My new fav. photo, Lewis, me and Ellie.
Saturday did not really start off to be a good day. We went shopping in Asda, and I almost passed out. I felt awful. Pounding headache, very hot, faint and sick. Was not nice. I clearly was coming down with something and I prayed it wasn't flu, I don't want to miss lessons and fall behind. I felt better later, we went shopping for ages afterwards and all the time this headache remained in my head. Like a drum, boom, boom, boom all fucking day. I was waiting to hear from Jo because she was staying over tonight. My first overnight guest not including the sleepover with Lewis and Matt haha! Jo wasn't coming until gone 6 so we walked home.Matt's friend Andrew arrived and everyone hung out at my flat and played Mario Kart. Then Jo rang so I went to collect her from the station with Ellie at about 7pm. We got back, ALL my friends were now in my flat so she got to meet them and hang around with them all night. We ate pizza, drank booze, watched 28 days later and went for a walk to an off-licence that wasn't open! Boo. It was probably a good thing! Rachel was drunk and we were all on a high, was such a funny night. I was in pain the entire time but this kind of distracted me a little. Going to bed early was hardly going to help me as sleeping would be difficult and I would have missed out on all this fun! The 7 of us then headed to Matt's kitchen where we played Donkey and I would have won if it wasn't for Lewis! Always the way. We headed off for about 1 as people were tired. Lewis came back with me and Jo as he wanted to sleep round mine.
He let Jo borrow his duvet and he slept using his dressing gown as a make shift rug and his t-shirt as a cover. Haha! We were talking about star-signs and it's really odd how certain star signs do end up being really good friends with each other. Very odd indeed the way Lewis was talking about it. Then we talked about how sometimes, star-sign personalities often match up too. The Lewis said something about Scorpios are supposed to be really attractive. I went "Ha!" (I am a Scorpio). He said "Wait, what's the ha for?" I explained that I didn't exactly feel attractive at the moment, I had a cold and my nose was bright red. He replied "You have a nice figure though" and Jo agreed. That made me feel a lot better :).
We turned off the light and then didn't really go to sleep. We just lay there talking about random crap, everything from druggies to dressing gowns (don't ask lol). Every conversation seemed to head down some sort of sexual route. Typical young people eh!! Hehe. Lewis blamed his 90 seconds blood flow thing I mentioned a blog ago. Unfortunatly I can't blame my dirtiness on anything scientific. I'm such a man, hehe.
I have no idea what time we all decided to shut up and fall asleep but I was woken up by the sound of my phone ringing so I lept out of bed and grabbed it. It was my mum, I asked her what time it was and it was 12! D'oh! She asked if I wanted her to call back but I said no I'd rather speak to her now. So I had a long chat with her and my dad. My dad is so sweet, he said "We do miss you, you know. And we do love you." I think I might have cried if Lewis and Jo weren't there. Can't wait until I see them in 2 weeks time. I miss them so.
We got up, I went and got dressed. Lewis and Jo just slept in their clothes so Lewis went home, got his crunchy nut cereal and milk and ate breakfast with me and Jo. I made Jo toast and tea then Lewis said he would go and get ready before all of us went bowling. Unfortunatly Jo decided to leave so I said goodbye to her and offered to walk her to the station but she said she new the way. I hugged her goodbye and she left whilst I got ready to go out but I was ready in 5 minutes. I surfed the net and waited to hear from Lewis. When he said he was ready I text Matt to let him know and me and Lewis waited around outside stroking George the Middle Mill Halls cat! He's lovely but a complete attention whore, the cat I mean, not Lewis! We called for Rachel but she was out and Ellie had gone to London to see her friend so it was me and the boys, Lewis, Matt and Matt's friend Andrew.
We went bowling but they wouldn't have a lane free until 2 hours time. We couldn't be bothered to wait so instead we messed around in the arcade for a bit and then went to Frangos for lunch. It was yummy but not as good as Nandos I have to say. After we'd stuffed ourselves we said goodbye to Andrew and walked home. Everyone went back to their flats but Lewis soon turned up at mine to use my internet as his wasn't working and he wanted to play World of Warcrft with Matt. So I let him use it while I got on with all the crap I had to do. I treated my hair for headlice, washed everything, dried everything, tidyed up all while he was sat at the computer playing W.O.W. Hmm, is this what being a wife is like? ;) Both Matt and Lewis are trying to get me to join them. No thanks, I'm not paying £9 a month!
Later on Matt came round and we played Mario kart then Ellie was back and joined in. Lewis had the idea of him making spag bol for all of us. Matt had dinner so he didn't have any but me and Ellie did. It was yummy. We then had rocky road ice cream later on. Sooooo gooood. Matt was playing super mario sunshine on my gamecube even though he hates it (nub) and he kept getting REALLY angry at the game. I was literally crying with laughter at one point!!!! Matt is so funny. Ahh, Matt-rage. Ellie went to bed. Me and Lewis played Zelda together (he controls the nunchuck, I have the remote, it's an odd system but it works). We did another boss. I really enjoy the game, we got a bow and arrow and I was amazing at archery with the Wii remote I tell you! Love it. We played until quarter to 4. I had to be up at 8! So Lewis and Matt went home and I went to bed.
Currently listening to: Within temptation- The cross
"I'm still wondering why I'm still calling your name. Oh I wonder, oh I wonder."
Nothing wrong with that filthy male mentality, it's why we get along so well :p hehe
ReplyDeleteHelll yeahhhh :D