I'm trying my best to catch up with the week so here it goes!
Thursday was a horribly tiring day as usual. The I.T guy didn't come because I'd missed his call in the morning (was in lesson) and I had no free time that day anyway so there was no point calling him back. When I did come home from uni, Lewis came round, we played a quick game of Mario Kart before my pizza was ready. I ate my pizza while he played Zelda by himself. I felt really, really sleepy so I laid down on my bed and said I was going to get some rest for a little bit. Lewis said he was going to back to his flat, get some food and cook it round here. I said okay and ended up drifting in and out of sleep. When lewis came back I woke up and said "Aren't you making yourself dinner?". He told me he'd already made dinner and had eaten it! I'd obviously been asleep longer than I thought. He left me to go to sleep and went in Ellie's room instead. After some really odd dreams I felt a lot more awake and went into Ellie's room where they were looking up star signs again. Lewis doesn't believe in Horoscopes but he believes in the whole star sign compatability stuff and so far, he's proved himself to be correct about it. It's rather spooky actually...
Soon Matt came round and we hung about in Ellie's room until she kicked us out because she wanted to sleep. I'd woken up after napping so the guys stayed round late-ish again.
On friday I got a phonecall at 9:40am from the computer guy saying he was coming round anytime after 12. He kept apologising he didn't sort it out the first time, I said it was fine and thanks for his help. Such a nice man. I went back to sleep for a bit but ended up getting up an hour later. I went onto the internet on my laptop for the first time in days by using the very weak wireless signal you can get all the way from the university! But it only works in the kitchen! Odd but convieniant! I then got a phonecall from Lewis asking if he could come round, he wanted to use me, or rather my hands, for some photography. I said he could come round in half an hour because I needed to have a shower. So I dragged myself away from the laptop and got ready.
Martyn phoned and asked how I was and how uni was which was nice. Was nice to hear from him as I hadn't seen him in so long! We had a brief chat about the usual stuff before he had to go back to work.
Lewis came round before computer guy. The thing he wanted to do for his film project was really cool. Basically he wanted to make a paper aeroplane and take pictures of it step by step. Then he wanted me to write certain words on the aeroplane i.e the first photo was just of me holding the paper with "Base" written on it. It was the idea of creation so my hands needed to be in the picture like I was some sort of God figure. He wasn't sure how to do all the steps and I had a brainwave. I said what if, on the last step, I crumpled the plane into a ball because it would be the life cycle of all things. Lewis paused. Then high fived me and said I'd just made his idea a million times better! Of course, you can't write on a crumpled ball and the last word he wanted was "climax", yes we giggled about that. So instead he took my hand and wrote climax on my hand so that even though I was crimpling the ball, you'd still see the climax on my hand. Pretty damn cool! Unfortunatly he drew the C pretty deep into my hand and it still kind of remains on there! Still, it could be worse. Looks like his project is going to turn out to be pretty cool and it was fun helping him.
The I.T guy came half way through helping Lewis so I let the guy in and he got in with his thing. He asked me to watch his equiptment while he was gone and said it was worth £10,000! Oh the temptation...hehe. Anyway he left for a bit to check on something "his end" and I didn't even see him come back (I was in the kitchen with Lewis and Ellie). Then I got a phonecall from him asking me to check my internet as it should be working now and indeed it was! I was so happy, I think he could tell, I thanked him then ran into the kitchen and shouted "I have my internet back" and Ellie and Lewis high-fived me. Happy times.
I asked the guy, Jason, whether it could have been the Wii that messed up my internet. He said nah so me and Lewis pwned some people online on Mario Kart. We then played some brawl then he played some Zelda and so on. Basically, he was here all day! Was nice to have him here because everyone else had gone away. Matt has gone to see his family, as has Ellie and Lewis was leaving tomorrow morning to stay with his girlfriend for the weekend. Sigh. Hence why it's going to be a lonely weekend. Lewis left at about 1am, I wrote up my blog and went to bed soon after.
Saturday, 31 October 2009
Friday, 30 October 2009
Seeing the 'rents.
On wednesday I was feeling so much better (thank God)when my parents came to see me. When I came back from Uni after my lunch break I got a call from my mum and then the I.T guy saying if he could come round now to fix my internet. I said it was fine as my parents would still be here when I went back to Uni after lunch. So I went down to reception to meet my parents, hugged my mum, it was obvious she'd missed me a lot. My dad said "Hell stranger" and hugged me tight, as he was crushing me I pointed out I had to go and let the I.T guy in who was waiting patiently. He was very friendly, spoke to my mum and dad and asked how they were. I let him set up his stuff in my room. He changed my dodgy port but he said that wasn't the problem. Bugger. It was a problem their end so it didn't get fixed that day...
I said bye to my family and went back to Uni, I'd meet them an hour later down the shops. We got doughnuts from Krispy Kreme and I couldn't stop banging on about MCM and what I'd been up to. Though my parents were interested as they kept asking questions and after certain friends. I felt like I was chatting too much but there was so much to tell them and they were listening so at least I wasn't boring them, I hope. We looked around the shops then asked me where I'd like to eat. I said I wanted to try TGI fridays because I'd never been there and Ellie had gone with her boyfriend and said it was really good. None of us had been there before so we gave it a go. The burgers and milkshakes were lovely I was totally stuffed for the rest of the night! I found it rather funny that each of us had a different milkshake flavour, so basically we tried every flavour!
After our stomachs were fit to burst we walked to Sainsburys and my mum bought me a fair amount of food. Always good to get £20 worth of food for nought! It was really nice of them actually. We walked home and sorted out the food when we got back. I was sad to find my internet wasn't working but I wasn't really that surprised. I showed my parents the few photos I have of MCM and then they had to leave to get back to the dog. I was kind of sad, it felt like they hadn't been here all that long and to be honest, they hadn't. I hate seeing people for such short spaces of time! Yet I suppose it's far better than not seeing them at all...
So everyone hugged me goodbye a bajillion times and I got a text from Matt asking if he could come round. So after my parents drove away I buzzed his door and waited for him. We played some games, had some laughs, as I recall I was so tired at one point I let the boys continue playing Zelda but I got in to my PJs and just laid in bed! I didn't mind and I closed my eyes and got some rest but never really fell asleep as I kept hearing them say "I think she's asleep!" like they had some sort of evil plan or something! Probably just wanted to draw on my face. Oh and Matt replicated Lewis' trick of hiding under my bed secretly. I was too tired to even notice or care, ahh we are all so childish!
Going to be 19 in about 21 days time! And I have no idea what I want to do for my birthday :(. Marn wanted to stay over that weekend but to be honest I don't really want her too. Plus my parents are coming on the sunday which will be nice! My Uni friends keep asking me what I want to do but I really don't know! And Lewis won't even be here because he's going on a Film trip. I'm a bit gutted about that but hey, it can't be helped. Just wish I could have a good birthday but I'm not sure if I will or not...
I said bye to my family and went back to Uni, I'd meet them an hour later down the shops. We got doughnuts from Krispy Kreme and I couldn't stop banging on about MCM and what I'd been up to. Though my parents were interested as they kept asking questions and after certain friends. I felt like I was chatting too much but there was so much to tell them and they were listening so at least I wasn't boring them, I hope. We looked around the shops then asked me where I'd like to eat. I said I wanted to try TGI fridays because I'd never been there and Ellie had gone with her boyfriend and said it was really good. None of us had been there before so we gave it a go. The burgers and milkshakes were lovely I was totally stuffed for the rest of the night! I found it rather funny that each of us had a different milkshake flavour, so basically we tried every flavour!
After our stomachs were fit to burst we walked to Sainsburys and my mum bought me a fair amount of food. Always good to get £20 worth of food for nought! It was really nice of them actually. We walked home and sorted out the food when we got back. I was sad to find my internet wasn't working but I wasn't really that surprised. I showed my parents the few photos I have of MCM and then they had to leave to get back to the dog. I was kind of sad, it felt like they hadn't been here all that long and to be honest, they hadn't. I hate seeing people for such short spaces of time! Yet I suppose it's far better than not seeing them at all...
So everyone hugged me goodbye a bajillion times and I got a text from Matt asking if he could come round. So after my parents drove away I buzzed his door and waited for him. We played some games, had some laughs, as I recall I was so tired at one point I let the boys continue playing Zelda but I got in to my PJs and just laid in bed! I didn't mind and I closed my eyes and got some rest but never really fell asleep as I kept hearing them say "I think she's asleep!" like they had some sort of evil plan or something! Probably just wanted to draw on my face. Oh and Matt replicated Lewis' trick of hiding under my bed secretly. I was too tired to even notice or care, ahh we are all so childish!
Going to be 19 in about 21 days time! And I have no idea what I want to do for my birthday :(. Marn wanted to stay over that weekend but to be honest I don't really want her too. Plus my parents are coming on the sunday which will be nice! My Uni friends keep asking me what I want to do but I really don't know! And Lewis won't even be here because he's going on a Film trip. I'm a bit gutted about that but hey, it can't be helped. Just wish I could have a good birthday but I'm not sure if I will or not...
Lewis, Matt and I were gaming until late again last night. Matt was falling asleep on my bed while I watched Lewis play Super Mario Sunshine. It was fun at first, he decided to play it in German for a laugh and he started speaking in a kinky German voice which was hilarious. But then he came to be this one little bit he couldn’t do, a tricky race which caused him so much rage. He’d informed us all before that he’d smashed controllers, laptops, TVs all because he got too angry at a game and when he gets angry, it’s quite scary. You can’t tell him to calm down. It doesn’t make a difference and I just sat there and prayed he wouldn’t go mental. He threw his controller on the floor a couple of times in frustration then eventually turned the console off before he broke something. He left hastily with Matt at about 3am. I was glad but also a little sad as it has brought the mood down.
I got up at 11 the next day, feeling okay but my back ached a little. I guessed it was from sleeping badly and just got on with my day. I felt fine all day. After my lecture I went down to the library. I had to phone the I.T desk because only they can fix my internet. Typical. So the library help desk let me use their phone, now I just have to wait for the I.T people to phone me so I can book in a time with them I guess. Hope they come soon as I’m dying without the internet!
Even though the library was heaving with people I managed to find a computer in the group study section. I started the write my news article. The lady from Ubisoft with orange hair, Korina, had gotten back to me! She’d given me quotes from a JVC spokesman and someone from Ubisoft. It was such a massive help. I don’t think I could thank her enough. I could only write 250 words maximum though which I always find really hard. I changed the order and contents of my story so many times as I sat at the computer getting irritated with my story over and over again. Eventually I was pretty happy with it and it was 250 words or just a little over. Then I had to write 100 words on how I got the story, that was the easy part. When I spoke to my lecturer yesterday about my story he thought I might even be able to sell it! Ha! I wish. Next I had to send off an electronic copy which is sent through a system that can check whether you’ve plagiarised something or not. It’s a very clever yet scary system. Once that was done I printed out the “hard copy” and then realised I couldn’t hand it in because I’d forgotten to take Korina’s business card with me this morning. Fail. So I took the hard copy home with me and decided I would give it in early the next day.
When I got home I was hungry so I made a bacon sandwich, got back into my room and realised I’d missed a call from Lewis and breathed a sigh of relief that it wasn’t the I.T guys I had missed. I text him saying I was home and he could now come over if he wanted. He and Matt came over (after unsuccessfully trying to hide from me round the corner of the building) and Lewis jumped straight on the Wii to play a retro Zelda game. Matt sat and watched. I realised as soon as I sat down I felt awful. Alex has recently mentioned he’s ill and later on I saw on facebook Holly, Iain and Jen were also feeling under the weather. Great. So we’ve all caught something from each other! Fun times. So now I feel like absolute crap. My throat hurts and I feel achy all over. My body seems to go from hot to cold frequently too. I’m seeing my parents tomorrow, I can’t wait but I really hope I feel better by then! It will be good to see them and my sister and of course get a free meal out of them! Plus they are bringing some stuff I hope. I also can’t wait to tell them about MCM and show them the few pictures I have from Alex. Jen hasn’t uploaded any yet, only a video of the Alien and Marines on lego rock band which was very bizarre but awesome.
I’m not going to be able to read this boring Hemingway book by tomorrow, I’m only half way through and it needs to be read by tomorrow…oh well. Who cares. It’s only memoirs so it’s not as if it has a real story to it.
I got up at 11 the next day, feeling okay but my back ached a little. I guessed it was from sleeping badly and just got on with my day. I felt fine all day. After my lecture I went down to the library. I had to phone the I.T desk because only they can fix my internet. Typical. So the library help desk let me use their phone, now I just have to wait for the I.T people to phone me so I can book in a time with them I guess. Hope they come soon as I’m dying without the internet!
Even though the library was heaving with people I managed to find a computer in the group study section. I started the write my news article. The lady from Ubisoft with orange hair, Korina, had gotten back to me! She’d given me quotes from a JVC spokesman and someone from Ubisoft. It was such a massive help. I don’t think I could thank her enough. I could only write 250 words maximum though which I always find really hard. I changed the order and contents of my story so many times as I sat at the computer getting irritated with my story over and over again. Eventually I was pretty happy with it and it was 250 words or just a little over. Then I had to write 100 words on how I got the story, that was the easy part. When I spoke to my lecturer yesterday about my story he thought I might even be able to sell it! Ha! I wish. Next I had to send off an electronic copy which is sent through a system that can check whether you’ve plagiarised something or not. It’s a very clever yet scary system. Once that was done I printed out the “hard copy” and then realised I couldn’t hand it in because I’d forgotten to take Korina’s business card with me this morning. Fail. So I took the hard copy home with me and decided I would give it in early the next day.
When I got home I was hungry so I made a bacon sandwich, got back into my room and realised I’d missed a call from Lewis and breathed a sigh of relief that it wasn’t the I.T guys I had missed. I text him saying I was home and he could now come over if he wanted. He and Matt came over (after unsuccessfully trying to hide from me round the corner of the building) and Lewis jumped straight on the Wii to play a retro Zelda game. Matt sat and watched. I realised as soon as I sat down I felt awful. Alex has recently mentioned he’s ill and later on I saw on facebook Holly, Iain and Jen were also feeling under the weather. Great. So we’ve all caught something from each other! Fun times. So now I feel like absolute crap. My throat hurts and I feel achy all over. My body seems to go from hot to cold frequently too. I’m seeing my parents tomorrow, I can’t wait but I really hope I feel better by then! It will be good to see them and my sister and of course get a free meal out of them! Plus they are bringing some stuff I hope. I also can’t wait to tell them about MCM and show them the few pictures I have from Alex. Jen hasn’t uploaded any yet, only a video of the Alien and Marines on lego rock band which was very bizarre but awesome.
I’m not going to be able to read this boring Hemingway book by tomorrow, I’m only half way through and it needs to be read by tomorrow…oh well. Who cares. It’s only memoirs so it’s not as if it has a real story to it.
Sunday, 25 October 2009
The previous night I had been out clubbing at Escape, a gay club, never been to one before, was quite fun! But anyway I didn't get much sleep but getting up at 7am was pretty easy because I was so exicted for MCM. I got ready pretty quickly and was waiting around for Alex and Moo to arrive. Got a phonecall from Alex asking if I was up and ready because he'd just had to wake up Moo!!! Oopsy haha! Anyway they got round here pretty soon and we walked to the train station. On the way to the train station who did we bump into but none other than John Bentley from the gadget show!!!! Alex stopped him and asked him "Are you the guy from the gadget show?" John replied "Yes, but where's Jessops". We both franticly pointed in the direction he was already heading and he rushed off. Shame he couldn't stop to talk. Me and Alex both squealed like massive fans and high fived. That had made our day already! Exciting times. Alex let me phone my parents to quickly tell them because my dad is a massive fan of the show and especially John. It's fun to wake up parents, hehe.
We all got on the train a bit early because Alex was panicing a little too much about times but it was okay. Me, him and Moo were having a laugh and it was good fun travelling with them both rather than by myself! When we got at Waterloo we were a little too early so we spent the time pissing around, as in that involved Alex chasing me around the station trying to tickle me! Bastard, heh. Then Jen arrived and I got three-way raped somehow, I'm not sure how these things happen, maybe I'm an easy target but there seemed to be a lot of humping going on that day :S. We waited for Iain and Holly to arrive and they did eventually, Holly is absolutly lovely! Oh and Iain got a nasty message from guess who, apparently we'd left someone out but as I distictly remember and everyone knew this, he had got invited by John. He rejected this invitation but now suddenly we're the bad guys? Typical eh. Oh well, we all shrugged our sholders and moved on, it's all been too much and no one can really be arsed anymore.
We all got on the tube, annoyed several passangers I think! One actually got off the train to get into another carriage. We all burst out laughing! Grumpy buisnessmen never cess to amuse! When we got to MCM we waited for John (Me, Jen, Alex and Moo all hid from him and jumped on JB hehe) and then went inside, after we'd stopped gawping at all the cosplayers. Most people were dressed up and some of the costumes were amazing! My favourite was a girl in a beautiful Zelda dress. It was stunning. Alex ran around giving everyone who asked for them free hugs! What a nutter! Shouldn't have let him have coffee that morning...he got over 60 hugs in the end I think! Nice that everyone was so friendly there though, was a good atmosphere.
We only had to queue for a short time and were pondering on the fact of whether to come next year and dress up like everyone else! When we got inside the hall it was very hot and stuffy. There was loads of stuff going on. Moo played against a guy who was pwning everyone at Tekken 6 and beat him! Was amazing. Then I had a go after Moo with this random guy and beat the shit out of him. Such a thrill to do that when you've got a crowd of people watching you and you win! I thought I was going to get my arse handed to me but obviously not. I think I pissed the guy off as after I had squealed with delight at beating him, he stormed off. Jen didn't feel too well so we went outside for a bit and had lunch. When me, Alex and John were queuing up for food a random guy infront of us started talking to us. I noticed his shirt and asked if he was from Konami, he said no but he works fora company that works with them. Alex started joking that he wanted this guys t-shirt and he said "You can have it if you sell your girlfriends soul to me" and pointed at me! I was a bit wtf and Alex explained that we were only friends but yes he could have my soul. I protested and Alex said "don't worry you don't have a soul" and started saying to the Konami man that I was a evil little minx, etc. I think he may have over-excited that guy! Dear oh dear...the people we meet!
When we eventually went back in the hall, Jen felt better and we were in there until it closed. We saw Avatar the game in 3D which was amazing! I got my news story too by going to a Q+A and asking the developers for some more information and they were very friendly and helped me out so much! So now I don't have to worry about finding a news story! YAY. Got some free Avatar stuff, watched Holly play some Bayonetta which seems to be completly mental, saw Tom Baker (made my mum jealous) and Alex played left for Dead 2 which didn't seem that great really and I'm not sure what all the fuss is about surrounding that game. After a long tiring day Alex had the idea to go to the Troc and get Holly some dogtags. So we got on the tube and went there. Bossman distracted Holly with Time Crisis 4 while me and Alex sneaked off to find the dogtags machine. We had to ask around but we eventually found it and sorted that out then met up with the others. We played a couple of arcade games before going to get some food at Pizza Express which was yummy! Alex did a speech, we held a quiet moment for Martyn who we all missed dearly and then we gave Holly her dogtag. I think she was really touched! New member ftw, we all love her and think she's great so it's all good :D. As we got up to leave Alex broke a vase, d'oh!
We all had a group hug in the middle of the street which was funny before JB had to head off home. We walked to the tube and said bye to Holly, Iain and Jen who had to be off on their way. Me, Moo and Alex decided we should probably get going too, no time for pudding unfortunatly! So we got to Waterloo, waited around for our train and off we went. Had a good old chat on the way home, got off at Kingston and walked back to my halls. The guys came in for a bit so Alex could sort out some photos onto my computer, they look good but I need a special software before I can post them on facebook so Alex will try and bring that round soon I hope. Matt and Alex briefly met my friends who were hanging out in the kitchen watching Team America. Then Matt and Alex left (after Alex forgetting to take over 9000 things) and I went into the kitchen to watch the end of TA and I then told them all about my day. I brought back some posters too to brighten up the kitchen so yay!
The internet in my room isn't working at the moment! Sad face. Think my port is all fucked up, it's always been dodgy so I'm borrowing Ellie's for a little while but I think I better give it back to her now! Hopefully reception will come and take a look at my socket (oo err) and they better bloody fix it because I badly need the internet!!!!!
We all got on the train a bit early because Alex was panicing a little too much about times but it was okay. Me, him and Moo were having a laugh and it was good fun travelling with them both rather than by myself! When we got at Waterloo we were a little too early so we spent the time pissing around, as in that involved Alex chasing me around the station trying to tickle me! Bastard, heh. Then Jen arrived and I got three-way raped somehow, I'm not sure how these things happen, maybe I'm an easy target but there seemed to be a lot of humping going on that day :S. We waited for Iain and Holly to arrive and they did eventually, Holly is absolutly lovely! Oh and Iain got a nasty message from guess who, apparently we'd left someone out but as I distictly remember and everyone knew this, he had got invited by John. He rejected this invitation but now suddenly we're the bad guys? Typical eh. Oh well, we all shrugged our sholders and moved on, it's all been too much and no one can really be arsed anymore.
We all got on the tube, annoyed several passangers I think! One actually got off the train to get into another carriage. We all burst out laughing! Grumpy buisnessmen never cess to amuse! When we got to MCM we waited for John (Me, Jen, Alex and Moo all hid from him and jumped on JB hehe) and then went inside, after we'd stopped gawping at all the cosplayers. Most people were dressed up and some of the costumes were amazing! My favourite was a girl in a beautiful Zelda dress. It was stunning. Alex ran around giving everyone who asked for them free hugs! What a nutter! Shouldn't have let him have coffee that morning...he got over 60 hugs in the end I think! Nice that everyone was so friendly there though, was a good atmosphere.
We only had to queue for a short time and were pondering on the fact of whether to come next year and dress up like everyone else! When we got inside the hall it was very hot and stuffy. There was loads of stuff going on. Moo played against a guy who was pwning everyone at Tekken 6 and beat him! Was amazing. Then I had a go after Moo with this random guy and beat the shit out of him. Such a thrill to do that when you've got a crowd of people watching you and you win! I thought I was going to get my arse handed to me but obviously not. I think I pissed the guy off as after I had squealed with delight at beating him, he stormed off. Jen didn't feel too well so we went outside for a bit and had lunch. When me, Alex and John were queuing up for food a random guy infront of us started talking to us. I noticed his shirt and asked if he was from Konami, he said no but he works fora company that works with them. Alex started joking that he wanted this guys t-shirt and he said "You can have it if you sell your girlfriends soul to me" and pointed at me! I was a bit wtf and Alex explained that we were only friends but yes he could have my soul. I protested and Alex said "don't worry you don't have a soul" and started saying to the Konami man that I was a evil little minx, etc. I think he may have over-excited that guy! Dear oh dear...the people we meet!
When we eventually went back in the hall, Jen felt better and we were in there until it closed. We saw Avatar the game in 3D which was amazing! I got my news story too by going to a Q+A and asking the developers for some more information and they were very friendly and helped me out so much! So now I don't have to worry about finding a news story! YAY. Got some free Avatar stuff, watched Holly play some Bayonetta which seems to be completly mental, saw Tom Baker (made my mum jealous) and Alex played left for Dead 2 which didn't seem that great really and I'm not sure what all the fuss is about surrounding that game. After a long tiring day Alex had the idea to go to the Troc and get Holly some dogtags. So we got on the tube and went there. Bossman distracted Holly with Time Crisis 4 while me and Alex sneaked off to find the dogtags machine. We had to ask around but we eventually found it and sorted that out then met up with the others. We played a couple of arcade games before going to get some food at Pizza Express which was yummy! Alex did a speech, we held a quiet moment for Martyn who we all missed dearly and then we gave Holly her dogtag. I think she was really touched! New member ftw, we all love her and think she's great so it's all good :D. As we got up to leave Alex broke a vase, d'oh!
We all had a group hug in the middle of the street which was funny before JB had to head off home. We walked to the tube and said bye to Holly, Iain and Jen who had to be off on their way. Me, Moo and Alex decided we should probably get going too, no time for pudding unfortunatly! So we got to Waterloo, waited around for our train and off we went. Had a good old chat on the way home, got off at Kingston and walked back to my halls. The guys came in for a bit so Alex could sort out some photos onto my computer, they look good but I need a special software before I can post them on facebook so Alex will try and bring that round soon I hope. Matt and Alex briefly met my friends who were hanging out in the kitchen watching Team America. Then Matt and Alex left (after Alex forgetting to take over 9000 things) and I went into the kitchen to watch the end of TA and I then told them all about my day. I brought back some posters too to brighten up the kitchen so yay!
The internet in my room isn't working at the moment! Sad face. Think my port is all fucked up, it's always been dodgy so I'm borrowing Ellie's for a little while but I think I better give it back to her now! Hopefully reception will come and take a look at my socket (oo err) and they better bloody fix it because I badly need the internet!!!!!
Thursday, 22 October 2009
Today was another long and hard day (no jokes, please!) except this time I actually had a lunch break so I wasn't keeling over by the time it was 5! Yay! The first lecture at 9am I got mentioned for my idea of finding a story at a gaming convention, I really hope I can find something to write about on Saturday or I am pretty much screwed unless anyone has some smart ideas. But at the same time I want to enjoy myself at MCM and not constantly have my Journalism hat on and vice versa I suppose. I hate this assignment with a passion, we are being told not to worry about it but how can I not?! The pressure...and I have a lack of original ideas...
When I did have lunch I went home to make it for myself, buying expensive sandwiches or subway is a big no no and waste of money for me. Plus I'd rather be in the comfort of my own room. I spoke to Iain and Jen on MSN and scarily realised, as did they before I mentioned it, that the 24th seems to be minion day! As I recall, except for the very first meet up, we have always seemed to have met up on the 24th! Accident or fate, I'm not sure but it sure as hell is creepy, though rather frickin' awesome at the same time. I really cannot wait until Saturday. Moo and Alex are coming to mine in Alex's car and parking here for the day (must sort out a permit tomorrow to save time on the day if I can). Then we are heading to Kingston station and are half an hour away from London Waterloo! It's a sort time together but I'm sure it will be a laugh, not like the first time I travelled to London, alone, scared about meeting 6 men in London I hardly knew. I still wonder to this day why my parents thought it was okay for me to go but of course I am so glad they are so free with me and allow me to do, pretty much, what I desire without very little question.
But yes, only just turning 18 and then meeting 6 men...my friends kept going on about how I was going to get gang raped and murdered or something! I never believed that for a second, I had complete trust in my friends, otherwise why would I go? And I had the added reassurance of the fact I had already met Alex a couple of months before when he came down to see his friend Rob in Portsmouth. Funny that my parents let a 17 year old girl go and meet a man off the Internet alone too, in fact my mum and dad DROVE me to near where I was meeting him! I guess it was in a public place so they new it was safe but I was so nervous at the time for some strange reason. Even my mum told me not to be nervous and it was all fine. To some people I must have really odd parents! Or really cool ones, or irresponsible...nevertheless I could not ever thank them enough for letting me meet the minions, they changed my life. In fact I felt last year, the year I turned 18, to be the best year of my life. So much had changed for the better. I'd changed, grown so much more confident in myself. I loved myself for once in my life. I met some of the most amazing people I've ever met (and yes, I realise I'm getting stupidly soppy now) and for the first time I had real gaming friends. Something that was never held in common with my friends at home, at least, not in a serious "hardcore gamer" way as Adam used to call me and probably still does call me.
But this year? Well I've had some bad points to it, one very disappointing revelation in particular but 99% of it has been amazing. Martyn's was probably one of the best weekends I will ever have though I did have a couple more excellent ones this year. This year tops off everything I could want from a year. I worked hard at college, very hard to get what I wanted and it payed off. It really, really did. I showed myself that I am an intelligent person who is capable of what I want to achieve, even though I often don't feel like. In fact a lot of the time I feel very stupid in comparison to others but none the less I have done well for myself and that's all that matters. People were very supportive, had faith in me and were proud when I did so well to get into such a competitive and high-ranking course. It may not be Cambridge, but who really would want to go there anyway eh? :)
And now I'm at the place I wanted to be at, I absolutely love it. I love Kingston, I would be happy to live here for a long time or at least in this area. I've made some great friends who have similar interests as me which is nice because I can't always play with the minions or people from the OPM group, especially as I now have no PS3 until xmas. The good news is Matt brought a LAN adaptor for the Wii and it works online!!!!!! Great news for when he brings up his PS3 (and HD TV, we hope) because Resi 5 online with dear Chris, I mean Alex (hehe) who is missing my 1337 skills and of course MGO. But I hear no one plays anymore and often poor Martyn has to play by himself (business as usual there then? ;)).
Well this blog has been a bit of a long rant about how great my life is, ha! I still have worries, hopes and fears of course but things are getting better. I'm feeling better about the future, maybe because I'm now ignoring certain things which should be addressed but never really will, let's be honest but all I can do is go with the flow and accept most things are out of my control. It's difficult for us Scorpios, we like control over our own lives (well who doesn't). Anyway I will finish now and stop boring you all.
When I did have lunch I went home to make it for myself, buying expensive sandwiches or subway is a big no no and waste of money for me. Plus I'd rather be in the comfort of my own room. I spoke to Iain and Jen on MSN and scarily realised, as did they before I mentioned it, that the 24th seems to be minion day! As I recall, except for the very first meet up, we have always seemed to have met up on the 24th! Accident or fate, I'm not sure but it sure as hell is creepy, though rather frickin' awesome at the same time. I really cannot wait until Saturday. Moo and Alex are coming to mine in Alex's car and parking here for the day (must sort out a permit tomorrow to save time on the day if I can). Then we are heading to Kingston station and are half an hour away from London Waterloo! It's a sort time together but I'm sure it will be a laugh, not like the first time I travelled to London, alone, scared about meeting 6 men in London I hardly knew. I still wonder to this day why my parents thought it was okay for me to go but of course I am so glad they are so free with me and allow me to do, pretty much, what I desire without very little question.
But yes, only just turning 18 and then meeting 6 men...my friends kept going on about how I was going to get gang raped and murdered or something! I never believed that for a second, I had complete trust in my friends, otherwise why would I go? And I had the added reassurance of the fact I had already met Alex a couple of months before when he came down to see his friend Rob in Portsmouth. Funny that my parents let a 17 year old girl go and meet a man off the Internet alone too, in fact my mum and dad DROVE me to near where I was meeting him! I guess it was in a public place so they new it was safe but I was so nervous at the time for some strange reason. Even my mum told me not to be nervous and it was all fine. To some people I must have really odd parents! Or really cool ones, or irresponsible...nevertheless I could not ever thank them enough for letting me meet the minions, they changed my life. In fact I felt last year, the year I turned 18, to be the best year of my life. So much had changed for the better. I'd changed, grown so much more confident in myself. I loved myself for once in my life. I met some of the most amazing people I've ever met (and yes, I realise I'm getting stupidly soppy now) and for the first time I had real gaming friends. Something that was never held in common with my friends at home, at least, not in a serious "hardcore gamer" way as Adam used to call me and probably still does call me.
But this year? Well I've had some bad points to it, one very disappointing revelation in particular but 99% of it has been amazing. Martyn's was probably one of the best weekends I will ever have though I did have a couple more excellent ones this year. This year tops off everything I could want from a year. I worked hard at college, very hard to get what I wanted and it payed off. It really, really did. I showed myself that I am an intelligent person who is capable of what I want to achieve, even though I often don't feel like. In fact a lot of the time I feel very stupid in comparison to others but none the less I have done well for myself and that's all that matters. People were very supportive, had faith in me and were proud when I did so well to get into such a competitive and high-ranking course. It may not be Cambridge, but who really would want to go there anyway eh? :)
And now I'm at the place I wanted to be at, I absolutely love it. I love Kingston, I would be happy to live here for a long time or at least in this area. I've made some great friends who have similar interests as me which is nice because I can't always play with the minions or people from the OPM group, especially as I now have no PS3 until xmas. The good news is Matt brought a LAN adaptor for the Wii and it works online!!!!!! Great news for when he brings up his PS3 (and HD TV, we hope) because Resi 5 online with dear Chris, I mean Alex (hehe) who is missing my 1337 skills and of course MGO. But I hear no one plays anymore and often poor Martyn has to play by himself (business as usual there then? ;)).
Well this blog has been a bit of a long rant about how great my life is, ha! I still have worries, hopes and fears of course but things are getting better. I'm feeling better about the future, maybe because I'm now ignoring certain things which should be addressed but never really will, let's be honest but all I can do is go with the flow and accept most things are out of my control. It's difficult for us Scorpios, we like control over our own lives (well who doesn't). Anyway I will finish now and stop boring you all.
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
I've ended up missing out days again! Woops. Well nothing massively interesting has happened, in fact I wanted to talk (or write, even) about the lecture I just had. We are reading a dreadfully awful Hemingway book at the moment but luckily our seminar was mostly about character and how we create characters. The teacher, Laura, asked a bit more about my blog and whether I have characters or not and whether I describe them. It made me realise I very rarely use physical description, I usually describe their characteristics by what they say and what they do. I'm not sure what kind of person this makes me, not vain perhaps? Or maybe just not focused on physical appearance, just personality.
Anyway she gave us an exercise on describing a character like we had just met them. I chose to describe a real person as a character and it really opens up your mind as to what you think of people. It's like picking up things you didn't notice before. They way I ended up describing this person had an almost romantic tone about it even though I am not particularly fond of them at the moment. Saying this, a part of me cannot bear to let them go even though I sometimes feel hatred for them. I think just a part of me finds it really hard to hate or stay mad at people. A good thing or a weakness? I am yet to find out.
It also made me wonder how someone would describe me, would it be nice?, would it be horrible?, would they pick out certain features of me and what would they be? Is there anything striking about me or would you never even notice me if I walked past in the street? I'll never know the answers to these questions but I do wonder. Especially if I find people I know to be interesting I do wonder if someone out there is fascinated with me. Not in a weird way, of course. This has probably partly spawned from watching American Beauty the other night at the film club. Such a good film. Weird but funny. I recommend it defiantly.
Soon, I have to go back to uni for an hour to listen to someone talk about their career and life. Last time I almost fell asleep. So embarrassing. I'm really tired, hope it doesn't happen again. I didn't go to bed late, I blame Alex's drunken texts at 3am! Well, he always blames me so this time he's getting the blame for something, hehe. Then when I come back I have work to do. Sigh. BUT on the massive plus side, I just got an email back from Dan, one of my teachers. I emailed him yesterday about this news story I have to write by Wednesday next week. I'd been worried about what to do and I had a brain wave in the shower (ha) and I thought I could write about MCM! He said a report on the day would be OK but only OK. He thinks if there's controversy about a new game, technology, etc. It could be a possible story. I'm not completely relived but I feel slightly better I now have a possible information source. I'll have to keep my eyes and ears open on the day I suppose!
Currently listening to: Sinead Quinn- I can't break down
"Tear don't you fall, eyes don't you cry. Got to get me round this corner, I can't break down, break down."
Anyway she gave us an exercise on describing a character like we had just met them. I chose to describe a real person as a character and it really opens up your mind as to what you think of people. It's like picking up things you didn't notice before. They way I ended up describing this person had an almost romantic tone about it even though I am not particularly fond of them at the moment. Saying this, a part of me cannot bear to let them go even though I sometimes feel hatred for them. I think just a part of me finds it really hard to hate or stay mad at people. A good thing or a weakness? I am yet to find out.
It also made me wonder how someone would describe me, would it be nice?, would it be horrible?, would they pick out certain features of me and what would they be? Is there anything striking about me or would you never even notice me if I walked past in the street? I'll never know the answers to these questions but I do wonder. Especially if I find people I know to be interesting I do wonder if someone out there is fascinated with me. Not in a weird way, of course. This has probably partly spawned from watching American Beauty the other night at the film club. Such a good film. Weird but funny. I recommend it defiantly.
Soon, I have to go back to uni for an hour to listen to someone talk about their career and life. Last time I almost fell asleep. So embarrassing. I'm really tired, hope it doesn't happen again. I didn't go to bed late, I blame Alex's drunken texts at 3am! Well, he always blames me so this time he's getting the blame for something, hehe. Then when I come back I have work to do. Sigh. BUT on the massive plus side, I just got an email back from Dan, one of my teachers. I emailed him yesterday about this news story I have to write by Wednesday next week. I'd been worried about what to do and I had a brain wave in the shower (ha) and I thought I could write about MCM! He said a report on the day would be OK but only OK. He thinks if there's controversy about a new game, technology, etc. It could be a possible story. I'm not completely relived but I feel slightly better I now have a possible information source. I'll have to keep my eyes and ears open on the day I suppose!
Currently listening to: Sinead Quinn- I can't break down
"Tear don't you fall, eyes don't you cry. Got to get me round this corner, I can't break down, break down."
Monday, 19 October 2009
Cheered up
Saturday night, as you will recall, I was complaining about being bored and rather lonely. Well to my surprise, Lewis turned up at 11:30. I asked why he was here, I though he was staying with Emily in Guildford. He explained that there were no trains on a sunday to get back to Kingston! Fail! So him and Emily ended up going to pizza hut before she hopped on the train back to Guildford so he thought he'd come over here for a bit. I say a bit, but he was here until 4am!
We played Super Smash bros, Zelda and then the most hardcore match of Mario Kart ever. 32 races, frantic items, mirror mode with hard CPU. Oh yeah! Went on for ages but all the way through he was cheering me up so much. I was laughing so hard as he made light of a situation that has been annoying me/upsetting me recently. He was also commenting on the fact that I was really easy to make friends with because I was such a nice person and he was so glad he'd found friends like me, matt, ellie and rach. Aww! It's good to know I'm easy to make friends with, I do try. I obviously feel the same as I have said on this blog before I am sure. I'm really lucky to have met people like this and to have a nice balance of guys and girls as I know what it's like just having female friends at home. So yes, he made me laugh lots and cheered me up by making fun of someone. Hehe. Unfortuantly his glands had swollen up so he was stuck in this grizzly sort of deep voice, he was losing his voice! His version of freshers flu I guess, or most likely, Emilys' version of it! He was in so much pain bless him but we were both so awake we stayed up until 4 then he headed home and I went straight to bed.
The next day I was awoken at 9:15 or thereabouts by Alex, phoning me before he went to work. I had a sleepy conversation with him, telling him about last night before I went back to sleep until about 12. I decided I had to get up, had some breakfast, said hi to Tom and Ellie. Discovered the internet wasn't working. Great. Ellie's wasn't working either and I later found out the whole of Middle Mill had no internet at all! Not even reception! Everyone was somewhat annoyed and mass panic ensued. I asked Matt if he wanted to go to ASDA with me and so we wnet to ASDA for a bit. Silly guy said he only needed a couple of things yet he ended up spending more money than me! I brought a lot of junk food (oops) you know, cookies and those sort of things. I really need more vegetables in my life...
When I got back I got a phonecall from Lewis asking if he could steal my internet for W.O.W. I said mine was out too, the entire halls area was. He was surprised and annoying but said he'd come over anyway. So we played some Zelda together (we're on a very annoying dungeon at the moment, hate it!) and I got a text from Matt asking if we wanted to play some Mario Kart for an hour. I said yes so he came over and we played it until he had to leave to go to F block. He was leaving to help make sunday roast with Alex. He was rather rubbing it in about the fact he was going to have roast dinner "with eye-candy". Lewis made fun of the fact that was the only reason he was going over there, for Alex. Matt lied, badly and left. I said to Lewis I was going to put the dinner on because I was starving and I was having chicken which would take a while to cook. He asked what I was making and I said BBQ chicken. He thought that sounded good and didn't know what to do for dinner so he suggested bringing over some pasta and we could make a meal of it. I agreed to it so he left to get some cooking untensils and pasta.
I spoke to Ellie for a bit in the kitchen while waiting for Lewis who took an age. Tom had gone home now but she seemed much happier for seeing him. When Lewis came back I started cooking the chicken, cutting it up into small pieces, putting it in a bowl then covering it in BBQ maranade then stirring it round so it was all coated. Yum! I didn't have much chicken but oh well. While we were waiting for it to cook, Lewis brought round his CD player and put on Michael Buble (eugh) and he was singing along to it. After 20 mins I took the chicken out and put more BBQ sauce on it and Lewis salivated over it, not literally of course. I put it back in the oven and waited another 20 mins. After it was done Lewis cooked the pasta and I thought it was going to be a bit dry without sauce. So I suggested that we also coat the pasta in the BBQ maranade. Lewis said okay so I did so. Not too heavily but enough to give the pasta colour. It looked really good. Lewis grated cheese ontop and we ate it. Oh my goodness it was so good! I was really surprised how nice it was! A very creative meal, well kind of, turned out very successfully!
After we'd stuffed ourselves, we played some more Mario Kart with Ellie before I got a text from Matt saying they were going to a student pub with "Alex and co.". Lewis had also mentioned earlier they were all watching Alex play guitar. Dear lord, why are people treating him like some sort of God?! I had an image in my head of a group of girls (and Matt) sat on the floor, looking up at Alex play in awe. Dear oh dear. We thought we'd be sociable and go so we got ready. I then got a call from Matt saying there was a change of plan, Alex and his diciples (as I called them) were going to a club instead I think? Anyway Matt and Rach were at the local student pub instead so we went there. We hung out there for a little while, making fun of Matts' crush and making various sexual referance, as usual! Lewis has a new phrase: "Image FTW!". You can guess when that's used. It was used the night before too! Funny times. My new friends make me laugh so much, not a difficult thing I know but still. I am happy.
Currently listening to: Lily Allen-Not fair
"It's not fair and I think you're really mean, I think you're really mean, I think you're really mean. Oh you're supposed to care but you never make me scream, you never make me scream."
(Lily Allen is a very silly woman, and this is a silly song but damn it's catchy!).
We played Super Smash bros, Zelda and then the most hardcore match of Mario Kart ever. 32 races, frantic items, mirror mode with hard CPU. Oh yeah! Went on for ages but all the way through he was cheering me up so much. I was laughing so hard as he made light of a situation that has been annoying me/upsetting me recently. He was also commenting on the fact that I was really easy to make friends with because I was such a nice person and he was so glad he'd found friends like me, matt, ellie and rach. Aww! It's good to know I'm easy to make friends with, I do try. I obviously feel the same as I have said on this blog before I am sure. I'm really lucky to have met people like this and to have a nice balance of guys and girls as I know what it's like just having female friends at home. So yes, he made me laugh lots and cheered me up by making fun of someone. Hehe. Unfortuantly his glands had swollen up so he was stuck in this grizzly sort of deep voice, he was losing his voice! His version of freshers flu I guess, or most likely, Emilys' version of it! He was in so much pain bless him but we were both so awake we stayed up until 4 then he headed home and I went straight to bed.
The next day I was awoken at 9:15 or thereabouts by Alex, phoning me before he went to work. I had a sleepy conversation with him, telling him about last night before I went back to sleep until about 12. I decided I had to get up, had some breakfast, said hi to Tom and Ellie. Discovered the internet wasn't working. Great. Ellie's wasn't working either and I later found out the whole of Middle Mill had no internet at all! Not even reception! Everyone was somewhat annoyed and mass panic ensued. I asked Matt if he wanted to go to ASDA with me and so we wnet to ASDA for a bit. Silly guy said he only needed a couple of things yet he ended up spending more money than me! I brought a lot of junk food (oops) you know, cookies and those sort of things. I really need more vegetables in my life...
When I got back I got a phonecall from Lewis asking if he could steal my internet for W.O.W. I said mine was out too, the entire halls area was. He was surprised and annoying but said he'd come over anyway. So we played some Zelda together (we're on a very annoying dungeon at the moment, hate it!) and I got a text from Matt asking if we wanted to play some Mario Kart for an hour. I said yes so he came over and we played it until he had to leave to go to F block. He was leaving to help make sunday roast with Alex. He was rather rubbing it in about the fact he was going to have roast dinner "with eye-candy". Lewis made fun of the fact that was the only reason he was going over there, for Alex. Matt lied, badly and left. I said to Lewis I was going to put the dinner on because I was starving and I was having chicken which would take a while to cook. He asked what I was making and I said BBQ chicken. He thought that sounded good and didn't know what to do for dinner so he suggested bringing over some pasta and we could make a meal of it. I agreed to it so he left to get some cooking untensils and pasta.
I spoke to Ellie for a bit in the kitchen while waiting for Lewis who took an age. Tom had gone home now but she seemed much happier for seeing him. When Lewis came back I started cooking the chicken, cutting it up into small pieces, putting it in a bowl then covering it in BBQ maranade then stirring it round so it was all coated. Yum! I didn't have much chicken but oh well. While we were waiting for it to cook, Lewis brought round his CD player and put on Michael Buble (eugh) and he was singing along to it. After 20 mins I took the chicken out and put more BBQ sauce on it and Lewis salivated over it, not literally of course. I put it back in the oven and waited another 20 mins. After it was done Lewis cooked the pasta and I thought it was going to be a bit dry without sauce. So I suggested that we also coat the pasta in the BBQ maranade. Lewis said okay so I did so. Not too heavily but enough to give the pasta colour. It looked really good. Lewis grated cheese ontop and we ate it. Oh my goodness it was so good! I was really surprised how nice it was! A very creative meal, well kind of, turned out very successfully!
After we'd stuffed ourselves, we played some more Mario Kart with Ellie before I got a text from Matt saying they were going to a student pub with "Alex and co.". Lewis had also mentioned earlier they were all watching Alex play guitar. Dear lord, why are people treating him like some sort of God?! I had an image in my head of a group of girls (and Matt) sat on the floor, looking up at Alex play in awe. Dear oh dear. We thought we'd be sociable and go so we got ready. I then got a call from Matt saying there was a change of plan, Alex and his diciples (as I called them) were going to a club instead I think? Anyway Matt and Rach were at the local student pub instead so we went there. We hung out there for a little while, making fun of Matts' crush and making various sexual referance, as usual! Lewis has a new phrase: "Image FTW!". You can guess when that's used. It was used the night before too! Funny times. My new friends make me laugh so much, not a difficult thing I know but still. I am happy.
Currently listening to: Lily Allen-Not fair
"It's not fair and I think you're really mean, I think you're really mean, I think you're really mean. Oh you're supposed to care but you never make me scream, you never make me scream."
(Lily Allen is a very silly woman, and this is a silly song but damn it's catchy!).
Saturday, 17 October 2009
Today was a couples day really. Me, Lewis, Emily, Ellie, Tom and Matt all headed out at around 3pm to go bowling (we hoped). Matt was hungry so we first went to Fragos (a direct copy of nandos, nice but not as good) to get some free winglets, we had vouchers on the back of our cinema tickets from last night. We say on the table and waited half an hour before our "lunch" came. 4 winglets for free, not bad! Some lady from a charity came round the restaurant selling roses and grow sticks (a random combination?!) so Tom and Lewis got one for their girlfriends before we headed off to go bowling.
When we got there however, the lady noticed we couldn't use our free bowling voucher on Saturdays, bugger. So we messed around in the arcade for a bit before decided to leave and go to Krispy Kreme instead. I like it there but the doughnuts are so over-rated. £1.10 for a plain donut that I can get in Greggs for 30p? No thanks. Matt and Ellie got a couple of doughnuts though, we popped into WHSmiths on the way back too. Matt brought pick and mix for £3! WHY?! No wonder he spends so much money! And he complains he's fat! I wouldn't call him fat but he's not slim and can't even cross his legs! Talk about un-flexiable! He really is stupid. Ahh well, his loss. We walked home and Lewis collected all his stuff he left here last night and left with Emily because he was off to Guildford to stay with her for the night. We said our goodbyes and Matt left too. Tom and Ellie have now gone out to TGI Fridays for a meal so I'm here all alone. I would do some work but I need a separate journal for creative writing work according to my tutor. Sigh. Will buy one on Monday I suppose so I can do all my homework in there.
Not sure what to do this evening. Might watch some firefly, I really need to get through some of these DVDs Alex lent me. I'm really bad at watching stuff people lend me! Dunno why. Just takes...effort. And I only have a horrible chair to sit in so I can't lie down on a sofa, not even on my bed because the battery life is terrible on my laptop and there's no plug near the bed. Hmm. One week until MCM, I can't wait! Some people from the Anime and Gaming society are going to that too! I never attended any of their meetings so it's unlikely I'll spot anyone I know. It's boring being here alone. Wish I had some company. I miss people :(.
Currently listening to: paramore- Misery business
"Woah I never meant to brag but I've got him where I want now. Woah it was never my intention to brag, to steal him all away from you now. But God does it feel so good, coz I got him where I want him right now and if you could then I know you would coz God it just feels so good."
When we got there however, the lady noticed we couldn't use our free bowling voucher on Saturdays, bugger. So we messed around in the arcade for a bit before decided to leave and go to Krispy Kreme instead. I like it there but the doughnuts are so over-rated. £1.10 for a plain donut that I can get in Greggs for 30p? No thanks. Matt and Ellie got a couple of doughnuts though, we popped into WHSmiths on the way back too. Matt brought pick and mix for £3! WHY?! No wonder he spends so much money! And he complains he's fat! I wouldn't call him fat but he's not slim and can't even cross his legs! Talk about un-flexiable! He really is stupid. Ahh well, his loss. We walked home and Lewis collected all his stuff he left here last night and left with Emily because he was off to Guildford to stay with her for the night. We said our goodbyes and Matt left too. Tom and Ellie have now gone out to TGI Fridays for a meal so I'm here all alone. I would do some work but I need a separate journal for creative writing work according to my tutor. Sigh. Will buy one on Monday I suppose so I can do all my homework in there.
Not sure what to do this evening. Might watch some firefly, I really need to get through some of these DVDs Alex lent me. I'm really bad at watching stuff people lend me! Dunno why. Just takes...effort. And I only have a horrible chair to sit in so I can't lie down on a sofa, not even on my bed because the battery life is terrible on my laptop and there's no plug near the bed. Hmm. One week until MCM, I can't wait! Some people from the Anime and Gaming society are going to that too! I never attended any of their meetings so it's unlikely I'll spot anyone I know. It's boring being here alone. Wish I had some company. I miss people :(.
Currently listening to: paramore- Misery business
"Woah I never meant to brag but I've got him where I want now. Woah it was never my intention to brag, to steal him all away from you now. But God does it feel so good, coz I got him where I want him right now and if you could then I know you would coz God it just feels so good."
The imaginarium of doctor parnassus
Yesterday evening, Tom, Ellie's boyfriend turned up, he seems nice but he is very shy! Ellie did mention before that he is shy before he gets to know people but wow I didn't expect him to be so quiet. Then Emily and Lewis turned up, Matt was already here with me. Lewis was going to make korma for me, Matt, Emily and himself tonight, yay! So Lewis got cooking with a little help from me and Emily. I really like Emily, she's such a lovely girl! Ellie and Tom had their own dinner and then spent the evening alone together. Chicken korma was yummy.
Matt said he was going to the cinema with Bobby to see Up in 3D and asked whether we wanted to come along. I couldn't, would have been too expensive. Emily and Lewis thought about going along though so they went off together and said that they'd come see me later. So I hung about in my room for a little bit then Matt and the others turned up at my door again! I asked why and they said Up in 3D was too expensive, £10.85 to see it!!! So they were going to see a different film at 11:30. I asked what film and it was the imaginarium of doctor parnassus. I said I really wanted to see that film so they said "come along!" so I did. We played some Mario Kart until the time came to walk to the cinema. Emily was meant to be good at Mario Kart but had gotten rusty! Still, was good fun.
I loved the film. Heath Ledgers last, uncompleted film yet it still works. When Heath Ledger IS in it, he's incredible. He's funny and it's a shame such a talented actor has died. Luckily, they seemed to have filmed all the scenes he needed to be in; outside of "the mirror", the mirror is the portal to Doctor Parnassus' imagination. Either that or they have cut it appropriately. Every time Tony goes into the mirror, he changes his face. This is done very well and in fact makes the film better! Lewis thought Johnny Depp stole the show and I agree, as always, he was amazing even though he only had a short appearance. The plot of the film is very hard to explain and many parts don't make complete sense. After you've seen the film there's a million and one questions you could ask "What did that mean?" etc. But this is a film of morals. In life we have to make choices every single day. Life is not a straight path and our lives can change according to whether we make the wrong or right choices. That's what's this film is about essentially. But I would seriously recommend this film to everyone. It's an incredible film. Terry Gilliam has done it again, the mans imagination is beautiful and unique. It's nice to see a British film with flair, something different from all those other Hollywood blockbusters currently out in the cinemas.
Currently listening to: Within Temptation-the heart of everything
"Very soon I'll embrace you on the other side."
Friday, 16 October 2009
The legend of Winx
Hmm, it's hard keeping up with this blog business! Some days I'm not on the Internet for more than 5 minutes before people come round and be sociable. Which, of course, is a good thing, I'm grateful I've found friends with very similar interests to me. Even Ellie, who's not a big gamer, loves to get stuck in even if Matt takes the piss out of her (a little too much sometimes) every time she loses.
Matt brought round a friend of his from his block yesterday. A guy called Bobby, he wanted to play Wii, Matt kind of invited him without really asking which would have annoyed me if I cared about who came round here but once he got there I recognised him. He's an okay guy, we had a couple of games before both him and Matt headed off for an early night. Me and Lewis decided to continue with Zelda until 3am which I decided he should go because I was very tired and Alex wanted to ring to have a chat. We'd done yet another dungeon anyway and now we have the ball and chain which is easily one of the best items in the game! It's great fun to swing around and throw. So he went, I had a short chat with Alex and then went to sleep at around 4am.
Woken up by pointless text from o2, went back to sleep. Then I was awoken again by Matt, saying he'd missed a seminar because it had been cancelled. The thing is, he had a bit of breakdown to Ellie yesterday on msn because Matt has been falling behind with work (he hasn't even started to read the book that was meant to be read for a couple of days ago) and therefore he skipped the lecture yesterday. I knew this because I looked around the room and even though it's a huge class, I couldn't see him. It's funny, Matt comes across as a really intelligent guy, he's really anal about "proper English" and such yet he allows himself to be lazy and not do his work. Grades wise, he only got 3 C's at A level, which is what he needed to pass and he was amazed that the course I'm on was asking for the highest grades (I was amazed too to be honest). Now don't get me wrong, I'd never look down on someone because of their grades. In fact I dislike the education system for even judging someones intelligence on exams! But I expected him to have better results than that for some reason. Don't judge a book by it's cover I guess.
So Matt is getting pretty depressed by work and he keeps going round to F block to see Alex which is a stupid move and both me, Ellie and Lewis know this. He's a silly guy but he'll learn, especially as apparently Alex fancies someone so he'll probably get a girlfriend soon anyway. Maybe that will drives Matt away from him, we can only hope. For his sake. I know what waiting around for someone who you're never going to be with can do to you. I've seen it happen and it's a nasty disease.
I get to meet Ellie's boyfriend, Tom, today. Excited to meet him but kind of nervous, I've heard so much about him! We talk about boys all the time, me and Ellie, it's great hehe. Although I'm not sure if he will like me, I swear a lot as you all know and he doesn't like swearing. His mates do it all the time but if Ellie swears he tells her off! Stupid eh? That's men for you! I joke, I joke but they can be pretty controlling.
I bit scared by the fact I have 2 weeks to come up with a feature idea (i.e. a piece of writing suitable for a magazine) and I have to pitch my idea in a 4 minute long presentation. How fucking scary!!! I'm one of the last people to do it though, phew! I also have 2 weeks to find a recent news story, something that hasn't already been published of course. Not sure what to do it on! Need ideas! I'm just going to have to ask around my friends to see if anything interesting happens within the next week that I can investigate and write about. It's a shame the domestic violence thing that happened in block A didn't happen so soon because I could have investigated that! A horrible thing to say I know but I'm a journalist now, that's all we thinking about, getting a decent story :/. I'll explain about the domestic violence thing. Basically a few days ago now, I got told about a girl who'd come here, to the halls, to visit her boyfriend. There was a lot of banging around in their room according to the other people who lived on that floor. Of course they assumed they were having noisy sex or something along those lines. But soon enough, the girl ran out, crying with a black-eye, banging on someone elses door to help her because her boyfriend had beaten her up! The person who found her went to reception with her and told them what had happened. Reception did nothing. I'm not even fucking kidding. They said their security guard was on patrol and to come back in half an hour. They waited, reception still did nothing. They went to the police who also didn't help her because she'd "left it too long to report it". WTF?! They know where this guy lives! I'm not sure if anything else is going to happen to him, if anything at all but still I was shocked and appalled at the fact no one had helped this poor girl. It would have made an amazing news story. Rachel told Ellie this story so she may be the lady to go to for info!
Hmm I really need to start writing some book reviews. I started one for the visitor but it's a bit rubbish and needs tweaking a lot. Best go off and do that I guess!
Currently listening to: foo fighters-The pretender
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Feeling Good
Well not much happened on Monday as I recall so let us start on Tuesday.
Everyone went clubbing the night before, I decided to stay in because I didn't feel 100%, plus I could do with saving the money. They all had a great time, although Lewis and Ellie told me that Matt got back after the party, crying because he fancies a guy called Alex who is straight. Ahh unrequited love. He'll learn I guess, poor fool. It must be hard though, liking a guy who is straight, must be tough being gay. I saw Alex today actually when me and Matt were walking to uni and jesus christ I can see why he likes him! He's hot. And I don't usually find blondes attractive. Anyway, he needs to stay away from him because he's clearly making him depressed so we are trying to help Matt with that but it's not easy. Ah well.
I was woken up at quarter to nine with a jump and a slight scream as I remember. Waking up to a loud fire alarm is possibly the most scariest thing ever. I knew it was a drill because they did it to two other block last friday but still. I leapt out of bed (the fastest I have EVER got out of bed!) and grabbed a dressing gown/komono and went out into the corridor. I was about to rush out the door when I spotted Ellie and shouted "Keys!" and we both rushed into our rooms to grab them before running downstairs. We waited outside in the freezing cold for everyone else to get out of the block. We were practically the first people out and we were on the top floor! The bottom floor took ages to come out, what's up with that? One guy I've said hello to a few times (really huge guy, SO tall) came out late and the lady was having a go and him and he just said "Well I was naked and I'd rather burn to death than come outside naked!". We all laughed. Two people had guests with them they didn't sign in the night before (uh oh!) so they got completly bollocked once the rest of us went back inside. Must remember to sign all guests in for definate!
I went back to sleep and got up late because I didn't have a lecture until 1. I decided to dress up nice today for some reason. I put on tights, a pleated skirt, my big black boots and a batman t-shirt to top it all off. I did my make-up, even put on earrings! I felt really good, I need to dress nicely more often. Damn these comfy jeans and t-shirts!
The lecture I went to was okay. We wrote another news article, the guy always comes round to quickly read our work as we're writing it. I wrote quick a lot in a short amount of time (hopefully I'll do well in the timed news writing exam then!) and the lecturerer, Daniel, patted me on the sholder and said "Good structure, good effort well done". I said "thanks" modestly but inside I was beaming. Finally he'd said my work was good! It made me happy, maybe I am getting better at this!
I then got a next from Matt after the lecture asking what I was doing so I asked if he wanted to come to town with me because I needed to pick up my contact lenses. He said yes so I met him and it was a very short trip to town, nothing much happened. Contact lenses are expensive. £21 for 3 months supply. Ouch. And that's not including anything!
Later on it was film club time, Matt didn't come as he went to the BFI in London to see some Lesbien film so it was just me, Ellie, Rach and Lewis. Battle Royale was on this week, one of the favourite films, if you haven't seen it, see it! Japanese school kids killing each other on an island? Sold! After we'd enjoyed the film and popcorn, the boys came back round to mine (Rach went off with Joe somewhere) to play games and shit. Alex rung while me and Lewis were playing Zelda together (Winx ftw) and I think I had the funniest 4 way conversation in my life. Was giggles. The guys left at 2am again! I finished off reading The Visitor for our Creative Writing class tomorrow, it was an okay book, nice and short I guess. I'm sure when I write a proper review I'll stick it on here if anyone is interested.
Currently listening to: Vanessa Paradis- the future song
"The future of our space and time, is not gunna say goodbye."
Sunday, 11 October 2009
Living for the weekend

My new fav. photo, Lewis, me and Ellie.
Saturday did not really start off to be a good day. We went shopping in Asda, and I almost passed out. I felt awful. Pounding headache, very hot, faint and sick. Was not nice. I clearly was coming down with something and I prayed it wasn't flu, I don't want to miss lessons and fall behind. I felt better later, we went shopping for ages afterwards and all the time this headache remained in my head. Like a drum, boom, boom, boom all fucking day. I was waiting to hear from Jo because she was staying over tonight. My first overnight guest not including the sleepover with Lewis and Matt haha! Jo wasn't coming until gone 6 so we walked home.Matt's friend Andrew arrived and everyone hung out at my flat and played Mario Kart. Then Jo rang so I went to collect her from the station with Ellie at about 7pm. We got back, ALL my friends were now in my flat so she got to meet them and hang around with them all night. We ate pizza, drank booze, watched 28 days later and went for a walk to an off-licence that wasn't open! Boo. It was probably a good thing! Rachel was drunk and we were all on a high, was such a funny night. I was in pain the entire time but this kind of distracted me a little. Going to bed early was hardly going to help me as sleeping would be difficult and I would have missed out on all this fun! The 7 of us then headed to Matt's kitchen where we played Donkey and I would have won if it wasn't for Lewis! Always the way. We headed off for about 1 as people were tired. Lewis came back with me and Jo as he wanted to sleep round mine.
He let Jo borrow his duvet and he slept using his dressing gown as a make shift rug and his t-shirt as a cover. Haha! We were talking about star-signs and it's really odd how certain star signs do end up being really good friends with each other. Very odd indeed the way Lewis was talking about it. Then we talked about how sometimes, star-sign personalities often match up too. The Lewis said something about Scorpios are supposed to be really attractive. I went "Ha!" (I am a Scorpio). He said "Wait, what's the ha for?" I explained that I didn't exactly feel attractive at the moment, I had a cold and my nose was bright red. He replied "You have a nice figure though" and Jo agreed. That made me feel a lot better :).
We turned off the light and then didn't really go to sleep. We just lay there talking about random crap, everything from druggies to dressing gowns (don't ask lol). Every conversation seemed to head down some sort of sexual route. Typical young people eh!! Hehe. Lewis blamed his 90 seconds blood flow thing I mentioned a blog ago. Unfortunatly I can't blame my dirtiness on anything scientific. I'm such a man, hehe.
I have no idea what time we all decided to shut up and fall asleep but I was woken up by the sound of my phone ringing so I lept out of bed and grabbed it. It was my mum, I asked her what time it was and it was 12! D'oh! She asked if I wanted her to call back but I said no I'd rather speak to her now. So I had a long chat with her and my dad. My dad is so sweet, he said "We do miss you, you know. And we do love you." I think I might have cried if Lewis and Jo weren't there. Can't wait until I see them in 2 weeks time. I miss them so.
We got up, I went and got dressed. Lewis and Jo just slept in their clothes so Lewis went home, got his crunchy nut cereal and milk and ate breakfast with me and Jo. I made Jo toast and tea then Lewis said he would go and get ready before all of us went bowling. Unfortunatly Jo decided to leave so I said goodbye to her and offered to walk her to the station but she said she new the way. I hugged her goodbye and she left whilst I got ready to go out but I was ready in 5 minutes. I surfed the net and waited to hear from Lewis. When he said he was ready I text Matt to let him know and me and Lewis waited around outside stroking George the Middle Mill Halls cat! He's lovely but a complete attention whore, the cat I mean, not Lewis! We called for Rachel but she was out and Ellie had gone to London to see her friend so it was me and the boys, Lewis, Matt and Matt's friend Andrew.
We went bowling but they wouldn't have a lane free until 2 hours time. We couldn't be bothered to wait so instead we messed around in the arcade for a bit and then went to Frangos for lunch. It was yummy but not as good as Nandos I have to say. After we'd stuffed ourselves we said goodbye to Andrew and walked home. Everyone went back to their flats but Lewis soon turned up at mine to use my internet as his wasn't working and he wanted to play World of Warcrft with Matt. So I let him use it while I got on with all the crap I had to do. I treated my hair for headlice, washed everything, dried everything, tidyed up all while he was sat at the computer playing W.O.W. Hmm, is this what being a wife is like? ;) Both Matt and Lewis are trying to get me to join them. No thanks, I'm not paying £9 a month!
Later on Matt came round and we played Mario kart then Ellie was back and joined in. Lewis had the idea of him making spag bol for all of us. Matt had dinner so he didn't have any but me and Ellie did. It was yummy. We then had rocky road ice cream later on. Sooooo gooood. Matt was playing super mario sunshine on my gamecube even though he hates it (nub) and he kept getting REALLY angry at the game. I was literally crying with laughter at one point!!!! Matt is so funny. Ahh, Matt-rage. Ellie went to bed. Me and Lewis played Zelda together (he controls the nunchuck, I have the remote, it's an odd system but it works). We did another boss. I really enjoy the game, we got a bow and arrow and I was amazing at archery with the Wii remote I tell you! Love it. We played until quarter to 4. I had to be up at 8! So Lewis and Matt went home and I went to bed.
Currently listening to: Within temptation- The cross
"I'm still wondering why I'm still calling your name. Oh I wonder, oh I wonder."
Friday, 9 October 2009
Cider, bacon and gaming.
Today I was somewhat depressed that I was 9 to 5 all day but I had to get over it. First lesson was a boring one out lecture with this guy called Brian. I loath him. I sat next to an attractive guy who looked lonely by himself. He sat with his head on the desk, when I sat down he complained how he hated this lesson. I wasn't the only one! So we sat there taking the piss out of the lecturerer all lesson. The teacher spent half the lesson recapping last weeks lesson, I'm not even kidding. He talks at a slow, boring pace, pausing every other word. The guy next to me joked that maybe it was for "dramatic effect". So the teacher spent the other half of the lesson how to use quotes...for fucks sake, for one we're not stupid, what he was saying was common knowledge. We did all get at least a B at English A level you know! Plus all this info was in a booklet we were given!!! Jesus Christ this was a waste of an hour on a thursday morning. I wouldn't turn up if I wasn't getting points this year for attending each lesson.
The rest of the day was okay and didn't go too slow. Meg said I didn't write enough for my creative writing homework, wow that makes a first, usually I write too much! This week for homework I have to write two newspaper articles, should be easy for me but I have to make it up, each for a different newspaper. Eugh. I might do something on a bomb scare so I can write for the daily mail and blame asylum seekers or something for the lolz :P.
When I got home I had a massive pizza and then chocolate brownie, orgasmically good and so, so cheap from Asda = win. Lewis came round afterwards and we played zelda together (he use the nunchuck, I had the wii remote and we worked together). We called our character Winx (A mixture of his nickname, Wind and my nickname, Minx!) and our horse was called MattRage after the fact Matt gets fucking hilarious gamer rage. It's so funny! We piss ourselves laughing everytime he gets annoyed at something! Ahh good times...
Later on after Matt's LGBT meeting (Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender society) he came round and he told us some very interesting facts! He'd been to a meeting which was teaching about gay sex, something that isn't exactly discussed at school so it's good they're doing it here. Apparently, if a man has HIV and has sex with another bloke (without protection) there is a one in three hundred chance of the other man getting HIV! Funny that gay men used to get blamed for that disease when it was because some sick fucker had sex with a monkey! Ahh isn't our society absolutly mental. He also told us the reason why men think of sex so often. A mans body every 90 seconds needs blood to go through the part that gives a guy an erection, hence why sexual things pass through there mind, to get the blood flowing. Is weird but highly interesting! Also, men should wank or have sex twice a day to prevent testicular cancer. Doctors orders eh ;).
Rachel also came round and before we knew it, Lewis has got out his guitar and was strumming away whilst the rest of us drank cider and had bacon sandwiches. Epic. Win. We then played Mario Kart, watched some funny videos on youtube then everyone headed to bed at 2am. An awesome evening :).
Currently listening to: Evanescence- My immortal
"When you cry, I'd wipe away all of your tears. When you scream I'd, fight away all of your fears. And I held your hand through all of these years but you still held, onto me."
Today I was somewhat depressed that I was 9 to 5 all day but I had to get over it. First lesson was a boring one out lecture with this guy called Brian. I loath him. I sat next to an attractive guy who looked lonely by himself. He sat with his head on the desk, when I sat down he complained how he hated this lesson. I wasn't the only one! So we sat there taking the piss out of the lecturerer all lesson. The teacher spent half the lesson recapping last weeks lesson, I'm not even kidding. He talks at a slow, boring pace, pausing every other word. The guy next to me joked that maybe it was for "dramatic effect". So the teacher spent the other half of the lesson how to use quotes...for fucks sake, for one we're not stupid, what he was saying was common knowledge. We did all get at least a B at English A level you know! Plus all this info was in a booklet we were given!!! Jesus Christ this was a waste of an hour on a thursday morning. I wouldn't turn up if I wasn't getting points this year for attending each lesson.
The rest of the day was okay and didn't go too slow. Meg said I didn't write enough for my creative writing homework, wow that makes a first, usually I write too much! This week for homework I have to write two newspaper articles, should be easy for me but I have to make it up, each for a different newspaper. Eugh. I might do something on a bomb scare so I can write for the daily mail and blame asylum seekers or something for the lolz :P.
When I got home I had a massive pizza and then chocolate brownie, orgasmically good and so, so cheap from Asda = win. Lewis came round afterwards and we played zelda together (he use the nunchuck, I had the wii remote and we worked together). We called our character Winx (A mixture of his nickname, Wind and my nickname, Minx!) and our horse was called MattRage after the fact Matt gets fucking hilarious gamer rage. It's so funny! We piss ourselves laughing everytime he gets annoyed at something! Ahh good times...
Later on after Matt's LGBT meeting (Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender society) he came round and he told us some very interesting facts! He'd been to a meeting which was teaching about gay sex, something that isn't exactly discussed at school so it's good they're doing it here. Apparently, if a man has HIV and has sex with another bloke (without protection) there is a one in three hundred chance of the other man getting HIV! Funny that gay men used to get blamed for that disease when it was because some sick fucker had sex with a monkey! Ahh isn't our society absolutly mental. He also told us the reason why men think of sex so often. A mans body every 90 seconds needs blood to go through the part that gives a guy an erection, hence why sexual things pass through there mind, to get the blood flowing. Is weird but highly interesting! Also, men should wank or have sex twice a day to prevent testicular cancer. Doctors orders eh ;).
Rachel also came round and before we knew it, Lewis has got out his guitar and was strumming away whilst the rest of us drank cider and had bacon sandwiches. Epic. Win. We then played Mario Kart, watched some funny videos on youtube then everyone headed to bed at 2am. An awesome evening :).
Currently listening to: Evanescence- My immortal
"When you cry, I'd wipe away all of your tears. When you scream I'd, fight away all of your fears. And I held your hand through all of these years but you still held, onto me."
Thursday, 8 October 2009
Matt cooks (but not really)
On Wednesday we were all looking forward to Matt cooking us all a nice chicken korma. Now I'm not a big curry fan but free food and something a bit different appealed to me so I was in. I hadn't really had a good day before I got there, I had an itchy head recently and I thought it might be because I wasn't showering long enough to get the soap out of my hair. I combed with a fine toothed comb and found I had in fact had head lice. They've come from my little sister who found she had some before I left for uni. I'm annoying I didn't think to check my hair there and then to make sure. And finding out you've got something like that is not nice and kind of brings you down because it's an effort to buy stuff then wash everything your head touches just to make sure you get rid of them all. Sigh. Not something I really need at uni.
Anyway we went round to Matt's and he really did not know how to cook anything. Ellie and Rachel practically did it for him! Bless. Still it was a nice gesture and it tasted good plus we had cheesecake for pudding. Mmm! Despite this lovely meal and company I felt a bit down. We played poker and Lewis noticed something was up, I just said I was tired and it's true, I was. Afterwards I thought about heading back early but Ellie was going to Rachel's' kitchen so I thought I'd be sociable and go with them. I'd only have ended up on the laptop anyway. We chatted about a few things but I was still feeling down. Me and Ellie left at about 10, Ellie asked what was up on the way home and I explained that I didn't know what was wrong. The problem with being a woman is when you feel down you don't know whether to ignore it because it's just hormones or whether there is actually something upsetting you. It's a very weird feeling, not knowing what's wrong. I hate it.
I was knackered. Went to bed fairly early but suddenly when I got into bed I felt awake. What the fuck?! Then people outside were screaming. I was getting so annoying that I was tired yet couldn't sleep. It's getting ridiculous. I swear I'm going to go crazy one of these days and end up throwing shoes out the window to get people to shut up because the security guards often do fuck all.
Oh and in my Creative Writing lecture that day we were asked to write a bit about a toy we had when we were 10. I couldn't think of much so I wrote about getting a PS1. Then we had to give that item to a fictional character and write about it so I gave it too an angry, unappreciative boy. Ha! Was quite funny. Though one guy in my seminar read out his and it was about Star Wars action figures and it was amazing. Truly amazing writing. It gets you down when you read something like that, the realisation most people are better than you. But hey, that's going to happen throughout life. Best get over it now.
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
La Haine and MGS style sneaking!
Yesterday evening it was free film time! So me, Rachel, Lewis, Matt and Ellie walked down to the uni in the horrible whether to go and see La Haine. We knew nothing about it except it was French, an art house film and that la haine translated to "Hatred". This is due to the famous saying: "Hatred breeds hatred" which is very true! The film was good, we got free popcorn and coke to keep hunger at bay as none of us had dinner. It was a very depressing film, essentially it was about 3 boys who live in the ghettos outside Paris. They live a very hard life and there is constant conflict between them and the police. Although it was sad in places, it was still a great film and I recommend it if you're into foreign film. And if you're not into foreign film, why the hell not?!
After the film Ellie really needed to loo so we all stood outside waiting for her when Lewis had the plan to run away and hide. So caught up in the excitement, me, Matt and Lewis ran off whilst Rachel called us mean and waited with Joe to wait for Ellie. Me and the two boys hide outside behind a stair, Matt and Lewis kept look out whilst I crouched down and waited. They went straight past us so we quietly ran behind them, squashing ourselves up against a wall until they went into the uni corridor. We ran behind, Matt opened the door and checked they had gone, he beckoned us to follow him so we did so. They'd gone out of the back of the uni and were walking down the road we knew they would spot us if we went down that long road but Matt had a plan. There was another way of getting to the same point and if we ran, we could get there first and ambush them. So we ran across the road, running down the road until we came to alleyway and we crouched down in the grass and hoped they wouldn't see us as they walked past. We sat and waited, they passed and didn't see us!!! So we ran quickly but silently up behind them and then sprited towards them, scaring them! It was fucking hilarious! Rachel jokily called us bastards but we thought it was great fun! Wish I'd have filmed it or something!
We were home at last, me and Lewis attempted to go as low as we could by leaning back and trying to go under the car barrier but we had to cheat at the last second, oh my back! Everyone came back into my room for a bit for a chat and a quick game, then people buggered off for a bit then Lewis and Matt came back and gamed a bit more until 1am. Need an early night for tomorrows long, long day tomorrow! :(
Currently listening to: Iron Maiden- Number of the beast
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
2am gaming...again!
I only had one lecture yesterday at 9am. Getting up was not fun. I was knackered. It was a rainy day. I looked a mess. So after the lecture (which was pretty enjoyable) I had a shower and got myself dry and warm, felt a lot better so I thought I'd better get on with some homework. There was a short story I had to read. I didn't like it, there was no real point to it and the story was too crytic, nothing is obvious. Now I know you don't want things to be too obvious but you don't want the complete opposite either! Sigh. Anyway I had to answer questions on it but because I didn't get the story I didn't really know how to answer the questions! So I called Matt for help who was basically no help at all! He came round and we brainstormed a few things and wrote them down. I'm sure it will only be a class discussion and our class is 150 odd people so they're not exactly going to mark everyones work!
After the brainstorming he left to do some other work and I had other work to get on with too. Creative writing seem to like lists at the moment. For homework I got a list of lists and had to choose one topic then write a list. I chose "what's inside my body" now I put obvious things like different organs, bones, blood, etc. But I also put things like "soul" and even "saliva" (not sure where that came from but hey!). Pretty simple task. Then we had to chose one word from the list and write a paragragh on it. See this is what I love about creative writing, it's total freedom as to what you write! So I had some sort of deep discussion as to whether we have a soul or not. Well it wasn't that deep really but I tried. Then we had to take every word in the list and make a poem out of it! Wasn't as hard as I thought it would be but my poem was complete rubbish.
The next task was to pick the start of a sentence and then just continue writing for as logn as we could. I don't think I wrote enough but oh well, it's very personal so hopefully the teacher will like it. After that had all been done I bummed around on the computer, made dinner, people came round to play games and we continued playing (me, Lewis and Matt) until 2:30am. Hot damn I was tired by then! 99 match with level 9 computers on Super Smash Brawl. Mental. By the end of it you just want to die! But we did it, we pwned the computer...thank god...
After the brainstorming he left to do some other work and I had other work to get on with too. Creative writing seem to like lists at the moment. For homework I got a list of lists and had to choose one topic then write a list. I chose "what's inside my body" now I put obvious things like different organs, bones, blood, etc. But I also put things like "soul" and even "saliva" (not sure where that came from but hey!). Pretty simple task. Then we had to chose one word from the list and write a paragragh on it. See this is what I love about creative writing, it's total freedom as to what you write! So I had some sort of deep discussion as to whether we have a soul or not. Well it wasn't that deep really but I tried. Then we had to take every word in the list and make a poem out of it! Wasn't as hard as I thought it would be but my poem was complete rubbish.
The next task was to pick the start of a sentence and then just continue writing for as logn as we could. I don't think I wrote enough but oh well, it's very personal so hopefully the teacher will like it. After that had all been done I bummed around on the computer, made dinner, people came round to play games and we continued playing (me, Lewis and Matt) until 2:30am. Hot damn I was tired by then! 99 match with level 9 computers on Super Smash Brawl. Mental. By the end of it you just want to die! But we did it, we pwned the computer...thank god...
Monday, 5 October 2009
Lazy Sunday and meeting the girlfriend.
Got up late on Sunday due to the lack of sleep both me and Ellie got. We both had a message from Lewis, he's desperate for us to meet his girlfriend, Emily. We said we had to go food shopping first but we'd meet up with them after for free bowling. So me, Ellie and Matt found ASDA (eventually after help from a random woman). We got all our shopping super cheap but the queue was mental! I managed to find a way to entertain myself though. The cutest baby I'd ever seen was sitting in a trolley in front of me. It was smiling at me so I poked my tongue out at her and she giggled. I kept waving to her and she eventually got to the point where she'd wave at me, expecting a response so I had to wave back! So I stood in queue, waving like a loony at this baby as we exchanged laughter with each other. Cutest. Baby. Ever. And so happy! Makes a change from having to put up with the bored, crying ones. My mum also rang while I was in the queue. I forgot she phones on a Sunday! I had a short chat with her before I got to the front of the queue and paid for my stuff and we walked home.
We dumped out stuff, had a quick lunch, then headed out to meet Lewis and Emily. We met with them at the bowling alley, they looked very sweet together. Emily was really nice and friendly, lovely girl and she completely beat us at bowling in the first round (much to Lewis' loathing). Bowling was great fun as usual and always free! :D After 3 games we went home and said bye to Emily who had to go back to Guildford.
The rest of the evening was spent gaming again with the usual suspects and I yet again couldn't really sleep even though there was no noise. :/
Currently listening to: Hanna Pakarinen- Superhero
"Still miss the girl I used to be. Now she's gone, what have you done? I used to be a superhero now look at me. I'm a shadow of myself. I used to a wonder woman now look at me, I'm like everybody else. I lose it all when you're in sight, I can't hold back, I cannot fight. You're some kind of kryptonite."
We dumped out stuff, had a quick lunch, then headed out to meet Lewis and Emily. We met with them at the bowling alley, they looked very sweet together. Emily was really nice and friendly, lovely girl and she completely beat us at bowling in the first round (much to Lewis' loathing). Bowling was great fun as usual and always free! :D After 3 games we went home and said bye to Emily who had to go back to Guildford.
The rest of the evening was spent gaming again with the usual suspects and I yet again couldn't really sleep even though there was no noise. :/
Currently listening to: Hanna Pakarinen- Superhero
"Still miss the girl I used to be. Now she's gone, what have you done? I used to be a superhero now look at me. I'm a shadow of myself. I used to a wonder woman now look at me, I'm like everybody else. I lose it all when you're in sight, I can't hold back, I cannot fight. You're some kind of kryptonite."
Sunday, 4 October 2009
Saturday was spent mostly with me and Ellie walking around town trying to find jobs. We were so shocked to find most places were in fact employing. I jumped for joy when 2 Games were taking on new staff! GET! We walked around, made a list of places who were employing, some online and some with CVs then we headed back to adjust our CVs. When I got back, I realised what an idiot I'd been! My CV wasn't on my laptop! Nooooo! So many frantic phone calls later to home, my dad eventually rung back and asked how to send my CV to me. He did so and then I started adjusting. I tailored it towards Game to give myself a better opportunity of getting a job there. Ellie spent ages adjusting hers before we put them both on a memory stick then headed to the uni library to print a few copies out.
By this time it was about 3pm. We spent the next 2 hours going around the Bentall centre, giving out CVs and job hunting. It was an exhausting day but highly successful. I just really hope I get a job out of it now! Especially in Game! A job I might actually enjoy doing? Yes please! Discount? Icing on the cake. After we'd given out all our CVs and were starting to get hungry we headed to H+M because I'd seen a Star Wars T-shirt for a tenner I really wanted. I treated myself then we headed home.
After a great night out and a hectic day, I really wanted to sleep. But there were people downstairs in the stairwell, banging doors, screaming, shouting, jumping downstairs, sliding down handrails (and falling off) and they would not stop. I swear this went on from 2am to 4am. I couldn't sleep. I wasn't a happy bunny. Ellie told me the next day it had infact been going on since 11:30pm. Dickheads. I really wanted, at the time, to go downstairs and shout at them to shut the fuck up but I knew that would makes things worse, if they could have got worse. Sigh. Living with other students does have it's downsides...
By this time it was about 3pm. We spent the next 2 hours going around the Bentall centre, giving out CVs and job hunting. It was an exhausting day but highly successful. I just really hope I get a job out of it now! Especially in Game! A job I might actually enjoy doing? Yes please! Discount? Icing on the cake. After we'd given out all our CVs and were starting to get hungry we headed to H+M because I'd seen a Star Wars T-shirt for a tenner I really wanted. I treated myself then we headed home.
After a great night out and a hectic day, I really wanted to sleep. But there were people downstairs in the stairwell, banging doors, screaming, shouting, jumping downstairs, sliding down handrails (and falling off) and they would not stop. I swear this went on from 2am to 4am. I couldn't sleep. I wasn't a happy bunny. Ellie told me the next day it had infact been going on since 11:30pm. Dickheads. I really wanted, at the time, to go downstairs and shout at them to shut the fuck up but I knew that would makes things worse, if they could have got worse. Sigh. Living with other students does have it's downsides...
Saturday, 3 October 2009
Yesterday, the highlight of my day was seeing "9". Basically, at the freshers fayre we saw we could see 9 a month before anyone else in the UK and it was absolutly free! Win! So me, Matt, Lewis and Ellie signed up to it. Lewis couldn't come in the end because he was seeing Emily, his girlfriend but the others came. It was a fairly good film. I would advise anyone to rush out and see it but it was an interesting plot. Basically, humans and machines had a war and all the humans die (hence why this is the first computer animation to be given a PG13 rating in the US!). A scientist creates these 9 little creatures, who look like Sackboys a lot, for some unknown reason (you find out the reason later on, kinda, but I won't give the plot away). It's a short film, only 79 minutes so the story moves at a rapid place which isn't necessarily a good thing as I felt you don't have time to connect with the characters so you don't really feel much sypathy for them. The animation however was beautiful and the cinema had incrediable surround sound, I jumped at one part at the beguinning! The film is produced by Tim Burton, not directed but you can still see his influence in there. It's not as good as any of his films though, not in the slightest. Matt gave the film a rating of "meh", it was good to see for free but I don't think I would have like to have paid to see it...
Friday, 2 October 2009
It's getting more and more difficult to keep a blog at uni I realise. I must crack on with some reading tonight instead of having gaming sleepovers!
I realise I missed out Wednesdays blog not much happened except one little thing in the evening. Now you know what they say about student halls, people are always setting off fire alarms. Well it turns out as Lewis and Matt were round mine gaming we heard a fire alarm go off. We didn't think much of it until we realised it was Matt's flat, the one next door. So we ran downstairs, Ellie following, calling after me as she had no idea what was happening. We got outside and realised it was the top floor that was on fire, we could smell smoke but we couldn't actually see any flames which is always a good sign. The top floor kitchen was on fire we learnt off people who actually lived in that flat, it was the floor above Matt, phew! Everyone was outside and fine and there was a guy acting as security, standing in front of the door so no one could get it, shouting at us to get back. I suggested we got out of there before the fire engines arrived, we went back upstairs and continued playing games, we looked out the window again to see not one but two fire engines. Was that really necessary?! It was quite scary really. A little part of me got freaked out. I'd hate that to happen to me. Luckily it was only in the kitchen and the fire door stopped it from spreading. But the people who lived on that floor have to move out for the time being until they repair the kitchen.
So yesterday, was a very bad day for me. I was 9 to 5, without breaks none stop boring lectures all day. If that wasn't enough, in the morning I lost my keys. I panicked. You have to pay £100 if you lose them. I knew it wasn't my fault because I remembered giving them to Lewis last so he could let the others in the other night. I text Lewis asking where he'd put them. No reply. I caught Ellie in the doorway as I was heading out to uni, I told her the problem and she said she'd let me in later when I came home from uni. I thanked her and rushed out the door, I trusted John and Ellie not to nick anything (I couldn't lock my door) so I left and walked to uni with Matt. The first lecture was the first, I don't like the teacher and he was droning on and on and I thought I was going to die from boredom. Thank fuck it was only an hour long! The other lectures weren't bad. But some were quite boring and dragged on a bit. I enjoyed the creative writing one though, we got told how to tell a good story. One of the point the teacher made was to never use adverbs, which is harder than you think. For example, don't say "He walked silently down the hallway" instead show how he's walking, i.e "He tiptoed down the hallway". Don't say someone is in love, show they're in love by the way they act or what they say, it's much more effective. Her main point was to SHOW not tell the reader. It was a great piece of advice. It's going to be hard to do but I'm sure I'll get myself into the habit.
I hadn't had any lunch that day. I walked home, starving but not as hungry as I should have felt. I buzzed the door, Lewis let me in, Ellie had my keys all along! D'oh! She said she'd locked my room for me and gave me back my keys. I was so relieved. The first thing I did was cook a big meal of pasta but even that didn't satisfy me. Lewis went home to decide what to have for dinner, leaving me and Ellie to sit at the table together, fantasising about pudding. We really fancied pudding! We're going to try and find an ASDA on Sunday because they sell loads of things for just a quid so we could easily split a pudding! God I miss stuff like that! Lewis brought round Roses the other night and oh my God were they good! Need to find ASDA!!!!
Later on that night, Lewis came over, followed by Matt, Ellie had work to do so she remained in her room. So us three just played games all night then Lewis decided they should sleep over, so sure enough they got all their stuff and brought it back here and we had a sleepover! We eventually got to sleep some time around 2. Lewis and Matt said the floor was very uncomfortable and spiky. Oh dear haha. Matt and Lewis found out, weirdly, that their birthdays are on the exact same day on the exact same year. Pretty freaky stuff! Talk about fate eh?
Currently listening to: Enrique Inglesias-Do you know?
"Do you know what it feels like loving someone who's in a rush to throw you away? Do you know what it feels like to be the last one to know the lock on the door has changed?"
I realise I missed out Wednesdays blog not much happened except one little thing in the evening. Now you know what they say about student halls, people are always setting off fire alarms. Well it turns out as Lewis and Matt were round mine gaming we heard a fire alarm go off. We didn't think much of it until we realised it was Matt's flat, the one next door. So we ran downstairs, Ellie following, calling after me as she had no idea what was happening. We got outside and realised it was the top floor that was on fire, we could smell smoke but we couldn't actually see any flames which is always a good sign. The top floor kitchen was on fire we learnt off people who actually lived in that flat, it was the floor above Matt, phew! Everyone was outside and fine and there was a guy acting as security, standing in front of the door so no one could get it, shouting at us to get back. I suggested we got out of there before the fire engines arrived, we went back upstairs and continued playing games, we looked out the window again to see not one but two fire engines. Was that really necessary?! It was quite scary really. A little part of me got freaked out. I'd hate that to happen to me. Luckily it was only in the kitchen and the fire door stopped it from spreading. But the people who lived on that floor have to move out for the time being until they repair the kitchen.
So yesterday, was a very bad day for me. I was 9 to 5, without breaks none stop boring lectures all day. If that wasn't enough, in the morning I lost my keys. I panicked. You have to pay £100 if you lose them. I knew it wasn't my fault because I remembered giving them to Lewis last so he could let the others in the other night. I text Lewis asking where he'd put them. No reply. I caught Ellie in the doorway as I was heading out to uni, I told her the problem and she said she'd let me in later when I came home from uni. I thanked her and rushed out the door, I trusted John and Ellie not to nick anything (I couldn't lock my door) so I left and walked to uni with Matt. The first lecture was the first, I don't like the teacher and he was droning on and on and I thought I was going to die from boredom. Thank fuck it was only an hour long! The other lectures weren't bad. But some were quite boring and dragged on a bit. I enjoyed the creative writing one though, we got told how to tell a good story. One of the point the teacher made was to never use adverbs, which is harder than you think. For example, don't say "He walked silently down the hallway" instead show how he's walking, i.e "He tiptoed down the hallway". Don't say someone is in love, show they're in love by the way they act or what they say, it's much more effective. Her main point was to SHOW not tell the reader. It was a great piece of advice. It's going to be hard to do but I'm sure I'll get myself into the habit.
I hadn't had any lunch that day. I walked home, starving but not as hungry as I should have felt. I buzzed the door, Lewis let me in, Ellie had my keys all along! D'oh! She said she'd locked my room for me and gave me back my keys. I was so relieved. The first thing I did was cook a big meal of pasta but even that didn't satisfy me. Lewis went home to decide what to have for dinner, leaving me and Ellie to sit at the table together, fantasising about pudding. We really fancied pudding! We're going to try and find an ASDA on Sunday because they sell loads of things for just a quid so we could easily split a pudding! God I miss stuff like that! Lewis brought round Roses the other night and oh my God were they good! Need to find ASDA!!!!
Later on that night, Lewis came over, followed by Matt, Ellie had work to do so she remained in her room. So us three just played games all night then Lewis decided they should sleep over, so sure enough they got all their stuff and brought it back here and we had a sleepover! We eventually got to sleep some time around 2. Lewis and Matt said the floor was very uncomfortable and spiky. Oh dear haha. Matt and Lewis found out, weirdly, that their birthdays are on the exact same day on the exact same year. Pretty freaky stuff! Talk about fate eh?
Currently listening to: Enrique Inglesias-Do you know?
"Do you know what it feels like loving someone who's in a rush to throw you away? Do you know what it feels like to be the last one to know the lock on the door has changed?"
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