Yesterday evening it was free film time! So me, Rachel, Lewis, Matt and Ellie walked down to the uni in the horrible whether to go and see La Haine. We knew nothing about it except it was French, an art house film and that la haine translated to "Hatred". This is due to the famous saying: "Hatred breeds hatred" which is very true! The film was good, we got free popcorn and coke to keep hunger at bay as none of us had dinner. It was a very depressing film, essentially it was about 3 boys who live in the ghettos outside Paris. They live a very hard life and there is constant conflict between them and the police. Although it was sad in places, it was still a great film and I recommend it if you're into foreign film. And if you're not into foreign film, why the hell not?!
After the film Ellie really needed to loo so we all stood outside waiting for her when Lewis had the plan to run away and hide. So caught up in the excitement, me, Matt and Lewis ran off whilst Rachel called us mean and waited with Joe to wait for Ellie. Me and the two boys hide outside behind a stair, Matt and Lewis kept look out whilst I crouched down and waited. They went straight past us so we quietly ran behind them, squashing ourselves up against a wall until they went into the uni corridor. We ran behind, Matt opened the door and checked they had gone, he beckoned us to follow him so we did so. They'd gone out of the back of the uni and were walking down the road we knew they would spot us if we went down that long road but Matt had a plan. There was another way of getting to the same point and if we ran, we could get there first and ambush them. So we ran across the road, running down the road until we came to alleyway and we crouched down in the grass and hoped they wouldn't see us as they walked past. We sat and waited, they passed and didn't see us!!! So we ran quickly but silently up behind them and then sprited towards them, scaring them! It was fucking hilarious! Rachel jokily called us bastards but we thought it was great fun! Wish I'd have filmed it or something!
We were home at last, me and Lewis attempted to go as low as we could by leaning back and trying to go under the car barrier but we had to cheat at the last second, oh my back! Everyone came back into my room for a bit for a chat and a quick game, then people buggered off for a bit then Lewis and Matt came back and gamed a bit more until 1am. Need an early night for tomorrows long, long day tomorrow! :(
Currently listening to: Iron Maiden- Number of the beast
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