I am very, very sorry I have not been writing a blog lately. God knows why I am apologising but I do wish to keep this up and it is good to see people still read my blog. Though Alex hasn't for an age because his good phone broke. Ahh well. Too many funny things have happened recently to put them all here so I shall write about Bayonetta, which I completed in under 24 hours...
Okay, so I was playing it on easy, but a friend told me not to play it on normal the first time round as it was very hard. I took their advice and I'm glad I did as I will explain later.
Bayonetta was originally a game I had no interest in. I saw the trailers for it and basically thought "wtf this is just over the top sexual crap". I thought it would only appeal to sad old men who needed a slutty witch to excite them. But, when the demo came out I actually loved it. I think it was the combat that really captured my heart and now I have the full game, I can see the rest of the games up points.
The only real word to describe this game is "epic". You start off the game on a falling clock, fighting off angel after angel. It's beautiful and a fantastic way to throw the player straight into the action. My friend Matt was watching me the entire time and I think he never managed to lift his jaw up from the floor. It really is one of those games.
The humour in it is fantastic. You cringe, you have your head in your hands during most of the over-sexual cutscenes or torture attacks but ultimatly you are left in stitches. It's incrediably cheesy but so, so funny. A friend described it as "softcore porn" and I think we can all agree with that statement!
Bayonetta as a character is basically a kinky, British domonatrix. Is this what the Japanese really think of us British women? Interesting...anyway, the voice of Bayonetta is brilliant, I love the fact she has a very British accent. It makes a change for video games characters to be British without constantly drinking tea or complaining about the weather. Yes, her anatomy is a bit wrong but she IS a witch so her height and amazing legs can be sort of explained. But who honestly cares really? Not me.
Easy mode basically means, you have a big health bar and you deal a lot more damage to your enimies. When it's normal mode however, you start with a small health bar and have to collect 4 pieces of hearts to increase your health bar slightly. Your attacks are also very weak in comparison to easy mode. Be prepared to die alot. The secret to succeeding is dodging, that is made clear but it's not as easy as you would expect.
Now the niggly bits which could improve the game.
The camera. Even at the best of times the action is intence that you don't know what's going on. And it doesn't help when you have an awkward moving camera that won't point in the direction you want it to. Even when you do turn it, it turns very slowly.
Make it a *bit* easier. If it's this hard on normal, I hate to think what hard is like. I guess the Devil May Cry series is similar in the fact they make it rock-hard but just a tiny, weeny bit easier on normal mode would be nice as easy mode is a bit too easy. Very easy must be a walk in the park!
But as bad points go I think that's all I can think of! I really do love this game. Even my mates was describing it as the best game ever and he hasn't even played it! He has just saty and watched me play the game in it's entirity and said he'd felt like he'd just watched the most epic movie ever. Now that's a game.
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