And so going home time and xmas is fast approaching. Yesterday I got up early to go to a couple of creative writing lectures (unlike someone!!!). It was a fun lecture because Adam was teaching, it will be great to have him as a tutor next term but I will greatly miss Laura. Anyway, once those were over with I walked home in the snow! Yes it was snowing! Ellie said it was going to and she was right! Snow, pizza hut and secret Santa...I knew today was going to be good.
Although when I got back to my flat I was rather hoping to chill out a bit before anyone came round. Unfortunately, Matt was waiting by my front door like an excited puppy because his paper mario had eventually arrived. Now I must admit, this did piss me off a little bit. You see the problem is I love, love, love people coming round but I would like to be asked first. So yes, I may have come across a bit cold with Matt because of this mood but ah well. I went and had a shower and left him to get on with whatever he wanted to do. I then sat at my computer bored until Lewis woke up and came round. I'd wrapped all my presents by then so I'm glad that's now out the way and I don't have to hide anything from dad on Friday!
I got a call from Alex that evening which made me feel a lot better. The problem is with me is that every so often I need reassurance that everything is okay and going to be okay. It's hard but I'll work around it, I always do.
Later on when we were all ravenous, Rachel came round and we headed off to pizza hut, carrying the presents and crackers. Pizza hut was practically empty so we sat down and ordered. I had a medium barbecue deluxe which I only just managed to eat. Of course the two boys were foolish and had larges. Lewis was a bit more sensible. He ate half then saved the rest for food tomorrow. Matt however tried to eat it all as well as having garlic bread and cheesy bites on his pizza! I think he must have regret it. Men, eh? Hehe. Whilst waiting for our pizzas I got all the presents out and they were distributed to whom they were labelled to. I got some "fucking Lego" (see arby and the chief for reference)which was star wars themed from Lewis. Pretty sweet! Matt got a pacman heat changing mug and a fireman calender (lol!) from Ellie. I got Ellie a mug which she really seemed to like so I was so relieved. Rachel got a Simon's cat book (look it up on youtube, very funny). And Lewis got a dead Fred which is basically a pen holder but it makes it look like you've stabbed poor Fred. I think all in all everyone was happy and secret Santa was a success! Bring on next year!
We all waddled home after having filled ourselves with pizza and collapsed in my room. Matt played super paper mario whilst me and Lewis watched some funny videos online and Ellie and Rachel chatted away. Rach, Ellie and Lewis were trying to convince me to go to Oceana but I explained although I really wanted to, I was in all day on Wednesdays and can't really stay up that late. I didn't really feel up to it either. However I did change my mind and just though "fuck it" so we all got dressed up apart from Matt who decided he'd just stay in my room. Again, I wasn't asked. So us 4 headed out with Lewis feeling like a bit of a pimp!
When we got to Oceana the queue was huge. It was a 2 hour long queue. We waited, and waited and waited for an hour and a half. By this point me and Rachel were kind of fed up and considering going back. In the end we left Lewis and Ellie together by themselves. I wouldn't have minded waiting if it wasn't so damn cold but my toes felt like they were going to fall off and they'd been feeling like that for quite some time. So me and Rach left the queue at about 12:30. We walked around to see if anywhere else was open but no where was so we decided just to head home and get warm in our beds. I said goodbye to Rach and knocked on the door so Matt could let me in. Thankfully he hadn't fallen asleep and he was playing paper mario again. I announced I was going to bed so he left and I went straight to bed.
This morning I woke up to my alarm at 8 but I was still tired even though I hadn't got to bed that late. So I decided fuck it, I really don't want to get up in the cold and listen to Brian for an hour. Or go to boring print journalism for 2 hours. So I thought I'd skip over those two lessons. Plus Alex is meant to picking up his jacket he left here the other day some time this morning. Though Ellie is hanging onto it for me just in case he comes later so he can pick it up from her as she'll be here all day. I have my first lesson at 1 so I'm only in for 4 hours today thanks to my own choice. Well, to be honest it's the last week of term and people have stopped turning up to lessons anyway so I doubt I couldn't possibly miss anything important. And anything I've missed from print journalism I'll hear in my seminar with the teacher anyway! I'm not looking forward to tonight though, I have so much washing up to do which must be done before I leave. I also need to pack and take out the rubbish. Sigh. But hopefully we'll all go out for a last quiet drink tonight at a bar or pub. Should be good.
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