So today my parents returned after I'd been spending the past few days running the house by myself. It wasn't as bad as I thought actually, I thought I'd get bored but I managed to keep myself entertained and not get any work done, typically. Plus I had crazy Alex texting me late last night about a female duck called Percy eating Matt's cock but Matt had no choice because Gerimima (the man duck) held them at gunpoint. Yeah...that man is insane but I love him. I knew Alex was staying over at Matt's with Rob so I was awoken in bed at 2:30am by texts from Alex. He was drunk and was telling me what they were all up to. Of course after a couple of texts he THEN asked me if I was awake! So I sarcastically responded "No, I'm replying to your texts in my sleep". His response? "Wow." He makes me laugh the crazy fool. So his texts kept me awake but entertained for an hour or so, I lost track of time.
Luckily the dog didn't wake me up this morning and I was able to sleep in. After I took him for his walk I had breakfast and tided up before sitting down and playing COD. When my parents returned my dad expressed how I sounded on the phone when he had rang the other day. Basically, I wasn't acting as if I'd missed them. But why would I? I'm not a child anymore, I don't live at home much anymore so I am used to being at home. I explained that it was exactly like being at uni except this time I had to run a house, look after a dog and my sister. Apart from that it was the same. When my sister came home she did this over the top "I missed you" greeting to my parents and my dad joked "see why didn't you react like that?". Seriously? Grow up.
My mum says that when I'm at uni it's like I'm on a long holiday but to me of course it's completely different. I don't know how I feel because being both here and at uni feels normal, neither feels like a holiday. Confusing.
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Sunday, 28 March 2010
3 days
Three days of looking after the sister and dog whilst my parents are away and so far it's going well, no major cock ups yet! Yesterday I spent the afternoon catching up with Alice which was lovely. Today I went to my nan and grandad's for lunch as they'd offered to cook for us. It was very nice, my nan is an amazing cook. Then for pudding we had tinned peaches and ice cream. I ate the peaches out of politeness but then realised they were actually quite tasty and I've got to try and be healthy at home while I have the chance!
My grandad had been having problems with his virus software so I went upstairs with him and sorted it out, dead easy! I'm not what I did right or what he was doing wrong to be honest but at least it's working now. We spent a fair while just having a chat and having a cup of tea before I decided we should leave and take the dog home. So we bid our goodbyes and walked home with a very over-excitable dog who has a habit of trying to hump peoples legs at the moment...It's quite awkward and bloody hell when he wraps his front legs around your leg he really grips on and it's quite painful because he scratches you. Hopefully it's just a season he is going through so he'll get over it eventually.
Bacon sandwiches for dinner tonight since we had a big lunch so I don't have to worry about cooking tonight which is nice. But tomorrow is going to be horrible as I'm going to have to get up fairly early to make sure Sam gets off to school okay and then take the dog for a walk by myself. Then I'm by myself until 3:30! How boring! I might try and get some work done or something or continue writing my short story. It's just going to be a bit lonely. Oh well.
Currently listening to: Hanna Pakarinen-Lover friend or foe
"Lover friend or foe? Maybe time will show. See I need to know, lover friend or foe?"
My grandad had been having problems with his virus software so I went upstairs with him and sorted it out, dead easy! I'm not what I did right or what he was doing wrong to be honest but at least it's working now. We spent a fair while just having a chat and having a cup of tea before I decided we should leave and take the dog home. So we bid our goodbyes and walked home with a very over-excitable dog who has a habit of trying to hump peoples legs at the moment...It's quite awkward and bloody hell when he wraps his front legs around your leg he really grips on and it's quite painful because he scratches you. Hopefully it's just a season he is going through so he'll get over it eventually.
Bacon sandwiches for dinner tonight since we had a big lunch so I don't have to worry about cooking tonight which is nice. But tomorrow is going to be horrible as I'm going to have to get up fairly early to make sure Sam gets off to school okay and then take the dog for a walk by myself. Then I'm by myself until 3:30! How boring! I might try and get some work done or something or continue writing my short story. It's just going to be a bit lonely. Oh well.
Currently listening to: Hanna Pakarinen-Lover friend or foe
"Lover friend or foe? Maybe time will show. See I need to know, lover friend or foe?"
Thursday, 25 March 2010
Going home!
Well tomorrow I will finally be going home after 2 months of not seeing my family and I must say, I do miss them a lot. I'm not sure whether it's home sickness that's making me want to go back so bad or whether it's just because I'm a bit tired of uni and need a break. Whatever the reason I shall be gone by 1pm tomorrow on the way home in my dad's Mazda. I'm taking Alex's guitars with me as he wasn't able to pick them up this week. Which means I'm going to spend some time with my sister teaching her how to play Lego rock band! She's very excited by this fact (as I've just found out). I also just found out she's made "welcome home" cupcakes for me, double win! I do miss my little sister and I do worry she misses me too much sometimes as my mum says that my sis says the house is so quiet without me. It's very sweet and it's nice to be missed.
I even look forward to seeing my dog Ollie since he's so soft and cuddly! I Love him he's so cute, can't wait to see his happy little face. All I have to do tomorrow is get up at 9am, go to a lecture at 10 until 12 then finish off packing and cleaning until my dad arrives. Good times. I'm actually looking forward to just watching TV and not having to cook every night. Ahh the laziness of returning to parents.
I even look forward to seeing my dog Ollie since he's so soft and cuddly! I Love him he's so cute, can't wait to see his happy little face. All I have to do tomorrow is get up at 9am, go to a lecture at 10 until 12 then finish off packing and cleaning until my dad arrives. Good times. I'm actually looking forward to just watching TV and not having to cook every night. Ahh the laziness of returning to parents.
Friday, 19 March 2010
Seeing Johnboyy!

This wednesday me and Alex decided to go and see how Johnboyy is because none of us minions have been able to see him in a while. Plus Alex needed to go to London for a photography project so it was an oppertunity to hang around with friends, walk around London and take photos. Alex drove to mine and parked his car at my place and we walked to Kingston station. It was a result because a ticket to London Waterloo with all day travel card included costs £7.50. But I get mine for £5 because I have a student card. When the guy saw we needed two he charged Alex for the same price as mine. So I saved him some money, yay! Always a good result.
So we waited for a train and Alex took some pictures of a VERY fat pigeon which I spotted sat above us. We spent the train ride discussing how we would survive a zombie apocalypse together since we'd both watched Zombieland the night before "BILL FUCKING MURRAY!" anyone? Alex decided he would come up with his own set of rules and write them down. Funny times. When we got to Waterloo it was a very quick and easy couple of stops to charing cross. When we arrived we phoned JB and he promptly arrived. We greeted him with miniony hugs and started walking. We walked all across London that day, from Tranfalger Square to downing street, to the London eye and all the way back around again. When we stopped at Downing Street there was a car being searched, they search really throughly! We stood there admiring the big guns the people guarding the place and Alex said "What do you think they'd do if I ran up to them like this?" and made a gun shape out of his hands. Johnboyy replied "They'd shoot you." Such a simple yet such a funny reply.
We stopped for lunch at McDonalds and sat outside on the grass right next to the London eye which I've never seen so close up before. Thank God it was a nice day, not as nice as we expected but at least it wasn't raining. Then we walked on towards where some skaters were. Alex took some pictures of them in action and eventually submited a photo of just some graffiti which did look very cool. The winds were now picking up and it was getting colder but we soldiered on. Me and JB didn't mind standing around and chatting whilst Alex took his photos. After all, he did get some great pictures. At the end of the day I made sure we all got a photo together. So we headed back to Trafalger Square and JB held up the camera Myspace style and took a picture of us all. It's such a nice photo, I love it so much! It was a great day. So we said our goodbyes and we went off in our separate ways.
When me and Alex got back to Kingston we waited for Joe, Ellie, Matt, Emily, Lewis and Rachel to turn up at the "little italy" resturant we were all going to tonight. Alex met the rest of my friends he hadn't already met and we had a really nice meal there. Full of funny stories and Alex being generally very loud as he does. Bless him, he can't help it. I think it's down to a mixture of extreme confidence and ADHD! After the meal everyone expect me, Ellie and Alex went to wetherspoons for a drink. Ellie had work to do and me and Alex were knackered from walking around London all day. So instead we went back and played Lego rock band and Alex checked out his photos. Later on the guys came back round to mine and we spent the rest of the evening playing Texas Hold 'em. Great fun! Such an amazing evening and most of us were a little tipsy! Which added to the funnyness of it. It even moved onto Truth or Dare, the highlight was Joe running across Middle Mill with just his pants on and Lewis on his back! So funny! Good, good times. An amazing past couple of days.
Bex is staying over tonight which should be awesome fun as is Lewis' mate Joe. Alex is coming round but not for long, just to meet Bex, drop off my glasses and to pick up his Guitar Hero stuff. So it's going to be an interesting evening! I just hope I can wake up by then. Still very tired.
Thursday, 11 March 2010
Truth or dare?
Last night was a strange and unexpectant night indeed. It started off as being a "Let's all go down the pub trip because me and Joe have Journalism early tomorrow and therefore can't take Matt and co out". I should probably explain that Joe, Rach, Matt and two of Joe's gay friends were all going to go out to G.A.Y in London last night. Alas, as Joe does Journalism he had a press conference this morning, meaning he realised they couldn't go so they'll go next week instead. So we all went down to the cocoanut but it was rammed full of people. It's partly a Thai resterant as well as a pub too now so that's the only reason it was so busy. There was nowhere to sit so we went to the KU bar instead. This was also packed. They were having a pub quiz so we just stood by the bar, some of us had a drink and we chatted for a bit. Then Lewis and a few others were keen to go to the local shop and get some booze. Lewis brought me some turbowine, I'm not sure why I'll be honest. We headed back to my kitchen and spent the time pissing around in there. We drank, laughed and talked about various things.
Ellie eventually headed off to bed and Lewis disappeared at one point to sociably play FF13 by himself in my room. By this time I'd drunk half a bottle of red wine so I was very merry! Lewis left at some point but the rest of us stayed and played truth or dare. My dare was to pole dance round a broom, I was rubbish! I get too embarassed at doing those sorts of things. Joe did a strip tease and also showed everyone his arse. It was funny scenes. We ended up doing this until about 3am when we all decided to call it a night.
Getting up the next morning was not fun. Especially when it was for a press conference which turned out to be utter shit. I suspect we will all get bad marks. Ahh well, now to worry about my news backgrounder presentation...
Ellie eventually headed off to bed and Lewis disappeared at one point to sociably play FF13 by himself in my room. By this time I'd drunk half a bottle of red wine so I was very merry! Lewis left at some point but the rest of us stayed and played truth or dare. My dare was to pole dance round a broom, I was rubbish! I get too embarassed at doing those sorts of things. Joe did a strip tease and also showed everyone his arse. It was funny scenes. We ended up doing this until about 3am when we all decided to call it a night.
Getting up the next morning was not fun. Especially when it was for a press conference which turned out to be utter shit. I suspect we will all get bad marks. Ahh well, now to worry about my news backgrounder presentation...
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
18 pound.
Today I was woken up by a text from Lee Groom telling me where he lives. Odd I know. I told him he must have texted the wrong person and he apologised. I went back to sleep. Was later woken up by the cleaning lady making a huge noise in the kitchen before being forced out of bed for her to tell me I haven't cleaned the floor or taken out the rubbish. She said she'd come back at 11:30 so I went back to bed (as it wasn't even 10 yet). Then I got a phonecall from Alex and we spoke for an hour before my phone decided to die again. I got up and dressed after that and went to go wash the kitchen floor. There was still dirty water in the cleaning bucket thing. I feared that it was full of disgusting water and it was. As I poured it down the sink (which Jon should have done since this must have been his doing) it absolutly stunk. I thought I was going to throw up it smelt that bad. Obviously someone has indeed pissed on the floor of our toilet or something and that was a pathetic attempt to clean it up. One of Jon's buddies no doubt. How fucking hard is it to aim or indeed clean up properly after yourself!!!!! Makes me so fucking angry. I didn't want to have to deal with that sort of bullshit this morning.
Anyway, I somehow stomached this and put some warm soapy water in the bucket and cleaned the floor after brushing up bottle caps and such (another mess left by Jon's party). I then took the rubbish out which was mostly full of glass bottles so the bag weighed a ton! I came back upstairs, had some breakfast and chilled out a bit. Then later on the cleaning lady was back and complaining that I should have vacuumed the hallway. For fucks sake. She didn't not register that complaint before! So, a bit like a mother, she made me hoover the hallway then fucked off again. Now, okay I should have done a better job at cleaning but what really REALLY pisses me off is the fact that Jon last week left the kitchen in an absolute state and I mean it really was horrid. He'd obviously done fuck all the clean it. But did he get charged or even moaned at? No, course not. This annoyed me because poor Ellie had to clean up two weeks worth of kitchen mess this week for her cleaning check. I also suspect Jon has done fuck all the clean the toilet or shower yet he hasn't got charged again. Makes me so angry, I swear that guy does fuck all and I don't even know why he's at uni half the time. Gah.
So, Final Fantasy 13 comes out today. I am not a FF fan, not my type of game but my friend Matt is which means he'll be playing that non-stop pretty soon especially as he's pre-ordered it so he should have it today. I have no problem with this of course except the fact that he may be taking over my flat for the next week or so. Of course the guys kinda do this anyway but it's going to be even harder to kick them out now. But hey ho, I shall do my best. Off to lesson soon, woop de doo.
Anyway, I somehow stomached this and put some warm soapy water in the bucket and cleaned the floor after brushing up bottle caps and such (another mess left by Jon's party). I then took the rubbish out which was mostly full of glass bottles so the bag weighed a ton! I came back upstairs, had some breakfast and chilled out a bit. Then later on the cleaning lady was back and complaining that I should have vacuumed the hallway. For fucks sake. She didn't not register that complaint before! So, a bit like a mother, she made me hoover the hallway then fucked off again. Now, okay I should have done a better job at cleaning but what really REALLY pisses me off is the fact that Jon last week left the kitchen in an absolute state and I mean it really was horrid. He'd obviously done fuck all the clean it. But did he get charged or even moaned at? No, course not. This annoyed me because poor Ellie had to clean up two weeks worth of kitchen mess this week for her cleaning check. I also suspect Jon has done fuck all the clean the toilet or shower yet he hasn't got charged again. Makes me so angry, I swear that guy does fuck all and I don't even know why he's at uni half the time. Gah.
So, Final Fantasy 13 comes out today. I am not a FF fan, not my type of game but my friend Matt is which means he'll be playing that non-stop pretty soon especially as he's pre-ordered it so he should have it today. I have no problem with this of course except the fact that he may be taking over my flat for the next week or so. Of course the guys kinda do this anyway but it's going to be even harder to kick them out now. But hey ho, I shall do my best. Off to lesson soon, woop de doo.
Sunday, 7 March 2010
The girls
Well this weekend I had the pleasure of Marnie and Yaz staying over. Now beforehand I was complaining about the fact they were coming. Mainly because Marnie drives me up the wall (Yaz is fine) and I'm fed up with being lectured about my life every 5 minutes. But when it came to the actual day of coming round, I was a bit excited about seeing them and showing them my life. Though I was gutted 50% of my friends weren't here this weekend, that would have made it more fun. They arrived some time past 4, I walked to the station to meet them. Marnie kept saying how she felt weird being somewhere new, she needs to get out more I think! We walked home and I showed them around my flat and nice big room. They liked it but Marnie was saying how she doesn't want to go to uni though. I think she's just scared and I was trying to convince her that it was fine and that I loved it here and I love the independance. It was annoying because she was complaining about missing Portsmouth even though she moans how bad it is all the time and how the hell can you miss your hometown after just a couple of hours?! I don't understand that girl most of the time.
Yaz and Marnie were both really tired after travelling about but we had to go out to get something to eat. They didn't want to eat out which I thought was a shame but it saves money I guess. So we went to Sainsbury's and got a frozen pizza each and a bottle of cider each too as they were on special offer. We got home and put on our pizzas whilst I took the rubbish out. I then got a text from Matt asking if he could come round. My mates really wanted to meet my friends so I invited him over. We ate our pizzas then drunk our cider. I drank mine a little too fast and me being a light-weight, I was pretty tipsy pretty fast. Much giggling followed. Especially when Alex decided to ring me and was taking the mick out of me for being a little drunk. I was laughing, a lot. Good times.
Soon after we all decided to go out to the local KU bar. I knew it was pretty quiet there but I didn't expect it to be empty! The bar staff weren't even behind the bar, they were sat on the sofas waiting for customers! I wish I had their job, dead easy or what. We all ordered our drinks and sat on the sofas. Then some rowdy guys came in but they didn't stay for long. Of course it was all MY fault that I'd taken the girls to somewhere quiet. Sigh. I felt very disheartened because even though I knew they were joking, they were complaining how there was no one around. To be honest I couldn't think of many bars that were in Kingston we could go to and pubs are full of older people or just plain dodgy where we are. I did warn them that if they came on a saturday it was going to be hard to find something to do because Student nights are during the week and the weekends are for older people who usually have to work during the week. They couldn't get that into their damn heads though and it even put Marnie off from Uni. Epic sigh. No matter how many times I explained there were tons of clubs and loads of events during the week she just didn't listen. Plus uni isn't just about going out you know, I don't go out very often (I don't know how I would afford to) but that doesn't make me boring or unsociable as I am quite the opposite or so I would like to think. Thank Christ I have interests other than getting drunk...
We then tried to move on to the other student bar but that wasn't even open! Which seemed bloody ridiculous. So we gave up and went home for a chat. Matt stayed until about 11 then left. Marnie and Yaz really liked him which was good and they were glad they got to meet "someone" as they put it. I guess because it's the weekend and not many people are here because they go home or go to visit people. But Marnie can't travel up during the week because of college which sucks. We went to bed pretty early as we were all shattered from the journey and the alcohol. I don't think any of us had a great night sleep. I don't know why I didn't sleep well, maybe it was the cider giving me odd dreams or something. Marn and Yaz didn't sleep too well because the floor was uncomfy and they both had colds, I hope I haven't caught theirs! I hope their journey was worth while, I tried to make it as best I could.
I got up and made them a cup of tea before they left, they didn't want anything to eat. As I walked out the door Marnie said "Laura you're so skinny!" I guessed she was refering to my bare legs which are rather skinny I guess. I found this amusing since last night she was complaining that being called skinny is horrible because she sees it as if being compared to a bag of bones. So, considering how she just contradicted herself (nothing new there) this made me laugh. Because putting what she said last night and what she had just said, I could have easily taken that to offense. But it's Marnie, she says stupid things and can come across as bitchy but she's really not. I know that much about her at least.
They got ready to get a bus to Surbiton then get the train home. Marnie took forever to get ready though and Yaz, who'd been ready for a while, was getting a bit annoyed as she didn't want to miss the bus or train. Marnie taking ages to get ready, nothing new there! Yaz always complains about it quietly to me whenever we're going out clubbing. Funny times. Never the less buses were running regualy and they got on one when we found the right bus station. They rushed on the bus without saying goodbye properly so they waved at me through the window and text me a couple of minutes later.
Since I was in town I decided to go to Accessorize and buy my mum a gift voucher for her birthday which is on Tuesday so I shall post her card early tomorrow before I go to Journalism. Must get her a card for mother's day next sunday too...
Currently listening to: Enrique Inglesias- Do you know? (The ping pong song)
"How can I love you, if you just don't talk to me babe?"
Yaz and Marnie were both really tired after travelling about but we had to go out to get something to eat. They didn't want to eat out which I thought was a shame but it saves money I guess. So we went to Sainsbury's and got a frozen pizza each and a bottle of cider each too as they were on special offer. We got home and put on our pizzas whilst I took the rubbish out. I then got a text from Matt asking if he could come round. My mates really wanted to meet my friends so I invited him over. We ate our pizzas then drunk our cider. I drank mine a little too fast and me being a light-weight, I was pretty tipsy pretty fast. Much giggling followed. Especially when Alex decided to ring me and was taking the mick out of me for being a little drunk. I was laughing, a lot. Good times.
Soon after we all decided to go out to the local KU bar. I knew it was pretty quiet there but I didn't expect it to be empty! The bar staff weren't even behind the bar, they were sat on the sofas waiting for customers! I wish I had their job, dead easy or what. We all ordered our drinks and sat on the sofas. Then some rowdy guys came in but they didn't stay for long. Of course it was all MY fault that I'd taken the girls to somewhere quiet. Sigh. I felt very disheartened because even though I knew they were joking, they were complaining how there was no one around. To be honest I couldn't think of many bars that were in Kingston we could go to and pubs are full of older people or just plain dodgy where we are. I did warn them that if they came on a saturday it was going to be hard to find something to do because Student nights are during the week and the weekends are for older people who usually have to work during the week. They couldn't get that into their damn heads though and it even put Marnie off from Uni. Epic sigh. No matter how many times I explained there were tons of clubs and loads of events during the week she just didn't listen. Plus uni isn't just about going out you know, I don't go out very often (I don't know how I would afford to) but that doesn't make me boring or unsociable as I am quite the opposite or so I would like to think. Thank Christ I have interests other than getting drunk...
We then tried to move on to the other student bar but that wasn't even open! Which seemed bloody ridiculous. So we gave up and went home for a chat. Matt stayed until about 11 then left. Marnie and Yaz really liked him which was good and they were glad they got to meet "someone" as they put it. I guess because it's the weekend and not many people are here because they go home or go to visit people. But Marnie can't travel up during the week because of college which sucks. We went to bed pretty early as we were all shattered from the journey and the alcohol. I don't think any of us had a great night sleep. I don't know why I didn't sleep well, maybe it was the cider giving me odd dreams or something. Marn and Yaz didn't sleep too well because the floor was uncomfy and they both had colds, I hope I haven't caught theirs! I hope their journey was worth while, I tried to make it as best I could.
I got up and made them a cup of tea before they left, they didn't want anything to eat. As I walked out the door Marnie said "Laura you're so skinny!" I guessed she was refering to my bare legs which are rather skinny I guess. I found this amusing since last night she was complaining that being called skinny is horrible because she sees it as if being compared to a bag of bones. So, considering how she just contradicted herself (nothing new there) this made me laugh. Because putting what she said last night and what she had just said, I could have easily taken that to offense. But it's Marnie, she says stupid things and can come across as bitchy but she's really not. I know that much about her at least.
They got ready to get a bus to Surbiton then get the train home. Marnie took forever to get ready though and Yaz, who'd been ready for a while, was getting a bit annoyed as she didn't want to miss the bus or train. Marnie taking ages to get ready, nothing new there! Yaz always complains about it quietly to me whenever we're going out clubbing. Funny times. Never the less buses were running regualy and they got on one when we found the right bus station. They rushed on the bus without saying goodbye properly so they waved at me through the window and text me a couple of minutes later.
Since I was in town I decided to go to Accessorize and buy my mum a gift voucher for her birthday which is on Tuesday so I shall post her card early tomorrow before I go to Journalism. Must get her a card for mother's day next sunday too...
Currently listening to: Enrique Inglesias- Do you know? (The ping pong song)
"How can I love you, if you just don't talk to me babe?"
Wednesday, 3 March 2010
Wow I have not written a blog for over a week. It seems weird but I really haven't had the time or been in the mood. Now is the time to write something though, I've missed out about writing about a lot of funny times. Mainly staying up till early morning with friends and just having crazy times. This of course means I haven't done much work and am tired a lot of the time but being the sociable person I am, I'd rather live for the moment. Plus I have been in and out of bad moods recently and staying up with friends actually often makes me feel better than an early night alone.
Recently, Lewis brought Heavy Rain on the day of its release. Of course we played it non-stop (I won't post any spoilers here so don't worry) and we still are playing it non-stop. It's an amazing game and if you haven't played it already I urge you to play it. We're all a bit obsessed with it at the moment especially Naaaarman Jayden EFF BEE EYE. Because he is awesome and he has an awesome voice and cool glasses. Yes, we are all insane but who cares.
I am actually stuck with what to write about to be honest. Maybe it's because I'm tired or maybe it's because I can't think of much that is relevant or recent enough to write about. I HAVE to get back into the swing of things because I know blogging makes me feel better and I need to be writing things daily for my own good. I just went to a lunchtime lecture where a crime Journalist talked about his job. And it made me think, I'd really like to get into that sort of thing. Of course this means I should have really taken some sort of crime course maybe. I also know crime could be a very brutal subject and talking to people would be a lot harder but at least it would be extremly interesting. I've always been interested in crime and the more morbid human parts of society. Hell, the disturbing parts of Sociology always really facinated me. At least it's another part of Journalism that intrigues me. It's not all bad after all.
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