I've been avoiding my blog again. Mainly because I have no inspiration of late to write about everything. Pressure is being put upon me from too many sides at the moment and it is a little stressful. The problem is sometimes I need forcing to actually do something for myself but no good ever comes of it really. Ahh well, just got to go along with it and hope really. Hope that everything will turn out alright.
I've been having a problem with finding a news story recently and it's due in tomorrow at 11am. I was panicking about it yesterday because I had no quotes to use at all. But by using my sheer persistence, I actually got an email back this time! It just shows that in Journalism, if you practically beg, it seems to work! So I've got some good quotes to work from. It's a shame I couldn't get any from students and I know my story won't get very high marks, especially as they've now put the standards up but we shall see. At least I have something and from that I shall try my best.
One of the most ridiculous things that has happened to me is that I still don't have my book. I was meant to read it a week ago but I couldn't get a hold of a copy. Now it has been exactly a week (not including sunday) and my book is still not here. For fucks sake. It takes the piss. I am doubly annoyed because Bayonetta is not here either which in the long run is probably a good thing because I need to sit down after my lecture and write up my news story so I can print it off tonight before/after the film society. At the film club tonight we're watching Inglorious Basterds. I'm not sure if it's the new one or the original but I know we are watching them both this week (the other version is being shown on thursday apparently). Haven't seen either versions yet so I am looking forward to it.
I saw Alex yesterday (managed to drag him away from the PS3) which was nice. He came to visit because he's gone on holiday today with the kids at work until friday and didn't know when he'd be able to visit next so he popped round for a bit yesterday. He couldn't stay long as he had to go and do his NVQ work which kinda sucked but better than not seeing him at all.
After Alex had left I did some tidying up. Mainly hoovering as he'd left a mess all over my floor (as usual). We went and had a Cornish pasty for lunch so there was crumbs everywhere. Plus I had been meaning to do it for a while and it was our cleaning check today so I had to hoover the hallway anyway. Then I spent an age on animal crossing because it was a special event day which involved getting candy for a stupid peacock which gave you rare furniture. So yeah, I spent ages doing that until Matt came round. We both had dinner and played a bit of Guitar Hero Metallica until Lewis came round and had his dinner. Then the rest of the evening was spent playing through Borderlands (again!) because he wanted his own save file and he wanted to try Roland. After being Mordacai in the last play through I went to back to good old Siren as she is my favourite. I'm just specialising in different skills this time for variety sake. By 3am I decided to call it a night. We were level 22. FUUUUUUUUU-
"Someone's getting a treat! That's my boy!"
ReplyDeleteI do love Mordecai (granted, I went gunslinger). Do you play Lilith by herself or with a group? I wonder if she's soloable. Let me know your thoughts.