Well not much happened on Monday as I recall so let us start on Tuesday.
Everyone went clubbing the night before, I decided to stay in because I didn't feel 100%, plus I could do with saving the money. They all had a great time, although Lewis and Ellie told me that Matt got back after the party, crying because he fancies a guy called Alex who is straight. Ahh unrequited love. He'll learn I guess, poor fool. It must be hard though, liking a guy who is straight, must be tough being gay. I saw Alex today actually when me and Matt were walking to uni and jesus christ I can see why he likes him! He's hot. And I don't usually find blondes attractive. Anyway, he needs to stay away from him because he's clearly making him depressed so we are trying to help Matt with that but it's not easy. Ah well.
I was woken up at quarter to nine with a jump and a slight scream as I remember. Waking up to a loud fire alarm is possibly the most scariest thing ever. I knew it was a drill because they did it to two other block last friday but still. I leapt out of bed (the fastest I have EVER got out of bed!) and grabbed a dressing gown/komono and went out into the corridor. I was about to rush out the door when I spotted Ellie and shouted "Keys!" and we both rushed into our rooms to grab them before running downstairs. We waited outside in the freezing cold for everyone else to get out of the block. We were practically the first people out and we were on the top floor! The bottom floor took ages to come out, what's up with that? One guy I've said hello to a few times (really huge guy, SO tall) came out late and the lady was having a go and him and he just said "Well I was naked and I'd rather burn to death than come outside naked!". We all laughed. Two people had guests with them they didn't sign in the night before (uh oh!) so they got completly bollocked once the rest of us went back inside. Must remember to sign all guests in for definate!
I went back to sleep and got up late because I didn't have a lecture until 1. I decided to dress up nice today for some reason. I put on tights, a pleated skirt, my big black boots and a batman t-shirt to top it all off. I did my make-up, even put on earrings! I felt really good, I need to dress nicely more often. Damn these comfy jeans and t-shirts!
The lecture I went to was okay. We wrote another news article, the guy always comes round to quickly read our work as we're writing it. I wrote quick a lot in a short amount of time (hopefully I'll do well in the timed news writing exam then!) and the lecturerer, Daniel, patted me on the sholder and said "Good structure, good effort well done". I said "thanks" modestly but inside I was beaming. Finally he'd said my work was good! It made me happy, maybe I am getting better at this!
I then got a next from Matt after the lecture asking what I was doing so I asked if he wanted to come to town with me because I needed to pick up my contact lenses. He said yes so I met him and it was a very short trip to town, nothing much happened. Contact lenses are expensive. £21 for 3 months supply. Ouch. And that's not including anything!
Later on it was film club time, Matt didn't come as he went to the BFI in London to see some Lesbien film so it was just me, Ellie, Rach and Lewis. Battle Royale was on this week, one of the favourite films, if you haven't seen it, see it! Japanese school kids killing each other on an island? Sold! After we'd enjoyed the film and popcorn, the boys came back round to mine (Rach went off with Joe somewhere) to play games and shit. Alex rung while me and Lewis were playing Zelda together (Winx ftw) and I think I had the funniest 4 way conversation in my life. Was giggles. The guys left at 2am again! I finished off reading The Visitor for our Creative Writing class tomorrow, it was an okay book, nice and short I guess. I'm sure when I write a proper review I'll stick it on here if anyone is interested.
Currently listening to: Vanessa Paradis- the future song
"The future of our space and time, is not gunna say goodbye."
A gay person fancying a straight person is just as difficult as a straight person fancying a gay person, only the latter is less common :p I'm sure he'll be fine in time, he'll find someone else. Admitted, it's harder for people to find same sex relationships because it is less common but I'm sure if he goes to the righ places and meets the right people he'll be happy :)
ReplyDeleteAs for that review I for one would be interested in reading anything you write :) keep up the good work Minxy <3