Saturday, 25 September 2010

Time to start working...

My few weeks of doing not much are coming to an end. I am truly quite worried about what my courses are going to be like this year as I know it's a huge jump from 1st to 2nd year. Be that as it may I have to do it and I'm sure I will be fine. I also have Friday and Saturday to look forward to, Eurogamer! On Friday I'm heading to Waterloo to meet Alex and then we are making our way to Earls Court where we will probably meet Rob (who I am looking forward to meeting!) and his friend. We won't see Rob most of the day as he is mainly going for the job fayre which is a shame but at least I get to spend time with Alex. Though I am going with him on the Friday I will still miss him not being there with the rest of the minions on Saturday. Oh well. Another time perhaps.

Alex told me he had started packing today for his new flat but he's not moving until November! Utter madness but at least he will be prepared I guess! Originally I was a bit gutted about him moving house with her. Hearing about him going on holiday with her was hard enough without him telling me that they were moving for six months after he came back. I'm getting over it now though, especially with the promise of things ending in a few months time (hopefully). I will still end things if they aren't sorted by July but every thing looks on the up now. Everyone cross their fingers for me :).

Enough about that rubbish though. I looked at my uni timetables recently and it now looks as if I don't have lessons on both Tuesdays AND Wednesdays! A lecture on Wednesdays has suddenly disappeared from my timetable! I'm not sure if it will come back or not but I don't seem to have many lessons at all this year! Guess I will be doing 90% of my work at home though so the pressure is on me to get stuff done! I am determined to be more organised this year and get stuff done as soon as possible. At least I can lock myself away in my room this year without the temptation of someone wanting to come round and play games! So hopefully, I'll get more work done.

Monday, 20 September 2010

Resident Evil Afterlife

I have always enjoyed the Resident Evil films and for me, this one was almost perfect, much better than the last film. The story follows on from the last, Alice is chasing Wesker to see what he is plotting whilst also trying to find other survivors of the infection. The story doesn't get much more complicated than that really. There are so many references to Resi 5 (the game) to keep fans like me happy, a couple of fight scenes were directly taken from the game! Loved it.

As for the 3D, this is possibly one of the best 3D films I've ever seen. Depth of field, like in Avatar or Toy Story 3 are fine but come on, the REAL point of 3D is to have stuff flying at you, otherwise you don't notice it! This film definitely had that, brain, blood and bullets flying at you is damn good fun. There's a lot of slow-mo moments too which are okay but a little too over-used.

The characters were pretty much spot on. This film introduced Chris Redfield into the host of survivors and surprisingly, Wentworth Miller is spot on as Chris. He's got the voice and attitude perfect. The costume designer could have done a better job but no matter, because Wesker's costume was amazing. It was exactly the same suit he wears in Resi 5. Brilliant. Not to mention the introduction of the mind controlling chest clasps that Jill wears in the game.

From the end there's definitely going to be a sequel, Milla Jovovich said herself this film was so successful they would make another (as her husband directs it and all). Personally, I can't wait. It's going to be amazing from the teaser after a part of the credits...


For some reason, I feel this year is going to be hard. Not just work wise (which is something I am genuinely worrying about too) but emotionally. Things are going to hopefully change. If they do, it's going to be hard but if they don't that will be even harder for me. I am looking forward to the prospect of change but I also fearing it.

A few nights ago, when I went to bed, a strange feeling of fear and sudden insecurity for NO REASON. I actually cannot explain why I felt like that. I just did. I guess my lack of confidence in myself will probably never go away completely, I can only try and keep it at bay, locked up tight. I have no reason to feel like this at all. I'm so confused. It's hard to understand myself at the moment. I don't know what I want. I don't know what to do, except to keep it locked up and get on with things, it's my only option right now. Sigh :/

Although, at the pub the other night I realised something. As usual, I felt a bit insecure and un-superior to all the girls in the bathroom dressed up and looking amazing yet some how still complaining about their hair. But the second time I was in there I heard some girls talking about how they didn't want boyfriends because that was too much hassle. They were talking about their one night stands and I thought, how sad, no wonder women are treated like shit by some men, they bring it upon themselves, they only have themselves to blame. When I got back to the table with all my friends I told them about what I heard and Matt said something that actually made me feel a whole lot better. He said that "I don't want a boyfriend because it's too much hassle" actually translates to "I can't get a boyfriend because I'm a slag". It's harsh but very true. It made me realise that I shouldn't care if there are other better women out there, I have someone who truly loves me for who I am so why should I care what anybody else thinks? As long as I can keep thinking that to myself I know I'll be alright.

Friday, 17 September 2010

I like to PlayStation Move it

Well today was the release day of PlayStation move, something I was sceptical of at first until I saw it at E3. The 1:1 movement and arrange of exciting games coming out really impressed me. Luckily, my flat mate Matt was getting Move, otherwise I'd never have the chance to play it until Eurogamer and there's no way I'd be able to afford it either. At the moment we only have demos, Resi 5 and Heavy Rain to test our glowing ball wands out on. Heavy Rain is not patched until the 22nd I believe so we have to do without until then. Resi 5 with the move controllers was surprisingly good fun. Matt and I played some co-op with the controllers and it was brilliant, much better than expected as I had played Resi 4 before with the Wii controller and couldn't get on with it. Mainly because it wasn't precise enough for me which of course Move sorts out with it's 1:1 precision. It's pretty easy to get used to too, though this will be proven in the later, harder levels I suppose.

As for the demos we tried our favourite was Start the party. It's possibly one of the funnest party games I've played. There's a variety of mini games but the best one on the demo is where the Move controller turns into a paintbrush. If you wiggle the controller the tip of the paintbrush wobbles, great detail! Basically shapes appear onscreen and you must paint inside them to build an overall image at the end such as an alien that comes to life out of the shapes you've painted. It's a simple concept but so much fun. Best of all you only have to pass one controller around to play so you don't need to buy four. Sports Champions playing table tennis is also great, simply because the controller copies your smooth movements so well.

It's early days yet but I can't wait to see what else Move brings to the table.

Monday, 6 September 2010

Going back to Kingston

I am in a strange mixture of happiness and sadness at the moment. The happiness very much overrides the sadness for once which is good. I just worry about Alex as he is not in the best of mood recently as life is somewhat difficult for him. I have hopefully cheered him up by telling him I will come to Eurogamer on the friday with him. I'm actually really looking forward to that because I will get to meet his mate Rob who apparently already likes me so that's a win! Hopefully he will still like me by the time he actually meets me! So yes, I can't wait for that. Also my cookies have magically happiness powers it seems as he said they made him happy. Yay! It's hard for me wanting to help and frustrated because I can't physically be there.

This morning I spent packing for university and it's most all done now! Just a few things to finish off in the morning and I majorly need to go shopping too but that can all be done when we get there. Matt (and hopefully Rachel) are excited I'm moving in tomorrow which is nice, will be so good to see them as I've missed everyone over the summer so much! Though I'm not really looking forward to the work! Always the way. At least I will have loads of people nearby to comfort me if I get too stressed about work. I'm also going to go job hunting as soon as possible so I can stop worrying about money! Wish me luck :)

Sunday, 5 September 2010

Go ape!

Yesterday I had the most amazing day with Alex. A while ago he suggested taking me to Go Ape instead of the original plan of Thorpe Park because I'd never done anything like Go Ape but had always wanted to. I set off for Guildford on the train with bright red hair which I hadn't told Alex about as I wanted to surprise him. I'd unfortunatly forgot the biscuits though! Which he teased me about all day. When I arrived I had to wait quite a while for him to get to the train station. I waited in the "usual spot" and dodging taxi drivers who really wanted to give me a lift! When he arrived he was rather...speechless. I'd really surprised him! This made me happy. He did like it though it took him a while to get used to. I was then called "redhead" all day.

When we got back to his we sat and played Kane and Lynch 2 which is just an utterly awful game. I knew it was going to be bad but the shoddy camera just made me feel sick! Especially when I ran anywhere! We could only play about three levels until we felt a bit too ill to continue. Alex has always quite liked the story though so I left the game with him for him to complete then give back to me. We then got some lunch (Bacon sandwich and a chocolate bar, nom nom) before heading off for Go Ape.

I was quite nervous about the whole thing I have to admit. As I'd never done anything like this before. They put us in harnesses then put us in a big group of people. Luckily, because there was only two of us we got to go first, putting us ahead of all the kids which would have drove us insane. I was reassured how Alex came across as a bit of a professional, so much so he was asked to demonstrate and go first on the first course (which is not very high off the ground at all). I followed him and as soon as we'd done it we were allowed to continue to the next course before the others. No waiting for the win! This one was of course much higher up and this was when I started to get more nervous! The problem is, you're pretty much up there by yourself so your own safety is in your own hands. You just have to make sure you're always attached to the tree and that you're doing it right. I was most worried about remebering what to do but once you've done it a few times it's so natural.

The first little bit to do up there really freaked me out. It's called the Tarzan swing and basically you swing into a net. It's really quite hard to have faith to jump of the edge of a tree and have faith you'll be safe! I did do it though (whilst screaming "Fuuuuccckkkk") which Alex found hilarious but even though he made fun of me during the day he was really supportive too which was nice. At the end of every course you have to zip line down to the bottom which again is very scary but the best feeling in the world when you do it! Plus Alex gave me some tips so I never landed on my bum! Smooth landing for the win. We were suggested to skip 3 and come back to it because there was a bit of a wait but we really wanted to do them in order so we decided we didn't mind waiting. It was a huge group in front of us but they all knew each other, they were all adults and they were all so nice! Especially the guy in front of us who was so chatty, funny and friendly, we ended up following them for the rest of the day. Alex and I also thought of funny things to shout as we swung across things and zip lined. We also spotted a man who looked just like Stan Lee! It was hilarious! Such good times. I actually think one of the best parts of the day was seeing Alex so happy. He was messing around on all the crossings, dancing and moonwalking across bridges, I could tell he hadn't had this much fun in a long, long time and it made me really happy to see him like that.

It took us about 3 hours to complete everything and by that time I was gasping for a drink! Was pretty tired too so we headed off to get Nandos. There was a huge queue at Nandos so we went to Blockbusters first and Alex brought step brothers as he said I was find it funny and I'd never seen it. Then we went back to get food and then we went home. The rest of the evening was spent watching Step Brothers, eating and drinking Alex's own hot chocolate (no, that's not a euphemism). I wish I could have stayed over but I'd already told my parents I would be back this evening so I had to go home. Alex drove me home at about 12:30 meaning we got to Portsmouth at about 1:30. I was shattered. Almost fell asleep in the car and was very worried about Alex doing the same on the way back. I really didn't want him to drive home alone but he had to so I gave him his biscuits and bid him goodbye. I would have stayed up all night worrying about him but luckily I was so tired I fell straight asleep. I woke up to a text that he'd got home safe, breathed a sigh of relief then went back to sleep.

I am totally exhausted today, as is Alex and I got more sleep than him! (He's at work now). It was completly worth it though. Best day in a long time :) I'm not looking forward to tomorrow though - packing to go back to uni. I really hate packing it's so stressful. Hopefully my parents will help me with most of it, all I need to sort out is clothes and personal stuff I want to take really. Can't wait to move in though. Will be good to be back.

Friday, 3 September 2010


It has come to my attention recently that I have upset someone through what I have written on here. I never, ever want to hurt anyone so I have decided to make a vow here today, on this blog. I will never complain about anyone on here ever again. I know my blog is a place to vent but it's really no excuse to publish nasty things about people on the internet. I don't want anyone to get hurt from what I write so if I can't say anything shall not be mentioned. because let's be honest, if it was something serious I would say it to the persons face and not behind their back, so it can't have been that serious! Anyway, I will speak of this no more but expect my blogs to be more people friendly from now on.

Laura xxx