Well it's been far too long since I went to a party but my God this made up for it. I got to Poole via train around 3:15pm. I saw Jen and others through the railings straight away and when I actually got off the train JB was somehow right in front of me! Wow we were really all here already? Unfortunately I forgot to scream at JB but since we were just opposite each other it would have been a little over the top...
We crossed the bridge to meet up with just about everyone except Iain and Coops who were running late. So we decided to get into town to be ready to start buying stuff for tonight and to meet them in town. So off started the two hours or more of rushing around town buying, well, absolutely everything! It was a bit tiring and crazy and some of us were craving a drink but eventually we were done. New to the scene was Jen's friend Josh who was very lovely and funny. Michelle, Martyn's wife came for a while with mini minion Wren who didn't not cry once! She was such a cutie, even offered me a grape! So, so cute. Also Moo's wife-to-be Kelly came along for the ride. She was also lovely if I little quiet but I suppose it's hard when there are so many people around that you don't know! And everyone was failing on the introduction front. Crazy times.
After the shopping we sorted out who was going and who was staying and who stuff was going in what car, etc. Michelle was taking Wren and going home so we said our goodbyes to them and set off for the ferry. There was a bit of a queue for the ferry but the journey across it was extremely quick. Then came the task of hauling all our bag across the sand to a spot where we could sit for the night. We made our way over to Jen's friends who were over by a camping stove area, handy! We all swiftly got our first drinks down us, some of us made an effort to introduce ourselves. Shamefully me and JB were too lazy but we had a fun time talking utter crap. I don't think either of us remember what was said that was so funny but we laughed at a lot of stuff. Was good times! I especially remember JB suggesting we buried the chicken eggs (meant for breakfast) and then pretended we'd found turtle eggs and then we'd see if they'd hatch. Yeah. A big old what the fuck indeed but my God did I laugh.
Later on after we'd nommed some WTFBBQED food we distracted the boss using Holly and Martyn and prepared Bossman's birthday cake. JB and I were the "little and large" cake hiding wall. Though Jb uttered to me "I came all the way to London for fucking cake!", we both burst into laughter, he was joking of course but it was so funny. Lighting the candles (especially the ones that spelt out: 300), was a bit of a fail on a slightly windy beach but Bossman pretended to blow them out so it was all good! It was a pretty pink Disney princess cake which Bossman loved, though we all agreed it had the wrong princess on it-where was Ariel and Belle?(Respect was given to Belle for shagging a beast).
Wez, Jen's boyfriend, came along and buried me in sand at one point to turn me into a mermaid! I think everyone found it funny how I just sat there and accepted it. Well why not eh!
I spent most of the evening with Jb and chatting to Martyn to be honest! It made a nice to change to be hanging out with Jb, was good fun and he was making me laugh with his theories that the island across the water (which we assumed to be the Isle Of Wight) was actually Jurassic Park. Though he said "He was too drunk to be dealing with dinosaurs". Also the moon, which looked very odd, was apparently the Death Star and we were now all doomed. Luckily I don't remember the planet being blown up so I think we got away with it...
Very late at night, I'm not sure what the time was, Holly really wanted to go for a swim. I was totally up for it as I was drunk but I also was wearing my bikini underneath my clothes. Holly went to change and I stripped off and we ran off into the sea. There was much a squeal over the temperature of the water but it wasn't actually that bad. When we got out Holly had her Lara Croft towel prepared and we huddled together, Holly, Laura and Lara, win! When we got back to camp minion I rushed over to my bag to get my own towel and just sat there wrapped up in it. All I remember then was Martyn, who'd just drunk a load of fermented Archers (it tasted like maple syrup), looked up at me and said "Alex is mental" before proclaiming my lap was comfy and resting his head on it. He actually fell asleep on there at some point! Bossman also got out his Ipod and some speakers and played some old school, tunes. When "Gangsta's Paradise" came on, me and Bossman sung weird Al's "Amish paradise" lyrics along to it which was very funny!
Eventually we all decided (I think it was around 3am) that we should get some sleep. I gently lifted up Martyn off my leg and left him on the sand. He was pretty heavily asleep by now. Holly helped me undo my bikini top which was in a stupidly tight knot and Bossman kindly held up a towel for me as I put on my bra! I wanted to be in dry clothes before I went to sleep you see. So I got dressed and Bossman laid out his huge tarpaulin and we got our sleeping bags on it, turned off the music and went straight to sleep.
I woke up around 6am. The sun had risen over the water, looked very pretty actually. I also felt surprisingly good considering how much I drank and how early it was. I text Alex that I was awake and all was well and he rung me and we had a little chat. He was very confused because he woke up to a text from each of us calling him a "Goldfish-faced fuck". Which, for some reason, was Bossman's idea. After that phone call I had a bacon roll which was nommy. I then made the mistake of going back to sleep as everyone else had and there wasn't anything else to do. Plus I was tired of course. When I got up later I was sick. Couldn't even keep umm the "Um bongo" Iain had given me! That's something that really doesn't need to be tasted twice...So yeah I couldn't keep down anything which was annoyed me because I was so thirsty for obvious reasons. It wasn't that bad though and after sort of throwing up on the ferry my stomach settled down after then. I still didn't eat anything though because I didn't want to be ill on the trains home. We got back to Jen's house at just past midday. Holly and Iain were dying for a cup of tea so some people had tea. I really wanted one too but was worried about my stomach so I stuck to water. Which I did manage to keep down. Good sign.
Eventually people thought it was time to leave so me, Jb and Josh (Jen's mate) squeezed in the back of Bossman's car and got a lift to the train station. Me and Jb then waited for a train to London. We had a few good little chats on the way back before I had to get off at Southampton. I got stuck with getting a fairly long train back to Portsmouth but it wasn't as bad as I originally thought. The whole train journey I was starving and dying of thirst. Now this is ME I'm talking about, the girl that eats shit loads. I was surprised I hadn't fainted but then, I was also wondering why I had no headache! The fuck? I was glad I was well though! When I got back to Portsmouth my dad gave me a lift back in the Mazda and I nommed Nachos for dinner and drank loads of water. All was well again. And today I woke up just before eleven, had a shower and now feel SO much better. My shoulders still kill but other than that I feel good! Best nights sleep ever.
Currently listening to: Elvis Presley-Suspicious minds
"Here we go again, asking where I've been. You can't see the tears, I feel like crying."
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