Hmm, it's hard keeping up with this blog business! Some days I'm not on the Internet for more than 5 minutes before people come round and be sociable. Which, of course, is a good thing, I'm grateful I've found friends with very similar interests to me. Even Ellie, who's not a big gamer, loves to get stuck in even if Matt takes the piss out of her (a little too much sometimes) every time she loses.
Matt brought round a friend of his from his block yesterday. A guy called Bobby, he wanted to play Wii, Matt kind of invited him without really asking which would have annoyed me if I cared about who came round here but once he got there I recognised him. He's an okay guy, we had a couple of games before both him and Matt headed off for an early night. Me and Lewis decided to continue with Zelda until 3am which I decided he should go because I was very tired and Alex wanted to ring to have a chat. We'd done yet another dungeon anyway and now we have the ball and chain which is easily one of the best items in the game! It's great fun to swing around and throw. So he went, I had a short chat with Alex and then went to sleep at around 4am.
Woken up by pointless text from o2, went back to sleep. Then I was awoken again by Matt, saying he'd missed a seminar because it had been cancelled. The thing is, he had a bit of breakdown to Ellie yesterday on msn because Matt has been falling behind with work (he hasn't even started to read the book that was meant to be read for a couple of days ago) and therefore he skipped the lecture yesterday. I knew this because I looked around the room and even though it's a huge class, I couldn't see him. It's funny, Matt comes across as a really intelligent guy, he's really anal about "proper English" and such yet he allows himself to be lazy and not do his work. Grades wise, he only got 3 C's at A level, which is what he needed to pass and he was amazed that the course I'm on was asking for the highest grades (I was amazed too to be honest). Now don't get me wrong, I'd never look down on someone because of their grades. In fact I dislike the education system for even judging someones intelligence on exams! But I expected him to have better results than that for some reason. Don't judge a book by it's cover I guess.
So Matt is getting pretty depressed by work and he keeps going round to F block to see Alex which is a stupid move and both me, Ellie and Lewis know this. He's a silly guy but he'll learn, especially as apparently Alex fancies someone so he'll probably get a girlfriend soon anyway. Maybe that will drives Matt away from him, we can only hope. For his sake. I know what waiting around for someone who you're never going to be with can do to you. I've seen it happen and it's a nasty disease.
I get to meet Ellie's boyfriend, Tom, today. Excited to meet him but kind of nervous, I've heard so much about him! We talk about boys all the time, me and Ellie, it's great hehe. Although I'm not sure if he will like me, I swear a lot as you all know and he doesn't like swearing. His mates do it all the time but if Ellie swears he tells her off! Stupid eh? That's men for you! I joke, I joke but they can be pretty controlling.
I bit scared by the fact I have 2 weeks to come up with a feature idea (i.e. a piece of writing suitable for a magazine) and I have to pitch my idea in a 4 minute long presentation. How fucking scary!!! I'm one of the last people to do it though, phew! I also have 2 weeks to find a recent news story, something that hasn't already been published of course. Not sure what to do it on! Need ideas! I'm just going to have to ask around my friends to see if anything interesting happens within the next week that I can investigate and write about. It's a shame the domestic violence thing that happened in block A didn't happen so soon because I could have investigated that! A horrible thing to say I know but I'm a journalist now, that's all we thinking about, getting a decent story :/. I'll explain about the domestic violence thing. Basically a few days ago now, I got told about a girl who'd come here, to the halls, to visit her boyfriend. There was a lot of banging around in their room according to the other people who lived on that floor. Of course they assumed they were having noisy sex or something along those lines. But soon enough, the girl ran out, crying with a black-eye, banging on someone elses door to help her because her boyfriend had beaten her up! The person who found her went to reception with her and told them what had happened. Reception did nothing. I'm not even fucking kidding. They said their security guard was on patrol and to come back in half an hour. They waited, reception still did nothing. They went to the police who also didn't help her because she'd "left it too long to report it". WTF?! They know where this guy lives! I'm not sure if anything else is going to happen to him, if anything at all but still I was shocked and appalled at the fact no one had helped this poor girl. It would have made an amazing news story. Rachel told Ellie this story so she may be the lady to go to for info!
Hmm I really need to start writing some book reviews. I started one for the visitor but it's a bit rubbish and needs tweaking a lot. Best go off and do that I guess!
Currently listening to: foo fighters-The pretender
Maybe the news story should be on the security in general, or long distance relationships in uni, or perhaps on visitors to Uni, sure there's plenty in any of those 3 stories. :)