Well today was the release day of PlayStation move, something I was sceptical of at first until I saw it at E3. The 1:1 movement and arrange of exciting games coming out really impressed me. Luckily, my flat mate Matt was getting Move, otherwise I'd never have the chance to play it until Eurogamer and there's no way I'd be able to afford it either. At the moment we only have demos, Resi 5 and Heavy Rain to test our glowing ball wands out on. Heavy Rain is not patched until the 22nd I believe so we have to do without until then. Resi 5 with the move controllers was surprisingly good fun. Matt and I played some co-op with the controllers and it was brilliant, much better than expected as I had played Resi 4 before with the Wii controller and couldn't get on with it. Mainly because it wasn't precise enough for me which of course Move sorts out with it's 1:1 precision. It's pretty easy to get used to too, though this will be proven in the later, harder levels I suppose.
As for the demos we tried our favourite was Start the party. It's possibly one of the funnest party games I've played. There's a variety of mini games but the best one on the demo is where the Move controller turns into a paintbrush. If you wiggle the controller the tip of the paintbrush wobbles, great detail! Basically shapes appear onscreen and you must paint inside them to build an overall image at the end such as an alien that comes to life out of the shapes you've painted. It's a simple concept but so much fun. Best of all you only have to pass one controller around to play so you don't need to buy four. Sports Champions playing table tennis is also great, simply because the controller copies your smooth movements so well.
It's early days yet but I can't wait to see what else Move brings to the table.
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