Wow I have not written a blog for over a week. It seems weird but I really haven't had the time or been in the mood. Now is the time to write something though, I've missed out about writing about a lot of funny times. Mainly staying up till early morning with friends and just having crazy times. This of course means I haven't done much work and am tired a lot of the time but being the sociable person I am, I'd rather live for the moment. Plus I have been in and out of bad moods recently and staying up with friends actually often makes me feel better than an early night alone.
Recently, Lewis brought Heavy Rain on the day of its release. Of course we played it non-stop (I won't post any spoilers here so don't worry) and we still are playing it non-stop. It's an amazing game and if you haven't played it already I urge you to play it. We're all a bit obsessed with it at the moment especially Naaaarman Jayden EFF BEE EYE. Because he is awesome and he has an awesome voice and cool glasses. Yes, we are all insane but who cares.
I am actually stuck with what to write about to be honest. Maybe it's because I'm tired or maybe it's because I can't think of much that is relevant or recent enough to write about. I HAVE to get back into the swing of things because I know blogging makes me feel better and I need to be writing things daily for my own good. I just went to a lunchtime lecture where a crime Journalist talked about his job. And it made me think, I'd really like to get into that sort of thing. Of course this means I should have really taken some sort of crime course maybe. I also know crime could be a very brutal subject and talking to people would be a lot harder but at least it would be extremly interesting. I've always been interested in crime and the more morbid human parts of society. Hell, the disturbing parts of Sociology always really facinated me. At least it's another part of Journalism that intrigues me. It's not all bad after all.
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