwaves and she said, right in front of me and Tanya "There's two members of staff there doing nothing." Excuse me?! For a start, you haven't even attempted to even LOOK at us to show that you want help. Secondly, you've walked right past the mircowaves, they're at the front of the shop you moron. Thirdly, TANYA DOESN'T WORK HERE! She doesn't have a fucking uniform on. Silly bint. I was so insulted. How could she be so rude in our eyeshot? She was literally right in front of us. Bitch.
As it was orange wednesday it was time to finally see Avatar. Oh my God. If you haven't seen that film go and watch it now! Preferably in 3D. It's one of the best, if not the best, film I've ever seen. It's just beautiful and not just special effects wise. It's a beautiful story with amazing characters. I cried at some points in the film, it really touched me. And now of course, I desperatly want to be a Navi! Haha! Can't wait to own it on blu ray. It's an orgasm for the eyes. Eyegasm! Absolutly brillaint and no bad points to it at all. Next up I really want to see Sherlock Holmes as it looks bloody funny! Plus it's had very good reviews. Maybe next week eh.
Today was my second last day of work. I finish on Saturday. Thank Christ. I need to get some uni work done as well as some much needed rest. Creepy Charlie came into the shop today. I hadn't seen him in a while and thought I had avoided him whilst working here again but oh no I hadn't. If I hadn't spoken about him before he sometimes does deliveries for customers. When I used to work at Currys every Saturday, when he met me he took my hand and...well...didn't want to let go. It was very awkward. And when I finally had to leave the shop he put his arm round me and I really was very uncomfortable and wanted nothing more than for him to shop touching me. Reminds me of the other day at work when I was pushing a TV across the floor to the till and I said excuse me to a group of people, two men and a woman. As I passed them one man said "Did she just say squeeze me?" and laughed. All I thought was if you lay one hand on me it will end up wrapped around your neck.
Anyway Charlie managed to make me feel very creeped out again. He came right up to my face (I do like my personal space y'know) and asked how long I was going to be here. That was it really. Later on he came in and touched his hand with mine to let me feel how cold he was. Seriously, what is the need? Please. Do not touch me. You are not my friend!
Thankfully the day went very, very fast and I found out that my suspicions of two of our staff members having an affair were in fact true and my thoughts were right all along. It was pretty obvious really. I don't blame the lady in question anyway, her husband is an annoying git and doesn't really seem to leave her alone. Sometimes, these things are almost allowed in certain situations. I certaintly don't think any less of my collegue, why should I? She's an amazing sales person and a nice person too.
Now I am sat on my sofa with chocolates, biscuits and rum and coke, waht more could I need? I plan to, instead of going out, get pissed on my own sofa in my mum and sisters company and have some much needed rest. Day off tomorrow and I cannot wait to relax. My sister and I played LBP pirates of the caribbean levels tonight. Was much fun, loving the water feature. Need to play with some more water based levels tomorrow I think. I won't start uni work until I have finished Currys work which will be after saturday now. This year has been the best of my life so far. I want to thank my friends especially for making this happen. I got closer to the minions (Martyn's changed my life forever I think!), I got my confidence back, I feel like a totally new person, a better person. I am so much more happier than I ever was, even though I tend to complain in my blogs! I got good A levels and worked very hard to get into a university I am throughly enjoying. I've made some amazing new friends, namely Ellie, Lewis, Matt and Rachel, thanks so much you guys can't wait to live with you next year! I would like to give special thanks to Alex who has done so much for me I couldn't even begin to list it here. You are my closest friend and I love you dearly. Thank you. And although there have been bad times, such as the loss of Stew due his own idiotticness (though I can't say I won't miss him as we were once so very close) there have been gains such as new minion Holly who makes me laugh so much. I can't wait to see everyone in Jan again.
So to my old friends, my new friends, my minion friends and my family. Thank you all for being my friends. I feel truelly honoured and very lucky and yes I realise this is getting cheesy now but if you can't say it at Christmas/new year when can you say it eh? (Anyone who gets the slight referance in there is awesome ;)).
To a new year of blogging! Thanks to all that read about my oh so amazing life! :P
Minxy xxxxxxxxxxx
Dawww Minxy xxx
ReplyDeleteBring on the 24th! (again) ;)